science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear eighteen year old me,
  When you started to begin your journey in life, I know you are strong you are courageous you have the capabilities and you can do things better than them, Yes you can. But then there are things that hinders you to go and do things freely. I feel bad because you don't have enough confidence to show them the best things that you can, the strong you was sleeping that time. I am so disappointed on you why? because you can't make decision on your own. And I feel bad because you are eighteen years old I think it is enough age to make your own decision you are not a baby you keep on depending on the people surrounded by you, you let them to manipulate you, you let yourself to follow what they say I feel bad for you that time. You don't do things on your own you keep asking the opinion of others and keep yourself affected by others. because you, eighteen year old me, was afraid to make mistakes you didn't believe in yourself. You're so coward that time and I don't know why you are so like that even if you know that many people supported and loved you. A "battle ground mind" this is how I can described you're oblivious and capricious mind you had. A mind that has a war between your what if's your "what if I can't" and "what if I can". You know what I hate the most in you?  you are very easy to give up, you didn't even try to take a risk for yourself you didn't even want to go outside your comfort zone to experience life outside of it because of that you also let yourself to be stagnant and be contended on what you are, you didn't push yourself to bring out the best in you that was really my big regret and you wasted a chance and opportunity to become a better you in your age. How can you be a better you if you yourself keeps on putting yourself down? how? make your stand! make your own decision! be serious in life be motivated don't ask for someone! don't ask for others opinion! just go on for yourself!  it is your life drive it! these words are for you eighteen year old me. I know you can do it always remember you are not alone it is not just your battle it is you and your God, you have your family you have your friends be motivated by them, get up! stand firm! do not give up easily! these are my thoughts now for you eighteen year old me.
  Despite of all your short comings I understand that as a person it is normal to give up it is normal to be weak sometimes. Life is like a roller coaster sometimes you feel better and sometimes you feel down. What is important is you keep on fighting! Everything is part of being a better you at the end. Now that you are successful I'm so proud of you! You are a successful teacher now and not just that you are an architect also. You keep on excelling in life! You're so strong now! You made it! You didn't give up continue to be like that, you made it so far go on be the best you can be now. Keep on enjoying you profession. I'm so happy eighteen year old me I am so proud because I'am what I'am. I realized that what you become today is a reflection of what you are yesterday and I think I did my best everyday to become what I'am today.
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science3b-blog · 8 years
To the one who have been me ten years ago,
         You and I go way back, to the beginning. We’re one hundred percent connected in a way no one will–or could ever–understand. We’ve been there, standing together. Sometimes crying in the shower, sometimes snorting through our nose, but it’s always been you and me. Always and forever.
         By this time, you might be drinking gallons of coffee just to keep you awake. Coffee had been your blood type, your best friend and your “escaping-to-the-world” partner. Just a reminder baby girl, if nothing goes right, take a sip of coffee from your most favourite red mug and I will assure you that you will be relieved. Inhale. Exhale. Take a deep breath. I know how many sleepless night you have already endured. The never ending date with coffee. The voluminous paper works are never running out. But do not ever, ever give up. Success entails sacrifices. You need to persevere and be persistent. Do not worry, everything will be paid off pretty real soon. There might be times when you feel like it doesn't make sense anymore, you're just tired. Get some rest. But do not ever quit. Always remember why you started. You might be tired of staying up all night just because somebody or something had broken your heart. Always remember that you are jocular, affable and a very wonderful person – always at the tone of surprise.
         A lot of things will happen on your way. You will be able to finish your course and you’ll get a job. At this moment, you might be also thinking of going to splendid places your eyes and heart dares to witness. I also recommend you to enjoy your time with your family and you might as well spend it on unbelievable sights that’ll give you an indescribable feeling. Cook palatable foods for your family, too. They’ll surely love the heavenly aroma and the flavour of all the hidden spices you will use. Try engaging yourself in an adventurous vacation like learning to drive a vehicle. That’ll be a useful skill you could use by the time you’ll get a job. You’ll be able to take your family into places you have never been, and of course, it’s a lot more convenient than commuting.
         Believe me when I say that you’d be able to fill the walls of your room with guitars and picks you never thought you’d have. Although it really costs you great money, you have already saved enough of it to buy the things that’ll fill your soul. At this time, I have already told myself the things that I’ll be doing when I reach the age of 20. Surprisingly, I have not achieved those – I have achieved better than those wildest dreams of mine. I was really astonishingly surprised when I experienced things I never thought I’ll be experiencing too soon. Well, I’m not going to spill it all for you because I want to feel the same way I have felt before. It really is amazing, and brilliant, and superb!
