“I will be forever in your debt.” Sebastian joked back, a reflex to push her away now that she had used the word friend flaring inside him.
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She laughed along and pretended to think about it. “Fine, I’ll do the sacrifice to watch beautiful people on tv with you, but only because you’re my friend.”
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“Horny and bored? Damn right I am.” Sebastian said with a laugh.He wasn’t going to go into how much he really did feel a deep need for intimacy tonight. That was too embarrassing.
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“Are you feeling any of those?” He asked nonchalantly.
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“Yeah it is. Society puts way too much importance of romance and traditional relationships.” Sebastian said before taking a long drink of his larger. He’d always struggled with the expectation society had of him to settle down with a woman and have the typical family with 2.5 kids and the perfect marriage. He wasn’t really interested in any of it. Even if he was working to actually form some lasting connections, to let more people in his life, a typical romance still wasn’t something he was looking for. “Well, I’m glad I managed to save you tonight.”
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“Because my friends are idiots who are relationship obsessed,” Lillie answered with a shrug of her shoulders. “They don’t seem to be able to get their heads around the fact that just not interested. This world is completely ridiculous sometimes, you know?” She pulled the drink towards her, thanking him softly, and then took several sips. 
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“Yeah I get that.” Sebastian said with an eye roll. Harpoole was quite growing on him, but the quieter and slower lifestyle didn’t really suit him much. It was hard. “You prefer things a bit more livelier too then?”
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When Sebastian picked up the ice cream for them, she thanked him, and then took a seat opposite him a moment later. “What? Harpoole?” she questioned, licking her ice cream. “Quiet.” She chuckled. “No, it’s not so bad, but it’s not exactly excitement central, you know?”
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“So who’s this girlfriend then?” Sebastian asked with a smirk.
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Liam laughed then, he really had only been kidding, there was nothing wrong with Harpoole – nothing at all. “Well, thanks!” His eyebrows lifted for a moment. If this had been a different times and the last couple of weeks hadn’t worked out how he thought, tonight could have been very interesting.
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Sebastian laughed. “No, come one. Appreciating gorgeous forms is definitely a team sport.”
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Astridlooked at him, a little smile on her face. “Would you… like me to leave you and the tv alone?” she giggled.
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Sebastian wondered what that would be like, to have so many years between your siblings. He didn’t have that many between him and his sister or him and his older brother. If there was more years maybe he wouldn’t feel as insecure between them as he did. But at the same time he might not be as close to them which was something he would hate.
“I’m Sebastian. Sebastian.” He responded, making sure she wouldn’t shorten his name.
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“By six years, yeah.” 
He was cute. If he was interested in Lillie like Kate thought he was, like Kate’s intuition was telling her that he was, then Lillie was a lucky girl. Maybe later Kate would buy a big bottle of wine as a ‘thank you’ to Lil for letting her stay at the flat, and maybe she’d drop his name into the conversation, if he’d give it to her.
“I’m Katherine. Kate.” She said, holding out her hand with a little smile.
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Sebastian got her a drink and himself another pint and sat down next to her again. “So, why do your friends think you need to start dating?” He asked, wondering what the answer would and whether she’d answer completely honestly or not. It was a time when he was actually grateful he didn’t really have types of friends like that, that the few friendships he had still had a certain distance in them that allowed him to avoid things like that. Why would he want friends if they were going to try to force him to be someone else or do something he didn’t want to do?
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A laugh escaped her at that, and Lillie found herself shaking her head in amusement as she said, “That’s very honest of you.” Sure, she’d been honest, not quite as much as he. She nodded when he assured her that he wouldn’t talk about himself all night, something she was relieved to hear. “I’ll take a vodka and coke, thanks.”
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The store was surprisingly quiet for a summer day and he headed straight up to the counter, getting two scoops each for them and then sitting down outside. “So honestly, what’s this place really like?”
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At that, Lillie couldn’t help but chuckle a little, nodding to him as she ducked inside. “Well, thank you,” she responded.
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“We can go back to mine. It’s not far and we can be alone.” He said lowly. He tilted his head in question, an smirk playing on his lips.
