#HC.    —    ❪    I keep a record of the wreckage in my life.    ❫
sctsunai · 2 years
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hellheld · 10 months
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au/rework of charlie "harlot" morningstar of hazbin hotel. based on my version of hell and with an original timeline that differs from canon. a study in the consequences of biting off more than you can chew, what's left after giving your body and mind for those you want to protect and failing, only to be forget who you used to be. also: head trauma, supernatural brain damage, body horror, rock and roll, helping people in the strangest way possible, being a hell - wide popular rock star, the fucking antichrist, and all it entails. WAS riotchrist but i got shadow banned and impatient so i remade ❤ READ RULES AND CHARACTER SHEET BEFORE INTERACTING.
( broke down and put myself back together again )
i decided that having strict rules was boring, and i want to branch out into the helluva rpc, so i’ve gotten rid of my “won’t follow if” that aren’t related to my accessibility ( being unable to read your blog, your carrd, or google docs ). that said, i will still be very selective with who i follow, and will simply block those who do make me uncomfortable and blacklist urls. i want this blog to be fun and chill!
tl:dr: hell is sentient and loves charlie. it speaks to charlie in their mind, and only to charlie. while searching for a way to stop the exterminations, after being ignored by heaven, they attempt to combine their power with hell’s. it goes bad! the power is too much for their body to handle, and they must either stop the attempt or give up their body to combine their consciousness with hell’s if they want to be powerful enough to take on all of heaven. charlie decides it’s worth it. hell decides it is not. their body is damaged and changed by the experience, so much so that charlie no longer feels like charlie. they change their name to harlot, and start writing songs to get out their feelings. they feel more like the antichrist than ever before, meant to destroy heaven and set the rise of hell. so they sing about it, drink about it, and be wild about it. their reputation turns from the naive, too kind for their own good prince to the ANTICHRIST, a performer rivaling lilith’s influence that parties nightly and overdoses often enough to end up in the hospital. the latter is just an excuse to visit the hospitals they run often.  eventually (second verse) they set up a hotel for those that need it, curious if redemption is even possible, or if anyone would even want to try and be redeemed. most of the occupants are simply demons who need a place to stay.
even if you've read the tldr, i still HIGHLY encourage you to read the full doc about harlot's backstory before interacting with me. i have a lot of hcs mixed into my lore, and this is not charlie.
if you have gotten this far, thanks! let's fucking party!
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riotchrist · 10 months
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au/rework of charlie "harlot" morningstar of hazbin hotel. based on my version of hell and with an original timeline that differs from canon. a study in the consequences of biting off more than you can chew, what's left after giving your body and mind for those you want to protect and failing, only to be forget who you used to be. also: head trauma, supernatural brain damage, body horror, rock and roll, helping people in the strangest way possible, being a hell - wide popular rock star, the fucking antichrist, and all it entails. READ RULES AND CHARACTER SHEET BEFORE INTERACTING.
( broke down and put myself back together again )
i decided that having strict rules was boring, and i want to branch out into the helluva rpc, so i’ve gotten rid of my “won’t follow if” that aren’t related to my accessibility ( being unable to read your blog, your carrd, or google docs ). that said, i will still be very selective with who i follow, and will simply block those who do make me uncomfortable and blacklist urls. i want this blog to be fun and chill!
tl:dr: hell is sentient and loves charlie. it speaks to charlie in their mind, and only to charlie. while searching for a way to stop the exterminations, after being ignored by heaven, they attempt to combine their power with hell’s. it goes bad! the power is too much for their body to handle, and they must either stop the attempt or give up their body to combine their consciousness with hell’s if they want to be powerful enough to take on all of heaven. charlie decides it’s worth it. hell decides it is not. their body is damaged and changed by the experience, so much so that charlie no longer feels like charlie. they change their name to harlot, and start writing songs to get out their feelings. they feel more like the antichrist than ever before, meant to destroy heaven and set the rise of hell. so they sing about it, drink about it, and be wild about it. their reputation turns from the naive, too kind for their own good prince to the ANTICHRIST, a performer rivaling lilith’s influence that parties nightly and overdoses often enough to end up in the hospital. the latter is just an excuse to visit the hospitals they run often.  eventually (second verse) they set up a hotel for those that need it, curious if redemption is even possible, or if anyone would even want to try and be redeemed. most of the occupants are simply demons who need a place to stay.
even if you've read the tldr, i still HIGHLY encourage you to read the full doc about harlot's backstory before interacting with me. i have a lot of hcs mixed into my lore, and this is not charlie.
if you have gotten this far, thanks! let's fucking party!
