scissurae1-blog · 14 years
Cusco, Peru: The Friendliest City in South America
 Cusco (or Cuzco), Peru, is a city that has long welcomed travelers and earned its reputation as the friendliest city in South America, in part, its gateway role. Almost all visitors to the ancient UNESCO World Heritage Site of Machu Picchu in Cusco passing through their journey. However, Cusco is an interesting destination in itself, and one of the most friendly in South America.Once the capital of the Americas, name (Qosqo in the native Quechua language) means "navel of the earth" , and the Incas, which was the center of the universe. Cusco is the oldest city in the Western Hemisphere. For centuries, has been welcoming travelers to the area - primarily the indigenous Incas, who came to worship the sun, and now world travelers who come to see and experience the incredible cultural heritage of the area . Surrounded by the Andes and the influence of the Spanish invasion in 1500, the city today is a mixture of native Inca and Spanish colonial influences, an interweaving of historical ages, which is still in sight. Beautiful in its own right, friendly Cusco makes a strong impression on all who pass through its landscape. Even if Cusco at first considered only as the gateway to a larger treasure (Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail), once a passenger enters the Cusco, never be viewed that way again.Enjoying Cusco, PeruPeruvians are eager to show their heritage travelers and involve them in local bars and restaurants. A good way to mix with local people to play frog, a Peruvian traditional game of throwing coins into the mouth of a bronze frog. This is often accompanied by chicha, a beer made with particular corn.Store, waiters, waitresses and selling souvenirs to tourists who flock to Plaza de Armas endless all be useful and, more generally, understand and speak a few words in English . The volume of passengers passing through the city makes it easy to interact with locals.Cusco 's Heritage DisplayThere four major archaeological sites around Cusco worth the time of any traveler: Sacsayhuaman, Q'enqo, Pukapukara and Tambomachay. Also there are ruins and a lively market of Pisac, about 20 miles away. By train or bus, travelers in Cuzco can make the trip to Lake Titicaca, one of the most beautiful trips in Peru. And, of course, is the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, the site of an old "forgotten city" after creating a special place of worship. Do not miss the Temple of the Sun, the Moon Temple and Grand Cave.Other places worth visiting in Cuzco include pre-Columbian artifacts museum (Museum Qoricancha Site). While this is a small museum treasures are impressive and include mummies of the Inca civilization long ago. Two art museums worth exploring are the Museo Municipal de Arte Contemporáneo (Contemporary Art) and the Regional Historical Museum (with art from the 1700 to 1600). Galleries are also many smaller work of art in Cusco, as artists from the region come to look for passengers to buy their work. That also means lots of outdoor markets wool sweaters and other handmade goods.With strong colonial influence, the Catholic Church and its influence has been intertwined with the Inca culture. Nowhere is this better seen than in the Qoricancha, a Dominican convent which was built on a palace.Accommodations Inca in Cusco, PeruContinuing with the issue of religious houses, there is perhaps no better place to stay in Cusco, Peru in the Hotel Monasterio, located in what was a seminar Century 17, San Antonio de Abad. What were once monks' cells have become spartan rooms with large beds of carved wood and marble bathrooms, a unique blend of history and luxury. Perhaps most intimate Boutique Casa San Blas Inn, located in the artists' quarter of Cusco. Its colonial charm is only surpassed by his friendly hosts.Those trip to Machu Picchu should be aware that there is only one hotel in the real archaeological site, so most travelers stay in Cusco, taking day trips to see the World Heritage Site.Inti Raymi (Inca Sun Festival) every year, on June 24 is the most important day in the Inca calendar. In antiquity, it was the winter solstice (when the sun is farthest from earth). The fear of losing the sun led to the Inca tradition of sacrifice and celebration of Christmas. Although the Spanish tried to ban the celebration, which went underground only to reappear later. Today the festival is the second largest in South America, and thousands of visitors descend into Cusco, Peru, to sing, dance and celebrate their heritage for a ceremony Inca central week.The takes place on 24, when A procession makes its way along streets filled with flowers on the square in front of the Church of Santo Domingo (built on the ancient Inca Temple of the Sun) of Sacsayhuaman, which recreates a sacrifice of the flame products (no animal is killed) on an altar to predict the fortunes of next year, and the procession returns to Cusco.Whether travelers in Cuzco, Peru to attend the Inti Raymi or not, are sure to find a place that will welcome you (and many others .) As Peruvians have mixed old and new, colonial and Inca cultures, for what is now modern tourism mix, with its ancient heritage to create something that a traveler is unlikely to find elsewhere in the world. Cusco is a special city for that reason alone.Resources: Schultz, Patricia "1,000 Places to See Before You Die" (Workman Publishing, 2004) www.aboutCusco.comwww.Cuzco.info
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scissurae1-blog · 14 years
Five best places in the world of Hiking
