scratchmaul · 4 years
Blog Update #10
Scot Addison here! Wow it’s been a bit. A lot has happened. Me, Daci and Seth have finally entered the game! Me being the Hero of LOCAF, the Land of Clouds and Frogs. Although i haven’t really seen any frogs here yet. I have seen some funny iguanas gliding around with their frills though! Daci is the Hero of LOPAB, the Land of Peaks and Bonsai. She says the view from her house is amazing! And Seth is the Hero of LOMAS, the Land of Mirage and Sand! He said he saw some strange things there in the distance lately. Oh uh, Update on Iris, Dane and Fuji! Iris has been trying to complete her quest! she’s apparently trying to achieve something that will help her complete it? She worded it weirdly. Fuji isn’t doing so well, she’s been searching for her grandpa for a long time now, she got really injured in the process due to the ongoing war on her planet. I hope she’s doing ok. Dane is going to sleep more. He’s helping with the Derse situation. Oh right! We found out that after our entry, another pair of Queens came onto Prospit and Derse along with presumably two more Kings on the Battlefield! Which is concerning. The Dersites are being very aggressive to eachother and Dane is helping with that. On Prospit the two Queens can’t help but seem to get in eachother’s way. They want to help eachother but they constantly bump more into eachother than actually work together. They each have their own rings too! Apparently Dane found out about these two Agents on Derse who are both called Jack, They seem to be very aggressive to eachother so Dane is keeping an extra eye on them. He doesn’t know much about what goes on internally on Derse but he gets an extra bad feeling about them. Things seem to be ok i guess. Anyway, uh, my advice for today? Don’t give up yet! I’m sure everything will work out in the end! - Scot Addison
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Dane here. I have been informed about Discord and have proceeded to create my own Discord Account i will share with Fuji and Iris. Along with our own Discord Server. Now you could help us through this fucked up session in real time! Fun. Link to the Server ===> https://discord.gg/tB9Nzge
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Seth stop messaging me about this now.
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You shouldn’t have access to this blog yet god damnit, get your own blog or something. Also what the fuck is a discord?
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scratchmaul · 4 years
I’m Scot Addison!! Seth is currently trying to get me in the game!! It’s really scary!! Uh, painting rules.
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scratchmaul · 4 years
This seems interesting.
Hey, i’m Daci Brooks. I like ninjas and fish :)
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Fuji here!! Apologies for the previous post!! Uhm, i may have given Seth access to the blog. Sorry :(
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scratchmaul · 4 years
sup peeps.
pizza rules
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Blog Update #9
Dane here. Some news regarding the other kids on Derse. Apparently the boy decided to wake me up on Derse while I was sailing around on my planet. The boy looked a bit freaked out. We talked, his name is Seth Kenzou and he said he was helping his friend Scott into the session until the girl, Daci, accidentally woke him up on Derse. He noticed my tower and decided to wake me up as well to ask a couple questions while the girl went back to sleep in her tower. Mainly asking who the hell I am and why i’m here while im not playing with them on Earth. I did my best to explain my situation, he gave me his chumhandle so I could explain it to him later through Pesterchum. I later gave the others his Pesterchum too so they can ask their own questions. He eventually fell back asleep in MY TOWER and i had to DRAG HIM BACK TO HIS. I can only imagine someone or something woke him up on Earth BUT STILL don’t just drool on my floor. Anyway that’s all. My Advice for today: Don’t drool in my tower. - Dane Brooks
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Blog Update #8
Iris here again. I fell asleep again, and do i have some news. So i finally went over to the boy’s tower on Prospit’s moon to wake him up. Unfortunately, i couldn’t wake him up. However Prospit’s moon was going into Skaia again and i saw some strange things in the clouds. I saw another Prospit! But completely grayed out and with no towers. Now that i think of it, it may have also been Derse. But it seemed like it was in this session! The Scratch may have tried to bring in a whole ‘nother Prospit and Derse until it recognized that there already were Dream Planets in this session. So they could’ve just been leftovers from the Post-Scratch Session that never came to be. It looks dead. - Iris Addison
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Dane is an idiot.