         You’ll fall in love, surely, deeply, in a man who will love you for who you are. He’s the man who will understand you in the deepest parts of your life. He’s the man who will still be there even if the things get rough and it seems pretty obvious that he’ll surely be there to lift you up, too. He will never get tired of listening to all your dramas whenever you are being childish after watching a movie by Jojo Moyes or Nicholas Sparks or John Green. He will never get impatient whenever you are so busy selecting a book on a bookstore and you’ll just say that you’re hungry and that you’ll end up buying nothing. He’ll never get angry when you screw things up just because you’re just being stressed about your studies. He will always be there. He’s just around the corner of your eye.
Music has been really your best friend, aside from books, coffee, pens, blankets, flowers and a whole lot more. I know you’re going to compose songs and you’ll be able to let other people listen to it. Whew! I have many things to say to you. Maybe if I’m going to tell you all what happened in ten years we’ve been apart, I might be able to create a book.
Always stay positive. I know you understand why I can’t say everything. There’s always a time for everything, honey and I know you will love it even better if it will happen on its time. I’m so happy that you’ve grown up into a person I really want me to be. I’m really sorry for those sleepless nights but just be patient, things will always get better, and best if you put your faith on Him. Trust the Lord, Gabe. You can do it. All of it. In your most precious time. Live, Gabrielle. Live freely. Don’t hold back. You’re an amaranth. You’ll always be one of the most precious jewel, beautiful flower and most shining star in this world. You will always be me.
And always remember, you are loved.
  Love, Rosie (Oh, I forgot to say, I’m Rosie and Hermione and Lou too. But I’ll always love my name… Our name.)
Gabrielle xx
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 21 year old me,
After many years of experiences, I’m so excited to share everything to you. Comparing the 21 year old me and is very far and unlike. Before, they said that I’m an introvert person, maybe because I tend to work with my own. Currently everything was changed. I enhanced my ability to interact with other people, from being introvert to affable person. Being a friendly person is one thing that I really want. Through with that personality, I got a lot of friends. It also helped me to boast my confidence in speaking in front of many people. That is one of the important things I need in my profession as a teacher. To the point that my friends told me that I’m so garrulous, but for me it’s not. If that what they thought, I don’t care.
After I graduate, I got a job already even I’m not yet taking the LET examination. Maranatha Christian Academy is the first school I worked. My priority in that time is to help our church because MCA is our church’s school. In that time my goal is to strengthen my faith and my relationship with God. I met a lot of friends in our ministry. Knowing my existence in my life is difficult but finally I found my purpose in life. I made my life so busy, doing the different tasks and activities in our church. That is the time that I felt satisfaction and contentment. To the point that I noticed that I’m 28 year old now and still belongs to the group of (NBSB) no boyfriend since birth. Maybe if some hear or know about it, they will laugh at me. For me, there’s nothing to hurry and worry as well. Maybe someday, God will destined me to a right person and deserving to me as well. I believe that if you prioritize the mission of God, he will prioritize you also.
My dear 21 year old me, I’m proud to say that I am financially stable now; I can buy all the things that I haven’t experience before. Of course, I helped my parents, because they’re the reasons why I have everything now, not only about material things but also the happiness I have.  I’m so proud but not being haughty. Despite of the happiness I have, of course I also have stressful experiences. There is a point that I want to abdicate my profession because of the difficultness of handling and managing my students. I got a hard time to overcome this problem. This problem dissuades me to continue my teaching job. I realize that problems are just color of my life and of course I don’t want to be a callow. I also want to share my experience with my friends. Some of my friends really like jokes; they serve as comedian of my day. From a serious day to a day that full of happiness. Because of that I became a jocular with a sense. Being serious is good but not all times, sometimes we need to be nonchalant to prevent stress.
I’m not strict teacher, because I don’t want my students experience the fear inside the classroom. If students commit mistakes, they need to ready for my tirade. When it comes to decision making, I assent first before I finalize it. Aside from being a teacher, I want to be a designer and I used my boudoir as my training area. Before, I’m just dreaming to learn how to play guitar, but now it is not just a dream but a reality. One of my friends teaches me how to use it. At first, I felt dubious regarding about this matter. Nothing is impossible because now, I knew how to use it already. Every time that I’m not in a good mood I tend to be taciturn to prevent any problem. Before, I want to have a job just to earn money, but now I realized that money is not the most important and being avarice is not proper.
