scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
Callipathos, n: Ancient Greek for beautiful suffering, beautiful pain, romanticizing pain. Some...
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
   She smiles warmly, understanding. Too often she has had visits from parents of home schooled students requesting tutoring. She's had to become very selective of whom she chooses to tutor at home because of the sheer amount of requests. But this boy (she realizes for the first time that he hasn't told her his name-- has she told him hers?) is certainly bright enough to make that list. And though Thalassa doesn't buy his entertainer story, she doesn't know what it is that keeps him so isolated. "If you ever need anything," she begins softly, "please, don't hesitate to seek me out. Even if it's just a warm cup of tea, I'd be delighted to see you again. Oh, um, here." She digs through her bag for a moment to grab a business card with her name printed on it, and the address of her bookshop office. "Professor Thalassa. I would be happy to offer private lessons if you decide to pursue higher education."    She can't give him a degree, but she can arrange something with her father; private lessons with the other professors, maybe even having everything go through her so he never sees anyone but her (unless he doesn't want that, of course) so he could get his degree. "If you have any family in the same situation, then the offer is open for them as well. Drop by anytime if you'd like a book, too. I certainly have enough to go around." She laughs, seeing the university up ahead. "Oh, there it is. Do you want to come in with me or would you rather continue on, or wait? We could get tea. I don't know about you, but I'm rather cold."
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Leo frowned at bit at her question; a student, yes, but only to a degree. Splinter taught him martial arts, occasionally history, and he’d get lectures from Donnie constantly, but he didn’t have a real education. “A student, yeah,” he replied. “Home schooled, so it’s nothing fancy.”
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The terrapin kicked a pebble as he walked; they were going at a somewhat slow pace, or, at least, slower than he was used to. It was nice; he didn’t have to worry about where he was placing his feet, and since he was with a human, he wouldn’t look to conspicuous.
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
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   "Oh! Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself." She laughs at herself. "Professor Addams. Wow, saying that never gets old. You can call me Thalassa, though, if you'd like. Anything but Lassie." She grins. 
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"Don’t worry about it." He offers her a bit of a smile before relaying the information over his comms. Steve knew they would find their target sooner or later. It wasn’t like they could hide forever. Not dressed the way they were. "I’m sure we’ll find him sooner or later. He can’t hide forever. I’m sorry to have bothered you, miss?"
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
i think im in like like with you
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
   Thalassa just smiles at him, excited to show him a few of her favorite movies. She isn't so good with the bad stuff, doesn't know how to relate, really, but showing him love and beauty and compassion? That she can do.    As suspected, the pizza man is standing near the entrance to the shop, alternating between looking around in confusion and checking his watch. She pays him and takes the pizza, careful to give him a big tip to make up for the time he lost waiting for her.    She carries it back up and sets it down on the counter, preparing two plates and handing him one. (Thalassa had always done this as a child, eating finger food off plates and often with silverware. Her uncle had joked that she would give even the janitors at the university pizza on fine china.)    "I'm not sure how to explain what a movie is," she says, settling in beside him. "Books that you see rather than read. Less pleasurable in my opinion but as books are not suitable activities for two people, a movie it is." But in the end, it's too difficult to decide and so she just settles on the History channel, something about aliens.     "Maybe tomorrow I could take you to the art museum," Thalassa murmurs thoughtfully. "I could stand to take a day off. It is summer, after all." She laughs. "I can't wait to show you everything. Flowers and stars and poetry and art and splashing in rain puddles and that feeling when you find cheap books and-" She turns to grin at him, cheeks flushed happily. "I can't relate to the dark stuff, but I'll show you the good."
     ” Sugar. ” he answered almost instantly, unable to really cope with tea without it being sweet like candy. the goblin king awkwardly tucked his hands in his pocket, watching her prepare the small cup of tea. it felt weird, spilling one of his darkest secrets. though in a good way. like he had lifted a weight off of his chest. he couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach as he accepted the tea, his slender fingers brushing against hers.
     ” Nah, still adjusting to timezones. it’s like, 3 in the afternoon where i come from. ” he admitted, pausing. “what’s a movie? ” he asked hesitantly, deciding to sit down on the couch. it was very comfy, and he was snug almost instantly. he gave a small noise of acknowledgement as she headed down to check for the pizza guy, as his face was currently buried in his cup of tea. sweet and lovely, of course. he kind of wondered if she had ever tried ice tea. he preferred cold drinks himself, maybe she would like it too.
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
Tag a few of your friends and make them fill in this form! For the mun only!
tagged by: jarxth
Name: Megan Birthday: January 13 (i was born on a Friday lol) Gender: Female Sexuality: hella gay Height: 5’3 woo Blog(s): this and my personal (not putting it here because personal--)
FC (if you have any):
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Tagged:  everyone who wants to do this idk-
Mun Form!
