secretficsbitch · 3 months
Long Way From Litigation
“It will take him awhile to warm up to you.” Sheryl said. “His last paralegal didn’t meet expectations, to put it politely.” She added. “He may never warm up to you, but he’s certainly always fair.” She walked me down the long hall quickly, her shoes echoing against the marble and her short legs keeping an impressive pace. I hustled behind her until she stopped at a large, dark wood door. There were half height windows continuing for about 6 feet on either side of the door. She opened the door to show a small outer office with an empty desk on the right side. The rear wall was lined with windows with the blinds drawn and included a door matching the one that we just passed through. She gestured toward the door. “Welcome to 1 Hogan Place, honey.”
Sheryl walked away after I nodded in understanding. I took a deep breath and knocked. The deep sound echoed through my chest. God, I hope this guy doesn’t fire me immediately.
“Come in.” A voice quickly answered. I pushed my shoulders back and my head up before I pushed the door open. The man was hunched over a pile of papers. He lifted his head slightly and met my eyes. “How can I help you?” He asked.
“My name is Nora. Nora Clearing. I’m your new paralegal.” I said.
“Oh, of course.” He said as he stood quickly. He strided across the room to me and extended his hand. “I apologize,” He shook my hand quickly. “I forgot you were starting today. I’m Rafael Barba.” He gestured toward one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Have a seat.”
The room had a large desk to the right, a couch and table with four chairs on the left, and a large bookshelf on the back wall adjacent to the desk. It had the feel of a classic academia office. It seemed to match the man quite well. I took a seat in one of the leather chairs.
“We just caught a new case, and the arraignment is in an hour.” He said looking down at the documents he was looking at when I walked in. “I know you’ve been a paralegal for quite some time, but I don’t know much about you otherwise.” He set the papers down. “What kind of law were you in?” He asked.
“Defense.” I answered.
“Defense?” He gave me a look.
“Insurance defense litigation.” I clarified.
“Is this going to be out of your comfort zone?” He asked.
“I try not to do things in my comfort zone, but I do have some experience with sexual crimes.” I explained. “You’d be surprised what can trigger the personal liability line of your homeowners insurance.” I said with a smile. “Is it common practice for someone on your team, specifically a paralegal, to be hired without you knowing anything about them?” I asked, leaning forward.
“That’s a good question.” He chuckled. “I hired my last paralegal and she was garbage, so I left the job to Human Resources. I obviously don’t choose well.” He explained.
“Obviously?” I questioned.
“She bragged about being a paralegal for 25 years and about how she worked at daddy’s firm, but couldn’t deliver in the slightest.” He rolled his eyes. “I hope you’re different.”
“Yikes.” I muttered. “I’ll be the first person to tell you that there are many things I don’t know.” He smiled. “A little humility goes a long way,” I added.
“What brought you to a prosecutor’s office?” He asked. He peeked at his watch.
“I wanted to my work to be more meaningful, I suppose.” He raised his eyebrows, as if asking me to elaborate. “I was sick of proving that people in minor fender benders weren’t injured. It was just people thinking they hit their big pay day everyday. The only cases I got anything from were the ones where people actually suffered some kind of loss.”
“Can you give me an example?” He asked.
“I actually had a case you might be familiar with.” I started. “A woman was repeatedly assaulted by her boss, a CEO for an anti-trafficking organization. She and many other women came forward about the assaults and brought a civil suit against the CEO, the organization, and every other organization he founded, along with all of the board members.” He leaned forward, his brow raised in a quizzical manner. He was intrigued. “We represented her and her insurance company on the counter suit that was filed against her by the organization.”
A wave of realization seemed to come over him. “Oh, was that Morris and Blane?” He asked.
“Yes,” I answered. “We got the counter claim dismissed, but the original suit is still going on along with the criminal investigation.”
“That’s a pretty high profile case.” He said. He looked at his watch again. “We’re coming up on the arraignment here soon. Do you have any trial experience?” He asked.