         Going back to my profession, I realized that teaching is not only a job it is your life with passion and being assiduous and loving teacher. Teaching is also touching the lives of you students and communicating with them not in drivel way. If they have anxieties you can help them to assuage what they fell. For me it is arcane because not all people understand what I feel. I have a lot of things to share and hopefully these experiences will harbinger a more exciting and encouraging experiences. Compiling my experiences after many years made me exhilarate about what comes next after these. The next thing to happen depends on me; with His guidance I can eschew the negative things around me.
Love, Laica
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 18 year’s old Lawrence,
Hey! Lawrence.  It's me Lawrence from the future.  You're 19 now and graduating college.  You've enhanced your skills in art that you thought you must enroll in an architecture course.  I would like to tell you that you choose the correct course. It all begins there and a beginning of your path.  You've crossed different roads which brings you to a life that I am receiving now. That is what I am thankful to put this into a special letter.
You seems so tired these days that you want to embrace the bed for a while and don't want to lose it.  I am very sorry for that. I write this to you to give a hope that you achieved the dream you wanted to be.  You've met the person that will make you happy for the rest of your life.  You built your dream house that you always planned on living.   But the fact that you're tired, you always keep on smiling and laughing.  You always bring the optimism side of you.  Don't change it.  It's your edge when you go the outside world.  I wanted to tell you that I am proud of you that you make your promises real to your parents and that make their lives better.  You hold on to that dream like your life depends on it is a good thing and that makes you a better person, a better man instead. Thank you for that.
You are solving the chemical equations you've been working all of your life because you know what the end product of that reactions is. You spent sleepless nights and early mornings for your report.  The blood, sweat and tears meant something to me.  You used to doubt yourself, but that never stop you.
I am reminding you to continue to live life in carefree.  It's okay to commit mistakes, you’re human. Don't act like a robot, that dictated by others.  Be happy in the body that you're in and always keep a kind heart.  You've been always thrown an insulting joke, but your heart will always be golden.
You always keep high hopes and always had faith in what the future holds. You were a free spirit. I know you looked God for answers and kept a close relationship with him.  I know he hasn't let you down.
Younger self, I am so proud for learning the lessons day by day and studying from nights up to morning.  Sacrificing a lot that causes you pain is a very challenging task as a teenager. You do not have time making art works.  Don't worry.  It will make you the life you wanted to be. Just stay focused.  
I just have five things you need to focus.  Eat. Travel. Learn. Sleep.  Learn to be comfortable. Stop worrying about what people say to you. Be yourself within the context of the character and given circumstances, but stop trying to be what you think they want you to be.  Learn to relax.  Stop organizing so much. None of that will matter in 10 years, not really.  Don't make things hard for life.  
You will meet many people. Be careful, you get really obsessed. You end up being with people and suffer for it.  You had some relationships.  Be careful of those who want more than friendship. You might just have to cut them off, just to save your friendship.  You learn and grow a lot.  I don't want to tell you what happens, just remember learn to live yourself and be self-sufficient.  It will take years to get over your exes, because they'll all be special to you, just have to accept and move forward.
You will make some great friends, different groups, who are like family to you.  You're friends in college will be your friends while teaching.  You always have some trips and crazy adventures and other stuffs that you wanted to do.
I loved you then, and I love you still for not giving up on life and I am here to continue what you started. I want to give you a reminder that you always continue to love yourself and take time to yourself as well.  Life only gets harder and you have more responsibilities now.  But, stay focused and keep your held up high and feet on the ground.  There might be a surprise if you wanted to at the age of 22 if you continue to pursue one more thing. I am not giving you any clue, but it has something to do with your passion.  
         P. S.: This is your life.  Do what you love, and do it often.  If you don't like something, change it.  If you don't like your job, quit.  If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV.  If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.  Stop over analyzing, all emotions are beautiful. Life is simply.  When you eat, appreciate every last bite.  Open your mind, arms, and heart to a new things and people; we are united in our differences.  Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.  Travel often, getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come once, seize them.  Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating.  Life is short.  Live your dream and wear your passion.
