sebprotectionn · 2 months
im ovulating soooo i need some good smut recs bestieee to get me through 🙏 pls 🫶
Bestie I will try my best to help you! I don't know if you prefer one shots/ blurbs or series so I will include both in this list (also some of them will be new ones and some will be classics) So let's not waste time 🫡
- Insatiable by @harrysonlylover
- No Loss by @adorebeaa
- Answer The Phone and
- this one by @jarofstyles
- You Again,
- Overdrive,
- Pillow Talk and
- Teenage Dirtbag by @freedomfireflies
- A Good Boy,
- Sex Tutor and
- The Handyman by @gurugirl
- Daddy Issues and
- Recordstore Romance by @fkinavocado
- Brother's Best Friend by @helladirections
- Bad Idea by @lemoncrushh
- Quarantine!Harry by @harrys-titties
- The Rich Series,
- Best Friend's Brother and
- Painted On Your Back by @lukesaprince
Happy Reading! 🫶
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sebprotectionn · 4 months
I am sobbing😭
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sebprotectionn · 11 months
Love and Dryer Sheets IV
Read the rest here: Love and Dryer Sheets
~4.2k words
Warnings: emotional cheating, pining, angst, maybe some fluff if you squint
Now I know I have a heart…because it’s breaking.
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Ava texted Harry to let him know she made it to the restaurant. She even apologized about the thing with her keys. There was even a heart emoji. Harry was spending the time she was out, face down on the sofa, trying not to scream. But it felt like he needed to. In fact, it felt like he needed to lay face down in traffic but obviously he couldn’t actually do that.
Harry’s conscience decided now was the time to give up on him. Maybe the little voice thought Harry was just simply too stupid to deal with right now. What was he even supposed to do? The voice in his head all but told him exactly what would happen. It tried to warn him. It was completely, totally Harry’s fault for fucking up so. Very. Badly.
Harry sat up about ten minutes before Ava was set to be home. He made a list on his phone of things he needed to do; there was no order to the list as the last item was probably most important…but his already broken, stupid mind didn’t have it in him to put it first, out in the open like that.
-Work portfolio -Gemma b-day present -Laundry -Tell Ava -Tell...
He didn’t want to finish the last sentence.
What were his options? 
He could tell Ava. But that ensured a blowout fight. They would probably break up. Would Ava leave? Technically Harry found this place. Naturally, she complained how her fifteen-minute commute to work was brutal every couple months (usually around holidays when the traffic would amplify to thirty minutes—not that she ever left a moment earlier to account for the time differential) and made sure to tell Harry that she didn’t like living here. 
But…Harry didn’t like the idea of breaking up. It felt like he was losing. Everyone had sympathetic eyes for him when Ava made him mad–especially in public. There goes the poor sap that can’t get out of a bad relationship. But it wasn’t bad. At least…it wasn’t always bad. Harry had to stay for a reason right?
What are those reasons? The voice of Harry’s heart was turning into his second conscience but almost entirely for the benefit of Harry’s happiness.
The sympathetic eyes would soon become I-told-you-so-eyes. That was the last thing Harry wanted. 
Maybe he needed to call Gemma. Gemma was like a compass. She always knew what to do to help her little brother and this might be the stupidest thing he had ever done. But he didn’t need to call her. He knew exactly what she would say. It’s not fair to you or Ava to be in a relationship that makes you both so unhappy. Gemma would be kind. She probably wouldn’t even say I told you so just to be nice.
But he would know.
He cheated. Plain as day. There was no if ands or buts. There was no way to deny it. No taking it back. He messed up.
But the little voice in charge of his heart wasn’t going down without a fight. This is a good thing. It insisted. You want to break up with Ava. You haven’t been happy in a while! Sunshine. You need Sunshine.
But Harry, now taking over for his conscience that abandoned him on the elevator ride back to their place, knew that it was easier said than done. It was way more complicated. Perhaps most importantly, it was so irreconcilably stupid on his part that despite how much he needed some sunshine in his life, he did it the very worst way possible.
Because even though what he did to Ava was despicable, the thought of hurting that sweet girl in the laundry room hurt his fragile heart even more.
Harry could hardly sleep beside Ava. He tossed and turned for the better part of the night. By the time six in the morning rolled around he was completely exhausted and restless. If he got four hours’ worth of sleep, he was lucky. It was Saturday. He wanted to sleep in. If he slept in, he wouldn’t have to deal with the shitty situation he got himself into for a while longer.
But instead, his restless mind was punishing his stupid behavior by making him wallow in it. Making him wake up at six in the morning on a Saturday so he could recognize his stupid, stupid mistake.
“Harry?” Ava sounded sleepy of course. “Y’okay, baby?” She asked.
Harry felt the warmth of her kind voice seeping through his whole body. Especially with the name baby on her lips.
“M’fine, love,” he lied.
“S’early,” she slurred tiredly.
“Can’t sleep,” he shrugged, starting to roll out of bed. “I’ll go to the other room,” he mumbled. She frowned and Harry couldn’t help but notice how cute she looked when she wasn’t at his throat for every little thing. Her concern made him warm over a little more. The guilt he felt ached a little more.
“Okay,” she sighed. “Hope you feel better,” she murmured. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. It was like he was on autopilot. As if he had done it thousands of times before. It was moments like this, the quiet, gentle ones, that made him believe in the reasoning behind staying in a relationship that drove him crazy most days.
Moments like that made him understand he had to tell his laundry partner the bad news.
Ava wasn’t stupid.
She had a degree, a job, and two eyes that told her Harry was happy. Happier than he had seemed in a really long time.
Of course, his happiness didn’t involve her.
And that made her mad.
She wasn’t quite sure what had changed about Harry specifically; why he got so happy so suddenly. As far as she knew he went to work and came home. But with the way they argued and how irritated she felt just looking at Harry some days, she knew something was off in his demeanor.
It wasn’t that she wanted Harry to be unhappy. It was more of the fact that she was unhappy. Ava knew very well that misery loved company. Seeing him happy set off some kind of switch in her head that Harry was in fact her boyfriend and they were supposed to be happy. Seeing him get joy from something else, especially when she wasn’t part of it, irked her more than the way Harry snapped his gum while they watched TV or how he left socks outside the laundry basket and forgot to put the toilet seat down (consistently) late at night.
Harry was a wonderful boyfriend. He always had been from the moment they started dating. Her mom even teased him saying he was too good for Ava. Ava didn’t see it that way. Ava enjoyed her personality and herself and didn’t think anything needed to change. She didn’t see anything wrong with the way she behaved or acted—as her mom put it. She did what she wanted, when she wanted, and how she wanted.
Right now, she wanted Harry right where he was.
“Do you feel better now?” She asked him as she entered the sitting room.
“Yeah, a bit,” he nodded. “I’ll try t’nap later,” he shrugged as he continued reading the book in his hands without looking up.
She pressed a hand to his forehead. He wasn’t warm. He seemed fine. For a moment she gazed in his eyes and noted how green they looked. There was no denying Harry was beautiful—even though the constant fighting made her irritable with him. It was a face she fell in love with because he was so pretty. Soft skin, gentle smile, deep dimples. He was simply dreamy. Someone would have to be blind not to fall in love with him.
Part of her thought someone had fallen in love with him because of the way he looked so happy after the many months of the mutual feeling of misery that flooded their apartment. That simply wouldn’t do. 
It wouldn’t take much, she knew it. Harry was a romantic. A few gentle smiles, a bat of her eyelashes, and some light touches and Harry would be putty in her hands again.
His lips parted slightly like this was the first time he had seen her in ages. He didn’t know how to speak. It was so unlike her to worry about him even a little these days. In fact, it was so shocking, he thought he was transported to the laundry room and the gentle touch was coming from the girl that made his heart skip a beat and had the little voice in his head shouting to be heard.
“You don’t feel feverish or look very sick.”
Harry knew he wasn’t feverish. He knew he wasn’t sick either. Maybe lovesick. But that wasn’t something he could tell Ava.
Or maybe it should have been the exact time he told her.
“I can get you medicine if you want while I’m out,” she said softly.
“Oh...uh...thanks, love. That would be good, thank you,” the words felt weird in his mouth, he hadn’t thanked Ava for anything in ages. What was there to thank her for? Hours of worrying and fighting? “You’re going out?”
“Yeah...laundry at mom’s,” she reminded him.
“I could do your laundry y’know,” he offered quietly. He noted the way the slopes of Ava’s face curved so beautifully when she wasn’t scowling at him for the littlest of things. She was a beautiful girl. No question about it.
“I don’t like the way the washers make the clothes smell,” she said, wrinkling her nose in distaste.
It was as if a shadow cast over her at the very moment she spoke. A backhanded comment for sure—whether she meant it or not, knowing full-well that Harry washed all his clothes in the apartment washers. He rolled his eyes and sighed. “Right,” he murmured. “Well, tell her I said hello,” he returned to his book.
She nodded silently. 
Returning down the hall, Harry thought it was awfully mature of her to ignore the eyeroll. It was an instinct and he knew he shouldn’t have, but it was hard to feel—
“The eye roll was unnecessary.”
Here we go. “Ava, y’know I do m’laundry down there. Y’basically said I smell.”
She returned the very same eye roll dropping the laundry bag at her feet. “Harry, I didn’t say that.”
“Y’may as well have,” he grumbled.
“It’s too early to argue.”
She would be better later. It would take a lot of active reminders to not fight with him. Sighing, she headed out the door.
For a fleeting moment, she was Ava, the girl he loved and had dated for so long. The little bit of kindness she showed didn’t deserve Harry’s infidelity. It was all his fault and Ava wasn’t that bad.
So, Harry made his way to the laundry room, knowing he would find her there because it was Saturday morning, and it was her favorite time to do laundry—before anyone else was there.
Except Harry. She seemed to make every exception for Harry.
He hoped she would make one this time too.
“Hey munchkin,” she smiled sweetly as Harry got down to the laundry room. He didn’t tell Ava. He knew he should have. Of course, he should have. But there was something about the sunshine that lived in the laundry room that made his brain short circuit. There was something in the air that made him lose all train of thought. All rationality escaped him when he thought about this girl obsessed with The Wizard of Oz.
But it was a mistake on his part. He didn’t tell Ava. Especially after her kindness this morning. The kind of kindness that made him love her—like when they first started dating. Why didn’t he go after her?
“I have t’tell y’something,” Harry said. He looked exhausted. His eyes were red rimmed. His face paled as he spoke.
She frowned. “Uh...okay?”
They weren’t a couple. They weren’t even...anything. Maybe she could say they were friends. Harry owed her no explanations for anything. Maybe kissing was a bad idea. It would ruin their friendship. Or maybe it was worse…
He closed his eyes. “I have t’jus’ say it, Sunshine. But y’have t’let me explain.”
She felt totally rattled. It was obviously a mistake. Completely. Thank God they didn’t have sex in her apartment. Thank God he asked about the picture frame; that they spent nearly an hour talking about music, books, and recipes.
Thank God, they stopped. It was so obvious he regretted it. Was she a bad kisser? Maybe she could convince Niall to help her out. Niall had a lot more practice than she did. No, there was no way Niall would help her with something like that. He would get all grossed out. He would probably lie and tease her and say she was a terrible kisser regardless. Or maybe he–
“I have a girlfriend,” he whispered.
The words hung in the air for a moment in suspended animation. It was like the clocks had stopped ticking, the world stopped turning, the washing machines stopped spinning.
If she was attached to a machine, her brain would show zero activity.
She felt her stomach turn violently and felt her whole body tingle with heat. Part of her thought she was going to throw up.
No, no, no, the voice in her head shouted. No. He’s supposed to be mine!
But there was no reason for her to think like that. Harry wasn’t hers. This was just proof of what she already knew back when she felt that connection to him so instantaneously. She knew he was too good to be true. Her voice stopped working. She wanted to cry but she didn’t want to do that in front of Harry. If she was going to have a breakdown, she couldn’t do it here. She left all her stuff and bolted past Harry, taking the steps two at a time to get away from him without even a word.
He hurried after her. “Kitten,” he cooed gently. She shook her head and continued running for the elevator, grateful it was there, open, when she got there. She rapidly pressed the button to shut the door, but Harry had much longer legs and trapped himself inside the small space before it closed the pair of them in. She turned to the back of the lift and pressed her forehead to the cool metal. “Kitten,” he tried again.
“No,” she sniffled. “No, you can’t call me that.”
“Sunshine, y’supposed t’let me explain.”
“Explain what exactly, Harry?”
He grabbed her arm. Immediately, she yanked it away from him with a shake of her head. “No, you can’t touch me.”
He ran a hand over his face, and she exited quickly as soon as the door was barely open enough to fit her through the space. Naturally, he followed her. “Please let me explain.”
She wheeled around so quickly Harry nearly bumped into her. “Explain what?” She whispered. If there was any more volume in her voice, she would lose complete control. She would cry. She would sob. She would lose any sense of herself because even though she was mad at Harry and how she had foolishly kissed him without knowing she was ruining some poor girl’s relationship because of their kiss...
She was selfishly thinking about how unfair it was that she couldn’t have him.
“Harry. Stop calling me names.”
Closing his eyes, Harry thought he might explode. This was so unfair. He was breaking her heart. All he wanted was to hold it in his hands. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?!” She gasped. “I...I don’t...I don’t even know what to say to you,” the tears were about to spill over her lash line. She couldn’t hold the emotions she was feeling much longer.
