sdtileguys · 5 years
Why Interior Designers Love Glass Tiles for Backsplashes In Your Kitchen
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The vertical extension behind the kitchen counter called a backsplash has great utility and aesthetic value.
It protects the wall from water splashes and does so in style.
In order to set up a backsplash, interior designers increasingly prefer glass tiles. Glass tiles don’t just gloss up the image of your kitchen but also personalize the space. Your choice of tiles can really add an element of you in your kitchen.
A truly arresting backsplash can give a heartwarming welcome every time you walk into your kitchen. It’s undeniably a presence of your unique taste.
Here are a few ways glass tiles can revitalize your kitchen look.
Why Glass Is Better Than Ceramic
While it’s more common to opt for ceramic tiles, a backsplash requires a bit more creativity. If you’re going for an unconventional look, you’ll need to put in some energy in deciding the design.
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Designers are attracted by the crystal-like sheen glass tiles bring to the wall. Because of their transparency and shine, they reflect light to brighten up the entire kitchen. Their luminosity not only makes the environment livelier but also makes the place look more spacious. Compared to them, opaque ceramic tiles make the place look confined.
Not to mention they’re a more environmentally friendly option to go for as well. Because of their non-porous surface, there are fewer chances of mold and mildew.  
Variety Of Colors, Shapes and Sizes
If you want an iridescence of colors to go up on your backsplash, glass tiles are your go-to option. They are widely available in a range of hues that offer the perfect fit for your mood.
The color you want can be dulled with a matte-surface tile or made vibrant with the classic mother-of-pearl look. They also go well with marble to create an interesting mix pattern of design for your backsplash.
They come in a variety of sizes that offer more than just a 4x4 inch style commonly seen. You can easily go for longer, more slender tiles that exude a sense of luxury and richness. Vintage-style circular and octagonal mosaic patterns can be made with glass as well. If you have a minimalist design in mind, you can opt for the larger sheets that give a neat, uncluttered impression.
Value For Money
Even though glass tiles are slightly more expensive than ceramic, they offer value for every penny you spend. Since they cost higher, there are several alternatives to creating a backsplash with glass tiles on a budget.
If your choice of tile is a bit on the expensive side, you can pair it with marble, natural stone or ceramic to create an accent with a band of glass. This will not only highlight your glass tiles against a sober background, but also add pronounced details to your backsplash.
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Another option is to create an eye-catching motif right in the middle of your backsplash with glass tiles. This can serve as an iconic centerpiece which arrests attention the moment you set eyes on it.
Do you want to enhance your kitchen décor with a glass-tile backsplash?
The Tile Guys are an experienced team of professionals working in the industry with more than 20 years of experience. They know how to work with tiles to accentuate the beauty of your homes and offer Mexican, Natural Stone, Granite and Glass Tiling services. Based in San Diego, they’re taking orders for kitchen design renovation.
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sdtileguys · 5 years
Tiles Flowing Into Wood – How To Do It Without Making It Look Tacky
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Wooden flooring undeniably adds a chic, urban look to your homes.
The natural earthy tones, wooden patterns or the echoing sound of footsteps on a wooden floor makes it elegant.
In an attempt to replicate the wooden look, people opt for tiles inspired by wooden designs. Due to advanced digital printing, these tiles can emulate all kinds of wood. Even though the resemblance is striking, these tiles don’t always feel the same as wood.
In order to flow smoothly from ceramic flooring to a wooden look, it is important to follow a few tips. These will help your tiles blend well with the environment without making the transition too obvious.
Go For 50% 33%
Most people insist on maintaining a 50% offset pattern. The problem with this symmetrical running-bond, brick design is two-fold. First off, because these wooden replicas of ceramic/porcelain tiles are made in a kiln, they often have a bow near the center making it uneven. Aligning tiles with 50% offset makes the lippage more prominent and impractical for flooring. With 33% offset ratio, the bumps become evenly distributed.