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nosastrra · 3 years
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powerful, stable L2 biotic 
operation specialist for eclipse mercenary gang 
tech specialist 
AURORA is one of the few stable, functioning L2 biotics active in the galaxy. she is a known associate of the eclipse mercenary gang, known for their heavy dependence on biotics and technology in their operations which makes them a threatening syndicate. eclipse’s operations are maintaining a capitol via smuggling drugs, tech, personnel, and weapons illicitly across the galaxy, and their services are not cheap. they also can be hired as security for the less formidable characters in the galaxy, such as nassana dantius, among many others. eclipse has gained infamy across the galaxy, and are regarded by citadel security as suspicious -- but not outright unlawful, as their efforts have been valuable in various altercations in the terminus systems and skyllian verge.
cerberus has reason to believe that the mercenary has been sabotaging some of eclipse’s recent red sand and minagen X-3 smuggling operations after trailing some information leaks to the individual. her biotic abilities and tech proficiency will be a valuable addition to the team assembled to go through the omega-4 relay. she has last been spotted on illium, heading towards one of the docking bays where eclipse allegedly operates out of.
## the illusive man is aware of aurora’s origins and her ties to cerberus. he suspects her lack of loyalty to eclipse will build a distrust among the squad towards her, which could eventually lead to her becoming an expendable asset during the collector base mission. this way, shepard’s mission is ensured success with aurora’s added skill and biotics, and he could cross off an unstable variable off the board if she becomes problematic.
the founder of eclipse, asari commando jona sederis, has discovered the betrayal of her protégé human biotic, and she is not holding back. in an effort to lure the young biotic to a trap laden with fatal doses of minagen X3, eclipse has let information about a large shipment of red sand being transported. the young biotic and her personal ties to the drug, and the effects it has, will be distracted by wanting to go stop and destroy the shipment before going through the omega-4 relay.
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hexgrlthorn · 4 years
tag dump.
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extortus · 5 years
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                TAG DUMP: Harper
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quirkbeat-blog · 5 years
tag drop.
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fevergrow · 5 years
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eternityinflight · 3 years
Xiao tag drop
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sirensregrets · 3 years
test tags
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loveofafangirl · 3 years
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A Promise
[Baron Zemo Masterlist] [Marvel Masterlist]
Pairing: Baron Zemo x F!Reader/You  (no race or body type described)
Synopsis: You accompany Zemo to the Sokovia Memorial. *Hurt/Comfort*
Background: After protecting a child in Latvia, Zemo offers you his services to assist with tending to your wounds. You invite him to stay the night at your home.  This is a follow up to The Right Thing. It can probably be read as a standalone, but it is the same reader/character from that story and picks up the next morning. 
Word Count: ~2,000
TW: mentions of previous character death/death of a child; grief centric; angst with uncertain ending. 
A/N: I know my fluffy Zemo stories are more popular but in my HC, you don’t get Soft!Zemo without putting in the work and helping him through his deep-rooted grief. So it’s important to me to explore this side of him too, as there is no redemption possible without it. My HC is that you can read this reader throughout almost all of the stories. 
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The floorboards in your old apartment creak in the quiet of the morning, you strain your ears, listening to your guest's movements. You continue preparing breakfast, hopeful that he might join you, but the footsteps lead away instead of nearer. 
You follow the sound, noting how the area where he had slept had since been tidied. 
"You don't have to leave," you offer with a subtle shrug as you approach the entrance. "Stay...at least for breakfast."
His lips pull at the corners as he nods in contemplation, but you can tell by the strained expression he had already decided to go. "Thank you for the hospitality, but I must depart." 
His hand taps almost subconsciously over one of the inner pockets of his long dark grey coat. Your mind drifts back to the previous night when he had offered the garment to you. You had noticed a small bear tucked inside. You had been curious but hadn't wished to pry. 
"There is something I must do," he stated solemnly.
You nod your understanding. You knew he wouldn't stay; why would he? Nevertheless, something inside of you begged you not to let him go. You watch as he continues toward the door. At the last moment, you take a quick step forward.
