sean-farrow · 9 years
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sean-farrow · 9 years
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Ryan Gosling in Blue Valentine (2010)
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“be stubborn.,” Sean couldn’t not hold in the laughter. “I know when I’ve overstayed my welcome.”
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“You’re still here…” Joseph countered.
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“No he didn’t say anything to me, I just find it all hilarious. I’m more than happy to be the middleman. As long as it doesn’t involve me breaking up a fight among you two.”
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“Is it a problem I don’t speak to him directly. Did he say that?” Fighting the urge to roll his eyes. He muttered the words, fuckin baby, under his breath.
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“Quick question. Are you two ever going to patch things up. It breaks my heart to see you too not talk.” Sean snickered at that, but quickly recovered. “Well...when you’re not speaking to him through me or Bobby..or everyone else…”
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“Greenwich?, who’s paying for—nevermind I don’t care. And Reese, too.”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“You can’t be surprised that everyone wants to check up on you. It’ll only get worse Jo-I say just give in.”
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“Uhh, probably nothing, he’s got that new place in Greenwich, so I’ll check it out and I’ll fill him in on what’s going to happen.”
“Contrary to what most of you may think, I can manage being alone in my own house. I live for it actually. What does Jackson want?”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“Works for me. --I gotta leave, Jackson wants to meet up for some odd reason - you don’t need me to stick around do you?”
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“Duly noted, we know Logan will be one of the tougher ones. Break him if necessary, but don’t put him in the ground just yet.”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“Just so you know, if the rest don’t go down as easily, like Logan Miller. I can’t speak on what I’ll do.”
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“So you’ll make it happen, do whatever needs to be done and it’ll be quick. Just the most prominent of the family will be taken out and we’ll deal with the rest.”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“You’re right..” Sean backed off. It would take Joseph to help him understand why they traveled down this dangerous path. “Dave has gotten away with a lot. The Casinos, the money we helped them move. It’s great disrespect.”
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“I wonder did Dave think about that when he outsmarted us the first time?”
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“Dave has no respect for the rules in place, he brought the children into this, specifically mine, when it was always understood they were to be left untouched. I gotta play by the rules when he gets to break them at his leisure, come on Sean. You know better.”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“I agree. But--it’s an entire family, decapitating them will just put a bigger target on your back, they might even come after, try to come after Jennifer again.”
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“The Gambino’s are nothing more than a glorified gang. What’s strong about them, is their worth, which we’ll absorb into our family and put our men in place to take over. That is the only thing they have over us. They’re not that strong.”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“So we don’t talk about it? Does Christian even have a problem with it? --I know we’ve always toyed with the idea of knocking off a family, I pictured we’d aim for the weakest first?”
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Joseph nodded a few times. Shifting his position at the table he flipped through the Chronicle a page or two. “I figured that move was obvious, I didn’t think I needed to say it?”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“You know me, work never stops.” He answered, “I’ll get nothing done here, I don’t even know why I bothered, but with time I think you’ll find out everything Miss Venturi. --Where is the date for the evening?”
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"Everyone seems awfully.. nervous.”
“The only thing that ever happens at one of these sad excuses d’une fêtes.. Bad dancing, teenagers consuming ungodly amounts of alcohol, and a bunch of grumpy old men that we are supposed to be chaperoning.” She said with a small laugh, indulging herself on a drink even if the familiar face in front of her isn’t. “So what was so important as to make you late?”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“Not yet, but with how everything is playing out I have to ask is everything alright up there?” Catching on to what Joseph was speaking of, Sean sighed because while that was part of the problem it wasn’t the only one that needed to be addressed. “Jack and Jennifer are fine, they’re learning, still. --” It would be wrong to expect of them when they had very much sheltered lives. “It’s about the Dave and his family? You plan to knock off an entire family?”
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“So you’re worried I’m not getting out enough…working or staying in and working?” Joseph was amused more than anything. “Sean I’m still doing better then most men at my age, considering what I do for a living that won’t change. I haven’t gone off the far end yet?” He had no desire to stop working, if anything the past events of last year motivated him to work harder. He hated that he grew comfortable. “What is it Sean. Don’t think of it as a bad thing. People do not stay the same, how would that help this family, if Jennifer or Jackson were still the same people a year ago I’d be worried. As a father, there are certain things I wasn’t prepared for, but even men as powerful as I am can’t stop life.”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“I haven’t touched a glass of anything really?” Strange of him, but he didn’t have a taste for it. “You’re clearly the one having fun here and I was late, so what I miss?”
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"Everyone seems awfully.. nervous.”
“Perhaps. Or maybe you’re a bad gauge of temperature.” She smirked at the familiar face. “Or a few too many drinks of wine. Which is it?”
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sean-farrow · 9 years
Dismissing that look of his, it actually made Sean laugh a bit. “Not a fan? That’s new?” He was the strange one. Since it did not appear the other guy was going anywhere and Sean was doing everything he was suppose to. Waiting for Joseph, or another guy of theirs.. 
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Alexei gave the cigarette a rather disgusted look. “No thank you.” He thought smoking was a nasty habit, and he wasn’t about to start smoking.
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sean-farrow · 9 years
“Another act of kindness? I find hard to believe?” Sean kept his tone clean, non-combative.
Fire and Ice / Sean & Lauren
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