seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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Aye, aye, like for a mini?
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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    “Oh really?” A lithe finger tapping against her bottom lip. “I can probably find the way out by myself but I’ll play along…what would I have to do to gain this very important knowledge from you?” She’s skeptical at best
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“That’s riiiiiight~” Now they’re talking. “I believe in everyone’s abilities but there’s a special reason why a person of my caliber exists and it’s to lead people in the best ways possible! In exchange of this golden information however, you must uhm,” he paused. “You must learn to appreciate me.”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
♚ ( seconddisciple )
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       “Oh come on, don’t they have less sissy guys around here? You, over there! Tell me where I can get cake, or get one for me.“
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“He-he-hey... Not my fault I was just blessed with good looks enough to make a woman feel jealous.”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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“Oh, Cent. You’re so strong… You’ve got power AND beauty… You’re just perfect! No! Don’t you dare risk your life for me, Cent! If you died on me, I’d…I’d go crazy! Don’t you EVER die on me, Cent!”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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☂ { it is certainly a coincidence, is it not? you resemble juvia’s someone as well. though … juvia has met you in the city once before. cent-san, was it? she is quite lucky, to have someone whose thoughts she dominates so lovingly. do you miss her terribly? like juvia misses her gray-sama … }
“Lucky? Truly so. For a man such as I to think about someone, they must be exceptional in every regard---”
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“Woah there... Talk about weird. I don’t think I’ve met you though? Silly thing... But you know my beautiful name so, am I the one forgetting something here? Who’s Juvia by the way? Gray-sama... I dunno these people actually.”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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“Triviaaaaaa time~! Did you know that the phrase ‘bees on my eyes’ came from the song called Beez In The Trap by some famous singer who go by Nico Monaji? She blinks repeatedly everytime she says the word ‘bees’ and it’s an act depicting her imagining what it’s like to have bees attack you in the eye sockets. Pretty amazing, eh?”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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“Oooooh. Looks like someone’s having a bad hair day. Turn that frown upside down, man! Follow what the folks around here would say to you if they see you with that depressing look on your face. Uhm... what was it again... Oh, right! Put an Oppa Gangnam Smile!”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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“Lost, aren’t we? I sure know of a way to leave this place, BUT... Where is the fun in telling you that, huh? Knowledge is gained with effort, or so people back home would often say.”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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“Ehehey... This is certainly comedic, I’d give you that. First face I’d see would be one who’d resemble her so, so, so awfully, eh? Fate is such a cruel mistress.”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
Though I've apped him before, I'd like a fresh start so... Rebooting everything, here's Cent from Drakengard 3! Application is under /app
welcome back, 50 cent … but you’re a halfwit! welcome back, 25 cent!
you’ll be housed in apartment w-6.
you’ll be given everything you had in your previous stay.
enjoy yourself!
-mod oo6
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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Idiot pigeon boyfriends.
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
No he is not. He can’t tell really tell if anyone is attractive or not, while this man is clearly one being who can attract the ladies like there is no tomorrow. He’s not really into sorting people by how attractive they are.
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“All talents are appreciated.” 
While he could really go to said location now, there's a whole lot of better things to do: one, finding his lover among the crowd. Talent show can wait, if they have patience enough set in stone for him. Who wouldn't want him there?
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"Guess I'll consider."
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
Resolve did not waver in the slightest when cerulean eyes have not seen the sight of his lady first thing when he awoke. Being taken away from the world they previous belonged to should have caused him to at least grimace, a shrug so forbidden for the alluring intoner to see. Even without her around to be the source of his strength and courage, he did not allow himself to falter and lose hope. It would be a great shame for a disciple of his caliber to cower just because his songstress wasn't around. Worried yet patient glances were given at every corner and his feet did not hesitate to urge forward to come and find her, which he didn't find to be a troubling work-- it's his responsibility as her fated apostle as well as a duty as her lover.
