scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
short hiatus through the exam period ln tumblr and discord. sorry to anyone it effects.
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
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Queen Serenity + the silver crystal
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
Treat ‘em mean - keep ‘em keen? No. It was never anything like that. Usually, I just had the unethical habit of acting like an absolute prick which ensured that people either wanted me or hated me. Lips curling up into a small smile at how close we are; there’s a small sighing huff that escapes from me as I step back away.
“Guess it’s time for you to go then.” They’re not the kind of words I’d usually say yet at the same time I’m completely aware and disapproving of how my own conflict inside my head is playing off and out emotions that I shouldn’t have. Rubbing the back of my neck in an oblivious teenage fashion I hadn’t for a long while, it’s off the ice and back from a small escape of reality to normalization.
“....so..”, the word hovers for almost a second too long in the air as I swallow my nerves back of which I for no real reason have. Keep yourself together Kai. “I’ll see you during the week sometime?”
It almost comes out as an excuse of reluctance on my behalf, but then I remember that I’m the pathetic one here near begging for an old friend to help me sort out my life with a single worded answer. Wonder what she’ll say....
Something old - thoughts new.
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
Coco sentence starters
90 starters feel free to change gender pronouns
“Sometimes I think I’m cursed. Because of something that happened before I was even born.”
“I used to run like this, but now I run like this, which is way faster.”
“I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side. Dimple, no dimple. Dimple, no dimple.”
“_____, eat your food.”
“Oh, you’re a twig, _____, eat some more.”
“Remember me. Though I have to say goodbye, remember me.”
“Don’t let it make you cry, for even if I’m far away I hold you in my heart.”
“I wanna be just like him.”
“Sometimes, I look at _____ and I get this feeling like we’re connected somehow.”
“Nuh-uh. My family would freak.”
“Show me what you got, muchacho. I’ll be your first audience.”
“You know better than to be here in this place! You will come home. Now.”
“Never name a street dog. They’ll follow you forever.”
“You have to have talent to be in a talent show.”
“Don’t give me that look.”
“Dia de los Muertos is the one night of the year where our ancestors can come visit us.”
“I don’t want you sneaking off to who knows where. *gasps* Where are you going?”
“Being part of this family means being here for this family.”
“Never mention that man! He’s better off forgotten.”
“I’m hard on you because I care, _____.”
“The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart.”
“I never knew I could want something so much, but it’s true.”
“Never underestimate the power of music.”
“When you see your moment, you mustn’t let it pass you by. You must seize it!”
“Break out the good stuff! I want to make a toast!”
“What is all this? You keep secrets from your own family?”
“You want to end up like that man? Forgotten?”
“This isn’t a dream then. You’re all really out there.”
“I thought it might’ve been one of those made up things adults tell kids. Like vitamins.”
“Woah, _____, can’t have you fainting on us.”
“Two seconds and you already break your promise.”
“I will not let you go down the same path he did.”
“Listen to _____. She’s just looking out for you.”
“I can help you. You can help me. We can help each other. But most importantly, you can help me.”
“Ay, he is going to get himself killed!”
“That… was a lie. I apologize for that.”
“_____! We shouldn’t be in here.”
“And what if everything was on fire?! Yes! Fire everywhere!”
“Inspired! You have the spirit of an artist.”
“If you’re such great friends, how come he didn’t invite you?”
“Why in the heck would you wanna be a musician?”
“I don’t want to see your stupid face, _____.”
“I’m fading, _____. I can feel it.”
“You want it, you got to earn it.”
“When there’s no one left in the living world who remembers you, you disappear from this world. We call it the final death.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You always this nervous before a performance?”
“I don’t just wanna get _____’s blessing, I need to prove that I’m worthy of it.”
“Oh, that’s such a sweet sentiment at such a bad time!”
“We gotta get outta here!”
“You don’t wanna help me. You only care about yourself!”
“Stay away from me!”
“This nonsense ends now, _____!”
“I am trying to save your life!”
“You’re ruining my life!”
“Music’s the only thing that makes me happy. And you wanna take that away. You’ll never understand.”
“That’s what family’s supposed to do. Support you. But you never will.”
“Hey, what’s wrong? Is it too much? You look overwhelmed.”
“Did you ever regret it? Choosing music over everything else?”
“One cannot deny who one is meant to be.”
“It has been an honor. I’m sorry to see you go, _____.”
“I hope you die very soon.”
“We had a deal, _____!”