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
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       ooc; holy shit you guys, i never thought i’d hit 300 so fast. it’s only been a little over a week. i’m just ridiculously flattered, gosh. i didn’t think there was such an intense need for a Jareth lol. anyway, i just thought i’d do one of these Follow Forever thingies since i love you guys~ 
      ♛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴɢs ᴄᴏᴜʀᴛ ♛ (aka my baes)
asgreat, puellamvictor : two amazing sarahs that i love roleplaying with and probably will love till the day i die. i’d also like to mention the girls next door AU i’m doing with asgreat is beautiful and a can’t wait to make Jareth do something ridiculous and stupid. as for puellamvictor i rather enjoy our Vampire AU but i’m still not sure if i trust Jareth with his fairy magic and his Vampire powers XD
ziinthos : an amazing and fun Raven, and although i don’t watch the show terribly often i’d say her Raven is spot on. sarcastically done with everyone’s shit, i love her to bits. i only hope that i can slip in some more interactions with her :D
soothing-kuro-beast : although i know literally nothing about the character, i still love her/the mun to bits. i can’t really say anything about the character though, seeing as i don’t watch anime. never really been a fan XD
impertinentpunk : i haven’t really been able to interact with this beautiful bae yet, but muns are totes bffs XD anyway, she portrays Percy in a Punk!AU, and i love him to bits. it’s basically percy but with a shorter temper and a lot of cursing lol.
xchristmascheer : oh my god. this person. i mean, it’s BUDDY how could you not love them??? i’ve already giggled myself to tears at last twice while plotting/roleplaying with them and you guys should totally go check them out because omg
      ♛ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ♛
in no particular order;
     ahbutimavillain , bilbo-of-the-shire , bunnyearedheroine , curiozitxte , foolishmermaid , gameov-r , heroandvillain inxquitous , itsmyluckyfin , jointhe-bigboys , macawnivorx , missxmargo , ofqxeensandpxrates , potixns , prettybxrd , theinfamousdeadpool , thejokersmostdangerousvictim , themoon-toldmeso , whenmylifebegan , xmonstro
      ♛ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ɪ sᴛᴀʟᴋ ♛
      ara-glass , cleverlymione , gxrillaexpert , hearxmexroar , hispinkandyellowhuman , hjpotters , incantatrixus , itsnotflirting , jimhxwkins , kempybowe , krxpling , listenwellallofyou , lordxmiguel , lxcketsandcharms , lxngbxttxm , malfoah , malxficus , msbedazzled , mxgamind , mxrvolo , noingredient , puristmalfoy , regaliis , thealbusseveruspotter , txnker , vxlka , xconcealed , xninths , zxinks
     ooc; Please don’t be discouraged if you’re not on here! odds are i just forgot because i have the memory of a goldfish lol
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
   She laughs softly, surprised that he seems to be as affected by the hug as she was. She fiddles with the teakettle for a few moments to hide her red face, pouring his tea slowly. "Um-- cream, sugar, milk?" She always has hers black, maybe that's why she doesn't like a lot of the tea she drinks.    The air feels heavy to her, somehow, though heavy with what she doesn't know. Confusion, maybe? (She would have guessed desire but isn't so familiar with that emotion, has only read about it in books; she's always thought desire to be more enveloping rather than heavy). She wants to ask him about his parents, if they let him go, if he escaped, if he's in danger. But, more than anything, she wants to touch him again, even if it's just their fingers brushing as she hands him the cup of tea.    "Are you tired? It's getting late, I think." For him, anyway. This is when her energy is at its peak, when she usually retires to her office to get some work done. "We could watch a movie if you'd like, though. The pizza should have arrived by now." Does he know what a movie is? If he doesn't, what sort of movie should she show him? Maybe just conversation would be better.    "I'll go down and see if the pizza guy is here yet. They never think to come to my office door."
      Jareth didn’t budge from where he was for a while, encased in this new version of love. it wasn’t the same desire he had for sarah, no. this was…different. a feeling of butterflies in his stomach and a knot in his throat. he couldn’t help think that this was wrong; falling for his future professor. but at the moment he didn’t really care. 
      she smelled like old books and paper, along with a strong backset of coffee. not that he minded. in fact he rather enjoyed it. not to mention the fact this was…probably his first hug, actually.
     Jareth was drawn back to reality by the sound of her tea kettle whistling, awkwardly pulling back. ” y-yeah, of course. “
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
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   She smiles, uncertain of what to say,    wondering if perhaps she should just    leave him alone. But she hasn't talked    to anyone in some time, and she finds    that she's quite starved for conversation.    Even with someone grumpy like him.           "So do you live around here?           I'm new to the area, I keep           getting lost." She laughs.           "It's pretty, though."
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                he looked down at the                 hand but didn’t bother                 shaking  it. ❛ it’s  fine.  the name’s marshall. ❜
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
   She can't help but tense up at the hug, eyes wide with surprise. Isn't this-- wrong? He's six years younger than her, and if that weren't bad enough, he's going to be her student in two months. Doesn't this go against everything she believes in?    But he's warm and solid against her, and he smells good, and her hands come to rest on his back without any prior thought. Thalassa never even considered pushing him away, not until the teakettle whistles and she jumps, startled, then laughing at herself, hands hesitant to drop from his back.    "I should-- um. I should get that."