"Wait!" You blurt out with more volume than you had intended. "Do you want company?"
"Where I'm going, I don't anticipate having much time left." He turns back toward you. "I have a promise to keep and then—" he pauses, knowing what he has to do, knowing his freedom was only ever a short-term gift, one he would exchange when his work was complete. He continues, "—I have an agreement to honor." 
You look away, trying to school the disappointment on your face until you realize he hadn't entirely said no. You feel a slight rise of hope as you study his features. You sense the heaviness in his heart in his sunken gaze, despite the mischievous smirk toying on his lips. "I could use some air, even if it isn't that long." 
He inhales, considering your offer. Neither of you fully understand the curious feeling growing inside; yet, both of you are reluctant to ignore it and part so soon. He nods thoughtfully. "I've called for the car. It will take us where I need to go."
Your eyes grow inquisitively at his words. You had assumed the place was nearby. But more so, the ease in which he mentions such a luxury takes you by surprise. Not many from your neighborhood could afford such a thing. 
You grab your coat and follow him out into the streets. You pause as you near the black car, questioning for the first time if this is a wise decision. Your thoughts are pulled back as he opens the side door, motioning you inside. 
Your face warms at the gesture. It wasn't often you encountered manners such as his. He was different, and that intrigued you.
He closes the door carefully behind you before walking around and joining you on the other side.
"The memorial, if you please." These are the only words spoken for the duration of the trip. 
You watch your city fade away to the countryside that eventually gave way into a bareness. Despite the years since the battle, the land had yet to recover fully. Some new growth highlighted the landscape, but much was still bleak and lifeless. 
Every now and then, you stole a glance at the man beside you, deep in contemplation. Occasionally, he would record his thoughts in a small notebook that he kept guarded.
As the car arrives at the memorial, you wait, watching for him to take the lead, not really knowing what to expect. 
His hand pauses as he reaches for the door handle. You watch his deliberate movements, almost forcing himself forward. 
The grief drawn on his face pulls your own features down in reply. You wonder for the first time whom he had lost.
He nods to himself as if willing his body to continue and leave the car.
You linger with the intent of giving him a moment. However, to your surprise, he opens your door for you and gestures you out. 
You take in the expansive memorial to the fallen country. A lake to the right had formed as the land resettled. A monument at the center with a serene trickling fountain welcomed you quietly.
But what caught your attention most was the wall of names. The Avengers had saved a lot of people that day, but the list of the dead was longer than you expected. Your stomach drops at the realization as your gaze scans the seemingly endless wall. The news covered the victory and the destruction, but it did little to prepare you for this truth. The cost of human lives should have outweighed any other press, but it didn't. 
You whisper a silent prayer to honor the dead, knowing so many of them may no longer have anyone to remember them. 
He stands beside you, his gaze distant.
"It's beautiful." The words slip from your lips in reverence. The memorial was simple yet powerful. You couldn't help but feel the weight of the loss standing before the massive wall in the distance, but the fountain and the lake helped ground you. "I wonder who designed it."
"I did," he replies, his voice marred with pain. "I may be a man without a country now; but, it is still my duty to care for the ashes of my beloved land and all those who were lost... and those I failed to protect." 
The more he talked, the less you realized you knew about him. He spoke of Sokovia with deep admiration as though he were once a significant member of its ruling body. You wonder how a man who seemingly had so much ended up hiding in the shadows of your city. The sorrow in his expression answered your question. Loss. Loss cuts more deeply than any physical wound ever could.
"It's beautiful," you repeat quietly. You know that no matter what you offer, it will never be enough to satiate his loss.
He doesn't acknowledge your reply; instead, he continues forward, heading toward the end of the list of names.  
You stay near the fountain, giving him space and privacy to mourn. You try to turn away, but you can't help but continue glancing in his direction. You want more than anything to understand him. 
You watch his body grow rigid, the color draining from his face. He leans against the wall for support, his fingers tracing a line of names. He reaches in his pocket and retrieves the small bear. His hands shake as he looks between the toy and the wall. 
You press your fingers to your lips, wondering what memories the token holds for him. You could practically see this man's heart breaking in front of you. 
His knees buckle under the weight of his grief until he crumbles to the ground, clutching the bear tightly in his hands. Despite being hidden by his jacket, you see his body rock as he weeps silently, his suffering too great to bear.
