scourgewins · 1 year
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There might be a loop somewhere in time where Joey wasn't as sneaky about building living cartoons so people were just disappointed instead of shocked.
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scourgewins · 1 year
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Can't stop thinking about Sammy doing the Wilhelm Scream. It is occupying my mind constantly. Please imagine this with a very, very clear Wilhelm Scream in your head. I swear I have a few non-Sammy BatDR ideas...
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scourgewins · 1 year
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Thinking about the vent Boris in BatDR and how I want him to be that loop's Wally Boris like everyone decided the friend Boris from Chapter 3 was Wally. He's found the ultimate way to be outta here.
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scourgewins · 1 year
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Susie set that puzzle up reeeeaaally specifically....
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scourgewins · 1 year
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Tried to mix our old Joey with the new model. And, as always, I am required to make jokes about Sammy drinking ink.
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scourgewins · 1 year
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Angry music man by the light of flashlight-pen.
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scourgewins · 1 year
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A new little guy in his new little outfit.
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scourgewins · 2 years
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scourgewins · 3 years
Getting Along (Part 3)
(Finished at last! Hope you all enjoy this chapter! I tried to pack in as much humor, action, and suspense as I could!)
(Warnings: slight injury, fear, fighting, death mention)
Well, they didn’t die immediately, so Sammy counted that as a small win.
The inky sewage water sloshed about the musician’s lower legs. He tried not to focus on that, but it was a bit hard not to. He also tried not to think about the fact that he was inhaling toxic fumes; even while wearing the spare nose pin Jack had lent him, he could almost taste it on his tongue. How did Jack work like this? He glanced at the lyricist trudging along beside him. He seemed unbothered, though that was probably because he was geared up with both a nose pin and high, rubber boots, while Sammy was forced to slog through the muck in regular, non-water resistant shoes.
Sammy didn’t realize he’d been glaring until Jack glared back.
“What?” the lyricist said testily.
“You sure you didn’t have any extra boots?” Sammy asked for the third time.
“Positive,” Jack replied through gritted teeth.
Sammy relented and grew spitefully silent. His hand reflexively clenched and unclenched the wrench he’d grabbed before they embarked on this rescue mission. He wasn’t sure what good it would do against a massive ink monster, but it was better than going in empty-handed.
Or maybe worse, he mused, Gives you a false sense of hope.
He shook his head. No use getting pessimistic. Susie needed rescuing and that was all he needed to worry about, though the fact that this would very likely go horribly wrong and all three of them would most certainly be eaten was an irritatingly persistent thought.
Jack spoke, as if hearing Sammy’s thoughts, “We will save her, you know, despite the odds.”
“Because we have to?” Sammy asked.
“Yeah,” Jack replied, “Because we have to.”
Sammy glanced at the lyricist, who flinched at his own shadow cast by the candle in his quivering hand. He was no fighter, but neither was Sammy. Come to think of it, they really should have asked for more backup. It wasn’t like there’d be any forthcoming, though, at least not of the useful variety. The only employees that might stand a chance against the ink monster were Thomas, Lacie, and Henry, and even they might fail. Besides, Susie needed help now and hunting those three down would take up precious time they didn’t have.
So it was up to them: a lyricist spooked by his own shadow and a musician with bird-like limbs. Yeah, they were definitely going to die.
And of all the people to die beside, it had to be Jack Fain.
“What’s the plan anyway?” Sammy snapped, “Or were you just going to go in swinging and hope that would be enough?”
Jack glared at him, “Do you have a better idea?”
No. “Of course.”
“Then by all means, let’s hear it.”
Sammy realized he’d backed himself into a corner. He cleared his throat, “Well...maybe one of us could be a distraction.” Yeah, that made sense.
“Distraction?” Jack echoed dubiously.
Sammy nodded emphatically, “One of us makes lots of noise to draw the attention of the ink thing, while the other gets Susie.”
As plans went, it was a sorry excuse for one, but tactics weren’t exactly in his job description.
“So…” Jack began, “Which of us do you intend to sacrifice?”
Oh, right. “Um…”
“Because it would make sense to put forth the largest target,” Jack glanced pointedly up and down Sammy’s lanky frame, “Don’t you think?”
Sammy regretted everything, “Well...it was just a suggestion. We don’t have to go with that plan.”
“No, no, I am quite intrigued,” If he didn’t need him to rescue Susie, Sammy would have wiped that smug look off his stupid mustached face.
Not one to take things lying down all the same, Sammy opened his mouth to respond, when a quiet gurgling stopped the breath in his lungs. Slowly, he glanced up ahead. Something was moving. Squinting, he corrected that thought. Some things were moving, almost like waves in a tumultuous sea.