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Secondly, with 50% tile offset, the floor paneling looks too artificial. They key is to give your tiled floor a more natural look.
Since wooden planks are slightly longer than regular tiles, 33% offsetting pattern works best for them. Doing the same with tiles keeps the look natural.
Grout Width And Color
To simulate a wood floor, conceal the use of tiles as much as you can. The slightest inefficiency can give it away. This is why most people opt for a darker grout filling to compensate for difference in sizes of the tiles. The darker shade blends well with the espresso shade of wood.
Even though you would love to have no grout, it is essential for porcelain tiles to have a minimum of 3mm grout. These tiles have tons of nooks and crannies. It is crucial to clean them out before installing to avoid excess grout.
Brush Up For The Perfect Wood Look
Wood-look tiles have uneven surfaces that imitate natural wood.
They are also glazed for a rough texture which reduces slippage. This creates more pockets for grout which need to be cleaned before fitting the tiles in place. Grout stuck to the surface of tiles taints the impression of wood you’re trying to bring in.
The spotted, stained look becomes more obvious in lighting. In order to give your flooring the look of matte wood, your newly tiled floor requires cleaning with a neutral pH cleaner.
Do you want to give your floor a classic wooden impression with wood-look tiles?
The Tile Guys are an experienced team of professionals working in the industry with more than 20 years of experience. They know how to work with tiles to accentuate the beauty of your homes. They offer Mexican, Natural Stone, Granite, Glass Tiling services and pro flooring designs.
Based in San Diego, they’re taking orders for flooring design and renovation.
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sdtileguys · 6 years
Commonly Used Flooring Options in Homes
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People rarely ever think twice about the flooring in their home, even though it’s such an important part of the house
Installing new flooring can change the appearance of your house. The thing about flooring is that there are multiple options that homeowners have available at their disposal. Let’s take a look at some of these.
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There are two types of tiles that homeowners can have installed. These include ceramic and porcelain tiles. Tiles are especially ideal for use in bathrooms and kitchen and but you can also have them installed in hallways and in the entrance.
One area in which tiles have an edge over other flooring options is that they are versatile and available in multiple designs and colors.
They are also durable but you need to keep them well maintained since moisture can seep through tiles and lead to a mold infestation in your home.
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Many would argue that hardwood is the best looking flooring option and this is the reason why it is so popular among homeowners. You are more likely to find these in living areas, kitchens, and dining rooms.
The problem with hardwood flooring is that it can only be installed in rooms where there is no moisture. It’s also best that you don’t install hardwood floor in areas where there is a lot of traffic.
Hardwood flooring is also comparatively more expensive than tiles but it’s easier to install them.
Everyone knows about this one so there is no need to go into elaborate details about what makes them so great. Carpets are available in different shapes and sizes and it doesn’t take too long to install them.
But there’s a catch. These cannot be installed in bathrooms or in the kitchen since moisture or spills can completely ruin them. You also need to make sure that the carpet you select complements your house.
Laminate Flooring
Looking for a cheaper alternative to hardwood flooring? Laminate flooring is just what you need! This one is made of wood and resin and is coated with Polymer finish.
However, unlike hardwood, this one cannot be refinished over time. Also, the joints in the plank are susceptible to moisture damage.
At the end of the day, the choice lies in the hands of homeowners. They need to look at factors like maintenance and installation before making the final call.
No matter what your choice, you will need services of professionals to get the job done and this is where The Tile Guys come in. They offer a wide range of flooring options in San Diego. You can also contact them to get a tile installation.
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sdtileguys · 6 years
Tips for Choosing Flooring for Homes
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“How hard can it be?”
That’s usually what people say when they are asked questions related to home flooring. What they don’t realize is that choosing the right flooring for your home is a lot tougher than it sounds.
For starters, there are so many things that you need to keep in mind. These include the cost of installation, maintenance and the installation process. Let’s take an in depth look at the some of the things you might want to know about flooring in homes:
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Yes, appearance matters. But what’s more important than that is functionality. You should have a clear idea regarding how you intend to use the floor. For example, if there are too many people you might be better off getting hardwood flooring.