He dropped his gaze to the floor. He didn’t want to watch her cry. It felt private. Plus, it made him feel guilty that he was the cause. “If it means...anything. M’relationship isn't...good a lot of the time.”
She glared at him and his horrible betrayal. Of her trust. Of her belief in him. In hurting her reputation. “That’s not a reas—”
He put his hands up defensively. “I know, love. I know. S’not an excuse. M’jus’ trying t’give y’details. M’sorry. S’my fault. All my fault,” he promised. Harry felt like he would start crying if she did. “S’nothing...you didn’t do anything wrong,” he promised her. It was a little comforting that he seemed to know what she was feeling and maybe part of her was grateful that he knew she would feel so down on herself about it. “I lead you on. I made the mistake.”
It felt like Harry had taken a steak knife and stabbed it right through her heart with the word mistake coming from his mouth. She thought he would say it when he first entered the laundry room. But it felt so much worse hearing it out loud. Knowing truly why it was a mistake.
“I don’t think we should be around each other… for a while.”
Harry deflated, his face paling. “Love,” he whispered. “I know I messed up...I know...that...” he rubbed his hand on the back of his head. “I want to be friends.”
She wanted that too. She wanted more than that. “Sometimes we don’t get what we want, Harry,” she whispered quietly. “I’m sorry too.”
He deserved this. He didn’t even want to hear the I told you so his conscience was probably singing and dancing in the back of his mind. If he could focus on anything other than the terribly sad girl, and how his heart was breaking at the thought of not chatting with her over laundry. This hurt worse than any fight he had with Ava by a long shot.
That seemed like damning proof more than anything.
“Okay,” he murmured taking in her expression one more time. He wished it was happy. Somehow, some way. He wished he hadn’t broken her heart like this—even if her heart wasn’t his to break. He didn’t want the last time he saw her for a while, was her feeling sad and upset. But it was his fault. Completely. There was no question about it. “M’sorry, love,” he whispered.
She nodded. “Me too, Harry.”
God, he wanted her to call him munchkin. He wanted it to be okay. More than okay. He wanted it to be...different. If only he hadn’t fought with Ava. He would have told her. Telling Ava first meant that she would have screamed and yelled and left.
Harry could rationally explain the situation to the girl before him. Explain that it was bad. He wouldn’t get tongue tied. He wouldn’t get his ideas mixed up. He wouldn’t mess this up as well the way he messed up everything else.
“See you around...I guess...” he mumbled and backed toward the elevator.
“Bye, Harry,” she whispered as the elevator slid close.
She had to get her laundry but the idea of going down to that room made her nauseous. Once alone in the comfort of her apartment, she released the sobs she didn’t want Harry to see. There were so many things she needed to think about; she needed a list. A list of things to do. She typed them into her phone.
- Laundry - Pay bills - File paperwork - Harry’s…
It hurt to think about the end of that little chore. Taking deep breaths she closed her eyes and ignored the feeling of more tears that she wanted to fall.
Of course, he had a girlfriend. He was gorgeous, funny, sweet…why would he be single?
As much as she hated herself for hurting his relationship with someone else, she couldn’t help but think about how he mentioned his relationship was bad. The thought made her…sad. She couldn’t help it. The idea that someone as sweet as Harry was in a bad relationship wasn’t…fair. In school, she did rounds of different counseling methods and practices to see which ones she liked best. If she didn’t have her current job, she would strongly consider relationship therapy of some kind. The complexity of staying in a relationship that didn’t make sense was hard to navigate for anyone. She couldn’t imagine the stress and anxiety that Harry was going through on his own. Part of her wanted to recommend a therapist for him despite how he had changed her heart in the last hour.
I wouldn’t let our relationship be bad. She thought to herself.
Shut up. She whispered to the voice that was getting independent thought.
This was horrible.
The thoughts rolled through her head so quickly, she didn’t know what to deal with first. Laundry usually calmed her mind but she thought if she went down there she might go crazy. It wouldn’t be calming knowing they kissed in the very spot they had chatted for the last few months while Harry knowingly had a girlfriend. While they shared secrets, banter, recipes, and all things that people who flirt share.
She hated him.
No you don’t. The voice in her head sounded like it was rolling it’s eyes if it were capable.
But I want to hate him. She responded.
You don’t want to hate him either, you idiot.
Fortunately her phone rang with Niall’s picture taking up her screen. Good. Niall would ground her, help her.
“Hey princess,” he said softly.
That didn’t sound good. With an even heavier heart she swiped the tears away from her eyes, took a deep breath and frowned. “Oh, Ni, what’s wrong?” She asked.
“I…” he sighed. “You know how I was helping with the new office for those two weeks?”
Her heart dropped. She already knew. Part of her wished she didn't even finish the conversation. She knew where it was going. Lay on the heartache. The theme for the day. “Yeah…”
“They…can’t find anyone competent to run it.”
She closed her eyes. She couldn’t tell Niall. Not now. He had his own stuff to deal with and adding to his stress was the last thing she wanted to do. “So you’re competent now?” She asked lightly.
He chuckled softly, grateful that she could make him feel better. “Feels like the worst thing, darling.”
“How long?” It was the most important question. How long would she be without her best friend? How long would they be thousands and thousands of miles and plane rides away from each other? How long would he be gone? How long would she have to hide the horrible thing she did? The horrible thing Harry did? Niall would threaten to kill him. For hurting her heart. She knew it in her bones.
The silence was deafening. He didn’t want to say it. It was going to kill her.
“Just say it, Ni.”
“A year,” he whispered quietly. “Longer if they can’t find someone.”
Fortunately, she was already so heartbroken it was easy to combine her sadness of Harry and Niall together without Niall suspecting a thing. There was so much devastation in her head and heart in such a short amount of time. “A year?” She whispered.
“I’m sorry, princess.”
“What about…the missus?”
She listened to Niall’s deep sigh. “I haven’t told her yet…she can work from anywhere…so I’m hopeful. I wanted to tell you first.”
Her heart fluttered with so much love for her best friend. He told her first. She couldn’t tell him about Harry or the kiss. He would worry and change his career all for her and that wasn’t fair.
She already hurt one relationship today. She wouldn’t hurt another.
She needed a trip to the Emerald City like never before. She had to be brave and strong for him. It felt like she needed courage and a brain for not seeing so many obvious signs before. “Now I know I have a heart…because it’s breaking,” she whispered, quoting the Tin Man. She was going to need a heart too.
He chuckled. “Well m’gonna call every day,” he promised.
She nodded. “You better,” she sniffled and giggled. “When do you leave?”
“Next week.”
She squeezed her eyes shut. This was a good distraction. At least for a little while. “Well, we better make the most of it,” she whispered.
“M’glad you have Harry,” he said. Like a knife to the chest. “You can’t replace me with him, though.”
“Never,” she promised. She had to tell him something. “I…actually have some news on that front,” she sniffed.
“Oh princess,” he said, hearing the crack in her voice. “What happened?”
“He has a girlfriend,” she croaked.
“Oh, darling,” he cooed.
“I knew it was too good to be true,” she shrugged.
“M’sorry, still. I was…I mean…I still think he’s your soulmate. What kind of person quotes The Wizard of Oz like a lunatic?”
She smiled through her tears and nodded. “Yeah…”
“Let me talk to the missus. We’ll do dinner, yeah?”
“See you later, princess.”
What a twister of a day.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lolyouallsuck @buckybarnessimpp @stylesfever @harrysxcarolina @haarrrys @pandeebearstyles @st-ev-ie @lovrave
Love and Dryer Sheets: @love-letters-to-uranus
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist for more of my writing.
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sebprotectionn · 11 months
Hello Everyone! This is masterlist #4 (June of 2023!) for the all fics I have reblogged on this side blog I hold super close to me. Remember to leave feedback and reblog all the writings below!
Also, a huge thank you to all the writers mentioned, I adore you so very much and I hope you keep writing for yourselves <3
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••• JUNE •••
Valentine's Day | Y/N receives a special candy gram on Valentine’s Day. - @nationalharryleague
French Fries | Harry kept glancing at her as he drove. “M’sorry about our date,” he whispered. “I don’t know what you’re apologizing for,” she shrugged and reached over to squeeze his arm while he held the steering wheel. “I had a lovely time.” - @1d1195
Shy | Close | Motherly Love | Don't Leave Me | Mother's Day | ♡ When Harry runs into a perfect stranger at a supermarket, he doesn’t know what to expect. After having been single for over a year and raising Amelia without a mother, dating somebody new feels impossible… that is, until she wins over the heart of his daughter. - @harry-writings
Vogue Beauty Secrets | Actress!Y/N does the Vogue Beauty Secrets video, and Harry decides to help. - @astranva
Gonna be Better in the Morning | Jeff and reader get into a fight and Harry takes Jeff's side. (As always, there is a happy ending with lots of comforts) - @harryhoney-bee
Work of Art | A cute little fluffy artist!Harry piece with a hint of angst! - @nationalharryleague
Update | The Best Present | Harry falls for a mysterious girl from YouTube. - @watchmegetobsessed
When The Levee Breaks | You're a waitress and Harry is being stood up. - @songbirdstyles
Playball | ♡ The reader owns a bakery and hates baseball, but what happens when her town’s bigshot MLB player walks into her bakery and she finds herself catching feelings unaware of his occupation? - @writingsbymarie
The Con Artist | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | ♡ You're a wanted criminal and when Harry Styles, the detective on the case, finally catches up to you- he finds it difficult to resist your charms. - @gurugirl
Baby Steps | You’re Harry’s son's therapist, and he isn’t the only one you end up helping. - @enthusiasticharry
Mute | ♡♡ Where Harry doesn’t talk and falls in love with Y/n. - @harry-writings
Score and Smash | In which their university holds an annual boy vs girl football match, the highly anticipated game of the year has arrived and Harry and Y/N hate each other just as equally until Y/N is under Harry.
Quid Pro Quo | Another lawyer!Harry. Technically six years before this piece. Enemies to lovers with plenty of angst! - @talesofstyles
Six Months (Part 23) | ♡ Layla desperately needs a vacation and her Aunt and Uncle come to her rescue. So, at twenty two, she packs her bag and jets off to America. Harry took a break from education and is now a full fledged content creator on OnlyFans. At twenty, he makes more money than almost all of his friends. What ensues when these two meet and realise the windows in their rooms face each other? How will paper airplanes bring them closer together? - @fishnets-fingers
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2022 : Masterlist #1 , #2 , #3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 2023 : Masterlist #1, 2, 3 (June masterlist would be continued in the next list!)
My official writing account in case you'd like to check out my fics too: @0oolookitsme :)
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sebprotectionn · 11 months
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happy 24th birthday to the most annoying formula 1 driver out there
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
The reason I struggle so much to understand what hozier says in the songs is that if I completely understood all the lyrics the first time I listened to a new album I would really die
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
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Meet me in the summer time
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
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someone PLEASE just put this man in a romcom already im begginnggggg
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
Keep Watching H.S
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Summary: After having a baby, your body isn't what it used to be. Your husband notices that something is wrong and decides that if his words won't help you see what he sees, his actions will. Think softdomrry and very loving husband <3
Warning: Body image issues, specifically mentioning stretch marks, weight gain and loose skin/body fat. Negative self talk. Also smut!! takes place in front of a mirror, fingering, dirty talk, penetration, lots and lots of praise, mild lactation kink and breeding kink (if you squint).
Word count: 8k+
Author’s note: This is based off this request so thank you to whoever sent it!! He's very nice and sweet in this one and it felt really healing writing this as someone who is self-conscious about similar issues so I hope some of you might feel the same reading it? Enjoyyy
- Find my General Masterlist here -
Having a baby was single-handedly the most beautiful and tiring experience of your life. 
You had a good understanding of what it would be like before you gave birth. You did research on the milestones and asked for advice from your mum and any other woman you knew who had kids. 
They told you you’d never get sleep again and that your life would suddenly turn upside down, but that it was all worth it because of the bundle of joy you brought into the world. And they were right. It was worth it, oh god was it worth it. 
Your little girl, Rosie, was the light of your life. Big green eyes and a wide smile with little dimples that matched Harry. She had this cute giggle and an adorable snore that made you crack up every time you heard it. The first time she did it, you laughed so loud it woke her up and she cried in fright. 
Harry, unfortunately, missed her first proper snore and pouted like a grown baby, complaining that he missed her first ‘first’ because of work. He had a fear of missing any of her milestones because of touring and timed his break for when you were due to give birth. Still, he had meetings here and there to plan for the next coming years. 
The first time Harry heard Rosie snore, he had the same reaction as you and woke her up due to his outburst of a giggle. You were around when it happened and eagerly waited for her to do it so he could hear. She cried in fright just like with you, but settled quickly when she saw the face of her dad. 
She’s a daddy’s girl through and through. 
Everyone also told you that your body would change a lot after giving birth. That was something you knew even before every woman you asked for advice told you about their experience with their postpartum body, but you didn’t really realise how self-conscious you’d be. 
You hoped you’d be one of those women who was proud of her new stretch marks and loose skin around her belly, of the extra weight on her love handles and thighs. But you weren’t. 
You were proud that you made it through childbirth, and that your body was the home of your daughter for 9 months. But when you looked in the mirror you didn’t feel proud. You felt… ugly.
