sebastian-ass69 · 21 days
What a terribly dull ending this is.
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sebastian-ass69 · 2 months
Been sitting on this chapter of Matchmaker for a while, have fun!
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sebastian-ass69 · 2 months
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ciel: me and the demon i pulled by being crazy and having spectacular boypussy
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
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I’m playing the Not-Study game. I think I’m winning.
Sauce: http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvp1ko9xbE1qb5gkjo1_400.jpg
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
I've never seen anyone else address this, so I'm finally doing so. The ending of season 2 has always bothered me. Not because of Ciel's transformation, or Sebastian being forever in his servitude (ordinarily that would be the ideal ending, preferable to Ciel's death and Sebastian simply moving on,) but because of Ciel's demeanor and attitude. It feels extremely out of character for me.
In the final episode Ciel is very obviously smug about "outsmarting" Sebastian, silently lording his perceived victory over him. However, that wasn't Ciel's victory, or his plan. That was all Alois and Hannah. I have always felt that in actuality, Ciel would be livid. He is most likely the only human Sebastian's ever encountered who fully accepted his fate, the terms of the contract, and never tried to escape or worm his way out of it at the last moment. Remember, in the season one finale, Ciel actually seemed to be at peace for the first time we've ever seen him. He was content with Sebastian taking his soul. And he would have done so with no resistance on Ciel's part, had Claude not intervened.
Ciel had once had a very clear vision of his future, of what he had planned, agreed to. I think he would he angry, panicked at having the proverbial rug pulled out from under him. He did not consent to being granted immortality (ordinarily, I think Ciel would find the very concept of immortality rather dreadful, a prison. He would not find it remotely worth it unless he had someone or something that made it worth living. Forever is an incomprehensibly long time.) He had made peace with his fate, dying an early death, and I believe part of him would have even found comfort in it. Once his revenge was realized, as far as he knew Ciel would have nothing to live for. He never would have been content in a one-sided farce of a marriage with Lizzy, playing domestic, living a dull, grey life and performing the role, the duties expected of him. And as far as I'm concerned, Ciel is completely unaware of the depth of Sebastian's feelings towards him. Ciel isn't even trusting of other humans, with good reason. He would find it unbelievably foolish and naive to fully trust a demon. Ironically, Sebastian is the one whom he both trusts the most and the least. Ciel, logically, wouldn't even think one like Sebastian to be capable of deeper feelings, of truly caring for another, let alone love.
As we know, Ciel is a strategist. His current life, every action, is centered around thorough planning. He is not prone to whimsy and spontaneity (although he can act spontaneously when the situation calls for it.) He finds comfort and familiarity, grounding in having a plan, being several steps ahead of those around him. Having a plan for his life's path, knowing where the journey would end, would have been vital to his sense of stability. He would absolutely not appreciate having someone interfere the way Hannah did, altering the course of his life irreversibly.
I also believe Ciel would be indignant on Sebastian's behalf. Ciel would *want* to reward Sebastian for his loyalty, for being his sole confidant, for saving him and affording him a second chance to pursue his revenge, being there when God had abandoned him, Sebastian going above and beyond the call of duty for *him.* He truly would honour his word, at least in that. He would be angry that Sebastian was stripped of what he had rightfully earned. Demon or no, Sebastian is the only one who has never, can never betray him, whom can know his secrets, the depths of his depravity.
So, for these reasons, the ending has always rubbed me the wrong way. The only way I can retcon it in my mind in a way that would make any sort of sense is if Ciel is in fact angry and upset, afraid of a now unknown, murky future - yet due to his pride and his fear of vulnerability, of being perceived as weak, he would display a false sense of bravado, of security, acting like he had played a hand in his fate and was in control of the situation.
I'm interested in others' thoughts on this, if anyone agrees.
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
In my Hannibal au
Sebastian: My hungry ass could never have a boyfriend
Ciel: ?!
Sebastian: *horny
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
Sebastian really is treating Brighton like it's their honeymoon
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
Antis be like:
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
Sebastian fucks Ciel in the coat closet at Ciel's wedding
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
Here's an excerpt from my sebaciel hannibal au ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Sebastian sighed, taking off his glasses. “You aren’t getting any better because you still don’t want to get better.”
“I thought we were under no pretenses that I truly wanted to be here. I told you the first day we met that it was hopeless because I have no intention of “getting better”.”
“Yes well, I thought we’d at least give it a shot.” He put his glasses away in his breast pocket. “Are you still bent on revenge?”
“Of course.” What type of question was that? 
“Have you managed to make any more progress since you last updated me?”
Ciel looked away, “No.”
“Ah. I expected as much,” Disappointment colored his voice. “I suppose nothing more than a sloppy murder isn’t much progress at all.”
Ciel's face flushed, “He was much bigger than me, how did you expect me to get information out of him?”
“Delicately. Such practices involve a, how do I say this? Gentle hand? You were far too violent too soon. It takes time to extract information out of someone.” 
“What would you know about that? Exactly how often do you have to extract information?” Ciel scoffed.
Sebastian merely smiled at him. Ciel leaned back in his chair, “Exactly. So, now what? Is this where you drop me as a patient?” For some reason he wasn’t as happy as he thought he would be. This had been his plan since the beginning, but now he almost felt sad.
“Yes and no. You see I think I can no longer be your therapist, that being said,” he paused, “I think I can still help you in a different way.”
Ciel swallowed. A different way? That didn’t sound concerning at all. “How so?”
Sebastian smiled, pleased that Ciel was willing to hear him out. “I will help you get your revenge,” Ciel jolted forward. “But,” Sebastian emphasized, “it will come at a price.”