 Sincerely Yours,
Your 29 Years old,
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 18 year old me, You’re such a dreamer, though sometimes you are being nonchalant on your school works. But thank you very much for pursuing your dreams. I would not be in this kind of happiness if you gave up easily at your age. You may be a taciturn person and some people are being dubious on what you can do. Others may disparage your efforts and hard works but you did not give up! There are times you are being oblivious to what you should prioritize, and there are some things that tempts you and it’s hard to eschew such things which satisfies you like watching Korean drama instead of reviewing or eating so much sweets even though you know it is unhealthy. While you are working on reaching your goals, you experienced fiasco and you often cry because you’re tired already. However those things challenged you and I thanked you for choosing the right path, for not giving up and you did not let go of your studies. Despite of all the hardships you encountered, you remain auspicious and optimistic in life. As an introvert, sometimes it’s hard for me to interact with other people but I have to interact with them and be affable. I know it’s quite difficult but sometimes we have to be garrulous and jocular to have some fun and to learn to share what’s on our mind to other people that we trust of course. Make sure who you should trust so that there will be no more tirade. Don’t trust easily because some people might be leery or mistrustful. If there are nice people, there also people which are supercilious and haughty. But sometimes we have to set aside our personal animosity so that we could interact and collaborate to other people. All you need is patience and be nice. To my 18 year old me, always give your best and be assiduous to your work. Show languid to whatever you do. I know you can do it. Lastly, be inspired and always thanked your family and friends. They are the one who believes in you, and of course our Creator. Their support coalesce very well which could be your best weapon against those people who might demean you. Fighting!
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear my 19 year old self, 
Hello! How are you? I hope you are doing good. I remember the day that you radiate the love of your Lord unto other people. I know at this point in time, you are learning how to love. Its good because it indicates that you are starting to face the reality of life. You stop being a callow fella. As you live your life with love, expect that your heart will be soon broken. That's why you need someone to guide you. Just cling to God so that you His love will suffice your unfilled heart. Consequently, when your heart is already saturated and overflowing with love, you can share it with others. Always love yourself and keep on dreaming high! With all the Love! Sincerely, 
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 18 years old me, 
 Hello, 18 years old me. I hope despite of your busy days still you will have time to read this letter from mine. I sadly miss you. In fact, I really want to ask you if you want to have coffee some of this days. Don't worry its my treat. Anyways I can't wait for that moment thats why I wrote first a letter to you because I really want to talk to you and say this words. A two words that you should receive from me. A two words that I need to say for all you've done to me. THANK YOU. Thank you for being who you are and thank you because, because of you I am who am I today. Thank you  for all the sacrifices that you've done for me. I remember the days that you don't want to sleep just to finish allthe school works. I remember all your crying moments because you want to give me a successful life but it seems that its hard to achieve.Thank you because you have a lots of dream for me. Thank you because you fought for my future. Thank you! Thank you for everything. You don't know how lucky and greatful I am to have you.Thank you for teaching me to call to God everytime I have challenges in life. Like what you did, I cry to God, talk to Him and after that everything turns to good. Thank you for teaching me that all my achievements, success in life I should give it all to God. And thank you for your life verse. The verse that you always recite on yourself every time you lost hope, every time you have an examinations, demonstrations. Don't worry that's my lifeverse too. I thank you because I have learned how to trust God. Thank you because you teach me to become that. Did you know that you are my inspiration ? Every time I have difficulty in life I always remind myself that if an 18 years old you did all her best to become who you are today, you should prove on her that she's not wrong for giving you that.Now is the time that I pay you back for everything you've done for me. I promise that all your sacrifices and all the things that you've done for me will not be wasted. I assure you that I will continue what you've started in my life. Have a. Nice day ahead. God Bless you. P.S. don't forget out coffee. Don't worry I will bring you to a finest coffee shop. 
 Sincerely yours, 28 years old self
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 18-year old me,
Hey! How are you? I'm glad because I wrote you this letter of mine. I guess it’s been a long time since you were arcane in the past. Did you find yourself an oblivious person? If not, let me tell you these things I thought you really did. I hope you were not being a laggard that time since I realized that you're a dupe. But anyways, be taciturn while reading this letter of yours. "You're a boy not a man, you're a boy not a man, and you’re a boy not a man!" You must put this tirade talk in your immature mind. I wandered myself that you did these things having many reasons. I don't have any idea why did you choose to be an iconoclast? You've criticized others beliefs because you thought their purposes were wrong. Oh that's not a good idea, but anyways I tried to assuage myself out of these problems of yours. Do you think I drivelled you? I guess I'm only assiduous, because I want you to be good. I dissuade you on doing such things. Hey 18-year old me! I remembered your haughty moments! When you think you're supercilious enough from others. I don't really feel matured when you’ve been amok and punched your classmate on his shoulder just to prove that you're brave enough to defeat others. I thought that you're only a garrulous type of student but you made me realized that you're one of the ubiquitous stupid students of your time. That's why you deserved my animosity, and that's the assented thing I think you need to do.