I have come to make an announcement. Dane is a fucking idiot.
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We could’ve atleast asked them what their deal was. But nooo, Mr. Katanaboy had better things to do than potentially save the session. You better get back to sleep soon and wake them up or so help me god i will make sure Fuji’s pig brings you to me personally.
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Blog Update #7.5
Iris is yelling at me for not waking up one of the kids in the towers. Like I appreciate you would like to meet these kids, but seriously I need to not get eaten here by huge fish. I’m calling this Update #7.5 seeing as there is nothing to really update on whatsoever.
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Blog Update #7
[Last update also doesn’t count.] Dane here. I saw a lot. To start off I also noticed two new towers on Derse’s moon, i checked them out. One contains a sleeping girl with a, hair bun? Ponytail? I don’t know what that is i’m not a girl. The second tower contains a sleeping boy with light hair and very long bangs with what seems to be hairbands holding them? Listen i’m not a fashion expert so I don’t know what that’s called exactly. Not like i really care to be honest. I floated away from the moon to have a better look at the session, the Veil is in the way but I think i could make out two new planets. One looked very deserty while the other just seemed to be covered in clouds. After that I floated closer to Derse. There was no visible commotion around as far as I can tell. Dersites just stared at me. Fun. Anyway i’m awake again, I slept on a damn boat. Hope you’re happy Iris. My Advice for today: Don’t sleep on boats. - Dane Brooks
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scratchmaul · 4 years
blog update 7
Hi!! Fuji here! So i messaged Dane and he seems to be asleep! Lazy butt. He never really helped me with decorating either! He’s so lazy. Update on the chameleons! Apparently there were a lot of chameleon friends in that cave :O Me and my piggy got as much food as we could from our house to feed the chameleons!! I made a lot of apple pie! Thanks to my piggy we managed to get back pretty quick! Actually i don’t really know how i could’ve gotten back into my house without my piggy, he’s really special! I love him and i like to think he loves me too <3 I haven’t seen my grandpa in a while. I hope he’s ok out there! If you’re reading this grandpa, i will find you and i WILL give you the biggest hug i’ve ever given! thank you for reading - Fuji Kenzou <3
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Oh god. If that’s the case, this is going to be a real mess. But uh, hey. Atleast we won’t be stuck here forever with just us three I don’t even know what effect this would have on the game. We could have a 2xScrewup Combo on our hands. Still gotta tell Dane to check, can never be too sure.
Blog Update #6
Iris again. I took a nap and visited Prospit. We have a new tower and i am pretty damn sure that Dane is a Derse Dreamer. I looked inside the tower and there was just. A boy. He has round glasses and dark hair. I’m getting worried that we may have forgotten to invite another player to our session or something. It all just doesn’t really add up. I just left him to sleep, i am not ready to wake him up yet. If i even can. So i got off the moon and went down to the planet. Some weird stuff was going down, a group of Prospitians were gathered around the White Queen? It looked like she had her ring off, don’t know why she’d take it off or even leave her throne room for that matter. I don’t really know what’s going on but it’s all very fishy. Apparently the others are doing stuff, i haven’t been able to help Dane much lately, Fuji apparently decorated my house a bit. It’s. Nice. I doubt Dane has helped Fuji much, atleast he got her to the first gate. Oh, i should probably mention the order of who’s whose Server Player. I am the Server Player of Dane, Dane’s the Server Player of Fuji and Fuji’s my Server Player. So yeah, if anyone has any idea what could be going on. I’m all ears. In the meantime i’ll contact Dane and see if he’s doing alright. - Iris Addison
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Iris here. You can say that something is clearly wrong, yeah. I’m still not sure exactly what went wrong, but i can only guess it has something to do with the Scratch Construct itself. It’s apparently broken. I should probably ask Dane to sleep and check up on Derse if similar things are happening, maybe even ask him if he can see other planets from Derse. I’m starting to think that the Scratch Construct wasn’t completely broken after all. So yeah. Fuck.