Ciel sat there contemplating. “What type of price?” He knew Sebastian, the man wasn’t talking about money when he said price. 
Sebastian smiled, his teeth unnaturally sharp in the dim light, “Your soul.” 
Ciel looked at him, absorbing his words. “My soul?”
Sebastian nodded, “Yes, but in exchange you would have me to help you complete your revenge. That is what you want more than anything, right?”
He did want his revenge above all else. His life was over the moment he was in that cage. “You’re going to eat it, aren’t you?”
The therapist smiled fondly at him. Ciel racked his brain, what ate souls? “You’re a demon.” It wasn’t a question. It made too much sense. 
“You always have been quite smart for a human.” The demon almost sounded proud.
“So how would this work? Would you be solving the objects of my revenge, and then eat my soul as payment? If so, I don’t want that.”
“No, I know you wouldn’t want that. Plus where's the fun in that? I want to see you blossom before I snuff out the light that is you.”
“So then, what exactly would you be doing?” 
“I would be helping, doing the things you can’t accomplish on your own. I would be your pawn. I would belong to you, and you to me.”
Ciel thought that them belonging to each other was a sick imitation of romance. “So you would be mine to command?”
“Mine to use?”
“So how would this work?”
Sebastian smiled, pleased with Ciel’s unspoken acceptance. “We’d draw up a contract. In exchange for your wish, I would get your soul.”
“So I get my revenge, and then after I have attained that you get my soul?”
“Yes. You get three requests of me as well.”
Three wasn’t a lot for the cost of his soul, but the promise of his revenge was worth it. “Very well.”
“Excellent,” The demon smiled at him with too many pointed teeth and slit pupils, “Let’s draw up the contract then.”
Ciel looked in the mirror, “And, just how am I supposed to explain this to my aunt?”
The damn demon merely laughed. “I’m serious Sebastian, she dropped me off today, how do I explain that my eye is now purple?” he exclaimed. 
Sebastian walked so that he was standing behind Ciel looking at the boy in the mirror. “Here, put this on.” He handed him an eyepatch. 
Ciel took it from him, attempting to put it on. Sebastian let out a quiet laugh before tying it on the boy himself. “There, it’s hidden.”
Ciel whipped around to face him, “It still doesn’t explain why I’m wearing this.”
Sebastian went quiet for a second. “Run away from home.”
“Run away from home for a couple days, then when you go back, claim something happened to it,” the demon explained as though it was common sense.
Ciel stared at him as though he had grown a second head. “Where would I go?”
Sebastian had almost forgotten that despite the trauma the boy had gone through he still had, for the most part lived a very pampered life. “That’s simple, you’ll come with me.”
“You…want me to go with you?” 
Sebastian nodded. The boy tried to swallow the lump in his throat. “Would I…? Would I have to eat what you make?”
Sebastian showed off his teeth, “It is a part of our contract after all.”
Ciel felt like throwing up. It ultimately was the price he had decided to pay for with his soul. “Right. Okay. Let’s go.” He headed towards the door. 
“Ah, not so fast.” Ciel turned back to look at him. “I can’t take you with me right away, unless we want to make getting your revenge harder. We can’t exactly have me going to jail for kidnapping, now can we?”
The boy nodded, “Makes sense. Then what would you have me do?”
“You’ll take a cab across town, then turn off your phone once you get there. I’ll be there to pick you up,” Sebastian paused, “If you need me, simply call my name.”
Ciel called up a ride. His hands were sweating as the driver kept trying to make conversation. What was he doing? What had he done? He shook his head, he didn’t really regret it if he was being honest. Getting revenge was the only thing that mattered anymore. His life was already forfeit. He supposed it was better to have his life end via the demon, than spend the rest of it in prison after he completed it, or more likely if he completed it at all. He sighed. Honestly the only thing that made him even slightly regret it was the demon’s request. Personally he thought the demon was in no position to ask for anything, but he needed Sebastian, and the demon knew it. 
Ciel climbed out of the car, ignoring the driver’s goodnight. He pulled out his phone and turned it off. It was dark on this side of town. He shivered, it was also cold, and drizzling. A minute later a sleek black car pulled up in front of him. The window rolled down to reveal Sebastian. Ciel quickly clambered into the car. The bottom of his tennis shoes were muddy much to Sebastian’s annoyance. “Ah,” Sebastian said, “One quick thing before we can go.” The demon snatched Ciel’s phone from out his hands and threw it out his open window. “There we go.”
Sebastian put the car in drive and sped off, ignoring Ciel. “I thought we were only turning off my phone!” 
Sebastian looked at him from the corner of his eye, “I merely told you to turn it off, I never said what would happen to it afterwards.”
Ah, so that's how it was going to be. The demon would work around not lying to him by leaving out crucial information. This was good to know. “Would you like to listen to music?” Sebastian asked.
“Not particularly.” 
“Very well. We shall take this ride in silence then.”
Ciel looked out the window. Sebastian had always been an unconventional if not bad therapist. He was not nearly as surprised about him being a demon as he should be. There were times he seemed to enjoy Ciel’s distress. As though he was feeding off of the boy’s negative emotions. Not to mention he had encouraged Ciel to follow the first lead he found, and had even hinted at murdering him. Yes, he wasn’t very surprised at all.
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
Just got this recommended to me:
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"the discomfort this story provides on many levels" to YOU! I'm here busting a fat one at the dark homoerotic shota subtext in the dark homoerotic shota manga by the shotacon artist. We ain't the same.
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
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I'll just leave it here
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
Chapter five of matchmaker is up!
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
Chapter five of matchmaker is up!
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sebastian-ass69 · 3 months
Chapter four is up, I worked hard <(_ _)>
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