Don't make yourself a disparage one so I think you need to be auspicious. Despite of the things that you did, I tried myself to be nonchalant because I knew I was not good enough to do things in a proper manner when I'm angry. I knew 18-year old me that you always do your task in a rendezvous schedule; and that's one of the good characteristics that I really adored in you. Hey bro! You know what? You're so determined and passionate and I know you will be successful in your life. How? Just think of me because the answer in your future is none other than me, your future man!
  Sincerely yours,
28-year old you
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Hi dear 19 year-old version of mine, 
 Honestly  I don’t know how to start , I don’t know how to talk to you about matters, but I let my mind, my heart, my soul, my pen, the wind, the moon and nature tell the story for the past 10 years. There’s an exhilarate feeling of mine while writing this one, maybe because I need to remember everything, everything about pain, about suffering, about love, about sadness, and most importantly about the joy that you endured. Did you remember all your dreams? Did you remember all your visions? Did you remember all your prayers? I hope you did. I just want you to know how proud I am with you. How you stand still in the middle of the gap. How you handle all the troubles and carry heavy burdens, how you hold your happiness, love and opinions. I cried a lot for the past 10 years. I thought my life was a fiasco! Sometimes I want to annihilate everything! Everything, everything in my life and wishing it was just a defunct! I felt leery and my heart can’t see assiduous things in your life. Did you remember all iconoclasts around you before? Did you remember all languid things before? Thank you for don’t minding them and gaits continuously. Sometimes I just need to cry to remember the presence of happiness. An ubiquitous taciturn, the moment that I just want to close my eyes, sit down, to be nonchalant and to make everything assuage. I’ve seen you cry, cry because of disappointments are building up. Things are not falling into place, the way you wanted it to be. I’ve seen you fail, you cried over that failure, you’re thinking about giving up, you’re thinking if it still worthy, you’re thinking if fighting would make any sense, you’re thinking if I am along the way as you promised. Because behind your smiles are hidden tears, behind your entire laugh you’re falling apart, behind the strong personality, is the weakest one, behind your eyes is everything that people never understand.To all dubious, to all jocular, to all beguile that you been through, to all cajole you remember, you never give up on yourself until you see the beauty of life. Yheil, you’re great, worthy, extraordinary, special, lovely, kind and hardworking woman! How you hold your hand and heart when you’re on struggle. There’s nothing pretty about bleeding from the inside out. Admitting that brokenness is the first step in finding healing. 
Thank you for letting God ruled over your life. Thank you for never give up on your dreams even sometimes, the people you loved most is the people who try to kill you happiness. Thank you for remembering that God is your sky in the middle of the ocean that shed your tears. Thank you for remembering that when you on winter mood, God is the fire that melts your frozen heart. The moment that you feel the weight of the world on your shoulder, is the time that God can touch your heart. Yheil, thank you because behind all those scratches is a strong heart that any pen can’t explain. I finished my study because of your fighting spirit. I’m on the mission field right now, believing that God is the one who sent me here. I’ve been to many places; did you remember one of your dreams? To conquer and to travel around the world with a purpose? Thank you for declaring it, with the guidance of the Lord we did it. Remember one of the favorite places that you want to go? To climb many beautiful mountains and shout at the top of it? God heard you! The moon, the leaves, the road and all the places you planned? God worked for it! You have now also pictures of your basketball player crushes ( hopefully more pictures to come. Remember. How you prayed to have 12 disciples? Remember how you cried and kneeled to God to help in finding them? 
It’s an answered prayer now. I’m working for the 144 and 1728 disciples right now, admitting that sometimes hard but for the glory of the Lord I will do it! And did you remember that you prayed for a Godly man that will protect, take care and love you for the rest of your life? God answered it already  Thank you for patiently waiting for the Man of God in your life, thank you for kneeling and praying that matter to God ( Super thank you! And to your family, thank you for loving them, thank you for being a good yet crazy daughter, your heart for them is amazing!I think these words are not enough to describe my love for you, these words are not enough to describe how proud I’ am with you and I don’t think a whole notebook can be enough to fill up the pages in my life. Thank you for everything, thank you for the auspicious spirit that you have! To that garrulous yet humble heart.