Let’s now take a look at different types of flooring options and their uses:
These are made using ceramic or porcelain and are known for being easy to clean and maintain. Another advantage of these is that they are water-resistant. These are more commonly used in kitchens and bathrooms.
Tiles are also popular because they are available in different finishes, which include wood and stone.
Engineered Wood
In many ways, it’s similar to normal wooden floor. Only difference is that it’s processed wooden flooring which consists of layers of plywood along with an additional layer of hardwood.
It can be installed on all kinds of sub floors. In addition to that, it’s also ideal for use in areas which are free of moisture.    
Like tiles, vinyl is easy to clean and maintain which is why it has gained quite a lot of popularity. It’s made up of synthetic polymers and you can add pigmentation for color. This makes it ideal for use in kitchen and laundry room.
These are known for their durability and are ideal for use in areas where there is a lot of traffic. The best part about these is that they are very easy to maintain. All you really need to do is occasionally mop the floor and clean it with a broom.
Floor Maintenance
No matter which option you select, you will have to make sure that the floor is well-maintained. All of the aforementioned flooring options have different requirements; for example with vinyl and hardwood, cleaning the floor with a mop will do the job.
Are you looking for a company that offers roofing options in San Diego? Get in touch with The Tile Guys. They are tile contractors based in San Diego and offer multiple flooring options. Visit their website and take a look at the services they offer.
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sdtileguys · 6 years
Between the Lines - Let’s Discuss Different Floor Layers!
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You only wanted your floors revamped and thought that choosing the right color or pattern was needed to do.
But suddenly your contractor is talking about subfloors, joists, underlayment and floor coverings and all that is just flying over your head!
But don’t worry!
Subfloors, joists, floor coverings and underlayment are critical terms related to flooring and for you, crucial overheads to ensure appropriate installations.
However, since you’re not as familiar to them, we decided to make things easier for you and explain what each layer does.
The Complete Method of Flooring
First Layer: Floor Covering
This is the topmost layer, the floor you walk on. This layer doesn’t need any structural support, and instead, offers supplementary support to the layers below. This layer is also removable and can be exchanged for other types of flooring options as well.
Usually, this flooring cover or finished floor is carpeting, solid wood, laminate, ceramic tile, stone or any of the options that are available.
Second Layer: Underlayment
The underlayment or underlay is optional, although some contractors may recommend it so that the floor stays level. There are different types of underlayment for each flooring materials.
If you have solid hardwood floors, you’ll have an underlay of plywood. With tiles and stone, you’ll have a cement backer board, whereas with laminate, you’ll have a thin layer of foam.
Third Layer: Subfloor
This is a thin layer on which all the other layers will rest. Resting on the joists, this layer is usually made from plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) and is structural.
Basically, it supports all the layers of flooring and everything on it, which includes people, pets and furniture etc. Every house has a subfloor.
Fourth Layer: Joists (Bottom Layer)
Made from laminated wood or of dimensional lumber, joists are structural in design and are meant to support all the flooring layers.
Learned Enough?
Now that you know the inner details of your flooring, the next step should be connecting with contractors who can help you make the right choice, like The Tile Guys from San Diego.
Offering the highest quality tiles and stones, these professionals can make your floors look gorgeous!
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sdtileguys · 6 years
Warm and Toasty! – Getting the Right Floors over Radiant Heating Systems
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You’ve decided to do your cold feet a favor and give them the comfort they deserve by installing a radiant heating system in your home.
Easy though this process is, there’s a lot that goes into installation than just choosing the latest system, that’s also within your budget. You also have to choose the best flooring, one that would allow the heating to come through. And unless you’re an expert in flooring, we won’t blame you if you don’t know the best option that’d go with that.
Don’t worry though! We’ve got you covered!
What Are Your Options?
Let’s Talk Laminate
Since laminate is available in thinner material options, it enables the heat to flow through—making it an ideal fit.