The reunion took a handful of lonely days; four and a single week to be exact. He lost count of the many people he have asked of her whereabouts and whether or not they have seen someone as precious as her around. Cent have described her to strangers as best as he could and made sure to use the proper words as to not disrespect her name ( as doing so should deserve a punishment worse than death-- a frightening thing he made certain to himself he'd never do to her no matter what ) and yet he gestured to himself and acknowledged that no such words could fully describe her lovely self. It was only then that he received a word that someone matched the details he'd so tirelessly repeat and he marched off towards the fourth sector in hopes of finally seeing her adorable face again. He'd give anything if he had to.
Once muscular arms found itself wrapped around her perfect frame, he began to press his lips against the skin of her forehead and permitted relief to wash over his present worries. The fact that he survived long enough to see her once more was estimable if he had done so much as to admit, but the energy to boast about his achievement ceased his mind. There were two things that mattered to him when he felt her skin against his-- (1) that she was safe and unharmed, (2) that she never cried. Cent will never be able to forgive himself if Two shed tears over his disappearance. Because of their momentary separation, he vowed and prepared himself to make up to her somehow. Soon should be a good time for that.
Now, they're inside of what appeared to be a place for grand prayers. There was nothing to appreciate in the eyes of the disciple as the obvious displays meant that whoever entered this building for the sake of heavenly services did not have the five goddesses as their figure of respect. It was an entire organization altogether, a religious belief he didn't think he recognized and why should he?
Gloved digits traced the wooden workings at the very entrance, speck of dust in turn clinging towards the leather of his index finger. It must have been abandoned for a long time and no one attended to it. A great shame, he'd muse to himself while catching her glances with a sweetened of his own. Ah, the lady doesn't really fail to make his heart race. Steps inched close so he could walk alongside her once more down the aisle, only for him to inwardly feel embarrassed at the given compliments of an intoner much stronger and capable than he. Though his expressions did not reveal his shy nature, his pulse grew wildly. It's safe to say that he could easily mask this nervousness by owning up to the praises, inflated and stroked ego.
"My lady, you flatter me greatly. However, that'd be quite impossible~! As you know, I'd never leave your side no matter what. Past days cannot be helped, but I promise we will make up for the lost time."
There's the gesture he very well liked-- the fancy pouting of her lips that he's dying to take with his own. Then again, he figured that now isn't really the time to be selfish and bother his lady intoner with his feelings.
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"Please. A world without Lady Two? A sad story I'd pluuuuuuuuck my ears out for! I would rather not live than not be with you, my lady."
Arms extended in unison for both respective fingers to intertwine. How good it felt to still have her own locked with his, ultimately giving off a surreal amount of tranquility that made Cent forget that they are being used for a social experiment and the like. If they're together like this, surely everything would be easy to handle and they wouldn't need to bother themselves with anything else. Just having this very jewel made him feel like he could do just about anything and he'd surely do so if it meant doing everything for her and her name alone. The curving of his lips reappeared as he rubbed the side of her cheek with his thumb along the excuse of seeing dirt upon her pretty face, though she was as good as clean.
The question made Cent raise a brow and ponder about the matter, the scenario finally making a little sense.
"Heh, reminds me of the room Lady One assigned to you."
An expected line to commence his sly act, only for him to pretend he hadn't said anything at all. If it's true that the other intoners are around, does that mean even the traitorous Zero? He had never met her at all and he has no plans on seeing her because it isn't needed. Unless, of course, Two decided that she cares enough to set up a sibling bonding time for the two of them. Cent doubts the possibility of it ever happening though.
His eyes followed where his lady's own and finger went and acknowledged the similarity she spoke of, but have found it humorous that someone would leave such a special piece behind. Or was it that the previous occupants were slaughtered or abducted? He didn't want to voice his negative ideas as rendering his lover appalled would be the last thing Cent would do on purpose.
"It might be their goddess, Lady Two. And ahhhh~? I don't think there'd be a need to have another copy of me around when I have no intentions to leave your side or whatsoever. More importantly, there's no waaaaaay someone as flawless as I could be remade! I am quite unique and though it's definitely undeniable that I am lucky to have you as my significant other, it's also true that you are... fortunate yourself, my lady."
