scienceincarnate · 10 years
Well that'll at least make it easy to remember. The name's a bit stupid though. Mister Erisol Harley.
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
Depends on what you're capable of, doesn't it? Name, sex and gender identity, with included pronouns, will do for now until you show something that may interest me beyond that of the average person.
5 New Test Subjects
pettyelf madqueenofpandora teijahcestus erisolharley kindirishman
Good evening; bienvenu; willkommen; insert another welcoming word and/or phrase here. It’s not all that important because you’re here now and either way fun and, much more importantly, science will be had. However, before we get to said fun I’m going to need your profiles filled out so if you could all supply your information that’d be fantastic.
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
5 New Test Subjects
pettyelf madqueenofpandora teijahcestus erisolharley kindirishman
Good evening; bienvenu; willkommen; insert another welcoming word and/or phrase here. It's not all that important because you're here now and either way fun and, much more importantly, science will be had. However, before we get to said fun I'm going to need your profiles filled out so if you could all supply your information that'd be fantastic.
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
+ draconiclounging
Good evening and welcome to the Aperture Science Multiversal Initiative program.
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
"Oh, just through personal experience. Well, I say personal as in I saw the events unfold." She shrugged softly. "So what exactly brings you here? I doubt an "immortal" would have much need for scientific progress, correct?"
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
"That's still quite interesting. So this would make you immortal? Well, of a sorts. Even gods can die." She shrugged softly, "I've witnessed it a few times."
“A spirit? No, I was just as human as you are now before becoming djinn and even in this form, I am quite corporeal.”
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
"Then if what I'm assuming is correct, which it usually is, you have transcended of sorts into this Djinn form?" She cocked her head out of curiosity, arms folding over her chest instinctively.
"So that’d make you a spirit, correct? Interesting. I am an average human being, unfortunately."
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
3 New Test Subjects
noworldnomad khajiitdragonborn falselyintellectual
"Well well, this is an interesting line-up. How are you all this evening? I'm going to go ahead and say you're all perfectly fine because in actuality you already are, all of you being somewhat humanoid."
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
"That’s really quite fascinating! I’ll have to look into your ability to do that. So you’re a ruler, yes? Is it a dictatorial queenship?"
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
Well she didn't get up I'll tell you that! Ah hahaha! Boom boom!
[[I can't tell if this is ooc or ic but either way "Pffff"]]
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
Because I'm trying to allow myself to tolerate the incredible amounts of idiocy that spurt from your mouth so I can: 1) Further my company's link to the newer races of the universes and offer a wider range of products. 2) Understand you and your culture a bit better. Unfortunately both objectives are incredibly difficult when the subject has the stubbornness and intelligence of a mule.
So I hear you have something of a fetish for luck, am I correct?
"It’s not a fetish, you piece of shit. I just like it when I’m lucky."
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
I wonder how many people actually knows what happened in that scene.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
"The Night Gwen Stacy Died" - art by Gil Kane, John Romita and Tony Mortellaro (1973)
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
Why do I bother being kind.
So I hear you have something of a fetish for luck, am I correct?
"It’s not a fetish, you piece of shit. I just like it when I’m lucky."
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
What do you mean why not, I have a product in development that is more than beneficial for you.
So I hear you have something of a fetish for luck, am I correct?
"It’s not a fetish, you piece of shit. I just like it when I’m lucky."
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
"I ever so slightly understand what you're talking about." She shrugged. "I have a genetic back-up so when a body dies from old age or from physical trauma then I simply have a copy of myself made automatically with the brain state from the last back-up."
Hm, another troll. Interesting, you must be a common race. I should try to locate your universes sometime soon.
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
What? Why?
So I hear you have something of a fetish for luck, am I correct?
"It’s not a fetish, you piece of shit. I just like it when I’m lucky."
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scienceincarnate · 10 years
The internet isn't exactly a secure place to speak Miss, you're going to have to actually come back here so we can discuss it.
So I hear you have something of a fetish for luck, am I correct?
"It’s not a fetish, you piece of shit. I just like it when I’m lucky."
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