“Who are you? What is the meaning of this?”
“Look. I don’t wanna fight about it. I just want you to make it right.”
“You wanna give up now, when we’re this close to reaching our dream?”
“Hate me if you want, but my mind is made up.”
“You poisoned me.”
“You’re confusing movies with reality, _____.”
“You took everything away from me! You rat!”
“Success doesn’t come free, _____. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to seize your moment.”
“I always hoped that I’d see her again. That she missed me.”
“_____, I was so worried! Thank goodness we found you in time.”
“How many times must I turn you away?”
“I want nothing to do with you! Not in life, not in death!”
“Nothing’s more important than family.”
“You don’t have to forgive him. But we shouldn’t forget him.”
“This is my fault, not yours. I’m sorry, _____.”
“You said ‘love of your life.’”
“I don’t know what I said!”
“I forgot what that felt like.”
“You still got it.”
“I’ve worked too hard, _____. Too hard to let him destroy everything.”
“Put me down! No! Please, I beg of you!”
“I just wanted her to know that I loved her.”
“I promise I won’t let _____ forget you!”
“I thought I’d lost you, _____.”
“We’re all together now. That’s what matters.”
“Say that I’m crazy or call me a fool, but last night it seemed that I dreamed about you.”
“Our love for each other will live on forever.”
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
Historical AU fic prompts
So, that got me thinking. AU prompts. Period dramas. I love me some period dramas. So…length long or short:
Tudor England
Wild West
Versailles and/or French Revolution
Yukon gold rush
WW1 Europe/Africa
Late 19th century/Early 20th century Middle East
80s/90s Midwest American suburbia
Ancient Rome (omg, someone please)
The Silk Road (any period)
The crusades (any period)
1930′s Depression era
Raging 20s
Meiji Japan
I’m running out of ideas, additions???
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
Pre-relationship things for your ships (Based off of real experiences)
Finding excuses to touch each other in little ways {Example: “whoa your hands look so little let’s compare” / “you had something in your hair” / “my hands are so cold feel them”}
Singing with each other when their favorite songs come on the radio and laughing awkwardly when their friends say they sound great together. 
One noticing that the other has been having a bad day and giving them a hug to try comforting them. 
Throwing stuff (grass, paper, etc.) at each other and laughing until their friends yell “get a room already!” 
One slowly becoming more comfortable with physical affection - but only if it’s coming from the other. Anyone else will get slapped. 
Sitting a little too close to each other and trying to act casual about it while their friends silently wink at them. 
Person A finding out that Person B has a crush on them when A’s best friend tells them that B has been talking to them about their feelings for A on Facebook/email/whatever. 
One tracking the other down at lunch and making them accept food that they personally made because they know the other person doesn’t have a lunch that day. 
One noticing the other looks sore and offering to work on their shoulders for them. 
Constantly insulting each other as a form of affection. When their friends finally ask why they hate each other so much, they immediately laugh, put their arms around each other’s shoulders, and say that they actually don’t hate each other and that they’re actually “offensive soulmates.” 
Having a playful flirty argument about the rules of the board game they’re playing. {Example: ”You rigged the dice. You’re such a cheater.” “Why would I rig the dice? That’s your job.”}
One singing karaoke and purposefully choosing a song that they know is meaningful to the other person. 
Sitting next to each other on a long bus/car ride and one realizing that they’re actually getting very tired, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before they fall asleep on- oops. 
‘Platonically’ and ‘sarcastically’ saying “wow, rude. Love you too, (Name),” after the other teases/insults them. 
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
she's my friend off a roleplay server and decided to make the switch from discord to tumblr. show some love!!!
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♥*♡+:。.。 fandomless oc looking for quirky folks to write with ~ shall we?
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
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紅崎瀧・Taki Kouzaki 白神潔人・Kiyohito Shirakami 蘭堂駿・Shun Rando 相楽陽介・Yousuke Sagara
Voltage Inc
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
anyone wanting to roleplay an angsty teen-to-adult lost love or an 'always a bridesmaid never a bride' scene/thread? hit me up!
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
Prompt #797
“Can you, I don’t know, stop being the worst person on the planet?” 
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
your something old thoughts new roleplay is such a cute read
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
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You may be cool. But you will never be as cool as Rikiya scolding a zombie in a haunted house because the zombie scared his girlfriend.
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scribbledmuse-blog · 6 years
Dialogue Prompt
“I’m losing my mind trying to understand you.”
“Then stop trying.”
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