scribbles-on-the-wall · 5 months
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woo first drawing of 2024! I drew this one for a friend of mine, our collective love of Lil Cal lead to this angelic lil nerd! I got a brand new ipad so i've been drawing on that and this is a result of that~! I might still play around with shading this one, not sure yet! I'm hoping to post more WIPs this year
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scribbles-on-the-wall · 9 months
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in honor of the strange one piece clown in the corner of the screen that I already edited to be Dave Strider instead, here's my favourite strange clown!! it's been ages since I drew him but he came out really cute!
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scribbles-on-the-wall · 11 months
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Just in case anyone was interested I'm doing art fight again this year! I'm hoping to get at least 2 drawings done a week but we'll see what I can manage!!
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Here he is! I meant to post him yesterday but I was working. 
This is Nick Strider! He enjoys chewing on just about anything he can get his hands on. he stims by doing flappy arms, t-rex arms are common too. he’s a little oblivious, blunt and he’s typically very excited about things. when he’s overwhelmed by any emotion he’ll start saying “nak”.  he wears the red tail because he’s obsessed with scalemates and alligators/crocodiles! people usually mistake his symbol for a health potion but it’s actually supposed to be bubbling soup. the boi is a prospit dreamer and a page of blood.  he tries so hard to be friends with people but because he’s  got the tisim he struggles and people think he’s weird. Nick is also 13. 
his mom dropped him off with a mystery sibling I’ll post later named Dion Strider. (a  stridersona my bf made since he’s very dirk esk lol) 
check under the cut for nick dancing~!
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Here he is! I meant to post him yesterday but I was working. 
This is Nick Strider! He enjoys chewing on just about anything he can get his hands on. he stims by doing flappy arms, t-rex arms are common too. he’s a little oblivious, blunt and he’s typically very excited about things. when he’s overwhelmed by any emotion he’ll start saying “nak”.  he wears the red tail because he’s obsessed with scalemates and alligators/crocodiles! people usually mistake his symbol for a health potion but it’s actually supposed to be bubbling soup. the boi is a prospit dreamer and a page of blood.  he tries so hard to be friends with people but because he’s  got the tisim he struggles and people think he’s weird. Nick is also 13. 
his mom dropped him off with a mystery sibling I’ll post later named Dion Strider. (a  stridersona my bf made since he’s very dirk esk lol) 
check under the cut for nick dancing~!
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He’s based on a nakodile and I’m so in love with him- he’s so cute. I’ll probably share him at some point anyway~
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I was playing Disney Dream light valley last night and got merlin's hat, while I was wearing a customized sleeveless dress and shiny wings! anyway it gave me thoughts about Summer being a fae witch!! so I drew her! while I was waiting for crops to grow lol. I’ll probably digitalize it later
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rso I went to a convention today that Dante Basco was at. it was so amazing to meet him. I had intended to give him a copy of this image but well- I had told him I wasn’t able to afford his autograph so he signed the copy and now I have that!! which is so amazing and made me so happy!! I hope he gets to see the digital copy at least! @rufiozuko
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got this done in nearly 18 hours of pure hyperfocus, but they came out looking amazing! this character belongs to @roses-and-grimoires​ and my mom requested I draw them! I know absolutely nothing about them but hey, they’re hella pretty!
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So here is my 2023 designs for the set of four characters I primarily draw. Kraken, Summer, Verano and Jekyll! I thought it would be nice to give them an update and see how they may change this year!
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So I don’t have my computer right now, but I still have a way to draw!
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So these were inspired by little nightmares because my bf and I have been trying to play it! These are our characters, kraken, karkus, Verano, Jekyll and Summer! They’re all lost kids inspired. Happy holidays!
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rip to Moichi.  anyway this is Moichi and his cousin Princess Lumi Whittaker. a snow fairy! Moichi belongs to my boyfriend and he’s a little baker! he’s soft and squishy and shy and we love him.  Lumi I have just a bit more info on since she’s mine!  Lumi is the snow fairy princess, she doesn’t quite understand a lot of social ques seeing as she was raised with like minded fae. she tends to take things that aren’t hers if they were left behind and will only return them for a snack, typically sugar cookies, though they will be layered in frost. her wings continuously have snow falling over them to keep them cold via her magic.  she jokingly calls freezing things Reverse arson in honor of a certain spicy red baby. 
anywho with monster prom: road trip out I thought I’d go back and revise my old character and make my boyfriend one! I decided to make them emotion sprites that you’d say see in the game.  I might make a mod for monster prom with these two but we’ll see if I can figure that out! 
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Reblog if it's OK for other artists to draw your OCs
Sometimes I get too timid to send asks to ask. I want to see how many people are ok with artists drawing their OCs!
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so this is a friends character for a dnd thing I made ages and ages ago! I decided to redraw him after friend got in contact with me again! this is Mcheck Makara.  the image on the left is the one I drew back in like 2016 and the most recent one is 2022! Mcheck is chaotic AF, in the dnd campaign he drank and licked anything and everything, he drank mewtini- he drank the meow meow. anyway we love Mcheck makara. 
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I know it’s not Halloween anymore but hey! I drew my character dressed up as the lamb from cult of the lamb! she’s very cute and I love my murder girl~
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hey all! I’ll be joining art fight this year, I’m excited to try and do this! little nervous but overall I think it’ll be a good experience! find me here! 
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we’re calling this “controlling what you can when things feel out of control” 
yeah I’m coping but hey I make pretty art in the mean time! or the emotions help make prettier art- either way. haha. I’m very tired
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