“Very little,” I answered. “Most of my castes settled, and the ones that did go to trial were in a jurisdiction that was too far for the firm to fund for a paralegal to attend.”
“Okay,” he said without skipping a beat. “I’m going to have you follow me to the arraignment then. I’m sure some of the detectives we work with will be there, so you can meet them as well.” He stood from his desk and gathered some pages, and put them into his brief case.
I stood with him. He moved to the door and I followed. “This will be your desk.” He gestured to the empty desk in the outer office as a we passed through the room. “Go ahead and leave anything that you need to and bring a notebook.” He said.
I left my jacket and bag at the desk and pulled out a legal pad and pen. Mr. Barba and I hurried down the hall and to the elevator. He pressed the number one, causing the elevator to jolt into motion. “I’m going to throw you to the wolves a bit here.” He said in an apologetic tone. “Trial by fire is the only way to learn what you need to learn in the time you need to learn it.” He added, “You’re a long way from litigation now, Nora.” He smirked.
Let me know if you’d like a part two.
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secretficsbitch · 4 years
“Where were you last night?” I asked from across the steel interrogation table. The room was dark besides the lamp in the center of the room that was swaying ever so slightly.
“I was at home.” He said defensively. His fists were clenched on the table, his knuckles were turning white.
“Alone?” I asked. “So no one can vouch for you?”
There was a hard knock on the door to the interrogation room. “I’ll be right back.” I said.
I left the room to meet Carisi, Benson, and Barba observing from the other side of the glass. “We got the DNA results.” Benson started. “It’s him.” She smirked. “Go get a confession.”
I walked back into the room with more tenacity this time. “Don’t worry about answering that question.” I said. “I know that you weren’t at home because you were in Kelsey’s apartment.” I explained. I sat on the side of the table, facing him.
“No I wasn’t.” He said. “I was at home.”
“No. you weren’t.” I said, standing up and walking behind him. “You see Mel, your DNA was inside her. Your flesh was under her fingernails.” I added. “You raped her.” I whispered in his ear. “And you beat her. All because she said no.” His large frame tightened. “Because a big, macho man like you can’t handle rejection.” The words had barely left my mouth when his elbows shot backward, the right one catching me in the eye. I fell to the ground. He was out of his chair in an instant. My head was in a haze, but I could feel a couple more hits before he was pulled off of me. Benson had one arm and Carisi had the other while Barba was doing his best to shuffle me out of the room. I guess the two of them had gotten him restrained because they had quickly left the room and joined Barba and I.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Barba dipped his head in an attempt to make eye contact with me. “ What the hell just happened?” He had grabbed tissues and was dabbing at my face with them. Although his intentions were good, his hands weren’t exactly gentle.
“I’m okay, Barba. Please stop hitting me in the face with the tissues.” I took the tissues from his hand and rested them on the bleeding cut above my eye. I was a bit dizzy, so I stumbled when I tried to stand up from the desk I was leaning on. Barba and Carisi helped me balance while Benson went for a first aid kit.
“You don’t seem okay.” Carisi said. His hand was gently gripping my upper left arm while Barba’s hand was gripping my right.
“Yeah,” Barba said. “You seem a little… green.” He said cautiously.
“Okay, you may be right.” I said. “Can you hand me that trashcan?” Carisi handed me the bin just in time for me to turn out my stomach.
“So, you definitely have a concussion.” Barba said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “We’re taking you to the hospital.”
“Seems like a good idea.” I mumbled.
Carisi and Barba led me to the elevator, one of them on either side of me.
“Can I pick the music in the car?” I asked in a loopy voice when the door closed.
“No smooth jazz,” Carisi said.
“Only smooth jazz,” I replied.
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secretficsbitch · 5 years
“Where were you last night?” I asked from across the steel interrogation table. The room was dark besides the lamp in the center of the room that was swaying ever so slightly.
“I was at home.” He said defensively. His fists were clenched on the table, his knuckles were turning white.
“Alone?” I asked. “So no one can vouch for you?”
There was a hard knock on the door to the interrogation room. “I’ll be right back.” I said.