But there are limitations. The most important one being the composition of laminate tiles. They are predominantly made of a wood composite and resin and higher temperatures might harm them.
If you must get laminate flooring, buy a floor sample that’s especially designed for radiant floor heating.
Warm Wood
There are numerous types of wood floors, so you’ll want one that’ll be able to conduct heat and allow it to pass through. People usually use timber (engineered) to layer their floors, since it works well with temperature changes.
However, if you cannot find good timber, you may have your work cut out for you. Wood can change its appearance according to the moisture content it has. You don’t want your floor to end up looking like crinkled up parchment paper!
Tiles and Stones Galore!
Tiles and stone are the best flooring choices you could go with, mainly because they work perfectly with heat. Both possess a high level of thermal conductivity, which means that the heat will be able to travel through the floor fairly quickly.
Neither requires you to set a higher temperature since they’re able to maintain their warmth for a longer time. Their thickness also has little impact on the heat transfer so you won’t have to worry about buying some thick floors either.
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So what’s the verdict?
Unless you specifically want laminate or wood for aesthetic purposes, we’d suggest that you go with tiles or stone.
Finding the
Best Tile Contractors in San Diego
If you’re searching for an affordable service for tile installation, look no further. We have the best contractors for you!
The Tile Guys are the leading contractors in the city of California, offering custom tile installation as well as a selection of tiles and stones for homes and commercial properties.
Contact them today to get the best tiles or stones in your home, and enjoy that heat!
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sdtileguys · 6 years
Ask the Tile Experts: Should You Seal Your Porcelain Tiles?
To seal or not to seal? It’s something homeowners often ask when installing porcelain tiles in their home.
Google it, and you’ll find plenty of conflicting views on the subject.
Some would say you should seal your porcelain tiles, while others would say you don’t need to seal them since they have very low absorption rates.  
Whose opinion you should trust and whose opinion you shouldn’t… to clear this confusion, we asked the tile installation experts at The Tile Guys.
This is what they had to say:
“It depends on the type of porcelain tile you’re using…”
Basically, there are three types of porcelain tiles available in market. You have unglazed tiles, polished tiles and glazed porcelain tiles.
“…Both unglazed and polished tiles require sealing, while in the case of glazed tiles; it is entirely up to the customers.”
Why is it essential to seal unglazed and polished tiles?
“When you’re talking about unglazed tiles, these tiles don’t have any protective coating applied to them during manufacturing. Hence, they can absorb liquid which can lead to staining.”
As for the polished tiles:
“Many people assume that polished porcelain tiles do not need to be sealed since the polish layer should essentially be acting as a protective coat for these tiles.”
And what is the actual fact?
“During the polishing process, micropores in the tiles open up, which makes them susceptible to staining. And so, you must seal your polished tiles to ensure they remain protected from oxidation and day-to-day wear.”
What about glazed porcelain tiles?
According to the tile experts at The Tile Guys, although it’s not essential to seal glazed tiles, sealing them has its benefits.
“The smallest amount of surface undulation can make these tiles difficult to clean. Dust can gradually accumulate, and so there’s always a chance that the performance of the glazed coat may be compromised. So it’s better to seal them as well.”
In summary, sealing your glazed or unpolished porcelain tiles is a must. However, in case of glazed porcelain tiles, even though sealing is not necessary, it does add to the longevity of these tiles.
About The Tile Guys
The Tile Guys is one of the leading floor design and tile installation company in San Diego, CA. The company caters to residential customers as well as commercial customers, and resources a vast experience in the industry. Awarded the 2014 and 2015 Angie’s List Super Service Award, the company is known for its meticulous executions and quality workmanship. For more details visit the company’s official website.  
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sdtileguys · 6 years
Backsplash Tile Installation: Should You Use Thinset or Mastic as an Adhesive?
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Thinset and mastic are the two most widely used adhesives in backsplash tile installation projects. Both adhesives are known to provide long-lasting hold and excellent finish, which makes them ideal for use in drywall applications.