This man who confidently came to your rescue, who despite his mysterious nature had offered an air of self-assuredness in all that he did, was now broken in a way you realize only the loss of a young child could cause.
You move silently behind him, resting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The two of you might be strangers still but, you knew he needed to know he wasn't alone. 
"I'm sorry," he cries quietly, though you know the words are not meant for you. "I failed you. I should have been there. It should have been me."
He had spent years grieving in silence, throwing himself in his mission to avenge their deaths and later in prison, reading philosophies to justify the actions he had taken. He had never given into the sorrow, not in a meaningful way. It was easier to stay angry and to hate those responsible than to let the weight of his grief suffocate him as it did now. But, he had made them a promise that they would never be forgotten—that no one loss that day would be forgotten. He promised to remember them and then to visit once the memorial was complete. And now, he could keep that promise, even if it meant little compared to the one promise in his life that he had failed to keep—to protect them above all else.
You remain silently at his side, letting him grieve. He didn't recoil under your touch, so you kept your hand on his shoulder, knowing it would do little to quell the sadness of the loss of a child—the ultimate tragedy. 
As his grief quiets and his body relaxes, you give his shoulder a gentle squeeze and retreat, offering him time alone with the family he had lost.
He kisses the crown of the bear's head and rests it against the wall. He remains a while longer in silent vigil. You keep watch from the fountain, admiring how the sun sparkled on the lake, offering a promise of hope for the future amongst the wreckage. 
When he returns to you, his mouth opens in gratitude, but his words fail. He nods simply, and you understand all of the unspoken meaning it held.
"What will you do now?" You question softly. 
"Wait," he replies, sitting stoically beside you.
"How long?" You had already been away almost a day and were curious where this was leading.
"As long as it takes?"
"For what?"
"I made an agreement. As easy as it would be to go on my way and accept this freedom, I must honor the vow I made. What would a man be without his word?"
You don't understand what he means, but you sensed his peace in his decision. "Okay."
His gaze meets yours. "The car will take you anywhere you wish to go."
"What about you?"
"I trust other means of transportation will have been arranged."
You take this as your cue to leave, so you stand, despite your reservations. "Thank you... for your help last night."
"It was my privilege to do the right thing."
"Will I see you again?" The question slips from your lips before you can stop it.
The corner of his mouth twitches up momentarily. He reaches in his pocket, retrieving the black notebook he was writing in earlier. "That is entirely up to you."
You shake your head in confusion as he hands the book to you.
"This is who I was and who I am." His head tilts to the side, reflecting on the time you'd spent together. "It also holds what events I trust will transpire in the coming days and where to find me should you wish to after you've learned the truth."
"I don't understand."
"I know. You will if you read this." He offers a halfhearted smile. "If we don't meet again, I understand, but if we do,  I'll know—" he goes quiet, choosing his words carefully. "I'll know there is more work to be done. That you have seen what I could be, and I'd like that chance."
You stare blankly, wanting to understand but sensing you can't.
"Thank you," he paused, his voice rising, searching for something more.
"Y/N," you whisper. You had both decided the previous night it was best to keep your identities concealed.
"Y/N," he repeats, reaching for your hand. He brushes a kiss on your knuckles. "It's been a pleasure."
Your eyes mist over, even though you're not sure why. You wait, hoping he might return the sentiment with his name, but his lips press together, and his only reply is to gesture toward the book he handed you. 
"Go," he encourages.
You feel yourself walking away even though that's the last thing you want to do. You hold the book—his book—a little closer, not daring to look back. Despite the slight promise in his words that this wasn't the end, you couldn't help but feel like this was an unspoken goodbye. 