Both he and Jack froze in their tracks. For all their talk of rescue, their resolve was starting to wane. Okay, maybe we should have gone for backup. Susie can last a little longer, right?
As the creatures drew nearer, the musician and the lyricist could see them for what they were. Ink creatures, small but making up for their size with sheer numbers. Sammy counted twenty at least, all of them bearing down on the two hapless employees. 
Jack screamed, his grip on the candle slackening until it tipped from his hand. Sammy just barely managed to push it back into his grasp before their light was extinguished. As he did so, one of the creatures lunged. Sammy leaped to dodge its groping hand. Summoning his courage, he brought his wrench down on its slippery head. When that gave it pause, the musician struck again and again, not letting up until the creature sank back into the ink.
“I did it!” Sammy cried, before he was promptly seized by a multitude of cold, inhuman hands.
Sammy’s vocal range was actually quite high, but the noise that escaped him somehow reached new levels.
“Jack!” he screeched. He couldn’t see the lyricist. Sammy was struck with the horrible thought that Jack had abandoned him here, maybe done as Sammy himself had suggested and gone on to find Susie while there was a distraction. Or, more likely, he’d turned tail and fled.
Sammy had predicted that this rescue would be the death of him, though that didn’t mean he welcomed it. He thrashed, his feet and fists striking out at anything they could connect with. He hissed as his fist glanced off the wall, feeling the skin of his knuckles break open. And still he kept struggling. There wasn’t much choice.
Just as he felt his strength ebbing, his foot jabbed into something unexpected. It was soft but solid and gave a faint “Oof!” as it stumbled back.
Sammy had never been more relieved to hear that voice.
A flicker of glorious light marked where Jack stood. Sammy could barely make him out as the lyricist plunged forward. The rescue was made a little less heroic due to Jack’s squeals whenever an ink monster reached for him, but as Sammy felt a warm, thoroughly human hand grab his wrist, he couldn’t care less.
“Run!” Jack cried. Sammy didn’t need to be told twice. The two booked it back the way they came. Neither paused to check whether they were being followed. Only one thing mattered to them right now: escape.
Soon, another light grew closer. Sammy recognized Jack’s little haven in the wall where he worked. Sprinting past it, they leaped out of the sewers and made a dash for the stairs that led into the infirmary and out of the sewers.
Sammy’s relief only lasted a moment. Jack and him slewed to a halt, staring in horror.
The stairs were completely blocked. Stacks of wooden beams and heavy pipes dripping with ink had all been piled high in front. It would take ages to free themselves
“How did…” Jack paused for breath, “How did they do this?”
Sammy had no response. There was none. Ink monsters, in theory, shouldn’t have been capable of trapping them like this. Sammy’s knowledge on the subject may have been limited, but he’d have thought that much was true. He was wrong.
“What are we going to do?” Jack shrieked, “We’re trapped! We can’t get help! Susie’s still lost somewhere in there! We...We’re going to die down here!”
Sammy still didn’t know how to reply, but he was saved the attempt as he heard the gurgling noises approach.
“Quick!” He shoved Jack into a small corner directly across from the stairs. It was a poor hiding place, but so long as the ink creatures didn’t think to check over here, they’d be safe.
He heard them grow closer. Jack’s breathing had grown erratic, so Sammy clapped a hand over his mouth. Ordinarily, Jack would have shoved him away, but the lyricist just remained stone still, eyes wide and terrified. Sammy imagined he wore much the same expression.
After what seemed like hours, the gurgling began to grow fainter, until it faded altogether as the ink creatures splashed back into the sewer. Sammy didn’t move for some long moments after. Jack’s shaking fingers pulled at the hand over his mouth and Sammy at last snatched his hand away. For a while, all either of them could manage were shivering breaths.
Swallowing thickly, Jack spoke at least, “What are we going to do?” He repeated his question of before.
And again, Sammy had no answer.
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scourgewins · 3 years
Getting Along (Part 2)
(This chapter’s a bit shorter. Rest assured, plenty is yet to come...)
(Part 1)
(Warnings: None)
Sammy remained still as a statue, not so much as a breath escaping him. His mind was a broken record repeatedly replaying the scene of that ink monster spiriting Susie away. Eventually, the record scratched and he regained his senses.
Jack was screaming. Quite loudly.
“Shut up!” Sammy hissed. As if a switch had been flipped, Jack clamped his mouth shut. His whole body trembled with the force of his barely constrained panic. Under normal circumstances, Sammy would have teased him. Right now, though, it was taking all the musician’s willpower not to start shrieking too.