I left the room to meet Carisi, Benson, and Barba observing from the other side of the glass. “We got the DNA results.” Benson started. “It’s him.” She smirked. “Go get a confession.”
I walked back into the room with more tenacity this time. “Don’t worry about answering that question.” I said. “I know that you weren’t at home because you were in Kelsey’s apartment.” I explained. I sat on the side of the table, facing him.
“No I wasn’t.” He said. “I was at home.”
“No. you weren’t.” I said, standing up and walking behind him. “You see Mel, your DNA was inside her. Your flesh was under her fingernails.” I added. “You raped her.” I whispered in his ear. “And you beat her. All because she said no.” His large frame tightened. “Because a big, macho man like you can’t handle rejection.” The words had barely left my mouth when his elbows shot backward, the right one catching me in the eye. I fell to the ground. He was out of his chair in an instant. My head was in a haze, but I could feel a couple more hits before he was pulled off of me. Benson had one arm and Carisi had the other while Barba was doing his best to shuffle me out of the room. I guess the two of them had gotten him restrained because they had quickly left the room and joined Barba and I.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Barba dipped his head in an attempt to make eye contact with me. “ What the hell just happened?” He had grabbed tissues and was dabbing at my face with them. Although his intentions were good, his hands weren’t exactly gentle.
“I’m okay, Barba. Please stop hitting me in the face with the tissues.” I took the tissues from his hand and rested them on the bleeding cut above my eye. I was a bit dizzy, so I stumbled when I tried to stand up from the desk I was leaning on. Barba and Carisi helped me balance while Benson went for a first aid kit.
“You don’t seem okay.” Carisi said. His hand was gently gripping my upper left arm while Barba’s hand was gripping my right.
“Yeah,” Barba said. “You seem a little… green.” He said cautiously.
“Okay, you may be right.” I said. “Can you hand me that trashcan?” Carisi handed me the bin just in time for me to turn out my stomach.
“So, you definitely have a concussion.” Barba said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “We’re taking you to the hospital.”
“Seems like a good idea.” I mumbled.
Carisi and Barba led me to the elevator, one of them on either side of me.
“Can I pick the music in the car?” I asked in a loopy voice when the door closed.
“No smooth jazz,” Carisi said.
“Only smooth jazz,” I replied.
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secretficsbitch · 5 years
A short one for today because I took a 7 hour nap after work.
“The judge granted me a 24 hour continuance. If you don’t find more evidence, Anders is going to walk. Give me something, please.” Barba said.
“Well, grab yourself some testimony and see if you can see anything we missed.” Benson dropped a stack of folders in front of Barba. He looked at them and rolled his eyes.
The squad sat in silence around the conference table, everyone reading either testimony or going over evidence files. Anders was about to walk on a clean search that was deemed unconstitutional. We were taking this personal. He had endangered each of our lives throughout this investigation.
It was 3 AM before anyone spoke again. “I’m getting some coffee,” Carisi spoke. “Anyone else want one?” Everyone said yes in a very tired tone. Everyone needed coffee, if they wanted to go any longer reading these notes without falling asleep.
The only one who still had a significant amount of fire left was Barba. His feverish search of files was admirable to say the least.
“How are you still going so strong, Counselor?” I asked through a yawn.
“I often stay up and reread files and notes for other cases.” He said without looking up from his current reading.
“Wow, when do you sleep?” I adjusted my glasses.
“I don’t, now please get me a coffee, Carisi.”
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secretficsbitch · 5 years
“Have a good night, Captain.” I said to Cragen. I retrieved my coat from my desk chair and started out of the squad room.
“Hey Danny, wait up,” Barba said from behind me. He jogged to catch up to me in the hallway where the elevators were.
“What are you still doing here Barba?” I asked him as he stepped into the elevator with me.
“Just getting some last minute notes for a case.” He said. “What about you?” He asked.
“Just finishing up my paperwork for the Rickman case.” I said.
