scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
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“what matters here is that you are doing the right thing now.” kaleb encouraged the other, stapling a flyer of his own to a post nearby. “and hey, in my honest opinion, he doesn’t seem abandoned at all, happy face or not. he’s well-fed and very trusting of others, that’s something you’ll never see in a homeless dog.”
Harlyn listened carefully before raising a finger to Kaleb’s lips. “Shhh. You're making me feel bad. Like I did something wrong.” Which obviously she had. He was right. The puppy was anything from abandoned by the looks of it. She’d stolen a dog. But, of course, she didn’t like to hear those kind of things.
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
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“Unbelievable,” Harper muttered, staring at his friend in disbelief. And to think he seen it all, Harlyn turns around and surprises him once again. “The good thing here is, you’re returning him – or her back to it’s owner. Like, imagine if you decided to keep it. I’d lose my mind, I think.”
Harlyn frowned at her friend tilting her head. “Oh come on, it wouldn’t be so bad to have a dog around. I mean- imagine the pictures! My insta would explode from the cuteness.” The girl let her mind wander the possibilities. She couldn’t help that she really, really wanted to keep the cute little puppy. But knowing her, it probably belonged to someone. “And I mean... is it really so unbelievable?”
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
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“Oh, do you go all klepto when you get drunk? I knew someone like that in college. I wasn’t even drinking with them, they just came into my room, tried to steal my computer, and then ended up stealing me instead. I’m lucky I was their friend!” She smiled with closed lips, a bit worried for the poor klepto drunks of the world. “Honestly, just make it a surprise! No one says no to a puppy.”
“I wouldn’t say completely klepto, but a bit- yeah,” Harlyn giggled, though she frowned to herself at the thought. Often times, she barely remembered what she did when she was drunk. Many times she’d found herself somewhere she didn’t remember being, she’s bothered her roommate more times than she could count. Laughing, she shook her head. “I’ll have to remember to kidnap someone when I get drunk next time.” Grinning at the girl, she nodded. “Maybe. Hopefully. I love dogs so I’m really hoping that no one answers the flyer.”
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
sorry I’ve been kind of absent you guys! I’ll be on as long as I can stay up tonight, I've just been feeling horrible lately. Hit me up for any plots you may want with Harls or Miles! :)
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
Being in the hospital was something Josiah absolutely h a t e d. But no matter how much he said he was okay and didn’t need to stay for observation they just w o u l d n ’ t listen. ‘You hit the ground pretty hard’ ‘You got a few deep cuts from the glass’, blah blah blah, w h a t e v e r. He took the given free time to try and think about his next cosplay. S k e t c h i n g things out a bit until he heard a voice. “I’m okay. Annoyed because they don’t let me leave.” He mumbles a bit before looking up at the girl. When he did he f r o z e a little. It was the girl who caused him to completely destroy the flower stand that brought him here in the first place. “..but you don’t have to worry about anything.” His words came out more like a question that a statement.
“It’s not like I would blame you for any of this. I’m just a clumsy i d i o t.” He chuckles a little bit, shrugging at his own words. “Did you bring me f l o w e r s?” He asks, a little taken a back by the gesture. No one had ever brought him flowers before.
Flinching as she bit her lip again, she stopped herself and tilted her head entering the room completely. “Yeah, hospitals are the worse. But at least your in an actual room and not the ER. It takes forever to get out of there.” Harlyn gave a wry grin. She’d had enough visits to know that was true, usually from too much liquor and a nice little bump in her car. She never hurt anyone else, and her lisence had been suspended more times than she could count. That’s why she bummed rides on the weekends. What was the use of partying if you couldn’t get around. Focusing on the task at hand, she moved to place the flowers on his bedside. 
“Well you should, obviously.” She didn’t even believe her own words, but she couldn’t help the sinking feeling of guilt. Moving the flowers around just a bit, she looked at them for a moment before nodding. “I’m sorry they don’t match the room well, I couldn’t remember what ghastly color they had after the refurbish. But at least it’ll brighten the room a bit.” She turned to look over at him, crossing her arms on the bed rail as she bent. The wryness was back in her toothy grin. “D’you like them?”
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
"Shh, shh- no shhhh," Harlyn giggled, pushing the pretty blonde that had followed her back out the door. "My roommate is sleeping. She's a big meannie. So no." Her eyelids were heavy and, even leaned against the door, she wobbled on her heels. "Where's Oliver. Go find Ollie and I might let you in." The words slurred as she blinked slowly. "It's okay- just go. Really, just go." Backing up and shutting the door in the others face, she giggled as the wood slammed. Her voice raised slightly as she wandered through the house she called home. She was sure she was close to passing out, and yet at the same time she wanted to stay awake. Harlyn found her way easily into the hallway, landing by Misty's door. She slid down the wall, knocking lightly. "Miss Misty... pssst, hey Misty. Are you awake? Probably not because I told Sexy Mexi that you were sleeping and that’s why she couldn't come in. Cause I would have made her scream and then you would've been awake." Sighing, her hands dropped beside her. "I'm sorry. I'm drunk. I'm always drunk." Tilting her head back, she glanced at the door, before dragging her hand up to turn the knob, not realizing that she'd fall back as the door opened. "Shit!" A yelp and a loud thud followed the word and giggles followed that. "Ow."
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
Running through the automatic doors, Harlyn checked her phone absentmindedly and pulled the corner of her lip between her teeth. She felt horrible. Absolutely horrible, though of course there was no way to tell if it had been her fault. the woman tapped her foot in the elevator, watching the numbers light up as it moved. She was lost in her own thoughts really. Replaying the horrendous moment over and over in her head. She had waved at him, a familiar face in the crowd, smiled brightly at him. She'd been meaning to meet up with the cosplayer, having become a fan of his instagram. 
