sctsunai · 2 years
✦  ━━  ❛❛ 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐮 ; ( 𝐝𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 ): 
“ ..Aw man, I knew it was actually busted this time! ”
Takeru’s loud complaint was like a shot compared to Yusaku’s mumbled whisper, promptly followed by the fiery duelist letting his forehead crash down on the desk in defeat. Takeru definitely wouldn’t brag about not knowing anything about technology. In fact, the only proud thing he could say was that he didn’t know computers at all – but he never would’ve expected his laptop to break this fast on him either!
Eventually pulling his head back up from the crumpled pile he’d let himself squish into, Takeru would glance up at the burning bright blue error screen.
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“ Can you at least tell me what happened to it? Y’know, besides it just being dead in the water? ‘Cause if I’m gonna call my grandparents and beg them for more laptop money, I might as well have something believable to tell them this time. ”
         ❝  you  can  tell  them  you  messed  the  laptop  up  so  bad  that  it  ruined  your  roomate’s  desktop  as  well,  ❞  Yusaku  breathes  idly,  gaze  still  locked  on  the  taunting  blue  screen  in  front  of  him.  
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         he’d  assumed  a  hardware  issue,  maybe  even  software,  hell,  maybe  the  laptop’s  motherboard  was  finally  fried  from  overuse  —  obviously  that  wasn’t  the  case  now  that  both  of  their  computers  were  wearing  the  same  blue  middle  finger.
         ❝  virus,  ❞  he  finally  answers  seriously,  so  that  Takeru  does  not,  in  fact,  tell  his  grandparents  the  aforementioned  sentence.  ❝  no  idea  what  kind  or  how  you  got  it,  but  I  don’t  have  the  equipment  here  to  fix  it.  our  RA’s  a  stickler  about  not  overloading  the  breaker  and  all  that.  ❞
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sctsunai · 2 years
✦  ━━  ❛❛ 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐮 ; ( 𝐝𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 ): 
“ …so I guess that’s your way of saying you really can’t fix it then, huh? Just great- ”
Because with the completely defeated sigh that’d left Takeru right then at that, Yusaku didn’t need to pull out any of those ‘extra colorful words’ for his friend to know their attempt at fixing his fried laptop was still a losing battle at best. Which was the worst news because if Yusaku couldn’t fix the computer, then there really was no saving it.
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“ You wanna give up and come with me to go buy another one then? ‘Cause I think I could probably talk my grandparents into sending me enough to cover getting a cheap one to replace it with. ” Or maybe he could just ask to borrow Yusaku’s computer instead? Might’ve been easier that way.
          ❝  it’s  my  way  of  saying  that  if  I  can  fix  it,  it’s  going  to  be  hard,  ❞  Yusaku  tells  him,  tapping  along  with  the  program  he  has  running  to  analyze  the  hard  drive.  he’ll  admit  it,  he’s  a  bit  stumped  at  the  moment,  since  this  is  the  third  scan  he’s  done  on  it,  but  he’s  the  most  tech  savvy  person  in  this  dorm.  he’ll  figure  it  out.
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          ❝  I  can’t  tell  if  it’s  hardware  or  software  failure,  which  isn’t  making  it  easy.  hold  off  on  calling  your  grandparents  yet,  I’m  still  —  ❞  Yusaku  cuts  himself  off  when  his  three  monitors  flash,  glitch  and  then  promptly  blue  screen.  he  lurches  forward  and  forces  a  restart,  watching  in  dazed  horror  as  the  same  sequence  happens  during  the  start  up  phase.
          pursing  his  lips,  he  sits  back  in  his  chair  and  mumbles  quietly,  ❝  you  might  want  to  call  your  grandparents.  ❞
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sctsunai · 2 years
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sctsunai · 2 years
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I love them
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sctsunai · 2 years
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sctsunai · 2 years
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except it’s just @duelrisen​ bc Kasa’s my only friend
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sctsunai · 2 years
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tags are hard
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sctsunai · 2 years
@duelrisen​ more dragon au bc why not
          ❝  it  took  you  long  enough  to  wander  off  on  your  own,  ❞  the  sultry  sweet  voice  mocks,  tucking  glowing  wings  against  his  back  as  he  looks  over  the  other  from  his  position  in  the  tree  above  Heatleo.