Hand squeezed her own gently, repeatedly too-- much like a child asking to be noticed. He brought her hand near his face and he kissed it tenderly and slowly.
Oh, how much he had missed her presence.
SECTOR 004 reminded her of other places, of homes not quite her own but ones she’d visited plenty in her heart. Exploring was a task she pushed onto herself to keep away from the hands of others, especially from the very souls and bodies that relentlessly worked to prove themselves worthy of her ( but worthy of what, she wondered. her time, her love, her affection? — all things she spread as evenly as she could for them without second thought. holding back was what drained her the most, but he knew that already… didn’t he? ) Her steps remained airy despite the obvious scenery change ( the optimism in her pretending all that’d happened was her and her beloved stumbling across something new from their own world ), the soft hum that sounded off from its hiding spot in her throat as she minded the other’s lips with a few well-timed side glances. Fingers fiddled among themselves to avoid satisfying the daunting urge they teased her with to lace them between his, instead opting to toss a few ear-to-ear smiles in her company’s direction as she listened to him ramble on about what they saw. Her mind occasionally filled in the blanks with whatever made sense for the topic at hand, but something in her constantly possessed all parts of her to admire and adore his existence above all else. The sector had its beauty about it, certainly, but Cent graced it with his presence and she was somehow lucky enough to be blessed with basking in his attention while he did. Her idolizing sold her out in the blink of a lovestruck expression that diminished when he caught her off guard and returned one of her careless smiles with a lovely one of his own… and so came the silence as he waited for her to chip in, waited for the exuberant squeak of a reply to clash against the all-knowing tone he upheld. A giggle escaped her lips before an actual response mustered itself up, eyes narrowing as her smile brightened.
          “Cent, you’re so smart! I’m really glad you’re here with me. Imagine how lost I’d be if you weren’t around! …Hmm.”
LIPS pursed with the thought as she allowed the words to slip out, a pout slighting her usual cheerful face for all but a moment until she continued.
          “But that’ll never happen, right? You’ll always be with me! Oh, a world without you… I wouldn’t want it at all.”
THE disappointment was evident in the lowering of her voice. The pout developed into a frown, blue locks shaking some in disapproval as she eased her own worries with the present ( her fears would not consume her, though something in her hurts to think on what else is missing from their picture. she’s sure it’s crossed his thoughts once by now, since her worries and his were one in the same, but she had to remain strong. he was with her and that would suffice for now. ) Hand carefully stretched to grab at his own, the Intoner all but grateful that the heat of her face wouldn’t give itself away in some shade of pink against her cheeks. A curiosity struck her when her attention finally pried itself away from the light of her life, eyes widening before the small amount of happiness that trickled in with her discovery shined through one of typical smiles and a tug in its direction. Childlike in every manner, but welcomed nonetheless. Or expected, perhaps.
          “Do you think One’s in here?! It kind of looks like her home in Cathedral City, doesn’t it…? Oh!! What if she moved and has the kids here too?! Come on, Cent! Let’s check it out.”
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THE hand tangled in his grip squeezed lightly, cautious to not damage any of his precious tendons with the minuscule strength her body held. The loss of it should have troubled her, but the amount of stress the diminishing of it reduced made it hard to concern herself with at the time. But the less preoccupied hand shoved at wooden doors, blue eyes met with far less extravagant decor than she hoped and the lack of a familiar splash of blonde in an empty room. Though, again, optimism kept her spirits in their heightened state as her voice boomed in the vacant space with her reaching out to a being that most likely wasn’t there ( but trying never hurt anyone, right? )
          “Ooooooone! Are you here?! Cent and I promised we’d visit, so we’re here now!”
A pause followed, if only to allow the courtesy she knows One would give to her. Manners weren’t a lost cause on her, or entirely a foreign concept, but they were considered a bit unfit for a woman with her… energy.