It was something you tried to fix… mentally that is. You tried to spend extra time looking in the mirror after you showered or when you did your moisturiser. You even read somewhere that looking at your naked body for a couple minutes a day helped in improving self-love or whatever. 
So you tried that. But it only made you see the loose skin more and spot new stretch marks that you were convinced weren’t there before. 
After that you kinda just stopped looking at yourself. When you got out of the shower you’d get dressed immediately and avoid looking in the mirror. When you left the house you made sure to wear something a bit baggy, which usually ended up being leggings and an oversized t-shirt or jumper. 
You let yourself go a little, you knew that. 
Despite that though, Harry never stopped complimenting you. He told you every day how much he loved you and how beautiful he thought you were. Even in your ratty baby-puke-covered t-shirt and your hair in the greasiest bun ever, he still said you were the most gorgeous girl alive. 
He’d slap your ass when you walked by and hug you extra tight and he could never stop his hands from wandering when you were in bed or on the couch. When you kissed he always found himself tracing over the curves of your body, caressing and enjoying the weight you still haven’t lost from your daughter. 
At first, you thought he was just lying because he noticed how down you were and wanted to make you feel better. When you felt so ugly it was hard to believe that he was still attracted to you. You never mentioned your doubts to him, because you knew he’d deny it and try and convince you otherwise and you didn’t want that. 
But then he got hard just looking at you and you realised he actually was still attracted to you. There wasn’t a morning he didn’t wake up without morning wood, and the way he looked at you was with hunger you had never seen before. 
Harry had seen you at your fittest and heaviest and all in between, yet the desire he held in his eyes towards you after you gave birth was more intense than at the weight you felt most confident. He seemed to be horny all the time, and you were too. 
He seemed to slide into fatherhood with grace and sexiness. He was growing out his moustache and hair, always keeping it up and out of his face so it wasn’t in the way. Harry was ageing like fine wine, and you were reminded of that when he returned from his daily early morning walk and woke you up with breakfast and Rosie propped on his hip. 
He’d always be sweaty and shirtless, his tank top tucked into the waistband of his shorts. God, he just looked so delicious and ugh. There was something about a shirtless man being domestic that made you want to scream. You just wanted to lick his chest clean and have him bend you over the bench. 
But you found it hard to have sex when you felt so insecure. He was always patient and never pushed. Even when you weren’t ready and offered to help him out he declined because he didn’t want you to feel pressured. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to have sex. Because you did. As soon as you got the all-clear from your doctor and didn’t feel any pain in your vagina, you were as horny as ever. But mentally, you weren’t totally there. 
Eventually, you were ready for it and Harry was as happy as anything. You had been so reluctant to even be naked around him any more that he missed the sight of your skin and had dreamt night after night about feeling your body pressed to his. 
Even when you got out of the shower, you were quick to get dressed. Before giving birth, even when you were about to pop, you were happy for him to look at you and touch you… taste you. But things changed after having your daughter and he hated how drawn in and self-conscious you became. 
All Harry ever wanted was for you to be happy and healthy. To him, he’d always think you were the most attractive woman on the planet. That was at any weight or any haircut or with or without stretch marks. It didn’t matter because he would always love you, and always want to touch and eat you like some fine dessert. 
He tried to bring it up, but you didn’t really want to talk about it so he didn’t push. When you said you were ready to finally have sex again, he was as eager as anything. It was like he was a virgin all over again. 
Harry couldn’t lie, it was hard not having sex. It was nearly three months before your first time together after giving birth, and those three months were hell for him. You two had a very active sex life and practically had a marathon of a fuck in the days leading up to giving birth because you were late and you wanted to get the baby out faster. 
So going from three or more times a week for years, to nothing for three months was hard. But you just gifted him with his beautiful daughter and he wouldn’t have traded that for anything else on this planet. 
There was just one problem though. You didn’t want to do it with the lights on. 
Finding time to even have sex in the first place was hard because Rosie was a bit of a fussy baby. Some nights she slept all the way through aside from feeding and others she was up every 20 minutes. If she was finally in a pattern of getting sleep she’d get sick or something else would happen that ruined it. 
So the moments you did get time, you needed to take advantage of it. It was usually late at night, but before having Rosie you’d at least put a lamp on so you could see each other. Now, you asked to keep it off so he wouldn’t see you. 
He didn’t say anything the first or second time, even the third time because that particular time you quite literally had five minutes so it was a very quick rushed fuck. But then his mum dropped by and wanted to take Rosie out for the afternoon and he thought it was the perfect opportunity to have some proper alone time. 
“Hey baby” Harry murmured, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He hugged you tight, pressing his chest to your back and dipping his face to your neck where he left a chaste kiss. 
“Hi,” you sighed, giggling a little as you tipped your head back to rest on his shoulder. You were busy cleaning up a few dishes and continued the washing even as Harry was pressed against you. 
“Now that Rosie’s out of the house for a bit… do you wanna?…” he trailed off, lips ghosting along your neck as he dipped his hands up the front of your t-shirt to the waistband of your leggings. “Missed you lots, wanna love on you”
The feeling of his mouth against your neck was riling you up in all sorts of ways. Harry made you feel indescribable things. You were so head over heels in love with him it was crazy and he never failed to make you feel all squirmy and gooey inside. 
Even five years of marriage and a child didn’t change the way you felt about him. 
But that gooey feeling only lasted a minute before the thought of him seeing you naked in the daylight for so long overtook it and filled you with dread. 
“Oh… um” you dried your hands, “I kinda wanted to have a nap while she’s out if that’s okay? I didn’t sleep very well last night”
He knew that was a lie because this morning at breakfast you expressed how energised you felt after sleeping last night. It was Harry’s night to wake up for Rosie so he was on feeding duty giving her bottles that you pre-pumped. 
You usually breastfed her but some nights you just couldn’t do it and needed a sleep catch-up. You’d pump before sleeping then manage okay until the morning since Harry was always happy for the time he got with his daughter. 
“Okay… yeah, of course. You deserve sleep” he removed his arms from you and stepped back. He didn’t seem upset and there was no hint of dejection in his tone. There never was. He was always supportive and caring, never anything less. 
“Thank you, H.” You smiled, turning around and wrapping your arms around his neck to thread your fingers in his hair. He smiled back, but you could see a bit of sadness in his eyes. “Are you okay?” 
“Of course” he responded, grabbing onto your hips. “I’ll finish those off for you. Go to bed” he kissed you gently, patting your hips while referring to the couple of dishes still in the sink. Your brows furrowed, not completely believing him but agreeing with him nonetheless. 
“Okay… I love you” you kissed him again. He smiled into your mouth and deepened the kiss, unable to resist because of the way his whole body reacted when you told him you loved him. It never failed to make him feel good. 
“God I love you” he groaned into your mouth, drawing you closer. His hands travelled further backwards until he had a solid grip on your ass. It was riling you up again, or rather riling you up further since that beat between your legs hadn’t stopped the entire time. 
“Don’t” you giggled, pulling back and pressing your finger to his mouth as you started to step away. “Nap” you reminded him. 
He rolled his eyes playfully before spanking your ass once and grabbing your hand. Your arms stretched while you kept walking towards your bedroom. “Okay, go before I eat you.” 
You laughed and finally pulled free, walking away out of his view to your room. As soon as you parted though, you felt guilty. You felt like you were ruining your marriage and love life somehow, self-sabotaging it because of your stupid insecurities. 
Needing a nap was a lie too. When you took yourself to bed, you just laid there wide awake and regretted declining your husband's advances. There was nothing more that you wanted than feeling his body on yours, feeling him deep inside you while love poured out in every moan and whisper and ‘good girl’. 
Having more time with him than something rushed seemed amazing too. And with the blackout blinds already closed… you didn’t feel as panicked about your appearance since it was so dark. 
So you walked back downstairs and found Harry still in the kitchen, this time chopping some veggies. 
“You alright baby? Need a tea or something?” he asked, sensing your presence before you even said anything. He was still focused on cooking, chopping up carrots so quickly the veins in his hand seemed to be working overtime in turning you on. 
“Yeah actually… you.” His head snapped to you so fast you thought it might break. 
“Me?” A little smirk grew on his lips and he was quick to put the knife down and turn to the sink to wash his hands. 
“Yeah… changed my mind about you know” 
There was another thing that hadn’t changed, despite being together for years. The way Harry’s stare never failed to make you nervous. You could barely say that you wanted him to fuck you when he looked at you with those deep green eyes and that stupid smirk on his lips. 
His ‘I own you’ stare that you were on the receiving end of a hundred times. 
“Oh yeah?” He smirked. Then barely a beat later he was tearing his shirt off and running after you. 
“Harry!” You laughed, turning around and running back upstairs as he chased you. He caught you right as you got to the door of your bedroom and grabbed your wrist, spinning you around to grab your face and kiss you. 
You laughed into his mouth and kissed him back, grabbing his waist while he grabbed your hips instead and walked you backwards towards your bed. “I can’t believe you just chased me like a child” 
“I’m excited, what can I say?” He grinned, dipping his head to kiss down your neck. 
You laughed through a gasp, unable to help yourself from running your hands over his chest and down to his abs. He groaned against your skin when your nails scraped him then kissed back up to your mouth. 
“I love when you do that” he kissed you deeply, capturing your bottom lip between his teeth and pulling at it a little as he grabbed onto the bottom of your t-shirt. “Now let’s get this off.” 
Your lip released with a little pop and it had you whimpering in the air. With a lift of your arms, he had your t-shirt off and on the ground. The moment it was off, his lips were on yours again and his hands were on your bare breasts.
You loved when he played with your breasts. They ache constantly, especially after breastfeeding. Your nipples were always sore and chafed and your breasts just felt so full all the time. Even after pumping, it was this never-ending ache and heaviness. 
But Harry… his touch always made it better. He’d knead them in bed and even just over your shirt when you asked. Nothing compared though, to his hands on your bare skin when you two were intimate. 
“Harry…” you sighed, tilting your head back and grabbing onto his forearms. 
“I love these… I love you” he groaned, running his thumbs over your pebbled nipples. The action had your back arching into his touch, whimpering and cupping his face again to bring his lips back to yours. 
The back of your knees hit the edge of the bed and he guided you down. “Scootch up, darling…” 
You started following his instructions and scootched up towards the pillows, even going as far as tucking your thumbs in the top of your leggings and beginning to tug them down. But then he started speaking. 
“God it’s so dark in here. Can barely see you” it was more of a mutter to himself than talking to you before he started walking to the window. Your looked at him in a bit of a panic and you had the sudden urge to cover yourself with your arms. 
“No!” You blurted, a bit too loudly. His head snapped to you, hands still on the blinds and his eyes widened a tad, immediately concerned. “I mean… can we, can we keep them shut. Please” 
“Baby…” he sighed, letting go of them so the room was still dark before walking back over to you. He knelt on the bed and you immediately brought your knees to your chest and wrapped your arms around them. He shuffled towards you until he was right beside you, his hand on yours to intertwine your fingers. “What’s going on, lovey? You’ve been so… different recently. I’m worried” 
“I’m not… I just. I look so different after giving birth and I… I don’t know. It’s stupid” You looked down at your feet, but Harry was quick to gently grab your chin and turn your face to look at him. 
“Of course, you look different after birth, y/n. You had a three-kilo human inside of you that you grew for nine months” his tone was gentle and caring, and his eyes full of love. 
“I know that Harry. I popped that same three-kilo human out of my vagina, trust me I know” you responded, a little too bitterly. 
“Heyy, don’t do that. I’m just trying to help” he seemed a little hurt at your attitude, and you immediately felt bad. 
“Sorry, sorry I know. I didn’t mean to snap” you apologised, mumbling a little while you squeezed his hand. 
“It’s okay, just… talk to me. Explain how you’re feeling so I can help you.” The room was nearly pitch black, but you could still make out his soft puppy dog eyes and the furrow of concern between his eyes. 
“I just feel so… so ugly, H.” You looked away, shrugging out of his grip and resting your chin on your knee. “Like, I’m so proud of Rosie and being her walking, talking house. But she’s ruined my body.”
“She hasn’t ruined your body, y/n. God… you’re beautiful” he interrupted, hurt that you’d even think like that about yourself. 
“But I feel like she has! I’ve got so many stretch marks and loose skin and I can’t seem to drop this damn weight. I don’t even know why you want to look at me. It’s better with the lights off” you hugged your knees closer to your chest and avoided looking at him at all costs. 
“God y/n. That’s so fucking far from the truth it’s crazy. I love you and I want to look at you. I always want to look at you and I always want to touch you. How could you doubt my attraction to you? I’ve been fucking obsessed with you since we met.” He tried to comfort you, to make you believe that he still loved you. 
You believed that he was still attracted to you, you did. But you didn’t believe it enough to love yourself and see what he saw. 
Harry swallowed the lump in his throat then kept talking. “How long have you been feeling like this?” He ran a hand through his hair, his heart hurting at how you refused his eye. He was so goddamn in love with you, with all of you and yet you had been feeling so much self-loathing for so long. It was killing him. 
“Since I gave birth” you admitted, finally looking at him. 
“I… I don’t even know what to say” he cradled your hand in both of his and brought it to his chest like he was hugging it. “Will anything I say change how you feel about yourself?” 
You shrugged, looking away again. You felt awful. This was meant to be a nice afternoon between you and now you ruined it with your insecurities.