 I promise to pass every test that awaits us, I swear I won’t let go; we are going beat all the challenges without thinking of giving up. I’ am the most thankful person in the world right now! Thank you for all things you did, for all things you taught me, thank you for coping up everything with understanding. Despite of all mistakes, thank you for reminding me that those mistakes are the things that make us stronger. I will continue to live. I ‘am about to unfold a new chapter in my life, I’ am about to stand, to walk, and to fight with a stronger and matured version of mine. Above everything else, I thanked the Lord for letting me experienced this kind of life, thank you for every promises, for every Word that You gave. To problems and struggles I faced, to all joyous moments I’ve been through, SALAMAT PO! All the highest glory and honor belong to my one and only Lord ( Loving, Stronger 29 year-old version of mine, hugs and kisses, Yheil
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 19 years old Mary, How are you today? I hope you are well. Maybe at this point of time you are so busy about the school works to finish and submit. Other people around you are nonchalant about it but I'm so proud of you because you can still manage your schedule at home and at school. If you are dubious about the result of what you are doing and about the path the you take in your life, always have hope that an auspicious career is waiting for you in the near future. This is likely to happen because I know that you have a greatest dream for yourself, for your family and you also consider other people in your dream. You should just continue what you are doing because all of those sufferings that you encounter have a great result. I am encouraging you to dissuade from loosing hope and have trust to your self that you can be a successful person. If other people disparage you because of your weaknesses, accept it as a challenge of your life. If success comes to you do not be supercilious about it but be humble and do not deprive others. You should also know how to look back where you started from because that is the real essence of your success. Life is not a total fiasco because every little success that you did will yield your future success. Always do your best so that your parents will be proud of you and exhilarates to your achievements.
I am happy for you because you created your own colorful life. Even you are a taciturn person, you still have a meaningful life by having these affable and garrulous friends. They became a part of your life and life wouldn't be meaningful without them. Maybe you will be apart after college because you have different paths to take but because your hearts are connected, you will rendezvous to the place where you first meet. Coalescing with your friends in the future only means that your relationship with them become stronger and no animosities are residing with each others heart.
How about your health? I hope that you always take good care of your self. You should not be languid because you need more strength in encountering obstacles of life. You should not only consider your physical health but also socially, emotionally and spiritually. Always know how to demean whenever you encounter people but do not be beguile by those people who want you to down. Do not be a haughty person if you think you are better among them. I know that you have this character to eschew what is wrong because you are not oblivious from what is wrong or what is right. You are also not callow to make a proper decisions about yourself. You are the one to decide on the character you want to become. The decision is on your hand whether to choose to be a good or a bad one. Spend your time in a meaningful one so that you will not regret in the future. I am now a successful teacher having a simple and descent life with my complete happy family. I also help other people which is the real essence of my existence in this world. I hope that you should also follow the path where i take because it will makes me proud of you if you do so. Maybe now, you are still searching for real happiness. If you take the same path as mine, you can find the real happiness which is to help other people.
 Loving you still,
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear Rachelle Anne,
                   We have been through a long road together. Things have been not that easy for us, but we have survived and made through alright. Overall, we have been rough on each other too many times. It help a lot that we have many people helping you to guide you towards making healthy decisions. You had to take the high and long road to get to where you are today.
                   I love you because you could have chosen this career field, one that made more money, but you knew where your heart was, and you followed it. I love you because you are smart, determined, motivated, and ambitious. You take the time to decide on what you want, and then you go for it. You aren’t afraid to work hard. You enjoy learning and searching for ways to grow and expand your knowledge.
                   I forgive you for making the mistakes. We have learned from those mistakes and have started to move forward away from that. We have learned to not make quick decisions without thinking about them first and getting enough information to make them properly.
                   Above all of the troubles, I really love you for who you are. You are a great person. You are someone that people do want to be around. You are great with people. You are a great listener. You understand people very well. You remember the little details about people that you do not forget and find it as a way to connect with people.