 Trekking is one of the most enjoyable ways to travel adventurer. The trek is the word from Europe and Asia for what is essentially a backpack. The differences are subtle and have to do with the details. For example, usually involves trekking porters and horses, yaks and other animals in cargo shipping. It is difficult and demanding terrain, including the escalation in some cases, and greater cross-country tour. Essentially, trekking blur the line between backpack and climbing. The trek is more common in reference to the mountainous areas of the product and may require light to mid-mountain climbing. Here are some of the top ten destinations for trekking in the world: the Himalayas of India: some of the most popular places for hiking are in this beautiful mountainous region of the world. There are a number of possible experiences trekking available for travelers of all ages and physical conditions. Easiest stretch, like the Annapurna Circuit, the most remote and difficult routes, such as the Manaslu Circuit and Dolpo and Mustang regions. No matter where you look, is full of countless natural beauties and cultural marking looming peaks that fall to the ageless gorges, valleys, twists and turns soft and harassed by friendly people and eager smiles. Gunung Tahan Malaysia: This excursion is made within ten days and consists of seven river crossings and a rope climbs along a rocky ridge. A guide takes you through one of the oldest ecosystems and the world more peaceful in the world, full of numerous flora and fauna, breathtaking landscapes, and wet, demanding field. Gunung Tahan is one of the ranges of the highest mountain in Malaysia, and the peaks of 7,175 meters, and walking is an incredible experience that is both challenging and ultimately rewarding.Ladakh range in the Himalayas of India Mountains: The mountains of Ladakh is one of the most remote regions of the Indian Himalayas and is mostly desert and dry. It is starkly beautiful with lots to offer to hikers. Morari Lake, a lush oasis, and Stok Kangri, one of the highest peaks in Ladakh, are two amazing destinations that are well worth the resistant terrain.Patagonia: Patagonia is the ultimate Mecca of extreme hiker. It is a land of unspoiled by human presence, whose majestic landscape is both beautiful and challenging. Some areas of Patagonia, like the Torres del Paine and Tierra del Fuego are for more experienced adventurers, but note that Patagonia extends a third of the land and borders, and there are many places to hikers of all levels to enjoy. Peru, Inca TrailLocated between the Andean highlands, the Inca Trail is one of the best known and traveled the world. You climb over rough terrain, steep hills, ancient ruins and beauty long before the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu. The Inca Trail is good for trekkers of all levels, but be warned that the air and steep hills can be challenging. Luckily, pack horses are available if you want to use this option.
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scissurae1-blog · 14 years
What? Wireless Air Travel? Yes, it is time
 In early 2007, OnAir will arrive. OnAir is a service that uses satellite technology for airline passengers to use wireless devices such as mobile phones, Internet connections from computers and blackberries during a flight. The debate on the use of wireless technology in flight has been going on for years, and now that it is about to happen, is the debate likely to heat up.First of all you should know that the first wave of this will not happen on U.S. flights. Airbus plane manufacturer who creates the technology, sell it to AirFrance. AirFrance expected to have the service available to passengers in early 2007. Whether passengers will have to pay for the service they pay for the headphones for a film is not known yet. Two other airlines, the British airline BMI and TAP Air are both considering using OnAir, but nothing has been finalized, yet.So what is the debate about? Who would not want the convenience of using their mobile phone during a long flight, get important e-mails on his Blackberry or who has the luxury of surfing the Internet to kill time? Apparently lots of people and for some very valid reasons.The Security ConsiderationThere been concern that the use of mobile phones (cell phones to us Americans) and other devices that use wireless technology can interfere with aircraft navigational equipment. Recent technological advances in both navigation devices and mobile phone technology seems to negate this concern, but not everyone is convinced. There is concern that the navigational equipment on older aircraft may be affected.The Phone DebateOkay Suppose security issue taken care of and there is no concern that wireless communications will interfere with aircraft navigational equipment. What opposition is there to use mobile phone during a flight? Studies have shown that the majority of air travelers is the use of cell phones on an airplane because it would be purely annoying to sit next to someone who is receiving and to call for hours on a flight. They imagine being stuck between two uninterrupted speakers. Common sense seems to say that people do not really would be so inconsiderate to have hour long conversations on their mobile phones during a flight. But experience has shown us in the case of mobile phones, most people lose their common sense. People will keep highly personal conversations in restaurants and shops and on buses. They will be driving with a hand-held mobile phone also states where it has been made illegal. So does anyone really think people will use common sense and consideration during flights? Not really.It is easy to see the scenario. Businessmen who intend to be considerate will get what they consider to be a very important business calls and finally talking longer than they expected. Or a mother who just want to check on their children for one minute will stop to chat with every one of them before she can hang up. It is no wonder that air passengers are concerned that the use of mobile phones will be a shock in flights. They are already an annoyance to the ground. Another concern some air travelers will thrill to all this discomfort will create, perhaps making already jittery fliers more frustrated and pushing them over the edge. Some people are already nervous just about