It was about 11:00 PM on a Tuesday night. The halls were empty, and the precinct was quiet. Barba pressed the button for the ground floor. We were both exhausted and didn’t say anything during the elevator ride. That is, until the elevator shook, jolted to a sudden stop, and the lights went out to leave only a red light on in the small space.
“Oh, great.” I started. “The power must be out.”
“This is on the bottom of the list of things I wanted to happen tonight.” Barba said with a sigh.
“What was at the top?” I asked.
“I wanted to get the greasiest cheeseburger you’ve ever seen in your life. But now, my hopes and dreams are shattered.” He answered with a bit of a laugh.
We both grabbed our phones from our pockets. My screen bore the devastating words ‘No Service’ and by the looks of Barba’s face, I think his said the same thing. Without saying any words, we both looked to the phone on the panel of the elevator, only it wasn’t there. There was just a cord dangling from the wall where the phone should be.
“Um, why isn’t there a phone there?” Barba asked.
“I’m pretty sure perp ripped it off earlier this evening. I don’t think we had any time to get someone in to fix it.” I explained.
“Are we stuck here?” He asked.
“We might be.” I answered looking around the elevator for anything that might be helpful. Nothing.
“Great.” Barba muttered, sitting down and pulling out a legal pad and a stack of paper. “I guess I’ll just work.
I sat down next to him. “I’m caught up on paperwork, and even if I wasn’t, the paperwork is at my desk, so I guess I’ll just watch you work.” I said.
“I have an arraignment at 9:00 AM tomorrow, I really can’t afford to be up this late stuck in an elevator.” He sighed again.
“Well you could nap until someone comes for us or the power is back on.” I suggested.
“Maybe.” He said. “If no one comes in 15 minutes, I might just curl up on this disgusting floor and sleep.” He said.
“Cool. I’m going to do that now,” I said, balling up my coat to use as a pillow. “People are going to laugh when they hear that Barba and Clearing slept together in an elevator.” I laughed. He did too.
“I can’t wait to explain a thousand times that we literally just slept on the floor.” He laughed again.
“Someone will probably be here soon.” I said. “Cragen probably figured out we are in here.” I added, closing my eyes. “ Don’t worry, Barba.” I said, starting to doze off.
Barba leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes too.
It was 45 minutes before we were rescued from the elevator. Barba and I lived on the same block, so we shared a cab to our street; in which we both dozed off again.
“Get some rest,” I told him, walking toward my building.
“You too,” He smiled
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secretficsbitch · 5 years
Sour Breath
We didn’t do much after work as a squad, but this case was particularly rough. A young girl was found mutilated in a vacant lot. We found the killer, but it was incredibly mentally exhausting. It’s not easy to hear someone confess to a crime so disgusting. So, the squad decided to get a drink or two to unwind. Rollins, Benson, and Fin left after the first round, but Barba, Carisi, and I remained. I headed the case with Carisi and Barba had a rough time in hearing and having to study the perp’s confession over and over. We needed another round.
“Alright, I’m getting a second round for us,” Carisi said. “I’ll be right back.” He slid out of the booth.
“I’m going to use the restroom.” Barba said, also sliding out of the booth.
I sat silently in the booth, reading the cocktail menu. The Green Machine sounded fruity and delicious, but I’m not sure that my company could take me seriously if I ordered such a drink. I was only alone for about a minute before a voice pulled my attention away from the menu.
“Hey, sweet cheeks. How are you doing?” The man asked. He was skinny with a greasy face and skinny mustache. His beady eyes looked over every visibly inch of me. Luckily, most of the good stuff was hidden by the table.
“Excuse me?” I asked. “Is there something I can help you with?” I looked back to the menu.
“Yeah, you can help me by giving me your number and maybe even coming home with me.” He winked.
“I’m good, thanks.” I said, not looking up at him.
“You should reconsider, baby girl. I could rock your world.” He leaned closer to me from across the booth.
“Is there something going on over here?” Barba asked upon his return.
“No.” I said. “He was just leaving.” I said, giving the man a smug smile.
