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What they might be talking about?
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Buy me a coffee?
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Jaskier is going through a rollercoaster of emotions in this lol
Amazing original post is by @yeraskier
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“It’s silk! It is going to stain. I just…ugh I don’t want to think what else you’ve managed to get on it.” Jaskier continued to complain, no he was certain his doublet was done for but oh well.  “Shush your grumbling.” Jaskier snapped back through gritted teeth and stepped closer to Roach, grateful for the fact that he could hand the Witcher over to the mare, but not before he reached her. They just needed to get back to the Inn and then patch Geralt up. He’d deal with his feelings about what happened later. 
“Ghoul blood, most likely.” he grunts back. Damni Jaskier and his silk doublets. Who even in their right mind goes traveling in their best clothing? It hardly is Geralts fault, is it? 
He slips off Jaskiers back, still on wobbly legs but he can hold onto the mare, gently pulling at the reigns, prompting her to lower herself something Geralt has taught her so he can get onto her back more easily when he is being injured. Once he sits on the saddle she gets up just as gently. “She can carry us both.” he mutters. “You’re exhausted, and it’s ... faster.” 
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“Excuse you sir - nothing about me is dull!” Jaskier scoffed, he felt like he should be offended by the dulled senses comment but equally everything felt so overwhelming he had no idea how Geralt could focus on anything. There was too much going on for him to have a proper thought.  “So we are really each other…” He kind of wanted to explore that a bit more - what chance would he get again? But also he did like being himself so changing back would be preferred.  “Maybe it will wear off?” 
“Your hearing is very dull! I can’t hear shit.” he presses out, not liking how his, Jaskiers, voice sounds like when he uses it. Geralt notices the strained expression on Jaskiers, no, his own face. This whole situation gives him one major headache. “Concentrate on my voice. I mean, your voice. Fuck, just listen to me. Try to ignore anything else for now, you need to get used to it or else it will drive you mad to hear every damn sound.” Jaskier can be glad that they aren’t anywhere near a town right now or else it will be even more overwhelming. 
“Doubt it will wear off. Not with how that mage was. Hecking asshole. I’ll kill him if I get my hands on him.” it’s annoying how his grumbling doesn’t sound right. Not with Jaskiers melodic voice. “I don’t like this one bit.”
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“Clearly.” Jaskier simply replied, allowing Geralt to take his arm to support him. Gods he was a heavy lump. He blamed all the armor that was on him.  “Roach is just through the trees so - Ah fuck it.” He tried to take a few steps with little joy. Something else would be easier though as he shifted slightly and pulled Geralt up off the ground and onto his back so they could make it through the trees. His steps were slow with the added weight but he would just about manage.  “You are going to owe me a new doublet for this Witcher.” 
“I can walk..” Geralt presses out while standing on rather wobbly legs. It falls on deaf ears apparently because suddenly he is being lifted up, something he didn’t expect Jaskier to be able to. He should stop underestimating the bard. “You can just wash the doublet.” Geralt mutters. 
Jaskier is slow though and he can feel the strain in his muscles, the slight tremble at the overexertion. “Put me down, Bard.” he grits out, knowing the other will just push on. The placement on Jaskiers back is pulling at his injured shoulder, then again, he deserved it for kissing Jaskier. He can hear Roach neigh coming towards them. Clever girl noticed Geralt is injured and trots over to them. “I can walk the rest, Roach is gonna carry me.” the Witcher is thankful for the help, yet he doesn’t get carried often. And Roach will have to take them both, Jaskier must be exhausted after this.
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Jaskier wasn’t a morning person. He despised them, especially when he was sleeping outside - gods they needed to find a room with a bed soon. At least it didn’t feel as bitterly cold as he usually did but gods it was loud. Was he hung over? He could be hung over he supposed. It wasn’t very far fetched. Blearily he opened up his eyes expecting to roll over and see Geralt getting the fire going for breakfast as their mornings on the road typically went.  Instead he heard the yell, which sounded a bit more like a squawk to his ears and he winced. He must be hungover.  Then he realised who he was looking at. “What did I have to -” He stopped, that wasn’t his voice. He knew it though, better than anyone. It was the voice he wrote songs about.  “What…what is going on?” 
It unsettles him how little he hears or sees. He can’t keep an eye on his surroundings, doesn’t know if there’s any danger nearby, it almost.. scares him and isn’t that just something weird to feel? 
But if he’s unsettled, how must Jaskier feel with his heightened senses? With a grunt, and because the limps of his current body don’t want to behave the way he wants, he crawls over to Jaskier. “The mage was much more of an asshole than we thought.” he grunts out, sounding all wrong. It’s bizarre to sit beside his own body. “We’ll figure it out. I just wish your senses were’t so ... dull. I feel like I am blind and deaf.”
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Jaskier knelt back a bit onto his feet, stunned for the moment then confused that it had even happened in the first place. He never imagined Geralt would ever see him in that way, even though he wished desperately for it to be true.  He waited for Geralt to say something, leaving space for once for his very taciturn friend to speak.  And then he wished he hadn’t. He winced. Yen?! He thought he was Yennefer?  Of course it was Yennefer, it always was Yennefer. She was bound to him by that Wish. Jaskier didn’t have that link. A part of him wanted to get up, walk away and scream in the darkness and another wanted to just sit here and pitifully weep. He did neither. Instead he just shifted a bit closer, blue eyes fixed on the Witcher in the ever dimming light.  “Oh…I see. I suppose I should have checked for head injuries then…come on Witcher, lets get back to the Inn in the next village - unlike you I can barely see out in the dark.” 