There was a bit of silence. Harry just pressed kisses to your knuckles before he finally spoke up again, figuring out how he might be able to make you see what he saw. He didn't expect it to magically get rid of all your insecurities, but he hoped it would help at least a little bit.
“Can I show you? Will you let me try and show you why I love you?” His question was soft and earnest, care in his gaze. 
“How?” You whispered, looking at him. He opened your hand and turned it over so he could press a kiss to your palm. 
“Do you trust me?” His eyes searched your own, emitting warmth and love. It was exactly the look you needed in that moment. 
“Of course I do” you answered immediately, knowing that you trusted him with your entire heart, soul and mind. 
“Then let me take care of it. Let me take care of you” he cradled your face and kissed you gently. He waited for you to reply with a small ‘okay’ before he pulled away and got off the bed. He entered the walk-in-robe and you just watched as he dragged out your full-length mirror and propped it up against the wall in front of your bed. 
“Harry, what are you doing?” You were getting nervous watching him. The moment that mirror was in place and you could see your silhouette sitting in the middle of your king size bed, you felt anxiety rise in your chest and heat your body. 
“Trust me, baby. I’m gonna try my hardest to make you feel better” he smiled at you, which was barely visible in the darkness of the room. That was until he ripped the blackout blinds open and illuminated the bedroom. 
You hugged your knees harder to your chest, suddenly exposed to Harry and yourself in the mirror in front of you. That heat of anxiety filled your chest, but there was another sort of heat accompanying it. 
You knew where this was going, and it was both nerve-wracking and arousing. 
He sat down on the floor in front of the bed with his back against the end and legs wide on the floor in front of him. Then he made eye contact with you through the mirror and patted the spot between his legs. 
“Come here, y/n” 
You were frozen for a moment before you slowly got up from the bed and made your way to him. You kept your arms crossed over your chest, covering your breasts while avoiding making eye contact with yourself in the mirror. 
“Good girl, baby” he said softly, smiling up at you as he rubbed up and down the back of your leg. His praise sent a little shiver up your spine and warmth to the pit of your stomach. “How do you feel about taking these off, hmm?” He plucked at your leggings at the back of your leg, letting them snap against you skin gently. 
“I don’t know” you were being honest, because this was a lot for you. 
“It’s okay. Just come sit here then, okay? We’ll take it one step at a time” he patted the spot again and grabbed your hand, giving you some balance to sit down between his legs with your back against his chest. You avoided eye contact in the mirror, keeping your arms tight against your chest and your knees bent and pressed together. 
He wrapped an arm around your waist and grabbed onto your jaw gently with the other hand, turning it to the side so he could clasp his lips with yours. It was a gentle kiss at first, one that steadily grew into something deeper and more passionate. 
You found yourself relaxing in his touch. Your arms were dropping down into your lap instead of covering your chest. You brought a hand up to cup his jaw, running your thumb over his cheek and melting at how good it felt. Kissing Harry seemed to wash away all your worries and you were no longer sitting in front of a mirror or anxious about some rolls on your stomach. 
It was just you and Harry. Nothing else mattered except you and his hand trailing up to your breast, grabbing it firmly and kneading it in his hand. You whimpered in his mouth and arched into his touch, gasping when he pinched your nipple and pulled it. 
“Harry” you squirmed a little in his arms, clenching your thighs together at the nipple stimulation. 
“Feel good?” He mused, grabbing your other breast as well and stimulating both nipples at the same time. He kneaded your breasts and tugged at your nipples, pinching and pulling and ugh your brain was turning to mush. “Look in the mirror.”
“What?” You asked, looking at him over your shoulder. You knew that this was where things were going, why else would there be a mirror set up right in front of you? But it still knocked you out of your pleasure daze. 
“Look in the mirror and see how fucking gorgeous you are” he turned your head to face forward, keeping a firm grip on your chin so you wouldn’t turn away. Your eyes met his in the mirror, but you refused to look anywhere else. Especially not yourself. 
“No.” He shook your chin. “Look at yourself. Now” he was firm, but his tone still gentle. 
“Harry” you whined in protest, refusing to look lower than those gorgeous veins on his hand. 
“Now, y/n. You can do it. Be good for me, yeah?” He coaxed, kissing your neck and immediately heading for your sweet spot. A sigh of pleasure left your mouth, his left hand still kneading your breast while he nipped at your neck. “Be good for me and I’ll be good for you, baby. Don’t you want to feel good?” 
“Y-yeah” you stuttered, eyes fluttering closed. Your clit was getting achier and achier and your underwear more soaked with arousal as time went on. 
“Then look” 
You finally let your eyes trail lower and you could feel his pleased smile grow against your neck. “Good girl. See how pretty your neck is…” his hand at your chin slid lower to your neck, where he loosely wrapped it around. “…and how pretty it looks with my hand wrapped around it? God I just love the cute little sighs you make when I choke you, when I make that gorgeous mind of yours all hazy and dizzy. Don’t you?” He applied gentle pressure to the sides and that familiar hazy feeling clouded your mind.
“Mhmm” you agreed, placing your hand over his and biting your lip. You missed this, but you especially missed the way he looked at you. His eyes were dark and full of lust and you could already feel his cock beginning to harden against your lower back. 
That hazy feeling disappeared as quickly as it existed because his hand was already moving lower. “And your gorgeous tits. Gotten so much fuller now that you're breastfeeding.” He groaned in your ear and your back arched again as both breasts were being stimulated at once. “Can’t help but feel a little jealous sometimes that Rosie gets to be on them all the time”
“Harry! Don’t say that” you scolded, hitting his arm and making him laugh. He was right though, your breasts did get a lot bigger now that you were breastfeeding. 
You never really liked that before, but now that you were properly looking at yourself in the mirror for the first time in a long time, you actually loved how they spilled over Harry’s hands. Before, he had a nice handful and now it was like the extra tissue was spilling through his fingers. 
There was something just so sexy about it. You didn’t know how you hadn’t seen it before. Maybe because you never allowed yourself to actually find things you appreciate about your new body. 
“It’s true” he nipped at your neck, just loving how your skin felt between his teeth. Was that a weird thing to love? Maybe. But he couldn’t find it in himself to care when he was finally able to appreciate your body and take his time with it. “They’re just so fucking full and pretty, and your nipples are just so hard and fucking begging for my mouth.” He tugged at your nipples extra hard just for good measure. 
You whined out loud and a smile curled at his lips. “And that. The noises you make. I fucking love those noises, baby… Always gets me so hard when I know I’m making you feel good” 
Then his hands started moving lower until they slipped below the waistband of your leggings, just his fingers at first before his palms were flat against your stomach and fully tucked in your pants. “And this… this was the home of our daughter for nine months. Nine months you grew our daughter in here and made her strong and healthy, just like her mum. Without you, there’d be no little Rosie” 
“I think it takes two people to make a baby, Harry” you blushed, hating the attention he was showing to your stomach. 
“It does, but only one of us grew her inside them.” He kissed your cheek lovingly, smiling at you through the mirror. “That was you, baby, and I’ll forever love you infinitely more because of it” his right hand slid lower and lower to your mound, right over your underwear then lower. He could feel your slick arousal through the thin material but wasn’t able to get much further due to your legs pressed together. “Can we take these off now?” 
You nodded, feeling achy and unbearably wet at all the foreplay you two had been doing. “These too?” He plucked at your underwear. The little space created by his hand allowed the band to snap a little against your skin, giving you a little taste of what it was like for him to spank you there.
You had missed that type of sex. The loud, rough, hair-pulling, bruise-making utterly mind-numbing sex that you two used to have before you gave birth. With time, you hoped you’d get back there. But today wasn’t about that and you knew it. 
All you wanted out of today was to feel a bit more comfortable being naked around Harry again or just being naked around yourself, really. 
“Yes… please” you agreed, lifting your bum to help him. Harry found himself smiling at your eagerness, just so happy that you were excited to get your clothes off in front of him. Progress was being made, and that’s all he cared about. 
He was also really fucking excited to look at you. From the moment you sat down between his legs he had been trying to hold himself back from just spreading your legs wide and tearing a hole in your leggings so he could touch you. 
He wanted to feel your warmth around his fingers, your arousal on his fingertips when he rubbed your clit and made you cum. He wanted to watch your cream build up at his knuckles as he curled his fingers into the perfect spot to make you scream.  
Then he wanted to fuck you so good you forget about everything. Your problems, your insecurities, everything except just you and him. 
Harry took the opportunity of your lifted bum and pulled your underwear and leggings down at the same time, letting you take the lead to kick them off your legs and to the side. You let your knees fall inwards again as Harry kissed you again, but this time he didn’t let you cover up. 
He used his ankles to cross over yours, bringing them up and over so his feet were on the inside of yours. Then he spread his legs wide and effectively pinned your legs to the floor so you couldn’t move them inwards, or outwards, or anywhere really. 
“Harry” you whimpered, your upper body twisting as you grabbed onto his hair while kissing him desperately. 
“Look at the mirror” he rasped, grabbing your neck right under your jaw and forcing it to turn towards the mirror again. 
Your eyes widened at the sight, and your immediate reaction was to try and slam your legs shut. But Harry’s strength was too much and kept them wide apart so you could see everything. 
“See how gorgeous you are? How pretty your pussy is?” He teased, his hand sliding down your stomach and two fingers immediately finding your pebbled clit. 
The light touch had you gasping and grabbing onto his thigh in reflex. That was one thing childbirth did that you actually enjoyed, it made you much more sensitive to every little touch. Even just his fingers pressed there had you squirming in his grip. 
“Harry” you gasped, guiding his spare hand to your breast again. 
“Let’s make a deal, yeah? You look away and I stop touching, understand?” He hummed in your ear, kissing below it on your neck as he started rubbing little circles on your clit. His touch was steady and with good pressure so a back-arching pleasure filled your spine.
“Uhuh” you agreed, eyes hooded while you focused on the way his hands touched your body. One at your breast, kneading it and tugging at your nipple while the other rubbed your clit just perfectly. 
Then he slid his fingers lower, dipping one to your entrance then two before he pushed them both into you at once. It had you gasping, eyes fluttering shut and nails digging into his thigh. 
“Uh uh. Open” he tutted, pulling his hand completely away from you. 
Your eyes flew open and you whined a little at the loss of contact, feeling your cheeks flush at the smirk playing on his lips. “Keep watching or I stop. You know the rules”
“Sorry… sorry, oh Jesus!” he slipped his fingers back into you, this time immediately curling them upwards to your g-spot and stimulating there. He pressed the heel of his palm to your clit, stroking your g-spot while grinding his hand against you. 
“See? See how good it can feel when you’re a good girl and listen to me? See how pretty you are when you’re feeling good, hmm?” He smiled against your ear. “My pretty girl. My gorgeous wife. How'd I get so fucking lucky?”
And just kept speaking to you the entire time, whispering filthy words about his cock stretching you out then following it up with a praise or compliment. It was dizzying and had you gasping and whimpering in pleasure. 
Being forced to watch it all had you so overwhelmed too. It was a bit mortifying to be honest, watching the way your stomach rose and fell with every pant and how your breast just overfilled Harry’s hand. But then it was also so… eye-opening and exhilarating.  
Harry watched you with such intense attraction and arousal. His eyes were all over your body, trailing and leaving a burning line behind as he just looked at every inch. He was trying to memorise every detail. 
He stopped at your face and mouth, then lower at your neck and breasts, focusing on how it moved in his hand. He licked his lips at your stomach and you could practically see his mouth water when he focused on your pussy. You were so wet and shiny and so damn soft under his fingers. 
He was mesmerised by how perfect you were. His wife. The love of his life and the most incredible person in the entire world. 
He was crazy about you. 
Seeing him look at you like that made you feel so… good. You were naked and possibly in a very unflattering position, but he still looked at you with such hunger and just. It made you feel so loved and appreciated. 
Maybe you were seeing what he saw. Even just a little bit. 
“Harry… I… I think I’m close” you swallowed the lump in your throat. Your eyes were threatening to close, but you were trying so hard to push against that urge. If you closed your eyes or looked away he’d stop and you didn’t want that. 
You were so close. 
“Come for me, my love. Give me all you’ve got, baby… Show me how pretty you can be when you come around my fingers” 
Then you let go. You came with a moan of his name and tipped your head back onto his shoulder while waves and waves of pleasure rolled over you. Harry whispered words of encouragement in your ear the entire time as he carried you through, grinding his palm and fingers just enough to prolong your orgasm until it became too sensitive for you. 
“Okay, okay” you gasped while pushing his hand away from you. 
“Sorry” he chuckled lightly while kissing your neck lovingly. He then happily licked his fingers clean, moaning obnoxiously at your taste with a smirk on his lips. “God you taste good” 
“Harryyy” you blushed, covering your face with your hands. 
“Don’t do that, don’t cover yourself anymore” he pulled your hands from your face and intertwined your fingers, hugging them around your body so his arms were wrapped around you. 
He gently unhooked his ankles from yours at the same time so you had free movement of your legs again. Once your eyes met his in the mirror he smiled and kissed your cheek before pressing his chin to your shoulder. 
“There she is, there’s those pretty eyes of yours… How are you feeling?”
“Better, I think” 
“Better is all I need, baby. I just want you to feel good around me” he smiled softly to you through the mirror and you returned it happily, loving the closeness of just sitting there like that. 
