sealedtotheflame · 7 years
Neil Carpenter of Carpenter Watches by Ade Oshineye Via Flickr: This is Neil in his little shop in Brooklyn on a beautiful spring day in March 2017
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sealedtotheflame · 7 years
3 girls at Ninna-ji in Kyoto by Ade Oshineye Via Flickr: Technically Ninna-ji is the temple complex and these buildings are the Goten (where the head priest would have lived)
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sealedtotheflame · 10 years
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26: Ricky (a photographer) on Flickr.
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sealedtotheflame · 10 years
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Off-centerpoint on Flickr.
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sealedtotheflame · 10 years
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Shaka on Flickr.
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sealedtotheflame · 10 years
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Robert Nyman in Stockholm on Flickr.
Via Flickr: Just outside the Royal Palace with a guard in the background
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sealedtotheflame · 10 years
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Chabot in B&W on Flickr.
Via Flickr: In Borough Market near the world-famous chorizo burger stall
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sealedtotheflame · 10 years
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Time to get out of Dodge on Flickr.
Via Flickr: 365 projects really push you to be creative by enforcing a daily deadline. However they also slowly drain the joy from things and you can start to feel like you're chained to a treadmill. Despite this I still think everybody should do a 365 project at least once. It's worth it just to prove to your self that you can do it. It has the additional benefit of giving you at least one year where you go outside with a camera every day with the intention of making a usable photo. You end up either failing to make 365 photos or learning which standards or pretensions you're willing to drop in order to succeed. In 2013 I let go of my attachments to the aesthetic philosophies of Henri Cartier-Bresson, embraced my love of typography and epigrams, and flirted with shooting film even though the long feedback cycle makes it impractical for my skill level. This was also the year where, after a few firmware upgrades, I learned to take renewed joy in the simplicity and portability of my X100. Portability turns out to beat every other aspect when it came to which cameras I use most often. My stats (which for reasons that only make sense to the gods of EXIF add up to 370) are as follows: 264 shots with the iPhone 48 shots with Instagram 23 shots with the Leica 14 shots with the X100 10 shots with EyeEm 10 shots with the D700 1 shot with Moto G As well as a variety of devices 2013 featured a variety of places including New York, Aruba, Berlin, Bangalore, Paris, Ireland, California, Chicago and Hull but all my favourite (notice how that's a different word to "best") shots were taken in London.
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sealedtotheflame · 10 years
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Eyes without sight and light without flame on Flickr.
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sealedtotheflame · 10 years
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A new perspective on fish-eye on Flickr.
Via Flickr: There are some ideas that I come back to again: www.flickr.com/photos/adewale_oshineye/295862841/ and again: www.flickr.com/photos/adewale_oshineye/4019988058/ The trick is to distinguish between iterative refinement of an idea and exploration of solution-space. Eventually you're no longer held in thrall by the original idea and new ideas can be built upon it.
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sealedtotheflame · 10 years
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Sealed To The Flame on Flickr.
This specific image has been haunting me for weeks. To be honest the concept of a flame floating in darkness has been haunting me for decades thanks to starting Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time series at an impressionable age. The combination of a 24-70mm lens at the zoom end, judicious cropping and a nearly-spent candle reified the ghost in my imagination. This photo shares its title with this photoblog and they're both inspired by an odd turn of phrase in the Wheel Of Time. In that series things "sealed to the flame" are important secrets meant only for the holder of a particular office.
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