scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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Alright. So- I haven’t exactly been very active on here lately. And I feel really, really bad, because I love Scarlet with my entire life but I also have no control in making other OCs and shit. I’m basically super impulsive! Which... sorta fueled Scarlet’s creation. 
Honestly, I didn’t think it all through when I made her. Now!! This isn’t a “I’m deleting” message! Because I love Scarlet and I could never do that. I just... need to rethink how I’m going to approach this character. Under the cut will be some of my reasoning and my general idea; but you don’t have to worry about that if you don’t want too. All I’m gonna do it for now: This blog is on HAITUS until I work out all the kinks. Thank you! 
So, here’s the thing with Scarlet- she wasn’t originally a pokemon oc. Actually, she’s a stand alone oc of my own creation, though I never really had a set universe for her. As I got into the pokemon fandom, I really, really wanted a villain oc, and Scarlet just sorta... got picked. And while I love her pokemon verse, I just feel like I’m not doing enough with her.
You see, there’s more to the “sloth” in Scarlet’s URL that just her being lazy. Scarlet is actually an OC that was inspired based on the Seven Deadly Sins! And now, you’re probably thinking, huh, that’s weird, why do you only have one seven deadly sin oc, wouldn’t you have- 
And then you probably realize what I’m getting at. 
Scarlet feels... sorta incomplete without the other six, I think. They’re a team. Even though I never had a set universe for all seven of them, I still loved imagining their interactions. And having Scarlet just... be alone is sorta sad? Her relationship with the other Sins was super important to her character growth, and without that it’s sorta... bluh. 
So, frankly, I have three ideas. 
One, and this one’s the least likely, is to just keep Scarlet the way she is. Pokemon OC, stand alone, etc etc. I’m... not a fan of this one, but it’s on the table. 
The second option is a middle ground between that one and the next one. The idea is to wrap Scarlet into a fandomless oc, with a possible pokemon verse, and have the other OCs exist as NPCs in her canon. So she talks about them and they’ve effected her, but that’s about it. 
The final option is more... extreme, but more fun. I would create a mulitmuse fandomless blog for ALL SEVEN of the OCs. This would probably be a much more major project, but it would pay off the most. However! I don’t really know the fandomless rp community that well, so I don’t know how overdone this idea is? If this is done a lot, please tell me!! I probably wouldn’t enjoy being a copy. 
I’m not putting this up to a vote or anything, as I’m going to leave the decision to myself. However, if you have any feedback or suggestions I’d love to hear! Thank you for reading this as well! 
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
World Domination How-To - Neru feat. Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len: Released 3 years ago today
Art by Sidu
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
Lost One’s Weeping [English Cover] || JubyPhonic
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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   —   i n d i e   [[ PSYCHIC MEDIUM ]]  pokémon original character                                  ran by sabrina
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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new, indie flare boss lysandre! now comes with emotional baggage, an unnecessary desire for the world to end, & a fondness for flora! if you are cool with this mess of a human giving you a follow, could you please LIKE/REBLOG this post?
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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                                       Don’t Forget That.
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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Branch-chief–Faba’s 100+ followers give-away! 
[First, please laugh at the Dutch language. I can’t for the life of me change it]
Aah! The blog is officially one month old today and you guys did it!! 100 of you!! That’s so many. You have any idea how great that is? You are great! 
As I mentioned before I wanted to do something special for you guys. You’re seriously making my life better by just interacting with me so here is a gift.. from me to you! 
First Prize:
Pokemon Sun or Moon for the 3DS or Pokemon Go! Plus or something of equal value. 
/Mun is Dutch. I can buy it here and ship it to you. This will mean that the box is in Dutch but the core game will be in English. If you don’t have a PAL console: I can also buy it for you at a online shop and have it shipped to you. If you don’t have a 3DS I can also offer you the Pokemon Go! Pus wristband or something of equal value. I will also write something for you, should you so wish./
Second Prize:
2 Pokemon plush dolls of your choosing. There is a webshop here that sells them all and I mean all. I will also write something for you, should you so wish.
Third Prize:
1 Pokemon plush doll of your choosing. I will also write something for you, should you so wish.
Must be following me. I’m sorry but this is for the amazing followers who brighten my life. (You are welcome to follow me for this give-away but I am a bit of a dash-clutterer with my active threads and I rather you follow me because you like my writing than for free stuff.)
Reblogs only! (My Tumblr doesn’t notify me of likes anymore). You need to reblog this only once.
You need to be comfortable with giving me your personal address. 
Have your ask / IM open. 
No give-away blogs. You will be excluded. 
Give-away ends on 31-10-2016. At 23:59. I will use my timezone (Amsterdam) I will chose the winner using a randomiser. 
You have three (3) days to respond to me. If you do not respond within that time frame I will pick someone else. 
Please be patient. Shipping can take up to 6 weeks. 
Is this real?
It sure is, friend! This blog managed to do something 10 years of therapy couldn’t do: Make me smile again. 
What will you pay?
I will pay for your prize and shipping. I will NOT pay for any import duties/taxes. 
If you have any questions please ask them via my ask box (You are free to use IM to chat me up but I find the ask box a better way to keep track of things. 
Stay awesome & Good luck, lots of <3 from Faba-mun! 
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
℘ + do either of you worry about tomoki? how are you getting along with just the two of you?
Send me a ℘ + a question and my sibling(s) will answer it { ACCEPTING! } 
There’s a sigh, and Hajime looks away from the speaker. 
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“I worry about her a lot. I try to just move on, but… there’s been no contact with her for years. I don’t know what could’ve happened to her out there. She’s intelligent, I know that- did you know she could keep up with what I was learning in school? Three grades below me and just as smart…” 
He chuckled. “She’s probably better off, wherever she is. I just… hope nothing bad has happened.” 
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“As for the other question, me and my sister are doing alright. I make enough money as it is, but… it’s been difficult to focus on both her and work. I try my best, but I know I’m not ideal guardian material.” 
He looks across the playground, seeing Aka bossing around some of the other kids in their game of pretend. Hajime smiles. 
“But for now, we’re okay.”
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
℘ What's your relationship with Scarlet?
Send me a ℘ + a question and my sibling(s) will answer it! { ACCEPTING }
A tall boy blinks, looking at the stranger with a curious expression. He speaks softly- “I’m sorry, but- who’s Scarlet?” 
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 A younger girl interrupted her brother, going off on her own. “Duh, you silly, it’s a color!” She stuck her tongue out. “I love red! A lot! It’s not as pretty as pink, but, y’know…” 
The boy laughed, and russled his sister’s hair. “I think they were talking about a person, Aka-chan.” 
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“Anyways, I’m afraid we don’t know a Scarlet. Perhaps you’ve confused us with another person?”
[ Hajime and Aka Kurosawa are both unaware about their sister’s crime life. ]
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
self care is drinking 3 pots of coffee and getting into a knife fight w god
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
Send me a ℘ + a question and my sibling(s) will answer it
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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3K notes · View notes
scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
🐤 ((STALKING MY BLOG SMH!!!!!!!! jkily))
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[[ finger guns u kno it ]] 
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scxrletsloth-blog · 8 years
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