                   I love you because you let yourself be sad. You will sit with it, let yourself cry, and just be there. You are still learning how to be angry, but that’s okay. You know that you get quiet, you definitely don’t like to talk about it, and you’d rather be alone than surrounded by people. You are beginning to be more conscious of your words, learning to fill them with kindness, rather than hurt. You are learning and I love you for that.
                   You are a beautiful person inside and out. Your body has been transformed over the last few months into something that is very beautiful. Do not change a thing because you are great just the way that you are. Take the time to appreciate yourself for all of the things that you do. Just remember to live in God, listen to yourself and take care of yourself. Continue to set healthy boundaries for yourself and stick to them.
                   I love that you are taking the time to learn more about yourself, that you recognize the importance of it and that you are so courageous to face it head-on.
But most of all, I love you for loving yourself.
Rachelle Anne
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear Ely,
      I would like to thank to you! If I have given  a chance to hug you I will do it . Thanks for being me. Don’t panic for every difficult moments that you face. don’t regret everything . Because that everything has a result. and that is me Ely! that is me now! look at me Ely. Im still hansome and quite good in english.Im very thankful to you Ely now, I can stand alone. Did you knoe Ely that I believe you and me doesnt have changes.yes, but little between us . keep up the good attitude that you have Ely. You can do it. believe in your self no matter what would happened. love your parents, forgive all people you hated and think God always.
  Ely? study more ! and you will get what you did, yes. being teacher is not easy for you right? so, listen carefully. you need fight ! for the sake of me! yes me, your 29 years old. goldluck and Godbless.
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 18 years old Jacqueline,
         Hi! How are you? I hoped that you were always doing fine. If you’re asking on my situation, I’m also doing fine, happy, and contented for the things that I already had. I am now a successful teacher and studying again for my improvement and have avarice to help my parents and also for the future. I know that you really didn’t want to be a teacher since then, when  you were in high school you didn’t want to speak in front, you’re taciturn in the class and you didn’t participate in any activities that being held in the school. You’re ubiquitous in your school and even in your own classroom they are not familiar with you. Your life is like a routine that you will go to school and back to home and repeat it again and again.
Many people saw you as callow person, but they didn’t know that you are jocular, assiduous, disparage and laggard in some instances. You’re dubious in making decisions because you are always thinking for the sake of the people around you.  But in spite of that I know you’re always doing your best for your success but they didn’t saw it and always bringing you down.
When people saw you at first they think that you’re an arcane type of person right? Yes they are right; you have many secrets that many people didn’t know. You didn’t want person who are supercilious with their selves. You are dearth of self-esteem, self-confidence and even strength to say your different animosities in many people, sometimes all you wanted to do is to abscond and go to a place where you were able to do everything.  
Although they are saying that you are strong because you can easily cajole and dissuade someone with simple things and sweet talks, they didn’t know that you were also beguiled with someone in your past and easily duped.  And you are easily gone into tirade once you knew or saw someone that flirt the one you love. But don’t always be like that because when he gets tired if what you are doing to him, he will just ignore you like you didn’t know each other.
The thing that I really wanted to say to you is that I’m hoping that you will treasure always everything that you have, give importance to the people that treat you as a real friend person who knew you even the darkest side of your personality but didn’t leave you in spite of that. Love someone that is ready to love you more than himself because that’s what everyone deserves. Be auspicious and always believe in yourself and give your best shots in for the things that you are doing. I know you can do better and make everyone be proud of you.
Good luck and God bless!
28 years old Jacqueline
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 19 year old version of me,      
                  First of all I would like to thank you for all of your sacrifices 10 years ago. Thank you for being brave and strong to face different struggles at the young age. Different struggles like in studying, although there were subjects that were very difficult still you did your best in order to pass all of those. Thank you for allowing yourself to experience many things, even though other things happened were not all good, still those experiences became your strength to continue in the battle of life. Thank you for having a good attitude and being eschew, avoiding bad doings. I am grateful that you were able to have great friends for being affable. You were able to create great companion with other when you were young and I am very exhilarate because I was able to meet many good people and have different experiences with them, although some were not that good, still I am very grateful to meet them. Having friends is such a great feeling in life because even though you are not blood related, still you create different memories that you could save not only to your memory also in your heart and soul.         
