scrivenings · 9 years
My homebase at the Red Rocket just outside Sanctuary. I love the shadow of the sign on the hillside.
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scrivenings · 9 years
My favorite piece of junk: Jangles the Moon Monkey
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scrivenings · 9 years
Flirting with Piper
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scrivenings · 9 years
my interactions in fallout are going about as well as my interactions in real life
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scrivenings · 10 years
Edwards as a Christian theologian begins with belief in a creator, whose role in existence and experience no doubt elaborated itself in his understanding as he pondered the imponderable problem he had posed to himself. The intuition is sound in any case. It places humankind in any moment on the farthest edge of existence, where the utter mystery of emergent being makes a mystery of every present moment even as it slides into the mysterious past. This by itself elevates experience above the plodding positivisms that lock us in chains of causality, conceptions of reality that are at best far too simple to begin to describe a human place in the universe. Edwards’s metaphysics does not give us a spatial locus, as the old cosmology is said to have done, but instead proposes an ontology that answers to consciousness and perception and feels akin to thought. I have heard it said a thousand times that people seek out religion in order to escape complexity and uncertainty. I was moved and instructed precisely by the vast theater Edwards’s vision proposes for complexity and uncertainty, for a universe that is orderly without being mechanical, that is open to and participates in possibility, indeterminacy, and even providence. It taught me to think in terms that finally did some justice to the complexity of things.
Jonathan Edwards in a New Light | Marilynne Robinson. A beautiful essay, even if Robinson does tend to recreate Edwards in her own image. (via ayjay)
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scrivenings · 10 years
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Mourning morning. 
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scrivenings · 10 years
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Photographer Sandro Miller recreates a series of iconic photographs, with John Malkovich as the model for each. So, so great.
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scrivenings · 10 years
I'll draw a graphic novel to try to make sense of it all...
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understanding comics
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scrivenings · 10 years
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"Previously, researchers had misidentified skeletons as male simply because they were buried with their swords and shields. By studying osteological signs of sex within the bones themselves, researchers discovered that approximately half of the remains were actually female warriors, given a proper burial with their weapons."
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scrivenings · 10 years
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scrivenings · 10 years
did it feel like snow?
did it feel like snow?
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scrivenings · 10 years
My first animated gif that I’ve actually manually created myself! I’ve used some web-based gif makers before, but this is the first time I’ve made one myself by hand.
Took these shots during the kids’ band performance in January.
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scrivenings · 10 years
the passing foil of the water
the passing foil of the water
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scrivenings · 10 years
Jericho Brown, one of my favorite people at Emory, read at the Decatur Book Festival today and will read again tomorrow! His new book, The New Testament launches on Tuesday, too, so this is a pretty good week for him.
Metal makes for a chemical reaction.
Now that my wrists are cuffed, I am
Not like a citizen. What touches me
Claims contamination. What
A shame. A sham. When the police come
They come in steel boots. Precious
Metal. They want me kicked,
So kick me they do. I cannot say
They love me. But don’t they seek me out
As a lover would, each with both hands
Bringing me to my knees, under God,
Indivisible? I did not have to be born
Here. Men in every nation pray
And some standing and some flat
On their backs. Pray luscious
Silver. Pray Christmas. A chain
A chain. Even if it’s pretty. Even around
The neck. I cannot say what they love
Is me with a new bald fist in my mouth.
Pray platinum teeth. Show me
A man who tells his children
The police will protect them
And I’ll show you the son of a man
Who taught his children where
To dig. Not me. Couldn’t be. Not
On my knees. No citizen begs
To find anything other than forgiveness.
from Jerichbro
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scrivenings · 10 years
Shinobi Ninja
Ella backstage, after performing with her Led Zeppelin cover band and just before going on with the punk band.
from Shinobi Ninja
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scrivenings · 10 years
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scrivenings · 10 years
New Parenting Study Released : The New Yorker
Paul Nickman, forty-five, was taking a coffee break at his Visalia, California, law office when he began to leaf through an article about the importance of giving kids real challenges. “They mentioned this thing called grit, and I was like, ‘O.K, great. Grit.’ Then I started to think about how, last year, I’d read that parents were making kids do too much and strive too hard, and ever since then we’ve basically been letting our kids, who are ten and six, sit around and stare into space.” Nickman called his wife and started to shout, “Make the kids go outside and get them to build a giant wall out of dirt and lawn furniture and frozen peas!” He added, “Get them to scale it, and then make them go to the town zoning board to get it permitted, but don’t let them know it was your idea!” Nickman has no idea how many minutes passed before he realized he was standing in a fountain outside a European Waxing Center, rending his clothes. http://m.newyorker.com/online/blogs/shouts/2014/03/new-parenting-study-released.html
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