However, they are not suitable for every type of tile. Thinset works best with certain types of tiles, while mastic has its own unique tile profile. To determine which adhesive you should use for your tile remodeling project, look to the tile you’re installing.
Stone Tiles
Stone tiles remain one of the most popular choices for backsplash tile installation projects. Travertine, marble, granite and slate are all used frequently as backsplash tiles.
Generally, stone tiles, with the exception of green marble tiles, are installed using a white thinset.
Why thinset, you ask?
This is because of two reasons:
· First, stone tiles are quite heavy, and thinset formulations can ably support these large, heavy tiles.
· Secondly, stone tiles are porous and can easily get stained. Using a colored mortar or adhesive can spoil the look of stone tiles. Hence why, white thinset is used.
Glass Tiles
Glass tiles have recently gained traction as the ideal backsplash tiles. They can either be used as primary tiles for a backsplash project, or they can also be installed as accent pieces.
To install glass tiles as backsplash, you must use thinset. This is crucial because glass tiles are nonporous, and so,the adhesive used must be able to cure properly in absence of air. Since thinset dries by chemical changes, it’s better suited for the job as opposed to mastic, which requires air to cure properly.
Ceramic Tiles
Last but not the least, we have ceramic tiles. These tiles are by far the most commonly used tiles for backsplash applications.
Mastic is preferred for ceramic tiles installation. In fact, it’s specifically formulated for use with ceramic tiles. You can buy mastic in either 50-pound bags or in small buckets (these buckets provide a coverage area of 30 square feet) as per your installation needs.
In summary, if you are installing stone or glass tiles for your backsplash application, use thinset; however, if you are using ceramic tiles, use mastic.
About The Tile Guys
The Tile Guys is one of the leading tile design and installation companies in San Diego, CA. The company caters to residential customers as well as commercial customers, and resources a vast experience in the industry. Awarded the 2014 and 2015 Angie’s List Super Service Award, the company is known for its meticulous executions and quality workmanship. For more details visit the company’s official website.  
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sdtileguys · 6 years
A Toda Madre Flooring: Saltillo Mexican Tiles—Yay or Nay?!
When it comes to flooring tiles, there’s a variety of options to choose from. Ceramic, porcelain, travertine, natural stone, slate… and the list just goes on.
But if you’re looking for something rustic, ancient, easy-to-maintain and handmade, there aren’t many tiles that suit the profile. In fact, there is only one – the Saltillo Mexican tiles!
“Atoda madre!” choice for flooring projects, Saltillo Mexican tiles are becoming increasingly popular in the world of residential flooring. And if you are considering installing them at your home, but are a little undecided whether you should pull the trigger or not, here are some advantages and disadvantages of the tile flooring to help you make up your mind.
A “Yay” for Saltillo Mexican Tiles
Let’s first look at what makes Saltillo tiles a great flooring choice:
- Saltillo Mexican tiles are environmental friendly.
These tiles are typically made with clay and are produced in an environmentally friendly way. You mold the clay into tiles, dry them in the sun and bake them in a kiln and they are all-ready to grace your home’s floors.
- Plus, they feel good on feet.
Since Saltillo tiles are made from clay, they have an unrivalled soft texture which makes themfeel nice and soft on bare feet. During summers, they are cool and during winters they are warm.
- Not to mention, they are easy to care for!
Caring for your Saltillo Mexican tiles is very easy. You just have to sweep and mop them and they are all back to shining at their best. You can also vacuum them. For an extended life, reseal them every year or two.
A “Nay” for Saltillo Mexican Tiles
Although Saltillo Mexican tiles are great for flooring, there are a few disadvantages that they carry.
- They have that uneven look.
Of course, they are going to be uneven since each tile is made by hand. But, this unevenness is what makes them stand out as mesmerizing, rustic flooring products.  
- Plus,they can easily discolor and chip.
