scienceismynepenthe · 3 years
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not sure how well flashcards work for maths, but we’ll see i guess
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scienceismynepenthe · 3 years
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04.01.2021 a fresh mountain of study supplies
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scienceismynepenthe · 3 years
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i swear that i'm doing my best 🌺
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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hello :) sorry, again, i've been very inactive. i still have a lot of followers here though, so i'll keep trying to remember to post! i've started uni now, for those who are interested my current units are pharmacology (intro.), physiology (intro.), and biochemistry (cellular comp.). physiology isn't my favourite thing in the world but it's been good so far! :D
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
hello everyone! sorry i'm not as active anymore. i'll definitely pick it up again when i head to uni. i hope results day treated you all well and if it didn't i hope you'll get what you deserve eventually.
just to let you know, i did get into my firm choice for Pharmacology. my offer was AAB and i got A*AC, the A* in Biology, A in Chemistry and C in Physics.
the C in Physics was downgraded from a B, i am appealing it, especially since i got an A in my mock... i will make a separate post about A Level Physics at some point though.
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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12:32 PM | pictures from yesterday when I went back to my favorite cafe in berlin for the first time since quarantine
~listening to~ career opportunities by the clash
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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23/07/2020 update
tw//mental health
so... it’s been a really long time since i’ve been on this blog, i thought i should give a little update. first of all, thank you everyone for still following me - there’s literally thousands of you and i can’t thank you enough for still reblogging and liking my posts. 
ever since A Levels were cancelled back in March, my motivation has been... bleak, to put it lightly. other than beginning to learn German on Duolingo (then buying a textbook recently, as captured above) and occasionally flicking through some scientific literature, i really haven’t done much else. 
i work in an essential retail store, so throughout the lockdown i have picked up lots of extra hours. i’ve done a lot of writing though, and i’ve explored so many of my fictional interests. with that being said, my mind is mud. my attention is a lil bit screwed. to add to that, my mental health has plummeted since lockdown began, where i have no choice but to pay attention to my biggest insecurities, and there’s been days at a time where i’m not in the slightest bit happy. when i leave to go to university i am almost certainly going to be searching for a therapist. 
i’m doing better though. right now i’m feeling okay. in 11 days, i have a flight booked to stay with my best friend (whom i met online 2 and a half years ago, here on Tumblr), he lives in Germany, and i am beyond excited. i really can’t explain in words how excited yet anxious i am for it to go ahead. and gosh, 10 days after that, it’s results day?! 
i’m really not to sure what to think about results day. to be totally honest, i’m not toooo worried about getting AAB. in my most recent assessments i got A*AA or above. however, if i’d sat the exams, i’m really certain i’d have gotten A*A*A. which is incredible, really, because 6 months ago i was sitting in my physics classroom after the lesson, crying to my teacher about how i couldn’t do it and how i thought i’d fail the exams. and then in february i get an A in paper 2, and A, A, and A* in paper 3?! but my journey will A Level physics will be another post which i’ll make after results day. 
so, yeah, i’m still around, just not on tumblr as much. i’ve moved to Twitter for fandom material mainly and i’ve met some amazing people there too. 
stay safe, it’s almost over now <3 we’ll be off to uni in 2 months. 
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
What was your epq on I'm kinda struggling to pick a topic. I take chem bio and maths.
hello anon! thank you for your ask! 
i took biology, chemistry and physics, and when i did my EPQ i knew i was going to take pharmacology at uni. one of my biggest interests had always been opioids, so the topic of my EPQ was “should we still be prescribing opioid painkillers?” 
i very much enjoyed the EPQ, but i know a lot of people don’t. one thing i’d suggest is think about why you want to take your chosen area at uni. what did you read around that area which interested you? are there any current issues which interest you? alternatively, look at media reports on political stuff which interests you -- your EPQ doesn’t have to be relevant to your degree. and to be honest, it only really matters if you’re being interviewed by like oxbridge or something. 
the EPQ is a long process, so whatever you choose, be sure to pick something which is interesting to you. and lastly, don’t pick anything too non-specific. 
hope that was helpful! 
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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🍃 28/04/2020 🍂
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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Bullet journal
Hello, guys!
Sorry for being so inactive... let’s just say that this past few days haven’t been nice. There’s the quarantine thing, I have a lot of homework and I’ve been feeling pretty down lately.
But I’m back and I’ll try to be more active.
This is my April spread... it’s empty now but at the end of the month it will be full with notes and doodles.
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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lockdown week 3
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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🍂 01.04.2020 🍂
hey, it's been a while, hasn't it?
i'm sorry for not posting in a while. it's been really really hectic lately. i hope everyone is dealing with lockdown well, and that everyone is doing okay.
so... A levels, huh?
it reallt is so surreal. i've still not quite fully come to terms with the fact my A level exams have been cancelled. because, as much as they terrified me, i wanted to them. i wanted that opportunity to prove what i could do. my time at college was cut short, and i barely got to say goodbye to my teachers. my favourite teacher wasn't even there in the last week. when i last saw him, i didn't realise it would be my last time i saw him.
but anyone, despite the uncertainty, i'm keeping my head up. i'm writing a lot, painting a lot, making a lot of tiktoks (if you want to follow me it's @/iwritehurtnotcomfort). college is setting us lots of work still, although after this recent update i'm not sure how long that'll go on for 😕
so, yeah. everything is a bit strange right now, but we'll get through it! 💞😁
(p.s. obviously, i won't be studying much on here anymore. does anyone want me to post more stuff like this weekly plan, or maybe some of my art?)
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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hey guys! it's been a while, hasn't it?
sorry for not posting in a while! i was taking some time to prepare for my second round of mocks which we did in February, and then wanted to have a break over half term. but i'm back now, having just completed the last bit of learning i'll ever do for A levels!
my mocks went really well, actually! firstly i got an A* in Biology which i was really happy with because i'd put a lot of work into it. i got an A in Physics which felt amazing because i've struggled with it for 18 months now and i'm just really relieved to get more than a D for once. i've been getting loads of extra help and it feels great to have everything working out now! lastly i got an A in the physical Chemistry paper and A* in organic Chemistry - not sure whether my marks will average to an A or A* when combined, but either way i'm happy.
i hope everything is going well with everyone else! :)
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scienceismynepenthe · 4 years
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