flying. Add a cramped, overcrowded planes to the mix, the constant threat of terrorism, restrictions on what can be exercised, and now the addition of a ruthless mobile phone user sits next to the nervous flyer, and someone may just snap. ; How Internet Travelers are not as adamantly against the use of Internet connections for laptops and PDAs as Blackberrys?. These units are quiet. Many passengers already use their laptops on a flight, it's just not connected to the Internet when they use it. Being able to send and receive e-mails while on a flight may be convenient for most people, especially business travelers. It does not seem much of a debate on these devices as long as safety is not a concern.What can be done? When do you start concerned with this issue? As of now, U.S. carriers seem not considering using OnAir or any service it. A report on the MSN Travel said that the airline they asked - AirTran, Spirit and U.S. Airways - all said they have heard their passengers say they do not want cell phones used on aircraft and is opposed to adding service. But the question is whether these services are not catching on in Europe and prove to be a money maker for the carriers that use it, the carriers jump onboard? In an era of declining profits, they will be able to resist? So if the trial that AirFrance give OnAir prove successful and the carriers to jump on board, what can be done to ensure that mobile phone usage does not become a problem on board? One solution is to have no cell phone usage times. Perhaps next to the little light above your seat that lets you know if you need to have your place secured or not, there could be another view that lets you know if there is a good time to use your cell phone or not. Mobile phone time may be limited on long flights and on flights over night when most people would like sleep.Another solution is to give the crew the opportunity to turn off the voice capability of units for a limited time. During these times of SMS and e-mail would be allowed, but talking would be disabled.
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scissurae1-blog · 14 years
Whale Watching in Argentina
 One of the things that makes Patagonia as a magical place to visit is the great diversity of species that may occur, as you can tour the region. While most of the major sights and attractions of Patagonia are located along the western border of Argentina and extend over Ushuaia and Tierra del Fuego, there are a few destinations along the Atlantic coast that are both worth a visit. This is especially true if you are interested in a little while whale watching during your time in Argentina. Whale Watching in Patagonia runs from June to December, when a large number of Southern Right whales in the waters off the coast of Argentina, completed their breeding cycle to arrive. The Valdés Peninsula is one of the top places in Patagonia on wildlife. The hotel is 77km from Puerto Madryn is the Peninsula Valdés with wild animals, including sea lions, elephant seals, southern right whales, dolphins, Magellanic penguins and the occasional orca abound. The Valdés Peninsula was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. Visitors from the south of Argentina will immediately notice the change of climate. Because of its location, the temperatures in this area in Argentina is significantly warmer than in many southern Patagonia.The small coastal town of Puerto Piramides is the only sizable settlement on the Peninsula Valdes and serves as a starting point for whale watching excursions aboard small boats. It is quite possible to plan a whale watching in Puerto Madryn Puerto Piramides in a few hours and return the same day, if you should spend the time that you try one or two days in Puerto Piramides. Frequent second-class buses run between the two cities, which is always back and forth on your own easily and cheaply means. As in many parts of Argentina, in Puerto Piramides, there are numerous accommodations and restaurants that cater to travelers of all budgets. Visitors to the Peninsula Valdés will be charged a small fee on arrival, as the peninsula has a national nature reserve was designated. Whether you visit on a tour from the nearby Puerto Madryn, or spend a few days in Puerto Piramides only the admission fee charged once, unless of course you, the boundaries of the reserve and try again to leave to enter, in case you become a second time to load. In my experience, it is also worth a day or two in Puerto Piramides. There are many sights and attractions that you'll probably miss otherwise, you should focus on a short trip from Puerto Madryn.Once in Puerto Piramides, it is possible to rent a vehicle to visit and explore the entire peninsula. Three miles outside of town is a cliff lookout, where whales can be observed from the coast. The viewpoint is on foot, you reach the gravel road leading out of town. Puerto Piramides is a nice place to unwind and relax on the beach. Whale watching tours can be booked on arrival for the same day. There are daily tours and evening sunset tours. Whichever tour you choose, during whale watching season, it's almost guaranteed you will spot more of the Southern Right whales, which are so frequently seen off the coast Argentina.Puerto Madryn and can be reached by bus from Bariloche, and other popular cities cities across Argentina. It is the perfect place to break a long bus ride between Ushuaia and Buenos Aires. Depending on where you are traveling it is important to remember that bus travel can throughout the Patagonia region will go slowly. Also proposes allowing highway closures in Argentina are widespread and often delay and complicate travel. Plan accordingly and keep in mind that while bus travel a good way to see the country when you can rush in a few short flights, you quickly through the region a lot on the road.
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scissurae1-blog · 14 years
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