“I’m not going anywhere.” The guy said. “What’s this guy gonna do?” He gestured aggressively toward Barba.
“Probably prosecute your ass.” Carisi said from behind Barba. “And I would probably shoot you.” He added.
“Alright fellas, no hard feelings.” The guy said as he left.
“Thought so,” Carisi said, sitting back down.
“Well, I need another drink.” I said with a sigh. “Thanks Sonny, I’ll get the next round.” I took a swig of the glass of beer in front of me.
“Do you guys have any fun plans this weekend?” Barba asked.
“I’m going to the zoo with my niece and sister.” Carisi said with a smile.
“And I’ve got a packed weekend leash training Cleo.” I replied. Cleo is my puppy who hates being on a leash. “What about you, Counselor?”
“Working. What a ridiculous question.” We all laughed. “I think I should probably wrap it up so I don’t have too big of a headache while reading tomorrow.” He finished his drink, and started to gather his coat.
“I should head out too.” Carisi said. “Wanna be fresh for the kiddo.” He smiled.
“I’ll scoot too. Cleo needs to be let out.” I said, also finishing the last of my drink.
We offered quick goodbyes as we walked out of the bar. The cool night air made me tighten my jacket. I stood against the wall with my eyes closed, still trying to shake this case a little. My even breathing was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Sweet cheeks.” His breath was sour and far too close to my face.
“You again.” I rolled my eyes.
“Your pals aren’t here this time.” He whispered, leaning in to me. He put his forearm against the brick wall above my head.
“And your pals are about to leave, because you’re giving me a pretty good shot at your crotch.” I threatened.
“Look, bitch,” He shouted. “I’ve been nice about this so far, but you’re acting like some slut that’s too good for me. Only whores like you wouldn’t give a guy like me a chance.” He yelled more.
“First of all, that doesn’t make sense. Second of all, you’re pissing me off. And third, you just said that a bit too loud because I think my friends heard you.” I looked passed him at an angry looking Barba with an equally angry Carisi following.
Barba gave the back of his collar a good yank, pulling him a few feet away from me. “I’ll beat you and then I’ll prosecute,” He said.
“And I’ll help him.” Carisi said, grabbing the guy’s arm.
“You probably shouldn’t have messed with two cops and a DA.” I said. “I think we scared him enough. Walk me home, Barba?” I said turning away.
“Of course.” He said, resting his hand on my back.
“You guys want me to come too?” Carisi asked.
“Don’t worry,” I said. “We live by each other, you don’t need to add an extra 20 minutes to your commute. It’s only a couple blocks away.” I explained.
He gave Barba and I a nod and the man and threatening stare. Barba and I turned away and started down the block. “You okay?” He asked, gently.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said. “Pretty used to crap like that.” I said.
“Let’s get you home safe then.”
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secretficsbitch · 5 years
My slumber was interrupted by the harsh ring of my phone. I slowly opened my eyes to the dark bedroom, slivers of light made their way through the window blinds to the walls. I felt my bedside table for the noise maker and shielded my eyes to the bright light once I picked it up.
“Clearing,” I said in a tired voice.
“Danny, we’ve got a kidnapping. Need you in right now.” Cragen said in a serious tone.
“On my way.” I replied, somehow instantly out of bed. I pulled on some wrinkled black slacks and buttoned up a blue blouse. I was out of my building in ten minutes and on my way to the precinct.  
There was an energy the second I walked into the building. The elevator ride was heavy with anxiety. The doors opened to a busy hallway with people running back and forth to something. The squad room was even busier. The squad had definitely been this busy at four AM before, but this time was different. There weren’t people being booked, or people crying, or strangers yelling. There was one life source focused on one issue.
“Four year old Jeannie Parker was taken from her bed earlier this morning. Parents heard noise around one and went to her bedroom to find the window open and the girl missing. No sign of a struggle.” Benson said as I got to my desk.
“Any suspects so far?” I asked
“The parents can’t think of anyone that would want to take her, and we’ve got no evidence to suggest anyone in particular.” She answered. “We’ve got an Amber Alert out and patrol is canvasing the neighborhood.”