Since Saltillo Mexican tiles are soft, they are prone to chips, nicks and discoloration. For some, this may not be a problem, because the whole flooring surface uniformly carries this flaw and so the defects blend in quite well. But if you are a fan of perfect looking floors, then you may not like them.
- And, their installation can be a bit of a pain!
Saltillo tiles installation is not for DIYers. It requires careful placement and the use of right amount of adhesive to make sure the tiles are properly spaced and laid. So when you’re installing Saltillo Mexican tiles at your home, make sure you hire an experienced tiler for the job.
Saltillo tiles are a good flooring choice,but also a bit tricky to handle. Before you install them, consider the above-mentioned advantages and disadvantages and then make an informeddecision.
About The Tile Guys
The Tile Guys is one of the leading tile design and installation company in San Diego, CA. The company caters to residential customers as well as commercial customers, and resources a vast experience in the industry. Awarded the 2014 and 2015 Angie’s List Super Service Award, the company is known for its meticulous executions and quality workmanship. For more details visit the company’s official website.  
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sdtileguys · 6 years
What You Need to Know About Installing Glass Tiles for Your Backsplash
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Found in kitchens and bathrooms, backsplash refers to the vertical extension of counters—a kitchen or bathroom counter—which protects the walls behind, against water and grease damage caused by inadvertent splashing or splatter.
A backsplash can climb a few inches on a wall or go as high as the ceiling, depending on the design preference of homeowners.
But there’s more to a backsplash than just additional protection for the walls. They also add aesthetics to your kitchen or bathroom, coming across as an area of home décor where both functionality and visual appeal matter.
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Traditionally, ceramic tiles have been the preferred tiling material for backsplashes. Recently however, a range of alternative solutions have emerged in the market, with glass tiles being one of them.
Just look up latest home remodeling magazines and you’ll find a glass tiled backsplash on almost every page you turn over.
They are trendy, they are cool and they fit the application purpose really well.
However, before you order that first piece of glass tile for your kitchen or bathroom remodeling project, here are few things that we would like you to know about glass tiled backsplashes…
The type of glass tile you choose—matters!
When it comes to installing glass tiles for your backsplash, the thing that really matters is the type of glass tile you choose. Not every glass tile is the “tile du jour!” for your backsplash project. There are aqua blue-mosaic tiles, large translucent glass tiles and a whole variety of other types of glass tiles available at your disposal. They all offer the right functionality, but they all may not offer the right visual profile. So choose wisely!
Don’t be afraid, they won’t break!
A major concern when installing glass tiles is the risk of breakage. Glass tiles can break – there’s absolutely no question about that. But when installed on backsplashes, the chances of them breaking are very slim. They stand on the wall and as such they are protected from regular abuse. Yes, you may occasionally slide a heavy item into your backsplash, but glass tiles are robust enough to handle such mishaps.
You don’t only have to use glass tiles for your backsplash
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The best thing about glass tiles is, they can easily blend with other sets of tiles. You can install them with ceramic tiles or natural stone tiles, and they won’t look out of place with either.
Mounted and unmounted glass tiles
Based on their installation profile, glass tiles can be divided into mounted and unmounted categories. Mounted glass tiles come pre-mounted on a mesh backing which makes their installation easy and convenient. Unmounted glass tiles are a little harder to install but they offer more variety in terms of color and pattern.  
Recycled glass tiles are definitely a thing!
Recycled glass tiles are readily available in the market and they are quite popular in the green remodeling circles. They have a unique rustic character unmatched by a new set of tiles.
In summary, glass tiles are great for your backsplashes. They offer optimum functionality and unique visual appeal, while promising durability and a lot of variety in terms of installation and environmental preferences.
About The Tile Guys
The Tile Guys is one of the leading tile design and installation company in San Diego, CA. The company caters to residential customers as well as commercial customers, and resources a vast experience in the industry. Awarded the 2014 and 2015 Angie’s List Super Service Award, the company is known for its meticulous executions and quality workmanship. For more details visit the company’s official website.  
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