Floating through the halls, her lip started throbbing from how much she was chewing on it. thin fingers reached up to pat the area, knowing it was probably past red. "Shit," she groaned before pausing outside the door that held a familiar name. Gripping the floral arrangement in her hands, she took a deep breath and knocked on the frame before poking her head through the open doorway. "Hey, sugarbug! How you feeling?"
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
“How did you know that you stole it though? I mean, if it had a collar, it would have a place to return the dog to. And if it was out in the wild without a collar, then it might have been a stray!” A grin formed on her lips, almost visibly shaking with excitement. “And that means you have a puppy!”
“Because I was drunk and anything that ends up in my house the next day was obviously stolen.” Her grin turned mischievous before blinking it away. “I hope so, but with past experience I very much doubt it. And I don’t know how happy my roommate would be about it. I already keep the house cluttered as it is.”
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
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junseok was truly speechless. what had happened to humanity over the past decade? so he held himself back from preaching her ears off and instead just turned his head away from her in a sassy manner. ‘ … r i g h t, ‘ he mumbled more or less to himself.
Harlyn felt her lips turn lightly at the man before her. “Yes, right. So have you seen any family, or person with this dog?” She held her flyer up to him, brow raised. 
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
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     SHE’S BEEN looking for Bandit all night, and the fact that somebody had found him before something bad could’ve happened made it feel like the WORLD had been lifted off her shoulders. Surely Ophelia would k i l l her if she lost Reign just a little while after they adopted him. “ That’s my dog ! Oh thank the lords above, my wife would kill me if I couldn’t find him. “ The husky on the photo makes her breathe a sigh of relief, placing a hand over her heart to calm it’s rapid beats. “ His names Bandit and he ran off when I took him outside to pee last night. But you’re right, I’ve been flipping the FUCK out since. “
“Oh?” Harlyn asked, her gaze turning to the other girl with wide eyes. “I was wondering why he was just wandering around. And of course, I just had to scoop him up.” Reaching out, she tore down the flyer and put it back in the stack in her arms, clutching it to her chest. “I probably should have remembered you guys got a dog recently. He’s the cutest little thing.” Smiling brightly, she tilted her head back towards her house- or at least the direction it was in.
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
“Since when did dogs whisper and it wasn’t programmed into them through some weird technology, or in some 2nd dimension video game world?” She stifled a laugh however, at the change in voice, biting down on her lower lip. “If the dog spoke like that, I think I wouldn’t be able to breathe long enough to help it, or myself, move more than 2 feet.”
“Well, it didn’t really talk. But you could just hear it what with the way he was watching me. He was just a puppy. All alone in the cold.” Her smile fell as the other continued to laugh. “I did the right thing and I stand by it. And now I’m doing the right thing again. By returning him. Hopefully.”
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
“obviously i’d be offering the cigarette. that’s how the whole conversation starts.” she explained with a shrug. “why would it be better to ask for one in this situation?”
Harlyn grinned, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. “Well, I’d love one then, and I believe the answer to your question would be truth.” Biting her lip, she held out her hand expectantly. “Maybe because you just put one out. Could've been your last one. Like your look by the way.”
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
van squinted her eyes at the other as they began speaking. “so- you stole someones dog? perhaps drinking is something you should only participate in when there are NO animals around.” she shifted her focus to the flyer. “the dog didn’t have a number that could be called on it’s collar? cause this whole poster thing might not work out the way you’re expecting it too.”
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Harlyn smile and nodded as she stood back and surveyed her handiwork. “You are probably right about that. But he was left on the street. How could I not?” Tilting her head, she took in a deep breath and smiled slightly. “No. Just a name and a vets office. I guess I could’ve called the vet, huh?” Maybe it was the hangover that was bothering her judgement.
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
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She couldn’t help the laugh from bubbling out from inside her at the story, not even bothering to cover her mouth as she wheezed. “You stole someone’s dog, while you were drunk? And now you’re putting up fliers for a stolen dog, that you stole?” She was practically choking on air at this point, holding her stomach. “I need a second. This is all too much for me. Holy fishsticks.”
“Well, I couldn’t help it. It’s little eyes were just peering up at me and whispering that I come and save it.” The woman pouted as she stroked the picture of the dog. “Help me, don’t leave me here alone.” Her voice changed, mimicking what she expected the dog’s voice to sound like if it had one. “I’m never in my right mind when I drink.”
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
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     she wore a leather jacket as a dress and she’s leaned against a brick wall with a lit cigarette between her lips. she was the E P I T O M E of youthful angst and rebellion. she removed the cigarette from its home between her cherry lip gloss coated lips. “i read somewhere that offering a cigarette is a good way to start a conversation. true OR false?” as she mused out loud she stomped the cigarette beneath the toe of her high heels.
“I ‘spose that depends on whether you’re offering it to me, or if you’re assuming I’m offering to you.” Harlyn looked at the woman, a smile lighting her lips as she approached the other woman. 
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scperbaby-blog1 · 7 years
“Look- I might have or might have not been drunk. And when I’m drunk animals look lonely and they end up getting brought home with me,” Harlyn said with the slightest of shrugs as she stapled the flyer to the wooden post beam. She’d been surprised that there were any even still left around. “See, he’s happy in the picture because he wasn’t abandoned. But I feel bad because I stole a puppy and his owner is probably freaking.”
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