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A/N2: I started writing after episode 4 when Zemo first mentions the memorial. The original ending wasn’t angsty/uncertain, but I wanted to make it work with canon so I wanted him to decide to stay alone so he could return to prison, keeping the agreement he made to Sam and Bucky in the beginning. There may be a third part in their story... just saying 😉 
Marvel Perma(til the end of the line): @the-soot-sprite​​​​; @fandomxreaders ;  @moonstuffsteve​​
Zemo tags: @montypythonsholysnail​​​​ ; @killsandthrills​​​ ; @noavengers​​​​ ; ​@nalabarnes1031 ; @trelaney​​ ; @willowtheewisp​ ; @marchingicenotes7 
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bake  a  cake  from  scratch.  ride  a  horse.  drive  a  submarine.   speak  a  second language. dance. catch  a  fish.   play  an  instrument. throw  a  punch. build  a  deck.   ice  skate.   unclog  a  drain. program  a  computer.   change  a  flat  tire. fire  a  gun. sew. juggle.  play  poker. paint.   fly  a  kite.   sculpt.   write  poetry.   change  a  diaper.  sing. shoot  a  bow  &  arrow. ride  a  bike. swim. sail  a  boat.  do  a  back  flip. play  chess.give  cpr. pitch  a  tent.   flirt. stitch  a  wound. read  palms.   use  chopsticks.   write  in  cursive  /  calligraphy.   use  an  electric  drill.  braid  hair.  make  a  campfire.  make  a  mixed  drink.  do  sudoku  puzzles. wrap  a  gift. give  a  good  massage. jump - start  a  car. roll  their  tongue. magic  tricks.  do  yoga.   tie  a  tie. skip  a  rock. shuffle  a  deck  of  cards.  read  morse  code. pick  a  lock.
tagged by : @tricksterfinale
tagging: everyone
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bipilots · 7 years
What did jeremy say about lance dying?? It was from an interview right? I think i watched it and just assumed it was a joke but Ive seen mANY people theorising around it so maybe i misinterpreted it, could you maybe link me to the interview? Or just give me your point of view? Idk i feel lowkey leftout asfshskdb (i also assumed when the bonding moment happened that lance was joking about not remembering it just to tease k eith and apparently i was wrong so yeh, interpreting signs? Not my forte)
(rolls up sleeves) okay, uh, i admit my researches on this have been pretty unhelpful. i promise i scoured the net, skimmed through a 42 minutes panel video (and don’t say i don’t love you) but the only source i could find of Jeremy Shada saying it was on this interview from Den of Geek dated April 13, 2017 teasing the release of season three. I quote directly: Jeremy Shada (Lance) is excited that all the cast members “have some great drama points.” He then goes on to joke, “I mean like, Lance dies so that was a fun moment.”(cont’d after the cut)
There seems to be no video record?? so, yeah. But I’ve seen my fair share of meta posts and theories/speculations about Lance sacrificing himself for the team and dying. There was one about Lance’s spirit being transferred to Blue, too? Or him proceeding to become an incorporeal form that helped the team like when you lose all your balloons in Mario Kart battle mode? I can’t for the life of me find the posts, but there are plenty, and this line by Jeremy surely sent the fans into a frenzy even more.A “possible foreshadowing” of this would be the fact that in the original cartoons, the blue pilot died pretty early on (precisely, in the sixth episode, but it was Sven, not Lance, and I’m talking about GoLion). Also, there’s been instances in VLD in which Lance recklessly put himself in danger to save other people, too (I don’t think I need to present sources for this, but if you need them, hmu!).
There’s also this fandom penchant of indulging in what we call “langst”, meaning “lance angst”, as Lance appears to be not only the most affected by them being away from home, but also insecure of his own worth to the extent of calling himself a seventh wheel and offering to step down his place as a paladin for the sake of the mission. ;;
Now, for my point of view: as much as these things are always casually bringing tears to my eyes whenever I think about them, I still reject the theories that Lance will die with every fiber of my being.
Not only because I would lay down my life for him, but also because of some pretty important logical points: one, Lance dying at this time in the show wouldn’t be a plot twist as much as a terrible disgrace that would ruin the balance of… well, everything. From a technical standpoint, it would be a wreckage. There’s been a recent Lion Switch, the roles of everyone have been tested and adjusted (not even fully - there’s still work to do, in my opinion), there’s a new dynamic and a new, flashy big bad in town. This new situation was pretty precarious from the start, but now the team has also just gotten Shiro back (even if he’s a dodgy one with questionable fashion sense), so they’ll have to readjust again. There’s six paladins, and five lions. And while that thought just gave me a horrible looming feeling, the plus one is actually Shiro, who was rejected by Black. It wouldn’t make sense to keep shifting things? If Lance died, team Voltron would be crushed in 0.0000000001 seconds.Don’t get me wrong, they could do it. It would be very dramatic, very messy, but it would also make things waaay too complicated. This might be me being mean (and bitter), but it would also be poor, lazy writing. If you have to kill off characters for shock value because you can’t keep people engaged with other plot points, then I don’t think your show is worth much to begin with? Although it always depends, of course.
