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Good puppy. 🦮
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‘La justice d’autrefois’ by Jean Delville, c. 1907-1914.
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Daniel Arthur
Glamour Cat, 2023
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Ich möchte Sterben.
Ich weiß nicht warum aber irgendwie passe ich nirgends wo hinein, ich fühl mich einsamen, kommt verscheinlich weil ich mich auch Hässlich finde, jedes mal wenn ich in denn Spiegel schaue könnte ich kotzen. Ich hab das Gefühl das ich der einzige Mensch bin der noch Mensch ist, aber gleichzeitig fühl ich mich so als wär ich ein Alien das hier vergessen würde, wie ich denke ist „Falsch“ weil ich rational denke und hier in Berlin gibt es vielen extremen politischen,zacki und Matthew und ich haben uns gezoomt und sind keine Feunde mehr leider. Aber trotzdem liebe ich Berlin, das einzige ist das es seit es das Internet und Smartphone gibt kannst du nicht mehr sicher sein „Gringe“ zu sein und ein Internet Phänomen zu werden wie der Drachenlord. Ich will aber nicht Basic sein, einer wie jeder andere. Schramm Istanbul maßen gut, aber nur wenn du ein falsches Outfit hast oder nicht so bist wie die anderen wird geredet. Das gute ist Berlin ist so groß das wenn das nicht auftretten ist was drüber geschrieben siehst du diese Menschen nur einmal in deinen Leben. Und weil Berlin so groß ist wird ihr euch vergessen. Berlin ist Rissig, Das 10 fache von meiner kleinen Stadt
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Ist Geld alles was uns Menschen ausmacht ?
Bin ich weniger wert, weil ich keine Teuren Sache besitze und will ?
Was ist falsch mit mir ?
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The Studio Wall by Adolph von Menzel (1872)
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In the name of the Moon, I'll punish you
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So Cute gemacht, achte mal auf denn Hintergrund. 😉
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Pokémon x Munch Exhibition
Pokémon Center Official Postcard Set [via]
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mood bitches :
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Lana del rey, 2023
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The Freddy vs Jason Film Legacy
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At first glance, Quidditch makes absolutely no sense. The Snitch is worth so many points that you start to wonder why anyone else bothers to play at all. Of all the games we see at Hogwarts, almost each one is won by whoever catches the Snitch, so the efforts of the other players are basically meaningless.
The fundamental problem with the Snitch is that it gives you 150 points and **ends the game**. So either you catch it and win instantly no matter who was leading, or you’re supposed to *not* catch it and keep playing. Seems a bit crazy. If you’re far behind, the game should just end. It makes no sense to keep going until someone catches the Snitch if you already know who will win.
Actually, it makes no sense to keep going, period. It’s absurd that a game can just keep going for days. Who is still watching that? How do you plan these things? Who goes to a game when they have no idea how long it will last? Does Hogwarts start to cancel classes if a match keeps going?
But there is a way to fix all of this. And it doesn't require changing the rules at all. We just need to ask ourselves one simple question: what is the speed of the Snitch?
Think about it. We see that brooms are getting faster and faster, so does this mean that the Snitch gets caught earlier and earlier? We’re not seeing anything like that. Old games would have to be crazy long and new games would get incredibly short. But this is not the case. We know that the last World Cup (1990) lasted five days (Ron mentions this in book 4).
When Harry gets his new broom, the games do not get incredibly short all of a sudden. Harry upgrades to a Firebolt, which is mentioned to be way faster than the Nimbus, but he does not capture the Snitch much earlier. He does during *practice*, but not during the game itself. That would make sense if the Snitch was tweaked to Harry’s broom for the game (but not for practice of course). It would also explain why Hogwarts matches (which feature less expensive, slower brooms) aren’t way longer than professional matches.
It would also explain why every game features a different Snitch. We know it does, because Harry inherits the first Snitch he ever caught, so it’s never used after that one game. And Hermione mentions that Snitches have flesh memories and aren’t touched before a game, not even by their maker. So there is a ‘maker’ that could tweak its speed. And that speed would have to be slightly different for each game based on the players involved. Hogwarts matches feature a slower Snitch.
It would also explain the length of the match. By balancing the speed of the Snitch, you could make sure that most games last a couple hours. There will be games that last days or minutes, but those are the exceptions. The Snitch can effectively control how long a regular game will last.
But why stop there? What if the Snitch, which seems to unbalance the entire game, is actually the exact thing that balances it? What if it favored whichever team was ahead? If you’re ahead a little, you’ll gain a slight advantage. If you’re ahead a lot, the advantage grows bigger.
That would explain a lot. We wouldn’t have a ton of cases where the Snitch changes the outcome of the game, since the team that is ahead would usually catch it. So there won’t be a ton of frustration that the Snitch completely invalidated the rest of the game, since this only happens if one seeker is much better. The other players would actually have something to do, since the more goals they score, the easier it becomes for their seeker to catch the Snitch.