“Patrol found something,” Cragen shouted to the room. Everyone turned their attention to him. “A stuffed animal belonging to the girl was found on the same block as her house in Queens. We don’t think she’s been taken very far away.” The room was buzzing once again when he finished up. “Clearing, Carisi, I need you guys to meet CSU at the crime scene. Benson and Amaro, you go too. Fin and Rollins, I want you guys getting in touch with every bus station, train station, and airport.” Cragen ordered. “I’ll let Barba know what’s going on.” He added.
The Parkers were crying on their couch while a uniformed officer asked them questions.
“Hey, we’ll take it from here.” Benson said to the officer. “I’m Detective Benson and this is Detective Amaro. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?” Benson asked. The couple nodded, their faces defeated.
“Carisi and I will look at the girl’s room.” I said as we started up the stairs.
The room was pink with flowery drapes and bedding that was still somewhat neat. CSU was dusting for prints on the window frame and around the room. The floor was clean of clutter and all of the surfaces were decorated with toys and knick knacks. Nothing seemed out of place besides the open window and the team investigating.
“No signs of a struggle,” Carisi said, looking at the path from the bed to the window.
“Yeah,” I continued. “It looks like she just left. I bet she knew the kidnapper. She probably went willingly.”
Carisi went to the closet. “One pair of shoes is missing,” He said, gesturing to the empty spot on the shoe rack. “Either she grabbed them herself before she left or the kidnapper got them for her. He wanted her to be comfortable.” He said.
“Does this one feel odd to you?” I asked. “Normally right now I would be thinking it was a parent in a custody battle because she’s taken care of but the parents are still together. Could it be another family member?”
“It does feel odd to me.” Carisis said.
“There is no family,” Amaro said, walking through the door with Benson behind him. “The dad has a brother in Arizona but that’s it. Both sets of grandparents have passed and the mother is an only child.” He explained.
“Is the brother worth looking at?” I asked.
“I don’t think so,” Benson said. “The dad doesn’t talk to him much, but they’re on good terms.”
“The girl has to know this perp,” Carisi said. “Nothing else makes sense. Is there anyone that the girl is close to?”
“She has a babysitter in the neighborhood.” Benson started. “Just a 16 year old girl that watches her on the weekends sometimes, but that’s really it. With no family and her not starting school yet, we really don’t have anyone else to look at.”
Carisi and I went to the sitter’s house two blocks over. It was 9 AM by this time. The sun was out and birds were chirping. It made the day seem even worse, like the universe didn’t know there was a girl missing.
Carisi knocked on the door. A middle aged man answered. “How can I help you?” he asked.
We both showed our badges. “I’m detective Clearing and this is Detective Carisi. Is Sarah here?”
“Yes, what is this about?” He asked.
“We understand that Sarah watches a girl named Jeannie in the neighborhood.” Carisi began. “She was kidnapped this morning and we were hoping that Sarah might be able to help us out.”
“Oh my god, that’s awful.” The man said. “Of course you can talk to her, let me get her from her room.” He walked halfway down the hallway. “Sarah, I need you to come out here please.”
A girl with shoulder length brown hair came into the room. “Hello,” she said, a little confused.
“Hi Sarah,” I said. “We are detectives. We were hoping you could answer some questions about Jeannie Parker.”
“Sure,”  she replied. “Is something wrong?” She asked.
“She was kidnapped this morning.” I explained.
He face went pale. “Oh no, is she okay?”
“We aren’t sure. We were hoping that you could tell us about her.”
“Yes, I’ll help in any way I can.” She answered.
“When was the last time you saw Jeannie?” Carisi started. He was sat leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees.
“Last Saturday,” she answered. “I watched her while the Parkers went out for their anniversary. They made a whole afternoon of it.” She said.
“What did you guys do that day?” I asked.
“We made cupcakes when I first got there. Then we went to the park for a couple hours, then had a movie night. She was in bed by nine.” Sarah said. Her brows were furrowed and her eyes were worried.