The Witcher knows that it was a dick move to lie about this,but he just.. he doesn’t know what made him kiss Jaskier. Sure, deep down he knows why, he just can’t allow himself to have something like that. Being on the path just isn’t made for relationships. Geralt can’t think about this right now because for once Jaskier is right, they need to get to the next Inn before they’re stuck in the woods and the Wound on his shoulder does need tending to.
With a grunt he pushes himself to his feet, staggering a bit with the dizzy feel in his head, hands instantly reaching out to steady himself, grabbing Jaskiers arm for support. “Not sure if I am of much help right now.” he mutters, frustrated with himself for not functioning properly.
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Geralt wakes up with a start, quickly sitting up. His head is spinning, feeling a little disoriented and that in itself is already concerning. The witcher rubs a hand over his forehead, frowning at the soft feel of his hand. It’s when he notices that it’s eerily quiet aside from the soft noise of the wind and a few birds, but other than that nothing more, almost as if he can’t hear properly anymore.  The thought somehow spikes his heart rate, which shouldn’t be possible. 
“Jaskier...?” he croaks out with a voice that shouldn’t belong to him. With a deepened frown he looks at his hand and... it’s too small, no callouses not to mention that the clothing suspiciously looks like something the bard had just worn. He is looking around, his eyes... another sense dulled. It doesn’t keep him from seeing someone else laying on the ground a few meters away. And that’s when he realizes that something is awfully wrong, because it’s his body laying right there. “What the actual fuck!”
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                HE UNDERSTANDS THE danger; there are multiple reasons he must proceed with caution.  This place is foreign, perilous, and not simply because of its obvious nature out of time.  Caught out in uniform, Spock has already violated at least a portion of the prime directive.  He takes to observing for a moment, weighing the potential for threat,  “ I am not, ”  he confirms.  A vague response, though the truth,  “ A more pertinent question would be where I am presently. ” 
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The man in front of him confuses him even more after what he said. He doesn’t know where he is, has no bags with him and he looks more out of place here than Geralt would at a nobles banquet. “Velen, close to Crow’s Perch. Where do you come from?” the Witcher was curious about this one. Sure, he could mean trouble, but so far the stranger didn’t give him any reason yet to me more wary of him than he already is. 
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Ciri looked up at her father figure with clear annoyance in her furrowed brow. A hand running gently through Roach’s hair. The horse and girl both needed a break, but Geralt had insisted that they do one more job. “Do you want to make camp? Since your growled when I asked if maybe the weather was bad enough we should stop at the inn, Geralt.”
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Geralt sighs at himself. Roach he knows how far he can push her, with his ward however he sometimes does forget that she is only human. “I growled because it’s still dangerous to stay in spaces with many people. Soneone could recognize you and I would rather avoid that.” he proceeds to get the saddlebags off of Roach, putting them down. “Place is as good as any to spend the night. Seems like it’s somewhat sheltered against rain.”
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“You seem to need that speech every damn time, boy. This isn’t the first time and knowing you, it won’t be the last either…” Vesemir watched the one who he raised, covered in muck and blood, tears in his armor. “Can you also tell me the mistake you made, or are you just not willing to hear my speech?” He crossed his arms before his chest with a raised brow.
Geralt looks to the ground, his hand clenched to fists at his sides. “At least I am not as bad as Lambert.” he tries to joke, but he knows even that won’t be appreciated right now. “I got cocky, let down my guard. Getting cocky is what gets you killed.” he mutters, still looking to the ground. 
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Jaskier sighed dramatically at the prompting. “Don’t rush art, Witcher. All in good time. The bar is far too busy to get her full attention. I am waiting.” He explained, though it wouldn’t take long for it to clear up.
“Fine, as your very best friend I will go now.” He added pushing himself to his feet. Charming the innkeeper’s wife was easy, she didn’t get many compliments it seemed. So she was blushing after the first one he paid her. It landed them a room for the night and a bath for only the cost of a few of his songs. Exactly what he had been hoping for. She handed him the key to the room and he swirled it around his finger as he rejoined Geralt.
“One part done, bath will be coming along soon then I need to play down here. You are welcome to stay upstairs if you don’t want to be forced to listen to my music again.”
Geralt nursed his ale while Jaskier did his thing, watching him with narrowed eyes. Sometimes he is amazed and a bit jealous over how easy things like this come to the bard, to be able to charm his way through the continent. Other times he thinks he is just stupid when it gets him into trouble when he angered a jealous husband. This time though it worked like a charm and he’s really glad about it. 
“I think I am going to stay upstairs tonight. I did kill a griffin a few days ago and we didn’t get to rest properly yet. Even I get exhausted. Right now I just crave a hot bath and rest. Besides, my ears can still pick up your singing even if I stay upstairs.”
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Jaskier was dreaming. He had tripped and fell into a ditch himself and bashed his head. This wasn’t happening. Geralt was kissing him. There was no way that was real.
He hated how long it took for him to react, seconds felt like an eternity of being frozen. This was something he had wanted for so long and he couldn’t move.
Finally though he felt himself relax into it, letting his lips gently linger on Geralt’s; if he was dying in a ditch somewhere. Let this be his last dream.
Part of him knew that kissing Jaskier was wrong. Just at this moment right now, after the fight and with being injured he just ... couldn’t stop himself. For a moment he just enjoyed the kiss, ignoring the twinge in his shoulder. When he pulls away he comes back to reality, realizing what he’d just done. 
Geralt puts weight on his injured shoulder to sit up, grunting in pain. How is he going to get out of this? Sure, Jaskier did kiss him back but... it still was a mistake, wasn’t it? “Jaskier, I---” his right hand reaches up to press against his left shoulder, his face turned away from Jaskier. “I-- I thought you were Yen.” he lied. 
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Jaskier’s talking = Geralt’s done
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Geralt of Rivia and Jaskier in The Witcher, ep. Four Marks (1.02)
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