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And he seemed to know exactly how to get her, as she shivered again when he was at her neck. She shrugged her shoulders at his question. She didn’t want to go home. That was off limits. Too many memories and she didn’t want to spoil that, but then she didn’t know what else to suggest, so she turned it to him. “I dunno - Your call.” 
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“Oh, I’m sure you do have your flaws, but I haven’t really seen any yet. I’ll keep me eye out for them though. I won’t overestimate you.” He assured her. Sebastian was definitely not the type to ignore people’s flaws or think they could be perfect. Everyone was flawed and messy, that’s why he found them all so interesting. But that was also why he had never done well at forming lasting connections so far. people were messy and that made everything to do with them messy.
He jogged beside her, enjoying the rush the exercise brought and the slight rise in his heart beat. “I place myself in your knowledgeable hands then.” He said with a smirk. They hadn’t been running long enough for talking to be difficult or harder yet and his voice was still strong. “Does that mean I’m going to see your house if we’re ending there then? Are you going to invite me in for some water?”
Morning Run | Sebastian & Valentina
She cocked an eyebrow at him, an amused look falling over her face as he corrected himself. “No need to try to flatter me or anything like that. I think you might just be overestimating my character,” she said neutrally, the faint traces of a laugh bubbling up in her chest. She returned her eyes to the front when she realized he’d easily caught up to her. Although the bouncing of her entire body as she ran most likely concealed it, Val shrugged a shoulder at his question. “I guess so. I’m the one who lives around here, after all. Wouldn’t want you getting us lost,” she said with a chuckle. “I usually end my runs at my house, which is why I don’t carry any water with me, so we’ll probably end up there by the end if that’s okay.”
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Sebastian considered the question. He’d never spent time with colleagues outside of work before. He got on well with the doctors and nurses at the hospital back in Oxford, but it remained a professional relationship. Luca was trying for something more here though, and though Sebastian was reluctant and worried, he found himself considering trying as well. He came here wanting to try for more and so far the experience hadn’t really been too bad. “A drink sounds good.”
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Breaking Down Barriers | Sebastian & Luca
Luca watched the other man close himself off. He’d always been good at reading people and their body language, something he’d had to do when he was first starting out learning english. “Yeah, my mom is wonderful,” he nodded, taking a sip of coffee. “We should hang out sometime, go get a drink or something,” the blue eyed man suggested lightly. 
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“Awww.” Sebastian said with a pout. “Why does anyone want to kiss anyone? You’re attractive? I want a bit of intimacy and fun? I’m bored and horny?”
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“Then you don’t get a kiss.” Jack shrugged with a smile. “Why do you want me to kiss you anyway?”
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“Really?” He asked, surprised. He was quite tipsy, but he was no where near drunk enough to think his ridiculous flirting was in any way appealing. But Sebastian wasn’t the type to say no to kisses, even pity kisses.
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“You just know you’re cute and hard to say no to, don’t you”, Declan said, shaking his head. He was only finding this insanely amusing - drunk kisses were innocent, everyone did it. “Fine, you can have one.”
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“Well if you’re that clumsy, definitely stay indoors while you heal.” Sebastian said with a nod and a chuckle. Netflix, huh? He just resisted from making a comment about Netflix and chill. That would not be appropriate from a doctor to his patient. “just relaxing and watching tv is probably good. Keeping your wrist raised while you do that will help as well.”
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“But walking seems so boring, you know?“ he said, “And hop scotch… then I’ll be back tomorrow with a broken leg or something. Don’t underestimate my clumsiness,“ he chuckled, “But I’ll figure something out. Maybe I’ll tackle some of these shows on Netflix.“
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“No, they are not.” Sebastian said with a smirk and lent back, putting his hands behind his head. “Look at how their muscles ripple.”
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“Oh yeah… there’s also that.” she changed the channel to the swimming, smiling. “We can say that them are definitely not the dark side of the Olympics.”
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“Eh, not much of a loss. I’ve got used to my night not going anywhere in this ridiculous town.”
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“Sorry to burst your bubble, but your night’s not going anywhere, especially with me, handsome.”
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