The situation with Krum would be very unusual, since the Snitch would already favor the other team a lot before they ever reached a 160 point lead. Long games would happen if neither team had a large lead, causing the Snitch to favor neither team. We don’t get pointless games with one team 600 points ahead that just keep going.
There is actually quite a lot of evidence for this theory. If we look at the World Cup for example, we see the following passage:
>“Look at Lynch!” Harry yelled.
>For the Irish Seeker had suddenly gone into a dive, and Harry was quite sure that this was no Wronski Feint; this was the real thing.
>“He’s seen the Snitch!” Harry shouted. “He’s seen it! Look at him go!”
Interesting, isn’t it? We’ve gone on for page upon page of how amazing Krum is, but despite this, Lynch is the one who actually sees the Snitch first. Coincidence? Or is his team so far ahead that the Snitch will basically present itself to him?
Lynch almost catches the Snitch the exact moment that his team is 160 points ahead. If the Snitch favored the team that was ahead based upon how far they were ahead, 160 would be a logical ‘maximum favoring’. At this point, the Snitch will ‘present itself’ to the seeker. What Krum did is very unusual because the Snitch would favor the other team so much that only the best seeker in the world could still snatch it from them.
It also explains why Krum didn’t wait for his team to score 20 more points. At first at seems like they still had a realistic shot of winning by just waiting a little longer. But not if Krum knows that the Snitch will favor Ireland so much that at this point he won’t be able to stop them from catching it for much longer. It also explains why he did the crazy feints while they were trailing.
A similar thing happens in book 2. Slytherin is leading 60-0 due to their superior brooms, and then this happens:
>"Training for the ballet, Potter?" yelled Malfoy as Harry was forced to do a stupid kind of twirl in midair to dodge the Bludger, and he fled, the Bludger trailing a few feet behind him; and then, glaring back at Malfoy in hatred, he saw it - the Golden Snitch. It was **hovering inches above Malfoy's left ear** \- and Malfoy, busy laughing at Harry, hadn't seen it.
Well look at that. The Snitch was right next to Malfoy’s ear. You’d almost think that it began favoring Slytherin because they were sixty points ahead.
And it doesn’t stop there. In book 5, Slytherin is leading 40-10 when the following happens:
>But Harry had seen it at last: the tiny fluttering Golden Snitch was hovering feet from the ground at the Slytherin end of the pitch.
>He dived… In a matter of seconds, Malfoy was streaking out of the sky on Harry’s left, a green and silver blur lying flat on his broom...
>The Snitch skirted the foot of one of the goalhoops and scooted off towards the other side of the stands; **its change of direction suited Malfoy, who was nearer**
So the Snitch just happened to favor Malfoy, whose team was ahead. Interesting.
After this, Harry gets banned from Quidditch, and the next match goes like this:
>*The miracle was that Gryffindor only lost by ten points: Ginny managed to* ***snatch the Snitch from right under Hufflepuff Seeker Summerby’s nose***\*, so that the final score was two hundred and forty versus two hundred and thirty.\*
>*‘Good catch,’ Harry told Ginny back in the common room, where the atmosphere resembled that of a particularly dismal funeral.*
>*‘I was lucky,’ she shrugged. ‘It wasn’t a very fast Snitch and Summerby’s got a cold, he sneezed and closed his eyes at exactly the wrong moment.*
Again, the Snitch seems to be favoring Hufflepuff, who was leading. Once again, the game ends when one team was exactly 160 points ahead. And Ginny even says: it wasn’t a very fast Snitch. So the snitches do have a different speed? Well that makes sense. Ginny is using a slower broom than Harry. So the Snitch for her game would be slower.
But why is all this kept a secret? Well, by doing this, the magic of Quidditch is preserved. The audience will stay excited for the whole game, even if their team is trailing by 100 points. If they don’t know that the Snitch will favor the other team, then they can keep thinking that maybe they can pull off a win after all? It makes the audience think that each game is basically 50-50 no matter who’s ahead, without actually making the game 50-50 when one team is clearly leading.
Both Krum and Ginny realised how the Snitch works which is why they catch it and lose the game. But they stay silent, because they know that the Secret of the Snitch is what makes Quidditch such a magical game.
Edit: I missed one more match. The final match of the sixth year, when Gryffindor wins the cup. We do not see this match because Harry had detention and afterwards he's too busy kissing Ginny to ask about it. But right before he kisses Ginny, Ron says that the final score was 450-140. Which means that Gryffindor was ahead 300-140 right before they caught the Snitch, or exactly 160 points. Which means we have three matches that end right when one team gains a 160 point lead.
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