     ” Maybe when we get to know each other a little better. ” he answered, feeling somewhat guilty for bringing the mood down so much. he paused, gaze dropping to the floor. he remained quiet for a while after she had spoke, finally breaking the silence by getting up and pulling Thalassa into a hug. he hardly knew her, but after just a mere hour he felt like he’d known her for years. he had never told anyone about that before. not before her. maybe…maybe he didn’t need to find sarah after all. maybe his queen was standing right in front of him.
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
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   "Oh, um, sorry to bother you, then." She rubs the back of her neck awkwardly, then sticks out her hand to shake. "I'm Thalassa, by the way. Pleasure to meet you!"
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                ❛ nope, sorry. ❜
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
congratulations on reading the book before it was made into a film
you win: nothing
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
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LITERATURE MEME || {1/4 tropes}
↳ Femme fatale
A femme fatale is a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers in bonds of irresistible desire, often leading them into compromising, dangerous and deadly situations.
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
   Her back had been to him before he spoke, standing up on tiptoe to get to her cupboards; when he speaks, her hands still, but she doesn't turn around, doesn't speak until the silence grows too heavy to bear. And even then, she doesn't address what he had said. How could she? 'I'm sorry you had such a shitty life and for rubbing my nice-ish life in your face?' She'd hate herself if she said that.    "I've got everything, actually. Definitely black tea." She hates most tea, preferring coffee, but she desperately wants to like tea and so buys boxes of as many different flavors as she can, often only using one tea bag in each box. She turns around and begins heating water, head bent so her hair will hide her expression.    "I can't imagine what that must have been like," she begins quietly. "It must have been-- well. You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to." Thalassa turns to face him, arms folded across her chest, eyes looking anywhere but at him. Maybe if she offers up a dark secret of her own, he won't feel-- what? Bad? Alone? It's worth a shot, at the very least. "I know this can't possibly compare, but you extended this same courtesy to me, earlier, when you said you never knew your father. I'm not expecting this to make you feel better, really, just less alone." He'll be the first person she's ever told. She doesn't know how these words will taste. But oh, how they've rotted in the back of her throat for years. "My mother died giving birth to me, and since then my father has used me as his wife. He never touched me explicitly, but...well." She turns back to the water, dropping the tea bags in and starting the coffeemaker for herself. Who knows how he'll react. Maybe just...silence.
    He gave a small nod. ” Kidnapped at birth and raised by false parents in a basement i could never leave… get it now? ” he offered a dry smile despite the heavy weight in his chest, sitting on one of the armrests of the couch.
     ” Tea sounds wonderful. do you have black tea by any chance? “
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
   Thalassa drops her phone onto the counter next to the breadbox, turning to look at him with wide eyes. "Kept in a basement? Like-" Like Rapunzel in her tower.    She's very good at analyzing words and potential meanings behind them, she has to be; and something about his doesn't sit right. Iron. Rapunzel. Mother-gotheled. Was he-- delusional? Or something more up Ava's alley, a supernatural creature?    But she doesn't get a weird energy from him, not really (though her intuition isn't that good); he doesn't feel like someone she would need to fear.     So, still looking at him strangely, she moves over to the fridge and opens it up. "Are you thirsty? I've got water, juice, a bit of alcohol-- but you're not twenty-one yet, never mind- I could make some tea? Or coffee?"
      “ Never heard of it. basically i was kept in a basement most of my life, so i don’t know what much of anything is. " he shrugged, though a slight unease washed over him as he realized how much metal was in the room. ” No. i just get really bad blisters when i touch Iron. ” he admitted, and for the most part, it was true. Iron burned fairies, no matter what form they were in.
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scolasticxs-blog · 10 years
   She laughs, face flushing happily when he teases her. She had always liked that, playfulness. Being at ease with another person.    Her home now isn't much compared to the home she left five years ago. Her father had had a large home, masculine, dark mahogany and neat bookshelves filled with matching sets of encyclopedias. Her father had even considered getting a maid for a while, until she talked him out of it.   Thalassa hasn't been in that house since she left. This one, the one with these people, the one with these books, and the one she now shares with Jareth, is far more luxurious. People like her father will never understand that luxury doesn't equate wealth.     She turns to him, brows raised in disbelief, a smile quirking the edges of her lips up. "You-- don't know what a pizza is?" It takes all her self-control not to break down in giggles. She digs through her bag for her phone to distract herself from that urge. "You've got to tell me about what culture you come from sometime," she says, dialing the number of her favorite pizza place. "What do you want on your--um. Are you allergic to anything?"
     ” You don’t get much cleaning done, do you? ” he teased, though he was in awe of the place. it as a better home than he ever had, even if what he had was a castle. it was…cozy. not so spacious. it made you feel more at home. he gladly let her take the large book, the weight starting to strain on his shoulder. not that he would’ve told her. 
     ” I like it. it’s quaint. ” he glanced to her as he spoke, following her to the large double door. it was nice. a little room full of…things…stuff he didn’t recognize. and in the other room a few chairs and some other stuff he didn’t recognize. ” thanks a lot, Thalassa. this really means a lot to me. ” he gave a sheepish smile, pausing at her words. “…What’s a Pizza? ” he asked slowly, frowning slightly in confusion.
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