But the heartbeat between your legs hadn’t disappeared yet. As much as you wanted to focus on how you felt significantly less uncomfortable looking at yourself naked in the mirror, all wrapped up in your husband, that beat of need between your legs was stronger. It was yelling at you for action, attention, for Harry. 
“I always do. Always” you responded, turning slowly in his arms until you were on your knees and facing him. You didn’t say anything else, not when you slung your arms over his shoulders and ran your fingers into the curls at the back of his head, nor when you kissed him softly. 
But kissing Harry was never just soft. It always turned to more. And how could it not this time when you were completely naked and pressed against him? Your pebbled nipples against his chest and his hard cock against your knee. 
His arms wrapped around you and he grabbed your ass, squeezing it until you whimpered then spanked you hard enough to make you yelp. The bite of pain had you reeling and you were growing more and more desperate for him to be inside you and make you feel all full and wonderful. 
You pushed your knee a little harder against his cock, making him groan hard into your mouth and spank you again. “Get on the bed. Now” he rasped like he was barely holding on. 
All you could do was nod before standing. Harry followed suit and shoved his shorts and underwear to the floor before he was cradling your face again and kissed you. It was passionate and deep and filled your belly with butterflies. 
He guided you back onto the bed like you were at the beginning of this session, head on the pillows. But this time he joined you. He knelt between your legs and hovered over you, fists on either side of your head as kissed along your jaw and down your neck. 
“Please. Please” you panted, tugging on his hair to bring him back to your mouth. 
“I got you. I got you baby” he assured you, pecking you before sitting back on his feet. 
He rubbed up and down your inner thighs, spreading your legs further and almost pinning them to the bed before he was pulling you down closer to his hips. Your legs were now slung over his thighs on either side of his hips, close enough so that he could easily slide into you.
And he did. He guided the head of his cock to your folds and wasted no time pressing it to your entrance. It was slow at first, a deep overwhelming full feeling as he slowly pushed into you. Little by little he filled you up; the intrusion made easier by his earlier fingering and how damn wet you were. 
That didn’t stop you from moaning loudly for him, your head thrown back on the pillows just at the feeling of him entering you. You’d never get used to how utterly perfect his cock felt inside you. Large and long, enough to stretch and sting a little but not enough to make you completely immobile the next day (unless that was his plan).
You and Harry just fit perfectly together, you always had. Even with this changed body of yours, you felt like you always would too. 
“God you feel so fucking good. So wet for me” Harry whimpered, gasping when he went as far as he could go. 
“Move… just move. Please” you begged, grabbing his arms and the duvet tightly. 
He followed your command instantly, rocking his hips back and forth. It was gentle at first, like he didn’t want to get too rough with you. But when your pussy properly opened up for him and he got deeper and you felt warmer and wetter around him he couldn’t help himself. 
It didn’t help that you were begging him for it too. Whimpering ‘more’ and ‘ugh, more’ and the obvious ‘faster’ and ‘harder’ hints that he needed. 
He slung your knees over the crooks of his arms and grabbed you that way so his hands could be free to play with your breasts. This position opened you up more so your knees were closer to your chest and he felt impossibly deeper inside you.
That right there is what had you squealing and writhing. His big large hands tugging at your nipples, rolling them between his thumb and forefingers and just utterly sending you to heaven. 
The pleasure was indescribable. His cock was deep and heavy, sliding in and out of you with a pace almost cruel. He hadn’t fucked you like this for a long time, so fast and hard you knew it would ache your insides for days after. 
Your orgasm was building up fast too. Every nerve was alive and fiery and just everything about this situation was making you a little overwhelmed. In a good way. Your mind was at peace, for the first time in a long time and your body was being fucked like Harry was so passionately in love with you it was bursting at the seams. 
“Oh fuck, baby. What do we have here, hmm?” Harry teased coyly, eyes right at your nipples where fucking breastmilk started to leak from your ducts. It must’ve been from the prolonged attention he was giving them all day, or maybe he was stimulating them just right. 
It didn’t matter why or how it started happening. All that mattered was now that your milk was leaking over Harry’s fingers and down your tits, all he could think about was licking them clean. 
He never thought about it before. It hadn’t even crossed his mind as something that might’ve happened from his touch, or something he might’ve been into. But now his mouth was practically watering at the thought and it was itching his brain in a kind of fucked up yet satisfying way. 
“What… what are you? Oh.” 
His cock was overwhelming your senses so much that you genuinely had no idea what he was referring to until you felt the wetness at your chest and actually looked down at his hands. His fingertips were covered in your milk, and a little line of it was dripping down the side and dangerously close to the bedding.
“Just leave it. Fuck just ignore it, H. It’s fine” you begged, pushing his sweaty hair from his face. 
“No. I’ll clean it” he let go of one breast and pressed his hand beside your head on the bed for balance. Then, as his hips still rocked inside you he leaned down and licked the bead of milk from the end all the way back to your nipple where he flicked his tongue against you.
“Harry!” you gasped, completely unexpecting him to do that. 
“Is that okay?” he paused his movements, waiting for the go-ahead. His hand was still firmly on your breast, your nipple between his thumb and forefinger like he was preparing to squeeze more of your milk out of you. 
You didn’t expect to like it. But the feeling of his tongue running against your skin was delicious, even more so when it ran right over your nipple and the source of your milk. So you nodded. You wanted him to do it again. 
“Yes… yes, it’s okay” 
“Get on top then” he responded, voice rushed. He was quick to get off you and sit beside you with his back against the headboard. You were equally as quick as getting up and climbing onto him, hands on his shoulders to support you as you slid back down onto his cock. 
Before that mirror exercise, you wouldn’t have gotten on top of him unless it was pitch black and you had a t-shirt on. But now you felt a little better about yourself, and you were way too focused on getting filled with his cum while he had your tit stuffed in his mouth. 
Harry grabbed your hip with one hand and guided your tit back to his mouth with the other, and then you were gone. Your hips moved on their own, bouncing and swivelling and searching for your own pleasure as he licked and sucked at your nipple. 
He cleaned all around it, groaning and moaning at the taste of your milk before switching to the other. Harry just kept stimulating them, getting more milk and lapping it up like he couldn’t get enough. It was so fucking erotic that you could barely watch it, yet you also couldn’t stop yourself. Especially when he looked right at you and tugged your nipple between his teeth, pulling it out as milk spurt out.
It sent him right to heaven. His mind was in a new state of pleasure and he honestly couldn’t believe how incredible it felt to be so close like this with you. So intimate… so connected. You couldn’t really get more connected if you tried.
“God baby, I love you. Love you so fucking much. Making me feel so good I can barely hold it any longer” 
“Don’t, don’t hold it” you gasped before pulling his face upward so your mouths met. “Come. Come inside me, H. Fill me with another baby.” 
That was all it took for him to explode inside you, his loud moan of your name filling the room as his come filled you. It was one of those feelings that physically matched how emotionally full you felt right now. Barely a beat later you were also coming, gasping his name and holding him close as you both rode your highs, still very connected in the most intimate way. 
“So… are you feeling a bit more confident now, my love?” Harry asked, his fingers lightly running up and down your arm. You were now both showered and laying in bed, preparing for an actual nap now that you two had finally reconnected. 
“A bit. I think I might need a few more sessions with Dr. Styles though” you grinned, looking up at him. 
It was true, Harry really did make you feel more confident in yourself. And while your insecurities weren’t going to be fixed during a single session of sex, it definitely helped and it felt like a step in a positive direction.  
Harry rose his eyebrow and laughed, cupping your face to kiss you. “I think that can be arranged.”
━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
plot twist | charles leclerc social au
summary: after carlos is caught cheating on you, you find love in an unlikely place (no hate towards carlos, i just needed him to be the bad guy for this one!)
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, and 862,863 others
itsy/n my boy. happy four years.
view all 6527 comments
username favourite couple ever, i swear
carlossainz55 mi amor, you’ve made my life the happiest life. can’t wait for forever with you
username i’m so single and not at all jealous 😭😭
username the way he looks at her is just 😍😭
pierregasly carlos still punching with this one
carlossainz55 agreed
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liked by username and 386,863 others
y/nupdates carlos pictured out over the weekend getting cosy with someone who is most definitely not our girl 😫 no official word from either yet, but it’s not looking good for him right now
view all 1863 comments
username always knew he was trash
username poor y/n, you can see how in love with him she is
username okay but this could totally be a misunderstanding, let’s not jump to conclusions
username his tongue is down another girls throat, what misunderstanding bestie???
username he deserved better anyway, y/n’s not even that pretty
username seem to be on an y/n update page a lot for someone who claims to hate her 🙄
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liked by itsy/n, pierregasly, and 862,863 others
yourbestfriend if a man talks shit then we owe him nothing
view all 1863 comments
username i just know carlos is SOBBING rn, girl looks so good
pierregasly second pic got a bf?
itsy/n yeah but he’s super annoying and all her friends hate him
pierregasly i hope your heel breaks
username carlos who?
charles_leclerc 😍
username charles?
username CHARLES?
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, selenagomez, and 1,873,972 others
itsy/n cher said it best
view all 3864 comments
username i am living for single y/n
yourbestfriend mom, i am a rich man
itsy/n 🤑
username i didn’t think she could glow up anymore but she’s proving me wrong
pierregasly you weren’t saying that when i had to unscrew the pasta jar for you
itsy/n you seemed down that day, wanted to give you a little ego boost
charles_leclerc hey, you left your jacket
username WHAT
username WHAT DOES THIS MEAN????
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 1,762,872 others
itsy/n he says i look good in red
view all 5427 comments
username plot twist
username wait, so does this mean she’s back with carlos??
username i’m so confused rn, who’s he? carlos?
francisca.cgomes he ain’t wrong 🥵
username he…charles?
username her ex’s teammate? he serious rn
username his comment on her last post and now this?
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liked by itsy/n, pierregasly, and 862,862 others
charles_leclerc and then she was mine
view all 7255 comments
username this is y/n, it has to be
username we lost him, everybody
pierregasly 🤐
username what do you know, gasly?
username if this is who i think it is, she’s such a slut
username so carlos could fuck other people while they were together but she can’t fuck other people now they’re apart?
carlossainz55 10/10 teammate 👍🏼
this comment has been deleted
username did anyone else see that 😶
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liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc, and 1,752,872 others
itsy/n my heart has waited so long to be loved by someone like you
view all 6542 comments
username no. fucking. way.
username hopefully he treats her how she actually deserves to be treated
username homie hopper
username i would give anything and everything to see carlos’ reaction to this, pls
charles_leclerc and i’ve waited so long to give you everything you deserve, mon amour
pierregasly ♥️
yourbestfriend you’re glowing, angel
username i need at least three days to process exactly what is going on rn
username y/n went in for the kill
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4K notes · View notes
sebprotectionn · 1 year
Love Me Until My Breathing Stops?
Harry Styles x Fem!reader
Angst to Fluff
DISCLAIMER!: There are some very serious topics in this. Depression, mentions of fucked up relationships. This is not romanticizing this at all.
Teaser: "Now they'd pass with whispers about how she'd only ever be a shell of who she once was. Destroyed by the weight of the love that she'd given so recklessly and the evil she'd let sleep next to her in her bed at night."
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To be honest, I had no idea where it went so irreparably wrong. You never notice you're slipping until your feet are out from under you and your head hits the floor. Maybe that's how I never saw it coming.
My bed was my new home, my tears were my midnight snack and my eyes were probably permanently shut from the puffy skin that was blotchy and irritated beyond belief. My pillow was my sanctuary and the darkness was my friend. I miss my old friend sunshine. I miss the backyard barbeques and the reunions in the park. I miss the kids running from the bees and the smell of the wet grass in the mornings.
It had been a month, two weeks, three days, twenty one hours and thirteen minutes since I'd fallen, unable to pick up the shattered pieces that became my identity. The shadow of the girl who used to find peace in the smiles from people passing by. The girl who threw welcome home parties and tended to her garden every afternoon. Now they'd pass with whispers about how she'd only ever be a shell of who she once was. Destroyed by the weight of the love that she'd given so recklessly and the evil she'd let sleep next to her in her bed at night.
I'd been so convinced that he was the one. Grew up these past few months believing I was all that he saw. Breathing him was slowly killing me. I thought so highly of the man I shared my in's and out's with. I'd wake up early just to see the even rise of his chest, dreaming of his curly hair and our future together. Now in my own suffering, I dreamt that he drowned.
But it wasn't his fault, no he'd asked if I would be okay. I promised I'd be okay. There was no okay, how could he believe me? How can someone simply be okay after wrecking the only thing I'd been sure of in my entire life? No, there wasn't okay. There was simply bad and worse.
Today, was bad.
On days like this, I would talk myself up to a shower. Rid myself of the stench of rock bottom. Ridding myself of the killer that drove him away. How could he be so forgiving to me not being enough? How could he brush off my wasted potential and blame it on himself. Guilt till consumed me whole, even if he'd underlined it in red that it was him, not me. His unfaithfulness that had torn a sweet love story to ashes. Tell me, how could the attentive wife to be miss the smirk hiding beneath his winning smile, his lessons really just weapons targeted at my deepest hurts. Every comforting explanation was twisted way back to what I feared most.