But Nebu, you might ask, there are five more seasons ahead of us, couldn’t they do it when things are more stable, then? Well, they could. But let me get to the matter of fact point: it would be a shitty move on all fronts, especially if we’re talking about profit. Let’s not lie to ourselves, the show needs to profit. And Lance is a fan favorite. I, for sure, would consider dropping the show if Lance died. I know a couple of people who would, too. As I already said in other posts, for me it’s the characters that make the show good, not the overly complicated plot - and I bet I’m not the only one who thinks this. The characters are the foundation on which you build the rest of the structure. If you treat them like a castle of cards that can be blown off by the smallest gust of wind, you sure are building a very weak house there, buddy pal. I’m the first to appreciate a character death, when done right (in fact, most of my favorite characters in various shows/books/movies and what have you somehow died, which goes to show how lucky I am in that sense…), but in this case it would be totally not worth it. Maybe I’m narrow minded, but I can’t picture an instance in which Lance dying would add to the plot things that couldn’t be added in other, less drastic ways.
Another slamming point: we’re talking about the same show that had to bring Shiro back fast because the executives vetoed on him being gone for too long “because he had to sell toys”. This is gonna sound very merciless, but killing off a main character rarely pays off in other ways than mere dramatic value. The aftermath is not gonna be pretty. I don’t think the game’s gonna be worth the trouble. As Dos Santos himself said, “things change along the way and you just have to be able to adapt. Different people chime in. Different departments chime in. There’s a lot of moving parts. That’s kinda how that works.” Of course they’re gonna have a draft of where the show is heading to, but it’s gotta be flexible. Not only for the executives, but also for the public.I’m not saying we’d be able to influence much, but we sure make some difference, don’t we? As consumers, we have our share of power. As consumers, we’re going to be listened to, even if just a little bit. I don’t think Lance dying for good would make a lot of people happy.
In conclusion: Lance being badly injured because he keeps underestimating himself and valuing others’ lives more than his own? Sure, I can see that (as much as it pains me). But Lance just- straight up dying? Unless they’re planning on bringing him back in a very soap opera, dramatic “I was never dead but I made you believe so because it was convenient/necessary to the plot/whatever” way? I refuse to believe they would do it. I have faith, let’s say? Wavering, and questioning, but faith still.
(As for the bonding moment, who jossed my hc that Lance actually remembers it but said he doesn’t just to be petty because Keith didn’t remember him from the Garrison - which was also a lie because Keith perfectly remembers his “hopeless crush on that chatty cargo pilot” but wanted to play it cool?? Please tell them that I’m always down to fight. That headcanon gets me through the harsher winters and I won’t stand for this slander)
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nosastrra · 3 years
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aurora jett [ subject delta/the mercenary ] | twenty-six
human biotics were an enigma, and after the failure of biotic acclimation and temperance training program, and the subsequent bankruptcy of conatix afterwards, the future of biotics research was publicly left within the hands of the alliance systems. the numbers of accidentals dwindled but the flow of children inflicted with element zero remained steady. it was not hard to make the conclusion that the systems alliance was not the only entity interested in studying human biotics, not the only entity willing to go as far as exposing expectant mothers to element zero intentionally to harvest subjects ripe for the picking. 
born to a mother who was barely an adult herself, aurora was part of the original screening effort for biotics conducted by cerebrus. dubbed subject delta, the pioneer for change in human biotics, aurora grew up very much like a zoo animal, observed and watched in a controlled, padded room for most of her childhood. some would say she lived in ideal conditions, provided with immaculate control before they began introducing the variables. it was then aurora began to realize that the humans she was surrounded by could not be trusted. she learned and understood pain at a very young age.
during an eclipse raid on the cerberus facility, a brilliant display of an all-powerful L2 biotic flare raised the eyebrows of the asari gang. they saw a tactical advantage in adding and training a human with such powerful biotics and innocuous optics to their fold as human biotics were still a rare currency at the time, and so the sixteen year old was brought to omega and presented to jona sederis like the spoils of war. the commando groomed the young human biotic into one of her most efficient operatives, and thus aurora became one of the most proficient members of the eclipse mercenary operation. 
aurora is my main writing muse & oc, and this my main mass effect verse for her. 
she will have various verses along the timelines of the games. 
her faceclaim is lucy hale. 
aurora is an L2 biotic and recently, a tech specialist thanks to being a member of eclipse. she predates the culmination of subject zero experiments by two years, essentially - she was the expendable version of jack to cerberus. they were screening experiments with her before exporting them to jack’s facility.
headcanons can be found here. 