Jack forced out a few words, “Wha-What...What just happened?!”
“I don’t know!” Sammy cried. His heart thundered against his ribcage and he struggled to take a breath, “It just...It just took her!”
“We have to do something!”
“Against that thing?” Sammy pointed down the tunnel the creature and Susie had disappeared down, “Are you nuts?! What can we do?”
Jack glared at the music director, “We can’t just leave her!”
“I know that!” Sammy said defensively, “But we won’t be much help if it gets us before we get her.”
“Have any better ideas?”
Sammy went to say something but found he had no response. Instead, he dragged a hand down his face, a low growl escaping him.
“Where’s Joey when you actually need him?”
The studio’s usually ever-present manager hadn’t come into work today. He’d said something about “New supplies! It’ll be revolutionary!” before he left. Sammy had been glad to see him go; now, though, he’d toss himself into this sewer if it meant he’d come back.
Well, he won’t, Sammy’s gaze settled on the inky sewage water swirling around Jack’s boots, But I’m going in anyway.
Jack was still regarding him coldly. Sammy took a deep breath, resisting the urge to gag at the smell that assaulted his nose.
“Okay, okay…” He exhaled, “We’ll rescue her ourselves.”
Jack’s eyes widened. Apprehension flickered in his eyes but still he nodded solemnly, “Yes, we will...How exactly will we do that?”
Sammy threw his hands up, “You tell me.”
Eyes narrowed, Jack turned away to inspect his surroundings. Spotting something, he reached into the filthy water and started to pull. Sammy wrinkled his nose in disgust.
With a mighty tug, Jack dislodged what looked to be a stray bit of pipe left there to corrode. Eyes sparkling with determination, he brandished it toward Sammy.
“We fight!”
Sammy eyed the small, fragile pipe before looking at the small, equally fragile lyricist.
“We’re going to die.”
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scourgewins · 3 years
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Some fanart of our favorite projectionist!! This is the first time I've ever used digital so don't be too cruel hehehe (nah I'm just kidding, all critique is welcome and highly appreciated!!!)
The text says *judges you in projectionist*
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scourgewins · 3 years
No ask I just wanted to say that I love that profile pic lmao
Haha, aww, thanks!!! We've had it since we first started. It was my first digital drawing, actually!!!
(Also, a convenient place to say: I am actually on a roadtrip right now! I sincerely apologize for everyone waiting. Thank you and sorry.)
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scourgewins · 3 years
Getting Along (Part 1)
(I live!!! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Anyway, this will be a multi-chaptered piece starring Jack, Sammy, and Susie, since they’ve been quite the subject of interest on this blog recently. Expect action, drama, and lots of bickering!)
(Warnings: I don’t think there are any)
“Let’s see...what rhymes with dance?”
Heavy silence followed Jack’s words. That was how he liked it, though. Down here in the sewer, no one bothered him. He was left entirely alone to his own thoughts. All that could be heard was the occasional slosh of the inky sewer water beside him. It’s a bit turbulent today, he thought absently.
He adjusted his nose pin to better block out the smell and continued to brainstorm.
“Prance, trance, chance-”
“How about romance?”
A very high-pitched noise escaped Jack and he instantly smothered it with a hand clapped to his mouth. He spun in his seat, nearly toppling over into the inky river below.
Susie smiled at him, her shining blue eyes accentuated by the sparkling necklace she wore. Jack had to prize the hand from his mouth to speak.
“Susie! Wh-What are you doing here?”
The voice actress held out a few leaves of paper, “This is the sheet music for the next episode. Sammy should be delivering it himself, but…” she sighed heavily, “He didn’t want to see you.”
Jack’s good humor dimmed a bit at the mention of his hated rival. Neither of them had ever seen eye to eye (Sammy would say that was because Jack was so short; yet another reason to despise him). The lyricist couldn’t think of a single time where they’d ever agreed about anything. This mutual hatred wasn’t made better by the fact that they vied for the attention of the very woman smiling at him now.
He tried to push away the negative thoughts. After all, Sammy wasn’t here now; it was just Susie and him. Just Susie and I…
That brought another strong reaction, this one of terror. Jack liked to think he was a master wordsmith, but that skill only extended so far as the page. Talking was a whole other challenge.
On the subject of talking, Jack realized he hadn’t said a word in quite some time and Susie was looking at him expectantly.
“Right, be there in a second!” he stumbled out of his seat and hastened to slip on the boots that he wore to wade through the sewer. Susie wrinkled her nose a bit, but unlike everyone else, didn’t compare him to a rat. He took that as a win.