Blog Update #6
Iris again. I took a nap and visited Prospit. We have a new tower and i am pretty damn sure that Dane is a Derse Dreamer. I looked inside the tower and there was just. A boy. He has round glasses and dark hair. I’m getting worried that we may have forgotten to invite another player to our session or something. It all just doesn’t really add up. I just left him to sleep, i am not ready to wake him up yet. If i even can. So i got off the moon and went down to the planet. Some weird stuff was going down, a group of Prospitians were gathered around the White Queen? It looked like she had her ring off, don’t know why she’d take it off or even leave her throne room for that matter. I don’t really know what’s going on but it’s all very fishy. Apparently the others are doing stuff, i haven’t been able to help Dane much lately, Fuji apparently decorated my house a bit. It’s. Nice. I doubt Dane has helped Fuji much, atleast he got her to the first gate. Oh, i should probably mention the order of who’s whose Server Player. I am the Server Player of Dane, Dane’s the Server Player of Fuji and Fuji’s my Server Player. So yeah, if anyone has any idea what could be going on. I’m all ears. In the meantime i’ll contact Dane and see if he’s doing alright. - Iris Addison
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Blog Update #6
Iris again. I took a nap and visited Prospit. We have a new tower and i am pretty damn sure that Dane is a Derse Dreamer. I looked inside the tower and there was just. A boy. He has round glasses and dark hair. I’m getting worried that we may have forgotten to invite another player to our session or something. It all just doesn’t really add up. I just left him to sleep, i am not ready to wake him up yet. If i even can. So i got off the moon and went down to the planet. Some weird stuff was going down, a group of Prospitians were gathered around the White Queen? It looked like she had her ring off, don’t know why she’d take it off or even leave her throne room for that matter. I don’t really know what’s going on but it’s all very fishy. Apparently the others are doing stuff, i haven’t been able to help Dane much lately, Fuji apparently decorated my house a bit. It’s. Nice. I doubt Dane has helped Fuji much, atleast he got her to the first gate. Oh, i should probably mention the order of who’s whose Server Player. I am the Server Player of Dane, Dane’s the Server Player of Fuji and Fuji’s my Server Player. So yeah, if anyone has any idea what could be going on. I’m all ears. In the meantime i’ll contact Dane and see if he’s doing alright. - Iris Addison
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scratchmaul · 4 years
Iris here. I double, triple checked if i did really scratch all the way. Or well, is scratch even the correct term for it? If anything i snapped the strings on my Scratch Construct. Didn’t really “scratch” anything. But yes. I’m pretty sure it went ALL the way through.
Blog Update #1
Hey, this is going to be our first Blog Update. In this Blog Update I will introduce myself along with attempt to explain what has happened so far in our session. My name is Dane Brooks, Hero of LOMAO, the Land of Mines and Oceans. I wield katanakind and fshngrodkind. My Denizen is Njord. The other players in this session are Iris Addison, Hero of LOSAS, the Land of Storms and Strings. And Fuji, Hero of LOCAW. Now we recently found out that our session cannot bear any fruit and we are not able to win it in its state. Which meant that we needed to initiate something called “The Scratch” with Iris’ “Scratch Construct”. It’s basically a session resetter, which means that we will all get erased and let the next generation play the game in the hopes that they may complete the game. Not that it really matters for us, but it’d rather give someone else the chance to win rather than sit here forever. Fuji is probably feeding some pigs or something. So we did. We initiated The Scratch. And nothing happened. We waited for a bit thinking that it may need to charge up or something. And nothing. We’ll keep you updated. - Dane Brooks
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