[ j.nova shepard | kaidan alenko | b.jenkins | rahna ozdemir ]
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nosastrra · 3 years
tag dump!!
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hexgrlthorn · 4 years
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|| Get to know SALLY “THORN” MCKNIGHT who’s TWENTY-ONE years old and a JUNIOR in college majoring in MUSIC THEORY . She is from CALIFORNIA and is often times mistaken for MAGGIE LINDEMANN while others say she reminds them of THORN from SCOOBY DOO. ||
all sallys life she has been about two things: nature and music. she was born into a family of wiccans, her moms bringing her into the world through the sacred trust of a close friend being a sperm donor. being able to grow in a home of women was beautiful. she always felt so loved and supported, and she learned an appreciation for the world around her through the magik she learned about from her moms. she honestly didn't even know that it wasn't the norm until she was in school and being teased for not eating meat and talking about charging her crystals.
she didn't let her peers get to her though. she honestly preferred to keep to herself and write in her journal, filling pages with stories and poems and later on lyrics. words were very important to her and she might not have been the best at using them on the outside, but when it counted she knew how to use her pen as her greatest weapon.
she had always been into music, but never put her own words to it until she was about thirteen. that was when she got into guitar lessons and music theory. it was her guitar instructor who suggested trying to put the two together and....the rest was history. but even as she did her own thing, she felt like an important part of the melody is missing.
then came diane and luna. these girls were two missing pieces that completed her soul. they accepted her and her words, they loved her for hee quirks and faults and the three of them became very close very fast. they met through music and their love of the earth and talked about big dreams and where they wanted to go with their music. they were inspired by joan jett and hayley williams and were labeled "eco-goths" by their peers. these musical influences plus the fact that they all shared a love for music was what helped give birth to the hex girls.
when deciding a brand for the hex girls, they all decided stage names were a must. sally started going by thorn and now she really only tends to go by thorn. they went full punk pop, dawning dark clothes and wicked style. it was their armor in a sense. when sally first became thorn it was a euphoric moment. and by the time they were playing at their high school prom thorn was a full time gig. sally and thorn were basically the same person and thorn loved her newfound confidence.
thorn didn't think it was a coincidence that all three of them got into corona university. corona had been on the girls radar ever since they got a hold of some of the music scene on the island. they heard of so many a listers and so many rising artists going there vs California and they wanted to see what it was all about.
it has been two years since they moved and they are still working hard to make their break out move. a few small gigs, battle of the bands in the summer, and endless at home studio sessions were a lot of work but they were so worth it. they all agreed that half of their proceeds needed to go to charities that were focused on helping their community and their planet and thorn especially was determined to release enough content to make a career as well as being able to make a real difference. so far they only have their one ep complete but thorn has been writing away to get a full album out for the girls and their small group of fans.
when she isn't working on music for the band, she is....writing away still. she is trying to branch out and make more friends on the island but she's a bit socially awkward. she just masks it with fake fangs and winged eyeliner that's so sharp it could cut through someone. she comes off incredibly intimidating but she's sweet at her core.
she is not one for gossip or drama. she tries to stay away from it because it honestly just grosses her out. she likes to know the facts before she goes head first reacting to a story.
she is very protective of the hex girls as a band and their work. she does her research before she agrees to collaborate with anyone. she never wants to compromise the group for the sake of money or clout.
she has three tattoos. one symbolizing her family, one about diane, and one about luna. they are her family and she would kill for them. she is eager to get more as her career pushes forward
she believes in the supernatural 100%. she believes in just about anything if there's enough proof and she thinks if she has learned anything on the island it is that things are not always as they seem.
she plays guitar, piano, and harp. yes, harp.
she is openly bisexual. yes indeed.
she is a virgo.
she owns a black cat named willow and she is her actual child. she has the traveling backpack and everything for her.
she does not cry.
she can be a bit destructive. rip pages out of books, throw shit, the works. but never because of other people. it’s just part of the creative process.
she has an online shopping addiction. clothes, makeup, guitars, and gifts for her friends are the most common things she buys.
just a goth who is doing her best.
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