He’d just about reached her, one hand extended, knees close to buckling under Susie’s warm gaze, when Sammy Lawrence appeared on the staircase. His knees threatened to collapse for an entirely different reason now.
“Sammy?!” his voice was far too screechy so he cleared his throat and tried again, “What are you doing down here?!”
Sammy didn’t even look at Jack, just handed another paper to Susie, “You missed this one.”
Susie arched an eyebrow at the paper then nodded to Jack, “You could hand it to him yourself.”
Jack was gratified to see Sammy’s cheeks redden a bit, “I’d rather not.”
Primly, Susie snatched the papers away from Jack’s waiting hand and proffered them to the musician, “It’s your music. You should be the one to deliver it, don’t you think?”
When Sammy made no move to grab them, Jack sighed loudly.
“It’s fine, Susie. I don’t need his grubby hands all over them anyway.”
Susie frowned, “Well, he did write it, so he already had his grubby hands all over them.”
Now Jack helt his face flush. He tried to hide it by adjusting his hat. Sammy snorted at the awkward movement and Jack glared at him.
Susie glanced between the two of them and rolled her eyes, “Honestly, you two are worse than five-year olds. Is it really so hard to get along?”
For once, Jack and Sammy agreed.
The voice actress huffed in exasperation and held the papers out to Jack again, “Fine, be that way. But I’m done being the mediator for you two. Figure this out or...or…” she fumbled for an adequate threat, “Or...I won’t talk to either of you ever again!”
Sammy and Jack stopped glowering at each other to turn to Susie, “What?”
Susie nodded quickly, “Yeah, I won’t talk to either of you ever again. Well, I guess I’ll have to for work, but other than that, no!”
All Jack and Sammy could manage were a few sputters, followed by some mutters, ending in a long stretch of silence that Susie interrupted.
“Are you two okay with that?”
“Of course not!” Jack exclaimed just as Sammy shouted “No!”
“Then start getting along!”
Sammy scowled at her, “It’s none of your business!”
Susie crossed her arms, “It is my business when the two people I work closest with decide they can’t be civil for even a full minute.”
“It doesn’t affect our work-” Jack began.
“Yes, it does!” Susie seemed to have reached a limit, “Think of how much better our songs would be if you two collaborated! Think of how much less tension there’d be! Maybe I wouldn’t constantly feel like the middlewoman for you two! Maybe we could be…”
Jack’s heart rate quickened, “What? We could be what?”
Sammy also perked up at her words.
The sewer ink sloshed insistently against Jack’s boots and he stumbled to stay upright.
Susie met their hopeful gazes with a glare, “We can’t be anything if your hatred for each other is more than your love for me!”
Jack’s racing thoughts stuttered and stalled. He wanted to tell her that he loved her. Of course he loved her so much more than his hatred for Sammy! He wanted to assure her that the two of them could make it work.
Then something big and dripping rose up just beside Jack. So caught up in his thoughts, it took the lyricist a moment to fathom that there was a gigantic ink creature swaying beside him. He stared wide-eyed, a scream frozen in his throat, as it reached forward. Susie shrieked as its seeking fingers grabbed hold of her. Jack and Sammy couldn’t move.
Before either of them could so much as blink, the creature disappeared down the long, dark sewer tunnel, carrying a screaming Susie with it.
Jack started screaming, too.
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scourgewins · 3 years
*Gives Shawn a tiny itsy bitsy kittlen* ITS YOURS AND GRANTS SON!!!!
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Awww, thank you! They're gonna love him so much! Shawn's even too awed to take a chance at a pun. Kitten son will be cherished!!!
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scourgewins · 3 years
(1/2) Wally, does it bother you that everyone thinks you're an idiot, that you'll never amount to anything, and that no one would care about you if they weren't laughing at you? Sorry, bud, but I speak the truth. There's a reason why you're so lonely despite being surrounded by friends, and that's because deep down, you know none of them care about you beyond seeing you as a source of cheap entertainment. And it will only get worse as you age. A cute lil' incompetent kid might get cooed over and
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He can't handle even thinking about it! He's gonna be convinced he's a failure for a long time.
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scourgewins · 3 years
don't worry Sammy you'll do great on the baking show. :)
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If you manage to catch Boris on fire without even starting the oven, you know it's gonna be a great show.
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scourgewins · 3 years
susie i love you but you have to pick someone, they are both great possible boyfriends *coughpicksammycough* just listen to your heart and see which guy you really feel that spark with
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She's starting to stall again! She's honestly having a hard time choosing between them now!
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