scoutsystem · 6 days
Phea Stimboard
❝ The beauty of their angel wings is comforting ❞
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Requested by @sourpatch-sys I hope the alter the stimboard is for likes it!
Requests are always open but read pinned before sending one
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scoutsystem · 6 days
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Flag is meant to be redesigned if desired
An alter that is an introject of Hatesune Miku.
(This Blog was created to repost terms for the convenience and comfort of others. If you remake a reclaimed flag please tag me.)
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scoutsystem · 11 days
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Wow, it's so loud in here.
╰ 🌿
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scoutsystem · 13 days
oh yeah if you wanna date me you have to defeat my seven evil alters
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scoutsystem · 13 days
DID + NPD + Psychotic tendencies culture is yes I'm a walking bad stereotype please shut up about it thank you
- 🐟🍵🎸
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scoutsystem · 13 days
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There's a disturbing lack of Lancer stuff so i'm contributing 🤌
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𝑭2𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒔!
𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 - 𝑀𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟
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scoutsystem · 1 month
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Cheergiver flag (repost)
PT: Cheergiver flag (repost)
"A cheergiver is an alter whose role is to make those within, but also people outside of the system happy. They may feel the need to comfort or help cheer up anybody who is upset, are a people pleaser, and may hold trauma around needing to cater to somebodies' emotional needs." - The only definition we can find is from an endo neutral source, but can be located here should anyone want to read it.
Note: This is not an original flag! We found a version of a cheergiver flag we like on this post. This is a remake of the flag which was originally made by @//idolsystem (which is not us; they're someone with the same url who deactivated). If anyone has an archived version of this flags coining post feel free to send it our way!
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scoutsystem · 1 month
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Idol alter flag (repost)
PT: Idol alter flag (repost)
"An idol alter is an alter who is an idol, feels connected to idols, wants to be an idol, and/or just likes idols."
Note: This is not an original flag! We found a version of this flag on this post. This is a remake of the flag, which was originally made by @//idolsystem (which is not us; they're someone with the same url who deactivated). If anyone has an archived version of this flags coining post feel free to send it our way!
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scoutsystem · 2 months
plural introject culture is source you calling himself an “ordinary man” while you’re an npd holder
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scoutsystem · 3 months
Draws some of my system members
“Who’s that?”
Oh yk just one of my “characters” wink wink
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scoutsystem · 3 months
| -> Maxfictivic
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✿ A xenogender related to one being a fictive of Max from Sam and Max.
✧ coined by us!!
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scoutsystem · 4 months
fictive culture is forgetting that you/your sysmates are "characters" to most people and seeing weird content about yourself/them and going "that's a real-ass person" instinctively and then realizing that you look like a fool
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scoutsystem · 4 months
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I write this as a joke but we found someone new this morning.
╰ 🌿
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scoutsystem · 4 months
you guys are weird about fictives with problematic sources. you guys are weird about fictives with no source separation. you guys are weird about fictives with complete source separation. you guys are weird about fictives with partial source separation. you guys are weird about fictives who’s source is a comfort for them and their system. you guys are weird about fictives. you guys are weird
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scoutsystem · 4 months
*by doubles i just mean sourced sysmates with the same source(s) as you
please dont be too discoursey on this poll. feel free to explain your answers, im just curious about this.
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scoutsystem · 7 months
saw voice hello there singlet and / or non introject. in front of you is a fictive from a piece of media you like. your job is to have a conversation with them without turning it into a conversation about shipping — double points if they've specifically asked you not to discuss this ship with them as it makes them uncomfortable — if you fail, your head motherfucking explodes. good luck
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scoutsystem · 10 months
i love ur flags so much *o* can we request a noelle holiday flag?? >w>
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Noelle Holiday Introject / Kin Flag!
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Thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy! And thank you so much for the support! 🦇
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