“Is there anyone she was close with or anyone that you guys spoke to?” I asked
“There isn’t really anyone in particular. There are a few kids she sees at the park somewhat regularly, but she isn’t really close to any of them.” She said. “I don’t know any of their names, or even their parents’ names.” She added.
“That’s okay.” Carisi said. “Is there anyone else you can think of?” He asked.
“We talk to the manager at the grocery store across the street,” She said. “He always gives Jeannie a balloon.” She explained. “And there’s Damian at the ice cream parlor.” She added. “He’s always very nice.”
“What ice cream parlor?” I asked.
“It’s called Howdy’s.” She answered. “They employ people with disabilities or with mental challenges.” She explained.
“Do you have any reason to think that either of those people would want to hurt Jeannie?” Carisi asked. “Were they ever inappropriate with Jeannie?”
“No, never.” She said. “They were only ever kind to her. Mark, the store manager, gave her balloons but he gives them to all of the children. I think it was to occupy them so they wouldn’t make a mess of the store. And Damian is a lower mental age, so he got along with children better than adults. He functions well, he’s just a little slower.”
“Thank you for your help, Sarah.” I said, standing. I held out my card. “If you think of anything else, please give us a call.”
“Yes, of course.” She took the card. “Please find her.” She said.
Once back at the precinct, the squad gathered around a screen with photos and Jeannie and text. “Have we got anything on the second canvas?” Cragen asked the group.
“Not yet. We got a bit of info from the babysitter that we’re looking into, but I’m not holding out hope.” Rollins answered.
“Where are we on the market manager?” He asked.
“Mark Dixon. 42, married, no record, and has an alibi for the night. Store security footage shows him locking up shop after a late night inventory after Jeannie was already taken.” She explained.
“And the ice cream parlor guy?” He asked.
“Damien Reese, 19, no record.” She answered. “Carisi and Clearing are going to talk to him once his shift at the parlor starts.” She added.
“Okay, you guys go talk to him. I need Fin and Rollins to go to the lab. CSU has something.” Cragen ordered. The group scattered to their tasks, and I walked to the elevator with Carisi.
The doors opened to reveal the Assistant District Attorney. “Hello detectives.” He said. He was wearing a tan overcoat over his dark grey suit. He had a coffee in one can and a briefcase in the other.
“Hey, Barba.” I said. “How’s it going?” I asked.
“I’m just going to get caught up from Cragen on the case.” We switched places with him in the elevator. “Where are you guys headed?” He asked, looking at us from the hallway.
“Talking to a suspect. He works at an ice cream parlor.” Carisi answered.
“Oh bring me back a strawberry cone.” He winked. I gave a small giggle as the doors closed. Carisi and I rode down to the ground floor with small conversation.
“Barba is funnier with you.” Carisi said.
“What?” I asked, definitely confused.
“Barba is funny but he’s funnier around you. I think that he feels that he has to compete with how funny you are, so he really steps up his game.” He explained.
“What made you think of that because what he said wasn’t even funny?” I said.
“I thought it was funny,” Carisi laughed.
The doors opened to the main floor and Carisi and I made our way to the car. I drove.
“Welcome to Howdy’s, how can I help you?” A tall boy with a name tag on his blue apron reading ‘Matt’ asked from behind the counter. He spoke with slight hesitation but had a large smile.
“Hello, is Damien here?” I asked, both Carisi and I showed our badges.
“Whoa,” he said, looking at the badges. “Are those real?” He asked.
“Yes, they are.” I answered.
“That’s so cool.” He said with a smile. “I’ll get Damien for you. He’s in the back.” He said, running quickly to the backroom. He soon walked out with a shorter boy with long curly hair.
“Am I in trouble?” he asked, not looking up. “Matt said the police were here for me.” He still didn’t look up.
“You’re not in trouble Damien,” Carisi said. “We just want to ask you some questions.” He said.
“What about?” He asked, softly.
“Jeannie Parker. Do you know her?” I asked.