Soon, I'd find myself in the kitchen, raiding the empty cabinets and the ransacked fridge. There was only crumbs and lemon juice in the entire house by now. The appetite I'd worked up gone at just the flashbacks of the slow dances in the crack of the refrigerator light. His hand over mine and his empty promises soothing in my ear. Did he want me or did he want me not? I heard one thing, now I'm hearing another.
I felt rage boiling, the slam of the door rattling the plates in the sink and the pan on the stove. Ripping my hair from my head was the only reliever of the pain, tearing apart my body hoping that eventually it could be put back together into a beautiful bloody mess. Wearing my hurt on my sleeve and praying to god that, that someone could love me just as much for that.
I was thinner now, shedding the pounds like I had anymore to spare. The only clothes that still fit was a white ruffled dress that fell just below my knees. The straps hanging loosely and my feet slipped into black Mary Janes and red socks. I wonder how ghostly I looked stepping into the sun. Skin greyed from the lack of light.
I counted my breathing, noted the cracks on the pavement and counted the daffodils on the walk into town. All to cease the tears pushing behind my eyes.
It was nice out, the air was crisp and warming with the middle of spring having sprung. Vines were growing and the world was getting loud again. It was peaceful, I wanted a piece of that inner silence for myself. Maybe it would bring me a sort of closure, pushing me towards a more okay future.
I listened to the bell rattle with the push of the door, hands hanging loose at my sides. I waved towards the girl working the counter in the flower store. She smiled, recognizing the unrecognizable shadow that waltzed into the humid room. I pasted on the fake togetherness I'd mastered from unexpected visits from family and friends. Trying to imitate the girl who had lost her way long ago.
"Do you have any tulips?" My eyes remained glued to the flower beds as I searched the store for any bright pink clusters.
"A few in the back row, though you might need to hurry, they're quite popular today." I nodded, scurrying to the back in hopes to finally get what I wanted.
There, I saw the empty basket, the last bouquet of bright pink tulips being held up to a tall man. He was maybe six feet tall, but his posture made him seem a little shorter. His hair was chocolatey brown with free falling curls and waves pushed behind his tortoise shell sunglasses. He wore a teal cardigan over a white graphic tee that read something in blue I couldn't quite make out from the angle. His legs fit into lose jeans with rips at the knees and blue and white checkered vans. His laces were ripped slightly, probably from stepping on them, and he smelled like sweet vanilla.
He looked like happiness, a ray of modern day sunshine and fair love, his nose still buried between two flowers, eyes fluttered shut.
Some white carnations lined with a hot pink sat near the tulips, they looked just as beautiful as the fresh flowers that I'd missed by a second too late.
I let myself sigh after taking in the clean smell from the center of them, the crinkling of the paper distracting me from the hurt I felt inside.
"You planning a wedding?" His English accent wasn't horribly noticeable, but still able to be picked up on. I cracked a smile, trying to be polite. Trying to be the girl I missed.
"Something like that, yeah." He laughed, we made eye contact.
I could see his dark green eyes now, sparkling with interest. I can only imagine the lack thereof that I returned to him.
"I'm Harry." He held out his hand, smiling so much so there were crinkles by his eyes.
"I'm y/n." I met his palms. They were soft yet rough around the edges. His fingers had been picked at and he had guitar string scars across his hands.
There was a silence. It was comfortable, relaxed but still, I itched to back away.
"It was nice to meet you." I stepped back, walking away faster than I came to pay for the carnations clenched between my shaking hands.
"Hey wait!" His footsteps were heavy, hammering into the asphalt. I turned, but continued to move backwards, a faint smile played on his lips. Chasing after the beautiful fool who secretly adored the interest the random flower shop boy took in her.
"Missed me already?" I turned back to walk forwards once I felt his arm bump mine.
"Can't help it, you're just so missable!" He joked, flowers facing down at the ground, hitting each other as we walked close together. We left a petal trail as we walked.
"You say that to every girl you meet?"
"Only the runaway brides dressed up like Dorothy on her way to Oz." I covered my smile in my hand, brushing the blush off.
"I'm flattered." We shared a look, walking in silence as we looked at each others eyes.
"So tell me about yourself, Dorothy."
"Dorothy?" He pointed to my shoes, I scoffed.
"Okay..." I thought on it, counting the cracks again.
I knew I was barely together. Barely able to keep up with the work that seemed to just pile itself onto my back. I knew that my finger still stung from when I ripped off the engagement ring and told him to go to hell. I knew I was a fucked in the head, a childish girl who only wanted to be loved like she loved others. I knew at one point I would've said all these things to Harry, a man I'd met only a few minutes ago. Trusted him easily and let him in without an inch of doubt. But I also knew that wasn't fully me anymore.
"I haven't met the new me yet." I smiled at him, chewing at my cheek at the curious eyebrow lift and the breathy laugh.
'What about you, Harry? Who are you?" I looked to my feet.
"I'll let you decide." He looked to my face, my eyes finding it almost impossible to meet his warm gaze.
"Someone who reads too many love stories."
"Says the one dressed as Wendy from Peter Pan." I laughed, meeting his stare finally.
"Am I Wendy or Dorothy?"
"Why not both?" He was unbelievably easy to talk to, even in my mess and hurt, it soothed the panging in my chest with every breath he took.
"Let me walk you home, y/n?" I smiled.
"Okay." We fell into a silence again, out of teasing and jokes to share for the five minute walk remaining. I went back to counting the daffodils and he went back to sniffing his flowers. I went back to silently pulling myself together, picking up any shards of myself that had fallen and focused on my breathing.
"This is mine." I looked towards the dark home, the garden still neat despite the overgrown plants and the few dead plants. I looked back at Harry, then to his feet where his tulip petals continued to fall. They looked bare, hurt and dying now. I met his eyes again.
"Take good care of those tulips for me?" He froze, confused about the sudden request after my silence towards him and his polite offer.
"Yeah, of course." I nodded, turning myself slowly towards my front steps. I took in the pale blue of my paint, the new white shutters beautiful and perfectly matched with the white wrap around porch that hugged the west corner of the home snuggly and the short, white picket fence. You would've never expected such a fuck up to live in such a nice looking home.
"Bye, Harry." Waving, I made my way up the driveway, passing the fence and the the garden. All while he stood there, done with the chase, done with my mood swings. My politeness and my silence. My trust and my question. He stayed outside of my lawn, feet stuck to the sidewalk like gum.
Seven months, one week, six hours and eighteen minutes since I'd fallen, unable to pick up the shattered pieces that became my identity. Seven months, one week, six hours and eighteen minutes since the man who hung the moon for me in my eyes confessed his infidelities and left me to throw a pity party for myself. Almost six months since the next best thing had entered my life. My best friend, Harry.
Unlike my ex-fiancé, Harry came back. He came back and picked up the shards that I'd let crack and bleed under my feet and glued me back together. He'd come by once a week at first, checking up after noticing the vacant look in my eyes when we first parted ways. How I'd slipped into the darkest house he'd ever seen. Cold, tired, worked to the bone. Once turned into twice. Twice turned into four and four turned into almost everyday. His knock at my door my favorite sound. Yet, what he knew of me, wasn't fully me.
Even with Harry and his flowers decorating my home. Even with his laugh and his trusting demeanor, part of that girl I was was forever lost. That engagement ring hadn't only taken skin, it had taken the foolish woman who slept next to a liar and swallowed her pride. It had taken my ability to let people in so easily. And I wish he hadn't taken that from me, because as stupidly blind she was, she was some of the best parts of me.
"The Notebook or Ten Things I Hate About You?" Harry hoped over the back of my couch, his arm falling limp around my shoulders, each hand holding a movie for me to chose.
"Is that even a question?" I snatched the disc with Heath Ledger on the cover and waved it around Harry's face. He smiled, ruffling up my hair before getting up to pop the disc in.
"I need to stop asking you these things, Dorothy. I was hoping for the notebook." I stuck my tongue out, my heart flooding with a familiar warmth only Harry could pull from me.
I bit my cheek until it bled, my shoulder squished between his chest and the bend of his elbow. Silently, I mouthed the lines to the movie, my lips brushing against the soft cotton of Harry's white t-shirt.
"That tickles, my love." He laughed, craning his head down while mine stretched up. Crinkles folded by my eyes, smile lines permanently tattooed on my skin from just the past few months. What was a curse for others, was a permanent reminder of the adoration I had gained for Harry and his ability to fix what was irreparably shattered.
"What?" His whole body shook with a silent giggle, eyes reflecting the movie and an emotion I couldn't pin. I remained silent, eyes flicking down to his lips, his eyes following mine. I felt his touch tighten around my back and his body heat up.
Closer and closer, longer and longer. I panicked the closer I got to wrecking this beautiful relationship we'd built over a silly crush I'd obtained.
Sure, he was nice. He was handsome and possibly the best thing that had ever walked into my life, but stacking every single one of those reasons and more couldn't make me risk everything. I couldn't deal with someone else I loved walking out of my life.
I inched away, scared. I watched his face freeze, eyes relaxed and breath hot on my lips.
"Harry." I whimpered.
"What if we fuck this up? What if after tonight you change your mind? I can't do that again Harry. I can't pick myself up again." I quietly rambled, tense, scared of the idea that I would face the hatred for my own reflection for weeks and weeks again.
"Y/n." He repeated, softer.
My mouth stopped, eyes flicking to observe his expression over and over. Trying to fight back the tears that built and built.
"I swear to you, I'm not going anywhere. If you trust me, let me in just this once, I wont leave until you're kicking me out." He searched my face now, an internal fight going on in my head. He made it so hard to think being so close him.
"Love me until my breathing stops?" I asked, tears springing from under my eyes and gathering at my waterline now. Scared, just as I was all those months ago. no longer a vacant stare, but one of fear and uncertainty.
"I'll love you until my breathing stops." He wiped under my eyes, fingers quick to land on my cheeks. He waited, patiently for any sign that it would be okay to continue.
I nodded, swallowing.
"Okay?" He smiled, shoulders slumping like a weight had been lifted and he was at ease.
"Okay." I returned the feeling, lips brushing his. They were soft and plump. They tasted of buttery popcorn and chocolate. His nose bumped into mine, skin brushing skin and limbs tangling the longer we tried to hold onto the moment.
When we pulled away, it was breathless, and suddenly I realized the man who'd hurt me seven months, one week, seven hours and three minutes ago hadn't stolen the best parts of me, he only scared her into hiding.
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
Angst With Happy Ending
HendallReunited Adjustments Tastes Like Sugar and Relief
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Aster (Tattoo Artist H) First fight Meeting y/n's Parents Time Apart Period Citrine (Witch H) First Time Clingy Black Magic Chiaroscuro (Vamp H) Harry Goes Too Far Prosecco (older H) The Wrong Thing
Breaking Plates
Gonna be Better in The Morning My Muse Idiot
A Priority Sing Me My Song Not the Future You Want
Your Beating Heart Deep Sleep
Home to me [x] [x]
The One With the Internship The One Where You're Jealous The One Where She's His Little Secret The One Where She Comes From Old Money The One Where You Fake It
Crisp Trepidation Harry's Wife Doesn't Want Him In The Delivery Room
The Commitment Series Broken Promises Series The Lover Series The Mute Series The Edge Of Tonight
Why Would You Keep Something Like This From Me? And I Can't Give That To You Even If it Was Momentary Just One More Couldn't Lose You, Still Can't Wish You Were The One Who Told Me
One Last Time She Doesn't Like Him
Hook, Line & Sinker
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
Belongings Masterlist
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Idea: after performing to 70,000 people Harry can’t wait to spend his night with his muse. Problem is, she isn’t technically his.
Word count: (ongoing) - currently 11,500
Warnings: Angst, toxic relationships and lots of fluff
A/N: hello so I saw Harry a couple of days ago and I literally fell in love with him all over again, he is such a kind and sweet angel who deserves all the happiness in the world. This concept was only supposed to be a short fic but it ultimately turned into a massive masterpiece about Harry falling for his best friend, even though she is not his and I AM SO PROUD OF IT. I’m not sure how I am planning to write all of it but right now these are my chapters available for you to read:
Chapter 1: “we’ll be a fine line”
Chapter 2: “waiting for you to pull me in.”
Chapter 3: “Matilda you talk of the pain like it’s all alright, when I know that a piece of you is dead inside.”
Chapter 4: “Hash brown, egg yolk, I will always love you.”
Chapter 5: You bring me home
Chapter 6: -
Chapter 7: -
Chapter 8: -
Chapter 9: -
Chapter 10: -
Chapter 11: -
Chapter 12: -
949 notes · View notes
sebprotectionn · 1 year
from the dining table. | h.s |
summary: the one where a husband and wife fix their marriage.
warnings: angst, some possible sensitive topics.
pairings: harry styles x fem!reader
wc: 1772, they'll get longer dw :)
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AUG. 2019
Manchester, England.
It was late at night when you heard the front door open and then close. “Baby, I’m home!” You heard your husband call out from downstairs.
“Up here in the bathroom, my love!” You called out to him.
Harry walked into the master bathroom and you set your toothbrush down and wiped your mouth on the towel that was hanging up. “Hi, lovie.” You hummed contently as he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Hi.” He whispered back and pressed a kiss to your neck. “Missed you so much today.”
You smiled at him in the mirror. “I missed you too, wanna go to bed?”
JAN. 2022
Manchester, England.
