secondwindstuffies · 5 years
it’s my birthday !! woo !
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secondwindstuffies · 5 years
george !
i was contacted by a follower regarding their friend’s child’s buddy George who had an unfortunate accident with a dog. his eyes and nose were missing !
before/after and progress pics below.
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first george needed a little face wash to clear some dog slobber from his fur
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then, i reattached his nose with embroidery floss to make sure it really stayed on. in the process, he looked like he had a runny nose !
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i had to reattach his muzzle to his face next. then, i worked on putting his eyes back on !
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after, he was ready to be restuffed and model for pictures !
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i’m so glad i got to meet you, george!! safe travels home!
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secondwindstuffies · 5 years
sorry for the post hiatus! i’ve been in the process of moving across the country and settling in at my new place :-)
but we’re back in business!! expect more restorations soon >:-)
big love
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secondwindstuffies · 5 years
i’m glad he found a forever home with you :-)
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Thanks to @secondwindstuffies for the beautiful Jolteon plush! I love him very much and am pleased with my purchase. Your hand-written note was really nice, too. 💛
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secondwindstuffies · 5 years
little bear
this lil dude just needed a some tlc. some extra stuffing in a few places and a cleaning on his nose and chest and he was good to go!
before/after below!
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now he’s fat + happy!! (and in need of a good home)
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secondwindstuffies · 5 years
sleep sheep
$0.25 at a thrift store! had a pocket in her back with nothing in it and her fur was all matted and full of stuff stuck in it. very well loved. the fleecing is coming off in places.
before + after and process pics below!
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i removed the pocket, tags, and other things on her back to get it smooth. then, i took out her original stuffing. she was clearly very old and probably could use new filling!
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(enjoy the kitty beans in the first pic!)
then, she got a bath!!
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and a brushing to work out some of the matts and get her a little fluffier again!
much love!!
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secondwindstuffies · 5 years
Gund bear nose job
$0.50 find ! all good just a big tear in his face that i fixed up. in need of a good home :-)
before/after below!
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secondwindstuffies · 5 years
Who’s that Pokémon?
we found 7 pokémon plushies today for $0.25 each!! all in great condition but our mewtwo had a hole in the tail. nothing too bad.
before/after below + our new pokémon display around the tv
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secondwindstuffies · 5 years
dirty pig
this guy was covered in something brown and sticky (ew) and his stuffing was all out of wack.
before and after pics; process pics below
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first, i went over the more caked on stuff with a clorox wipe. then, i removed his stuffing and he got a bath.
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once he was clean, i restuffed him and stitched him up.
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i added a bow (for fashion) and he was done! he’s going to be mailed to a friend in seattle and i’m so happy for him!! much love
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secondwindstuffies · 5 years
well-loved hound dog
this guy was so bad that they sold him to us for half price! absolutely missing almost all of his stuffing, only had one ear, rips and holes everywhere.
i found three different colored threads hand-sewn into him, so he must have been repaired several times. here are the before and afters; more process pics below
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first, i restuffed him to get him back to a healthy weight.
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then, i fixed his toes. you can see that the threads were loose on one of his feet. so he got a full pedicure!
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next, i took care of a tear on his face.
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finally, i removed his remaining ear and cut it into two!
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now he’s looking good as new! i have to find someone to gift him to. much love!
edit: i forgot to mention i docked his tail! the white part was holding on by a thread and had been fixed several times before, it looked like. it was time for it to retire
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