He looked up at us finally. “Yes, Jeannie is my friend. I like Jeannie.” He smiled. “Jeannie comes in with Sarah. Jeannie always gets vanilla with sprinkles.” He added.
“Something happened to her this morning.” I started.
“Oh no, is she okay?” He asked.
“We don’t know,” I said. “She was taken from her bedroom by someone.”
He looked back down. “I don’t know anything about that. I don’t know anything.” He said quickly. My phone rang, interrupting us. I gave Carisi a look that said I’d be right back.
“Hello,” I said.
“Clearing, we got something from the crime scene.” Fin said. “CSU found some blue polyester threads. Mostly used for uniforms and aprons.” He said.
“Was there anything else?” I asked.
“Yes, there was a footprint, size 12, with some kind of frosting that was on the bottom of the shoe. Looks like a crushed dessert sprinkle.” He said.
“I think we have our guy.” I said, hanging up.
I returned to the conversation and gave Carisi another look. “ Damien, you said that you and Jeannie are friends. When was the last time you saw her?” I asked.
“Uhhhh, I uh saw her yesterday.” He answered.
“What time did you see her yesterday?” I asked.
“It was when I was walking home from work. I saw her playing through the window. She’s very nice.” He smiled at his shoes. Pretty big. Maybe a size 12.
“Do you know where she is right now?” I asked.
He hesitated. “No I don’t know where she is.” He said unconvincingly.
“Excuse me for one minute, please. I need to make a phone call.” I said, backing away.
“Barba.” The ADA answered.
“Counselor, it’s Clearing. I’m going to need a search warrant for Damien Reese’s home. I think he’s our guy. Get with Benson on  the CSU details, but his apron and shoe size match those found at the crime scene and there were sprinkles which is what Jeannie always got in her ice cream from the store. And he lives on the same block as Jeannie.”
“I’m on it. You’ll have the warrant by the time you get there.” He said. “Best of luck detective.”
I walked back up to Carisi and Damien. “Damien, is Jeannie at your house right now?” I asked.
“She’s not allowed to have sleepovers. She can only play during the day.” He said.
“Did she have a sleepover last night?” I asked him.
“I knew we weren’t supposed to, but we were having fun.”
“Is she at your house right now Damien?” I asked again.
“Yes. She was going to sleep over again tonight.” He said.
Carisi got behind him and handcuffed him. “Damien Reese, you’re under arrest for the kidnapping of Jeannie Parker.” He finished reading Miranda as we got in the car and sped to Damien’s house.
Barba was there with Benson and Amaro with a warrant in hand. “I say there’s probably cause, but here’s a warrant just in case.��� He said, handing me the document.
“Let’s go.” I said.
We knocked on the door, but there was no answer. The door was locked, so Carisi gave it a swift kick, breaking it open. We stormed the house, shouting for Jeannie.
“I’ll check the basement.” I said, starting down the stairs. “Jeannie, are you down here? Can you make some noise, sweet heart?” I shouted.
The room was well lit. Wood panelling lined the walls and the floor was covered in green shag carpet. The click of the door to my right startled me.
“Jeannie?” I spoke softly. The girl poked her head out from behind the door. “Oh my god,” I said running to her. “Are you okay?” I asked, picking her up.
“I’m okay,” she said. “Where is Damien? We were going to play dolls.” She said.
Jeannie had been reunited with her parents and Damien had been taken to the station by Carisi. I stood in front of the house with Benson and Barba. “I don;t think the kid knew what he was doing.” I said to Barba.
“He knew that having a sleepover was wrong, but I don’t think he knew that he kidnapped her.” Benson said.
“I’m going to plead him out, I think.” Barba said. “We’ll talk to him more, but I think it’s wrongful imprisonment.” He explained.
“Good work guys,” Benson said. “I’m heading home.”
We both said goodbye to Detective Benson. “You did well on this one, Danny.” Barba turned to me. “It’s always nice when they get home and were never hurt in the first place.” He added.
“Absolutely. Thanks Barba.”
He gave me a pat on the shoulder. “Go get some rest.”
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