To those whom God has called his chosen, there is a fire burning within each of his children. It is our responsibility as His kids to tend that fire. Through Christ, we can do anything he has called us to. That fire...that passion burning in yr soul must be stroked until the passion for God becomes your ambition and motivation. I used to think my church was dry. In reality, my pastor carried the anointing and I felt that God spoke to me personally in most of the sermons. I remembered that my pastor was prayed over for years the same prayer: that laborers would be brought into the harvest. The congregation was dry. God asked me to do something. See, I truly believe that there r times like these when God will say its time for us, his chosen, to do something instead of sitting by and waiting on him. He needs us in order to accomplish his will on earth. Now, I pray for revival in my church and have utilized the gifts God has given me to help my church. I am responsible for most of the photography and videography. We r called to b a light. We r the salt of the earth. So let's change the world
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When someone we love dies, it's never easy. Recently someone who was a father figure in my life, who showed me what a real father should be, and was one of my biggest supporters...went to be with the Lord. He had the biggest hands and the sweetest, kindest, strongest heart. I believe God puts certain people in our lives for a reason. It may b for a season. It may b for a lifetime. And there's a reason for everything. I'm not saying God curses his children. I'm saying He can always turn yr bad into good. My old friend was in my life for the time God wanted me to have with him. Through my old friend, God was teaching me I should always love myself . My old friend showed me unconditional love when I couldn't love myself. He believed in me like Noone else did. He always encouraged me and told me to chase my dreams. It hit me unexpectedly when he died. He was so strong, so loving. He wanted to see me go to college and get married. But I am grateful for the lesson God taught me thru him.
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In the Bible God tells us he is in the wind. His Holy Spirit can b heard and felt as a strong, rushing wind sometimes. One day my dad was walking in a forest asking for God to show Himself and a wind came thru the trees and he knew God was in the wind. A couple weeks ago when I was worshiping God and we had a moment of silence, we all heard this rushing wind in the room. I knew it was Holy Spirit. God can show himself to us in many different ways. Walking through a meadow near my house, the wind was stronger and as I heard the wind whispe thru the trees I was reminded. I remember when Phil Robertson said that if a man wants to get away from the sin and trouble of this world...go to the country. In such a still, peaceful place as that, how can man sin? So if you're waiting to hear from God, i suggest you get out into His creation and listen to the wind for his voice.
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Music has a way of speaking to the voices in our hearts. Different types of music, different types of songs...address how we feel. What music we listen to identifies certain character traits in us. I grew up listening to Christian Contemporary and now that I have my own relationship with God, the songs mean more to me. They ignite a passionate fire in me for God. I also grew up with country music thanks to my stepbrother. Being from Louisiana, this music makes me passionate abt where I'm from. On a deeper level, God has shown me lately that our attitude towards life can b reflected in what music we listen to. God recently delivered me from the absolute fear of man that used to control me. Now I rly don't care what other ppl think or what they can do to me bc I rest in the arms of my heavenly Father. So when I hear broken heart music, I don't like it anymore bc God has healed my broken heart. I still go through things, but God is my medicine and my strength in the pain. Not the music that gives me permission to wallow in my sorrow.
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Patience in the waiting. This what God has been teaching me. The old me would get attached to other people only too easily bc of the empty hole in my heart that came from never having a real dad. My birth father disappeared and I've never even seen a pic of him or heard his voice. I only went by what I was told: that I look like him. My adopted father (my uncle) gave me a lot of emotional abuse growing up and I'll admit that at the age of 17 I'm still suffering from that. For a long time I was in bondage to fear and believed only what I knew was real. I paid attention only to my circumstances and lost my faith. Oh I was raised with religion (and believe it or not my dad was a preacher) but I was never spiritual. But God met me in the middle of my situation and saw the real me. He took my brokenness caused by my earthly father and filled the hole in my heart with the love of my heavenly father. So if ur still reading this, I'm here to lyk that God is greater than any pain u r going through. Ur whole world could b crashing down around you but if u focus yr eyes on God instead of the pain then yr heart will not b affected by the world crashing down around u. Why? Bc God is yr world.
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Last night's sunset pt. 2
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Last night's beautiful tropical sunset
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Mother and daughter relationships can def b complicated lol. But recently I've learned that in this type of relationship, just like any other, each person has to give something of themselves. This is communicated through being completely honest with yourself and the other person. It requires trust. It requires bravery to put yourself out there and hope the other person understands you. But it's give and take. I know my mother's sense of humor is different from mine because there is a big age gap between our generations. We have our differences. I used to blame all our disagreements on her. I always thought I had a relationship with my dad instead of my mom but I was lying to myself (more on that later) . I didn't know how to b a woman because I was spending all my time with my dad instead of my mom. And God is working to develop a relationship btw me and my mom and I am so overjoyed. A lot of the hate btw me and my mom was caused by my own selfish pride. I felt like I couldn't trust her bc the emotional abuse i suffered from her that left a deep scar. But bc of God's love I have the boldness to tell her what is on my heart. And God has shown me I can talk to her. She has started thanking me for the little things I do for her that she didn't notice before. Recently she had a health scare and lost so much blood internally she could have died had it been external. I believe she encountered God the same way I did. God is showing me that she has loved me all along. In her own pain and anger she lashed out but now that she appreciated her life more, she is more grateful for the people in her life. The separation btw us while she was at the hospital did some good. My main point is, if you're you're through a difficult season of life, don't stress. Give it to God. Cast all your cares upon him for he cares for you. ☆The pain u r feeling now cannot compare to the joy that's coming☆
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There is a difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is the result of events happening in one's life that incur pleasure. Joy is the result of something deep within you that can be your motivation and drive. Joy comes from the heart. Happiness comes from external things. Happiness can fade but Joy never will. This type of Joy is consistent and remains in your heart. This Joy is called the Joy of the Lord. By living in a relationship with Him, by giving yr whole life to him and every aspect of yr life...God will renew your mind from the inside out. If you let Him. Speaking from experience, I let God make his home in my heart and I have never been the same since. Bad things will happen but the mindset of the Joy of the Lord is what can carry a believer through any and every attack of the Enemy. In the end, we have the victory because of Christ's Joy in us. Because of his freedom, we have life and life more abundantly.
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