You stare blankly at yourself in the mirror. No hands were wrapped around your waist, no chin on your shoulder, irking you to go to bed. The lighting in here is terrible, it makes your green undertones really show and your eyes look dull. You bend down to reach into the drawer to grab your curling iron and accidentally knock over his cologne. “Damn it.” Tears pierce your eyes as you stand back up with your curling iron.
You curl your hair into loose curls and finish getting ready. You grab your phone, keys, and purse from the dining table and head out the door and into your car. “It’s okay, todays the day you’re gonna start fixing your marriage.” You tell yourself in your rear view mirror before heading to the counselors office.
You arrive at the old building ‘Here To Help’ written on their sign with hearts and a stick family drawn on it. You take a deep breath before stepping out of your car. You look around the parking lot and don’t see His car parked anywhere. You fold your lips in and walk in the front door.
“Hello! Last name?” A cheerful lady at the front desk greets you.
You give her a half smile and lean on the counter in front of you. “Styles.”
The woman nods and hands you a clipboard with some paperwork attached to it and a pen. “Here you go, just fill this out and Dr. Melia will be out in just a few.”
“Great, thank you.” You sat down on one of the brown leather couches and started filling out the forms. It’s the normal stuff; phone number, social security numbers, address, etc.
Your leg bounced up and down as you kept glancing at the door waiting for him to come and when he finally did, you let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding in.
“Hey,” He said as he approached you. “Sorry I’m late, the meeting went long.”
You nodded slowly and stood up to take the clipboard back up to the front desk. “It’s fine, I just finished filling out the paperwork.” You took it to the nice lady and then returned to your seat.
Dr. Melia walked out into the waiting room and looked down at her clipboard to read off your names. “Y/N and Harry Styles?” She called out and you both stood up. “Hi, I’m Dr. Melia.”
“Hello.” You both said in unison and smiled.
She started walking and you both followed her. “Right this way and I’ll take you to my office.”
You walk down the hallway and make your way to a small office containing a couch, desk, and chair across from the couch. “Have a seat anywhere you’d like.” She let you both go in first and you sat down on the large red velvet couch.
“Well it’s really nice to meet you both,” She sat down in the chair. “I’ll just reintroduce myself quick and then we can get started; I’m Charlotte Melia and I’ll be helping you both get through whatever troubles you’ve been having. Please never be afraid to open up about something, this is a judge free zone and please don’t interrupt each other. The point of these sessions is to grow and listen. Any questions before we start today?”
You shake your head and twist your engagement and wedding rings on your finger out of anxiety.
“I don’t think so.” Harry said and started bouncing his leg up and down.
Charlotte grabs her clipboard and looks over it quickly. “Alright, let’s get started then. Let’s just start off with you both introducing yourselves, tell me a little about yourselves and give me some background, ‘kay?” She looks at you both and nods her head. “Let’s start with you first, Mr. Styles.”
“I’m Harry, I’m uh, twenty-nine years old, and I’m a singer.” He sighs and glances over at you. “And I uh, blame myself for this situation.”
“I’m Y/N Styles, I’m twenty-six, I’m an actress,” You could feel Harry staring at you. “And I think we’re both to blame for this.”
Charlotte nodded slowly. “Alright well again, it’s wonderful to meet you both. Is there any specific reason why you’re here today?”
“You’re a marriage counselor and you’re asking why-” Harry started to say.
“Mr. Styles, what I mean is what lead you to come here?” She interrupted him.
“Well I suggested it a couple of weeks ago on the phone while Harry was finishing his last show before getting a break on tour.” You spoke up and weaved your hands together. “We uh, lost our baby to S.I.D.S a couple of months ago and it’s just been really hard for the both of us.” You felt a lump in the back of your throat.
“I’m so sorry for your loss.. You’re still living together, correct?” She asked and you both nodded. “Great, what’s it like at home? Any affection, or communication? What does a normal day at home look like? Let’s start with Y/N.”
“Well,” You sighed. “There really isn’t much communication, there’s a lot of tension. When it comes to affection, it’s a lot of fake sympathetic words, or venerous gestures. I’m not blaming him though, it’s me as well. Some days are just long and hard and usually end up with one of us sleeping in a different room than the other.” You bite the inside of your cheek. “I just don’t feel as loved as I used to.”
She nodded. “You know, I see hundreds of couples and with all of them, losing a child really can tear a family apart.” She looked at your paper again. “You guys have been married for four years and together for six, there’s always a point in marriage where you’re past the honeymoon stage and past the ‘oh we’re going to grow old together’ stage, and to the stage where life really hits you and it’s not as easy as it seems. And I think you guys have been there for awhile.”
“I agree.” You comment. “But it’s worse, there’s no-no sympathy for each other.”
The room stays silent for a moment before Charlotte spoke up. “Mr. Styles, tell me about how you feel at home.”
“I agree with what she said but I feel like I’m being constantly judged by her and she can’t accept my work life. Both of us, we just… I don’t want her to leave me, it haunts me and I can’t lose her too. I’m willing to do anything to keep her in my life.”
“That’s totally understandable, Mr. Styles. I’m glad you’re willing to fix your marriage, it’s a good start,” She chuckled. “Not a lot of couples are willing to do that, I really appreciate it.”
You and Harry look at each other and you look down to your hands and then back to Charlotte. “Where do we start?”
“We’re going to start from square one. You’re both going to tell me how you met and be as precise as you can with your feelings.”
You opened your mouth to speak but Harry had beat you to it. “My point of view is much more interesting, lovie. Let me start?” He questioned and you nodded your head, a light smile appearing on your face.
“Let’s start with you then, Mr. Styles..”
OCT. 2015
You and your family were on a trip to the Bahamas, a place you’d always dreamed of going but never thought would happen because you didn’t have the most money growing up but since you started gaining more traction as an actress, the money started coming in and you wanted to do something for your family. 
You were at the beach with them, tanning when a very attractive young man and his four other friends sat their things next to yours and started messing around, getting sand all over you. "What the hell?" You said, taking off your sunglasses and looking at them.
"Woah, I'm so sorry, Miss. I swear I didn't see you laying there, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" Harry rambled nervously.
"No.. it's fine." You sighed.
Ever since that interaction, you both saw each other more at the resort you were staying at and became a lot closer too and you two became inseparable.
"God, I really like her." Harry said one night to Niall. "She gave me her number.. Should I text her?"
"Mate.. Why would she give you her number if she didn't want you to text her?" Niall responded, raising a brow.
"Right.. You're right."
JAN. 2022
"Alright, Harry what were your first impressions of Y/N?" She questioned him.
"She was so perfect, and the sweetest thing ever," He shakes his head. "Definitely the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on. When I saw her I couldn't look away from her, just her energy, her walk, and um.. her sexiness was what started it. Even though the band was going through some stuff, yeah, she still enchanted me."
You looked at Harry and smiled slightly.
"Okay.. You can continue."
OCT. 2015
"God, I really hope I'm not just making a fool out of myself." He whispered to himself as he approached you. "Hey, Y/N,"
"Hi, Harry."
"Would you like to go out on a date with me?"
"Took you long enough."
And with that, you guys were married within a couple years.
a/n: here's pt 1!!! so excited for this series :))
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
While He's Touching Your Skin
part 7 of Look What We Became
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summary: a harlot has been found! liars are punished, and love is in the air
warning: angst, kissing, cheating, alcohol, smut (like a bit).
word count: 4,003
minors DNI
part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7
You both met again during breakfast, everybody had a smile on their faces, “good morning dear, did you two sleep well?” asked Queen Anne, she had an implying tone, and her smile was more of a smirk.
“Yes of course we did, it's the most comfortable bed i have ever slept in.” you say, not understanding what she was saying, harry on the other hand knew exactly what his mother was implying. “Mother please.” everyone looked at harry, “whatever do you mean son?” 
“You know what i mean, i will not talk about this with you or father.”
“Would you rather talk to Gemma?” 
“NO! Mother please stop, I don't want to think about this in the morning.” he says, closing his eyes in playful frustration.
The queen sighs and says “anyway, i wanted to say that tonight we will be hosting a dinner!” 
You look up from your food with a worried look on your face “tonight?” How were you supposed to put together a whole dinner in one day!?? 
“Yes dear, tonight! In celebration of the king’s birthday!” She looks at her husband, who gives her a shy smile. 
You were in love with their relationship, it was nothing like your parents, it was filled with love and respect for one another. They were always a team.  
“But his birthday is not till next week” said harry, confused 
“Excuse my extreme rudeness, but how am i to prepare for dinner in a day?” you ask, feeling horrible for letting them down
“Princess! Whoever said that you have to prepare for this?” the queen said, and you looked at her puzzled “the preparations have been done, only the decorations are left and will be done by the servants. You don't have to do anything child, just stop by my chambers in the afternoon, I would like to give you something.” she smiled at you.
You didn't know what to expect, you look at Harry who tries his best not to look back. Maybe you admitting the fact that you like him was not the best idea you have had. You excuse yourself from the table, you have lost your appetite. Going to your shared chamber, you saw her, sitting on your bed. 
She gave you a sharp look, and you gave her a smile, the best one you could possibly give to the woman your husband was in love with. 
“He told me what you said to him.” she said, and you just stood there not knowing what to do in this situation. “You can love him all you want, but he will always love me. Remember this, the next time you think about them, he never wanted to get married to you, in fact he thinks of you as a burden, he thinks of you as the most hideous princess ever!” she says, with malice 
“And has he expressed all of this to you?” you ask calmly, not believing what she was saying.
“Yes.” she says with a neutral expression.
“I would like it if you left the chamber.” you say, not wanting to look at her
“This was my chamber before you snatched it from me you harlot-”
“Well now it is mine. And when I tell you to leave I expect you to listen to me. And I needn't remind you of the consequences of not obeying the orders given to you.” you say, this was the strongest you had felt in a long time. And there was something about her that you absolutely hated, and it was not the fact that Harry loved her, it was the way she was. You had no intention to show Deborah your vulnerability, and you wanted her to leave. 
With a scowl on her face, she got up and left. You close the door behind her. You were convinced that god hated you, for he constantly played such horrible games with you. First he gave you a father like the one you had, then he gave you a husband, who did not love you, who thought of you as hideous, who knows what else he might have said to who knows who else, and now you had to deal with a chambermaid like this. 
Your will to live was deteriorating second by second. Yesterday had been a complete disaster, your wedding had been a complete disaster and you were to remember it for the rest of your life.  You were done being scared, you were just furious now, how dare she come to your chamber and say such things to you when you have been nothing but understanding of her relationship with your husband! And Harry had no reason to tell her what you had said, and it wasn't like you had something so incomprehensible, all you had requested of him was for her to not be your first women of the bedchamber! Your thoughts were interrupted by the doors of your room flying open and you see prince harry looking absolutely irate. 
“How dare you speak to her like that!”
“How dare i!? How dare she! I was nothing but kind to her!”
“You told her she is nothing but a servant!”
“I never said that-”
“She was crying! How could you do something like that!? I thought you’d be more kind!”
“Oh please! She is not a saint prince harry, if anything i should be the one crying a river! The things she said to me, if they were heard by anyone else, she wouldn't be in this castle for even a second more!” 
You both had moved a lot closer to each other by now.
“You will apologize to her!” he said pointing towards the door.
“I have nothing to apologize for! I will not do it! All I ever said to her was to leave me alone!” your voice was getting louder
“You made her cry!”
“Its is not my fault she can't handle simple instructions!”
“HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!” he screamed, as his arms moved in exaggeration, but to you it looked all too familiar, and you took a step back, closing your eyes, and putting your own hands up in defense. 
There was a heavy silence in the room, you opened your eyes to see Harry with a surprised expression on his face, he had also seemed to take a few steps back. 
“I..you thought… you thought i was going to strike you?” he asked, much calmer yet shocked, You don't say anything,  taking in your surroundings, your chest is heaving and your heart is beating fast. You then looked up at him, you were at a loss of words. Tears were forming in your eyes. You hated being like this, whenever you got upset, you would start crying, you hated it. You take in a deep breath, and wipe the tears off your face, “I will not apologize to her, the sickly things that she said to me, she is lucky I have not said anything. You want to love her prince harry, go ahead, love her, you want to touch her? Touch her, do whatever you want with her, but don't you ever give me such dogshit about respecting our marriage, when you can't trust me when I say something. And don't expect me to love her just because you do. I have been understanding of your love for someone else since the day you came and told me, that too rudely, but I expect you and her to also be understanding of the fact that we are married, whether none of us like it or not.” you say, not looking at him at all “she must also understand that i am a princess, and there are certain things she cannot say to, certain things she cannot do. Judging my character is one of them. And for the sake of your own relationship with her, you must tell her that whatever you tell her in confinement, she better keep it between the two of you.” 
Harry did not know what to say as he watched you leave the room. Not even a day had gone by and he was back at your throat, but he just couldn't help himself when he saw her leave his room with tears flowing down her face. And when she told him the horrible things you had told her, that wasn't even true! He never called her hideous, he never called her a harlot, he never called her a burden, and he never told anything to you, then why would you say such a thing? He got furious at the thought of you saying that. He didn't understand why you had to lie. 
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You found yourself in the library, walking around and looking for something to get your mind off of what just happened. Yes you got scared when he raised his hand, and you hated the fact that you did. It reminded you of everything your father had done to you, and you just wanted to forget it. 
The library was huge and you were sure you had gotten lost, when you saw an older lady trying to climb up the ladder to organize some books.