        Being 19 year old you was somehow a callow, those experiences that you have at the young age others might consider as not that great like what the adult person experienced, still those experiences of yours were very useful. Some other people say that you’re still not even on the half of your life, but for me those memories and experiences were so much to remember and I will definitely treasure those memories because for me they were the best. I thank you for everything because you gave the chance to be happy, to experience sadness and to be strong to surpass problems in life. Thank you for being kind not only to yourself but of course to other people as well, thank you for great effort for you to show them that you are good person that’s why they were able to show trust in you and didn’t  show a leery feelings for you. Thank you for showing great effort, for being assiduous for the things you do. Although there were some point that you failed and you tend to be very languid, because of the discouragement you feel, but still you fight again and continue being the person you are.           
      I thank you, thank you for everything because, because of you, I am great person, I was able to show myself, I was able to be demean and show respect with other people. Because of you I was mold to be a good person and not to have a feeling of animosity towards other people. Although there were people that somehow not having a good attitude, still I was able to cope up with them and that’s because of you, because you were a good person.  I thank you for having a good camaraderie with your young age. You really enjoy being with your classmates, and your friends. You enjoy having them being coalesce with them. Thank you for believing in yourself, I know you’ve been through a lot of hardship in life but still you never stop fighting and I am very proud of you, because of you I was able to build my dreams and became a good person. I am able to help my family and myself to have a good life. In the future I will still be thankful to you, because I know that you were a good person in the past and I will be a good and grateful person in the future.   
             Love, Sittie, 29 year old version of you!!! 
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 18 year old bhel,
 I just want you to know that I am very proud of you. The effort and determination you put into your work are all worth it. Thank you for being a good daughter and a friend. Keep on smiling even though it is really hard and making other people happy is one of your strengths that makes you to become a adorable person. Enjoying every seconds with your family and friends as well as knowing your priorities are just only few reasons why you have this wonderful life.
May your sky always be clear, may your dear smile always be bright and happy, and may you be for ever blessed for that moment of bliss and happiness which you gave to another lonely and grateful heart. Always remember that the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 18 year old Rochelle,
         This is the 28 year old you and now you are 18. I would like to congratulate you first, so far you are doing well in the different aspects of your lifeJ. I have seen you in every step of the way. I have seen your sadness and struggles as well as all of the happy moments you’ve experience as a daughter, friend and student.
         Many things I would like to tell you, to encourage and to improve you. First is to BELIEVE. You can do more and better, just believe in yourself and in the people around you. You have the potential, all you have to do is to believe in it. Do not be afraid of taking risk because that will lead you to discover more of yourself.
         Second is to TAKE ACTION. Do not be like a rock, do something in able for you to move. If you dream, do something about it in order for you to achieve all of your desires and aspirations. Third is to be FAITHFUL. Increase you faith with God. Do all things for His glory and honor. Love God more and always seek His kingdom first before anything else. Always remember that if you feel sad, if you are in pain and in trouble there’s someone who has been always there for you, someone you can talk to and He is Jesus. He will be there for you to listen and comfort you. Always follow His commandments and do not be so stubborn daughter.
         The last thing I would like to tell you is THANK YOU.
Thank you for the experience, for the love, joy, tears and memories that you’ve left for me. Being a part of you is such a great experience for me. Too many memories and learnings you’ve left for me that made me a better and successful person of now. Thank you and love love love love. ♥♥♥♥♥
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science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear Younger Lecille,
         First of all, I want to congratulate you for surviving your life for 19 years. You’re already a 3rd year college student and you are now half way to your greatest dream. I wrote this letter not because I want to tell that you’re dumb but then I want to give you the best encouragement that you can have. I want to tell that I’m proud of you for being responsible, productive, and tough person. You also became an affable and demeaning person and I’m very proud of that. You live your life the best way you can, although some people disparage you, still you became taciturn and just ignore them. That is right. You just have to ignore people who can’t say anything good about you. You are not living your life to impress them and so you should focus on making your own happiness as well as giving exhilarate feeling with the persons who matters to you. Don’t stop being assiduous with the persons you love even though there are time that they make you feel unappreciated with regards to your effort. A good people do not ask for anything that he or she give with other people. Also, I want you to know that I have trust with your decisions in life even though you are being dubious with the things that you are doing. You have to remember that trust will come not only from other people but also it should be within yourself. You have to annihilate the feeling of being dependable with the things that surrounds you. I know that you are very tired right now and you just want to walk away. But you have to remember that God will not give you struggles that you can’t surpass. The only thing that you can do is to trust yourself and to trust God. His plan for you will lead you to the best that you could be.
         And his plans for you will make the person who wrote this letter for you. Just keep the faith.
Your future self,
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