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          he  wouldn’t  exactly  call  himself  a  patient  creature.  trailing  after  Heatleo  had  quickly  lost  its  touch  as  he  waited  for  Bessho  to  leave  him  be,  but  patience  was  a  virtue  that  he  had  enough  of  a  control  of  for  it  to  pay  off.  one  thing  about  this  whole  situation  bothered  him;  for  whatever  reason,  he  had  focused  on  Heatleo  with  an  intensity  that  he  had  not  focused  on  Firewall.
          after  all,  he’s  only  now  starting  to  get  to  know  Heatleo.  
          ❝  tell  me,  little  lion,  isn’t  it  irresponsible  to  be  off  all  on  your  own?  there  are  dangerous  people  out  here.  ❞
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sctsunai · 2 years
@duelrisen​ reviving dragon au like
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         ❝  Heatleo?  ❞
         the  sudden  reappearance  of  the  closest  thing  Firewall  could  call  a  friend  was  a  surprise.  Emma  rarely  stops  near  the  palace  unless  something  happened  with  the  royal  family  —  which,  unless  Firewall  was  missing  large  gaps  of  his  memory,  nothing  had.
          regardless,  he  does  feel  rather  elated  to  see  his  nestmate.  even  if  it’s  been  nearly  a  decade  since  they  could  actually  be  considered  such,  Firewall  felt  a  kinship  with  Heatleo  that  he  hadn’t  with  the  others  of  their  brood.
         ❝  ...welcome  back.  ❞
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sctsunai · 2 years
✦  ━━  ❛❛ 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐮 ; ( 𝐝𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 ): 
“ Hey, c’mon, Yusaku! I’m not that bad! Besides! At least all of the situations we get into that make you wanna words like that around me are fun things, right? ’Cause between you and me, I’d probably just laugh anyway. ”
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Not that Takeru could really talk about that himself! If given the choice, he still had the bad habit to slinking off on his own and being the antisocial kid he was before Takeru met Yusaku. But either way, Takeru was the more outgoing, friendly, and talkative of the pair – and he could at least nudge Yusaku to be that much, too.
“ I mean, you are the master of coming out with words that I don’t really get right off the bat, too! ”
         ❝  I  can  think  of  a  couple  in  my  mind  that  do  not  spark  joy  when  I  remember  hem.  ❞  although  Takeru  had  a  point,  Yusaku  could  name  at  least  four  Link  VRAINS  related  incidents  where  a  stronger  word  was  warranted  for  the  wrong  reason.  and  on  that  note,  any  conversation  he’d  had  with  Ruri  ever  also  fell  on  the  list.
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         ❝  you’ll  probably  hear  some  colorful  words  from  me  anytime  now.  ❞  that  was  an  understatement,  the  duelist  glancing  over  at  his  computer  where  he  is  still  attempting  to  defragment  Takeru’s  hard  drive.  that  was  the  first  step,  at  least,  to  figuring  how  what  the  hell  is  wrong  with  it.
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sctsunai · 2 years
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sctsunai · 2 years
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sctsunai · 2 years
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sctsunai · 2 years
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sctsunai · 2 years
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sctsunai · 2 years
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sctsunai · 2 years
@duelrisen​ from here
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          ...bad  talker.  well,  he  wasn’t  exactly  wrong.  Yusaku  was  far  from  a  conversationalist  and  hadn’t  exactly  had  many  good  run  ins  with  the  other  students  in  their  dorm.  he’d  basically  ruined  any  sort  of  idea  that  he  wasn’t  a  nasty  hermit,  not  that  he  particularly  cared.
           ❝  sometimes  it’s  because  of  you  that  I  need  that  stronger  word.  besides,  even  if  it’s  not,  I  think  you’d  find  it  somewhat  amusing.  ❞  maybe.  honestly,  he’s  not  even  sure  how  Takeru  still  puts  up  with  him  sometimes.  he  doesn’t  really  do  his  roommate  many  favors  when  it  comes  to  his  attitude.
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