You rushed towards her, “what do you think you are doing?” you ask, which seems to frighten the lady, she turned around and you saw that it was Abigail, 
“Was just putting some books your highness, is all.” she said, looking scared.
“You were putting in books? Don't they have someone else to do that? You could fall down.” you ask, looking around for someone else
“They say that they don't want to do this, they find it boring.” she replies
“I will help you then, I will climb up and you just give me books, it's not your age to be doing such tasks.” you say, as you climb up. Abigail just gave you a smile and started handing out books. 
You both started working in sync and this helped you get your mind off of harry. 
You both were done in no time, as you started climbing down, you say “next time they pass this work on you, come find me, you could have fallen down, could have broken something, don't let the young bully you.” 
“They are just children, why must I punish them.”
“This is not punishing Abigail, they should be more willing to do tasks like this, and moreover they should know better than to pass it on to the old.” 
She smiled at you once more, “god bless prince harry, he got a wife like you. And god bless you child, you are so kind. I pray only good things come your way.” she says, as she bows and leaves.
You stand there, speechless at the irony, just now your husband told you how insolent you were, and now this woman had blessed you for being kind. 
Today was a strange day. 
You remembered then that you had to go meet the queen, so hurry and try to find her chambers.
You were assisted by the guards on the way. You knock on the door and wait for a response. 
The queen opened the door and smiled at you, “come in dear, i really hope you like this.” you walk in and see the most beautiful dress hanging on the mannequin. The corset was black with a gold pattern, the sleeves were a shiney mustard and so was the skirt. 
The sleeves were puffed and had two layers of frill, the neck of the dress was deep, if it were a few more inches deeper, the dress would be deemed unsophisticated. You looked at the dress in complete awe.
“I would like for you to wear this tonight.” said the queen, “my mother in law had given this dress to me, when i had gotten married to the king, and now i want to pass it onto you.” 
“Queen anne i couldn't possibly-”
“Dear, call me mother. And yes you can, it would look beautiful on you, I insist.” she says, with a kind smile. 
Then you did something that both of you didnt expect, you hugged the queen.
And after a few seconds she hugged you back.
“Thank you so much, I will take great care of this heirloom.”
The queen laughs a bit and says “I trust you will.” 
She calls in someone to tell them to take the dress into your chambers. You were really happy, this one thing had made your day a thousand times better. 
You decided to have a bath again, just rinse off the incident of the morning. You were taking a long bath, the water was warm on your skin, your hair was up in a bun, and muscles relaxed in the warmth of the water. 
You closed your eyes, it was just for a moment, when a loud boom was heard, and your eyes shot open. You see prince harry walking in with intent. Trying to cover yourself with foam, you ask “what are you-” but you are cut off by his lips on yours, you were worried that his suit was getting wet, but he didn't seem to care, removing his vest, and opening the buttons of his dress shirt, he came inside the tub, not breaking the kiss,your eyes were closed as you kissed him back, you could hear water splashing at the intensity of his jump, he lifted your bear legs up so you were straddling him. He pulled away a bit only to lick your lips, as if requesting you to give him way, you oblige, happily.  Your skin was getting hotter, as his hands roamed your back. He pulled you closer and your hands found his hair, tangling your finger into them and massaging his scalp, gently, your chest was squished against his, you could feel his leg between yours, and you subtle start moving, it felt right ot you, to move, and give you a feeling of burning that soon turned to one of pleasure.
The kiss never broke, you were surprised, since you could hold it at the altar. 
“Your highness,” you heard a voice, “it's almost time for the dinner.”
Your eyes snap open as you take in your surroundings. You, in the tub, alone, no sign of harry.
Had you imagined it?
You felt like crying, you were frustrated and you didn't even know why! 
But you don't let it show, you nod your head at the girl and she exits hurriedly. You get up and wipe
your body. 
You walk into your room and see the gorgeous dress hanging on your mannequin. Slowly walking towards it, you touch the material with your hand, the material is soft against your touch, like silk. 
You put the dress on, adoring yourself in the mirror, there were only a few times that you had looked good, reaching behind your back, you try to pull the zipper up, but were failing horribly. 
Too focused on the task you didn't realize that someone had entered the room, the first time you acknowledge the presence in the room was when soft knuckles touched the skin of your back, you pause your action and look up to see prince harry, standing behind you, aiding you with your impossible work.
Your husband was not looking at you, rather was focusing on your back, as he untangled a thread stopping the zipper to go up. You pinch yourself, just to see if you were dreaming again or not. 
You most certainly were not.
Harry finally looked at you thought the mirror, “princess-”
“The queen has requested both of your presence in the ballroom, she says guests will be arriving soon.” 
Harry completely ignores the maid, not moving his eyes off of your face, while you not curtly, and go out of the room.
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The party was lively, as you observe people enjoying themselves. You had a smile on your face, though it was far from genuine, all you could think about was your dream. You were interrupted by a very handsome gentleman “hello, i believe we have not met, prince william.” he says, bowing down while asking for your hand. You smile again, and gently give him your gloved hand, as he places a soft kiss on it.
“Princess Y/n.”
“So you are Prince Harry's bride?” he asked, amused. 
“Yes. Yes I am.” 
“Well it is certainly a pleasure to meet you, though i wish i had met you sooner, then i could have had such a pretty lady all to myself.” he says, giving you a boyish smirk. 
You laugh at his awfully unfunny comment. 
“I am completely content with how we met Prince william.” you say, politely, this seemed to make that smirk drop off his face, 
“Well after what i tell you, you will most certainly wish you met me before princess.” 
You look up at him curious. He moves closer to you, and whispers in your ear “I believe prince Harry is swiping the floor with a certain girl named debbie.”
Your ears perked up at this. You look at this man, in disbelief, but he only nods. 
“Would you like to know where, princess?” he asks, as if talking to a child, you take a sharp intake of breath, not wanting to show signs of knowing anything about your husband's affair. 
“I will do you a favor, and let you know.” and then he leans in more and whispers something in your ear.
You had absolutely no intention of following this information, but for maintaining your innocence, you went anyway. “Excuse me for a moment.” you say and walk away. 
This whole encounter seemed to have an audience sitting far away, prince william only winking, and following you outside. 
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You walk out to get some air, this frustration you were feeling was not helped by whatever prince willulu said, walking up to the balcony, you let the cold breeze hit your face, you would love to be here all the time, it was so peaceful and calm, not like the dinner being hosted down stairs. 
The peace was destroyed soon by angry footsteps nearing you. 
“Where is he?” you hear a very angry harry speak, you turn around calmly, “whoever are you talking about?”
“Oh you know who i am talking about!”
“I genuinely have no idea.” you say, turning your back on him.
“You came up to meet him! I know, he told you to meet here, so you both can do whatever it that we were planning on doing! I know it!” 
You had absolutely no idea what your husband was talking about. Due to your lack of response, Harry held onto your elbow, gently not to hurt you, and turned you around to face him. You could smell the wine on his breath as he looked into your eyes pleading you to tell him the truth. 
His face makes your heart melt. You take his face in your hand, and he seems to melt into your touch. “I dont know what you are talking about my lor..hmm…. prince harry.” you say, calmly
“You were talking to him just now, he whispered something into your ear.” he says and you lull him a bit, that is when the realization hits you
“Prince willulu?” you ask, “Prince willullu?” Harry askes, looking puzzled, “Prince william?” he looks at you with a questioning look.
“Oh yes, Prince william! Why would I come up to meet him?” you ask
“Because h e told you to?” harry asks
“No he didn't, he told me you were with deborah.” At that moment, reality had seeped in, you looked down from his face, and slowly started slipping your hand away from his face.
And at that moment, Harry seemed to realize something. “Deborah.” he says, he looks back at you, gives your lips a quick peck, before running down the stairs, leaving you there, you touch your lips, as the feeling of him never left your body.
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Harry rushed down “debbie!? Debbie!?” he screamed, running around the halls, Harry was scared. He knew that prince william had done horrible, unthinkable things to women before, and his hate for harry, only made him more worried about deborah.
When Harry reached the end of the servant quarters, he could hear voices coming from inside, he could hear Deborah's pleasurable moans, the slapping of skin. Harry stopped altogether.
“Tell me you wrench, woh gives it to you better? Your pathetic prince, or me? Hm?” that was definitely william’s voice
“You god only you!” 
At that Harry kicks open the door, to see the woman he so dearly loved, bent over in front of the blonde man, as he thrusted into her. 
“Debbie?” Harry whispers, but they don't stop.
“Hello Harry, come here to enjoy the show?” says william. 
Ignoring William, Harry looks at her, “Why debbie?” he says, tears forming in his eyes “i loved you Debbie, with all my heart, i didn't touch my own wife! How could you do this to me!?”
Deborah only moans louder
“You didn't touch me either. God yes, right there!” Harry saw in pure horror, as the lewd scene in front him progressed “thought if you fall in love with, i will be queen, but Ah! No! That didn't happen, you got another bride all together, then i thought you could- god yes! Yes!yes! Ah! i thought you would at least touch me but Ahhh! But no, what was a girl to do?” 
Harry couldn't believe his eyes, and moreover couldn't believe his ears. All the times she has said that she will love him forever were all lies? The feeling of being betrayed mixed with the alcohol in his system made a concoction of anger in his body.
“You are nothing but a whore! I see through you now, you wrench!” he says as he slams the door shut, wiping his tears with his sleeves, he runs back to the ballroom, where he sees you. Kind, beautiful you, oh how wished he had seen this before, how he wished he had met you before, how he wished had fallen for you instead. He stared at you, as you talked to some random princess, pretending to be engaged in the conversation. 
He kept on observing you throughout the night, how you interacted with strangers, and how you interacted with known people, it was quite the same actually, until he saw his sister next to you, how face seemed to give the brightest smile of the evening as you approached gemma, you hugged her dearly, and started laughing at something she had said. 
God your laugh was so pretty. 
“I think I taught you very clearly, staring is bad manners.” he heard his mother’s voice, “and father always said ‘unless it's your own wife’.” hw turns around to face his mother. 
“What happened child?” she asked, sweetly, but Harry only shook his head, and that was enough for queen anne to understand, she pulled her boy in for a hug, as she looked at you too, talking to her daughter. To her you were the only person that could make her children happy, even if they didnt know it.
“Staring is bad manners, mother.” harry mumbles against her chest“Oh shush you.” she says, playfully patting his head. 
Harry had turned his head to the side, to look at you as well, what a fool he was to not show you the love you deserved, what an actual knob.he thought to himself, he would show you, exactly what you deserved, exactly what you want, he would give you the world,just like he had planned to give her. 
But only this time he would make it better, only for you. In fact, he will show you tonight, he will give you everything and anything you ask of him, and he will do better than any other man. 
A/N: Oof!! finally, some action in the love story!! i also i got sick yesterday, and my math test did not go well, and i didnt even get to do my spanish test. ugh life is sucking at the moment.
but back to the story, god i hate "debbie" so fucking much, even though i made her aaahahahahahha AHAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
stay safe❤️❤️
@strwbrrydaydreams @remuslupinwifee @inlikea-coolway @mypolicemanharryyy @sunshinemoonsposts @stilesissaved @novalunosising @sleutherclaw @dear-mylove @kiy0hime @rafaaoli @st-ev-ie @urmomsksjdjdjsj
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sebprotectionn · 1 year
Harry Styles Fic Recs Pt.5
tiktok prank gone wrong (@avatar-anna)
What are you doing, NYE? pt 2 (@cakestan)
College!harry pt 2 (@shroombloomm)
Stunt (@missmielyhoran)
Hunger (@avatar-anna)
Better man (@a-strange-familiar)
Everything I want (@tbslharry222)
Scott Street (@tbslharry222)
one last time (@glitteredrry)
untitled (@harrysfolklore)
fuck buddies (@haileybeehappy)
About a breakup (@tbslharry222)
looking back (@shroombloomm)
ghost of you (@glitteredrry)
needing you (@smilesstyless)
Strike (@missmielyhoran)
baby, its cold outside (@havethetimeofyourstyles)
heartbreak (@alonetimelover)
green's her favorite, h (@meetevieinthehallway)
three's company (@writingsfromhome)
shitty friend groups (@tbslharry222)
Date night (@watchmegetobsessed)
Biggest Fan (@starkeylvr)
The Only Exception (@avatar-anna)
College!harry (@missluckycharms)
Vanity fair (@voguescapes)
Harry Styles talking about his girlfriend for 16 minutes video (@astranva)
This Christmas (@leveller-75)
Bachelorette Party (@missmielyhoran)
Little Lad (@harrysmimi)
Dear Harry (@watchmegetobsessed)
Biscuit Foundations (@twostepstyless)
knight in shining armour (@fetusharryluvr)
his favorite princess (@twostepstyless)
made a friend today? (@chaoticloving)
that's my apron (@glitteredrry)
2022 comes to an end (@astranva)
christmas cookies (@jarofstyles)
sleepy (@mulledcherrywine)
agree to disagree *@pleasingforharry)
untitled (@avatar-anna)
a midnight kiss (@gucciwins)
untitled (@smilesstyless)
untitled (@smilesstyless)
paparazzi catches you thigh riding harry on a yacht (@watermelonlovershigh)
menage a trois (@timotheechlamett)
curious girl (@permanentcross)
Love on Tour: The Documentary (@finelinevogue)
The Another One Universe (@watchmegetobsessed)
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