          “Oooooooooooone! If you’re not here, that’s okay! Cent and I can clean this place up for you while you’re gone.”
ONE would never live in such unsightly conditions, given the number of cobwebs and beaten wooden benches the intruding Intoner counted, but the statue was what really solidified that this wasn’t where one of her sisters would be. Index finger gestured to the figure at the center of the worn down church, expression scrunching before she piped up with a strew of wordvomit that trailed from one thought into the next. That was another problem Two seemed to have when compared to her sisters: when she spoke on one thing, she’d end up rambling about another in the same breath. Her attention wasn’t limited, but her cares sometimes were.
          “Cent, who do you think that is? It isn’t One, but it isn’t anyone I think I’ve ever seen before… Oh, maybe we should do that when we get back home! I’d love to have a statue of you built and placed somewhere. Maybe in our room… What do you think? Would you want it in there? It’d be so perfect! Not as perfect as you, but if you ever left to play with the kids and I was too busy to go then I could look at it plenty! But it wouldn’t be the same thing, would it? I wouldn’t be able to talk with it or cook for it or kiss it. And what if I got lonely? Of course I’d get lonely without you around, but it wouldn’t be able to hold me at all. Hm… Nothing’s as amazing as the real you, Cent.”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
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So this is how it goes? I wasn’t aware of it. I guess it’s because I’m an idiot. But it’s okay. Since there is no way I can live in a world without Two.
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
"Oh. Long enough to know so many sides of a story, eh~?" Much time and yet this person has yet to leave this city. So perhaps it was true that no such exit exists? Does that mean he'll be stuck in this place forever? He grows silent for a minute, pondering about Two's whereabouts before returning back to the current conversation, fingers fiddling with his own wooden swords. "Now that's a name I don't often hear about. Mine's Cent."
A month. Give or take another week or two. Kid’s not that worried about time.Not like he can get home, anyways. Or rather, to the Bastion. He just has to hope they get to him. Not that it seems likely. 
But he can hope, can’t he? 
It’s the Kid. That’s what he keeps telling everyone. Still, sometimes he wonders if he needs a new name, instead. A new name for a new place. Maybe a new him.
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
Open house? While it didn't sound suspicious to the ears, who can tell what's actually inside of it? He was pretty new around the area and anyone can take advantage of his idiocy. But did the other just say talent? Oh, boy... Surely, he'd love to showcase his own capabilities though obviously, it'll depend on what kind of talent are they trying to talk about in here. Head lowers itself, a gesture to connote that he's 'thinking'.
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"My, wouldn't it be quite unfair for them if I join this cause of yours? I mean, as you can see... I'm a rather appealing man."
There was so many things he could say at this point that can really contradict a man into doing something extremely stupid or guilt trip them into doing something for him. But best play into the role, as they say. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 
He might severely regret this later. 
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A smile. 
“I’m sure you are a very smart man. But do you have a way of occupying your self at the moment. I have a open house, which is a place where people can show case their… talents. There are positions open if you want.”
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seconddisciple-blog · 9 years
Not even a single word? Way to be friendly. Oh, well... at least his precious saliva wasn't for naught. He seems to have taken a proper understanding at the given notion and followed the stranger. There's a possibility that he was being lead somewhere dangerous considering his undeniably alluring appearance. He wouldn't put it beyond his new companion to take an instant liking to him, although he surely didn't swing that way. Anywayyyy, best to be just careful, right? Haha. "So, how long have you been here, uhm... I don't believe you've given me your name."
Ah, why not? THe Kid’s already figured out where Alpha is, and moist of the other districts. Walkin’ around with a person is better than walkin’ by himself. And it beats tryin’ to meditate and jump off roofs, too.
Hive City is an easy place to get lost in, if you ain’t used to gettin’ lost in places. But once you know your way around, it’s not that bad. The Kid gestures for the guy to follow him - they were both headin’ the right way, anyways. They got a lot of ground to cover, though.
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