What the hell did I just watch? 
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Even though i may be a teenager, my previous relationship was controlling and the person was physically hurting me too. They would tell me to meet up with them and i would reply with i cant and then they would throw a hissy fit until i agreed. They once got 'carried away' and whacked my knuckles with drum sticks. The first time we met, they were screaming at me. I decided to leave as soon as they started to mention my friend we met through as a love interest. It took all night for it to happen. They still text me to this day, which i reply with small answers. I back the movement full force. I wouldn't wish a controlling or abusive partner on anyone.
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Men are using a powerful hashtag to fight back against emotional abuse
According to NCADV, 4 in 10 people have experienced some kind of coercive control from an intimate partner. Sadly, #MaybeSheDoesntHitYou is raising much-needed awareness for a widespread problem.
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This is an account run by me and a friend! Please consider asking to join!!
warrior cats rp discord
Hey! We are opening up a new discord server for warriors oc rp, if you are interested in joining pm us your name (or nickname), pronouns, age, what clan you would like to be in, cat name and an rp example and we’ll talk it out from there! Thanks!
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I have the cold rn and MY VOICE IS FUUUUCKED SAVE ME 
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vines that remind me of the warrior cats
berrynose: what up im jared im 19 and i never fuckin learned how to read
ivypool: [pointing @ dovewing + tigerheart] what the fuck is this allowed
willowpelt & darkkit: let me see what you have- a kNIFE!! NO!!!!
fireheart, to cinderpelt: so im sitting there….barbecue sauce on my titties [cinderpelt bursts out laughing and rolls on the floor]
hollyleaf & cinderheart: hello sarah…hi tiffany………those shoes look familiar
graystripe to darkstripe: THIS IS WHY MOM DOESNT FUCKING LOVE YOU
bluestar: hello im your freestyle dance teacher
fireheart to graystripe: SO WHATS THE SCOOP???…. penis
squirrelflight to sandstorm: i spilled lipstick in your valentino bag | you spilled LIPSTICK WAHAHAHAWHWH LIPSTICK IN MY VALENTINO WHITE BAG
brambleclaw, with the three: when mom isnt home [trombone playing & oven slamming]
ravenpaw: um i never went to oovoo javer
lionblaze: mother trucker dude that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
graypaw to darkstripe: CHRIS IS THAT A WEED???
tigerstar: roadwork ahead??? ….yeah i sure HOPE it does
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hey, happy tdov!
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This tumblr is making a comeback from the dead bois!!!
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surprise! its an orc!!
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Why is this becoming popular this was a dumb shit post what lol
Cute nicknames for loved ones
Shit tit Lil prick Shuckle fuckle Satan dick Succ boi/gal/satan Thicc boi/gal/satan
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You’ve been visited by the unnecessarily threatening Mario and Link of Sudden Smash Bros Announcements
Reblog or they’ll literally just fucking kill you
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some real sloppy doodles of some thunderclan warriors! that took hours longer than they should haaave 
please reblog if you can, i would really appreciate it ;w; 
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reminder trans men aren’t just cute, they’re also handsome and hot as hell
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he would understand
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dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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Dear teen girls,
Stop abusing your boyfriends and yes what you are doing is abuse.
Yelling at him in front of his friends 
Hitting or slapping him when he does or says something you don’t like
Telling him he doesn’t have a choice when it comes to decisions that involve both of you 
Telling him he can’t hang out with friends because you don’t like him
Telling him to not talk to other girls even if they are his friend
Forcing him to spend every moment with you 
Belittling him and pointing out all his flaws
Calling him stupid or making fun of him for making a mistake
Threatening to break up with him if he doesn’t do what you want
Being emotionally manipulative and crying until he does what you want
Accusing him of cheating every time he’s not with you
Blow up is phone if he doesn’t text you every five minutes 
Telling him you are the must thing that has ever happened to him and no one else will love
Physically attacking him when ever you are mad
Forcing him to have sex despite that fact that he said he didn’t want to
Invading his privacy by going through his phone
Getting mad at him for changing his password and demanding he tell you what it is
If a guy did any of these things to a girl it would be considered abuse but since its the other way around its considered normal. Throughout High school I saw many girl treating their boyfriends like shit. Sometime even physically abusing them in the hallways and no one trying to stop it because its a girl attacking a boy. 
Boys: If your girlfriend does anything on this list leave her. It is abuse and you deserve better.
Girls: if you find your self doing anything on this list to your boyfriend you need to knock it off because you are being abusive. 
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What does my cat think when I kiss his little head? Does he know it’s affection or does he think I’m trying to eat him
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what they say: cats are evil and unable to love
what they mean: i dont know how to handle small animals and consider them lashing out in SELF DEFENSE an insult
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