secretlyadalek · 12 years
Kimmy is the most amazing person ever and I love her and her fantabulous tumblr addiction.
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
Hey, so I’m up to my eyeballs in homework today, so I won’t be able to really respond.  I’ll get to the replies and starters either later today or tomorrow.  Thanks to everyone for the patience! 
Here, have a gif of my reaction, were I ever to meet the Doctor.
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
Kimmy and The Doctor
The wind was blistering, and snow fell upon the pavement. The air not warm enough to melt it upon impact, nor was it cold enough to freeze; the snow fell and lay there, slowly gathering to form a tiny glaze of what looked like diamonds across the school campus. A young trio of three women walked from the entrance of a large building, mixed in with a crowd of other students trying to retain heat from inside. Mixed in with the crowd was a peculiar man, seemingly mad for not having at least a sweater on in the freezing cold of January. Instead of a coat, he had a tweed jacket with a ghastly red bow tie. Some students assumed he was just a young professor, rushing to his next class. Others assumed he belonged to the group of Drama majors that were on their way from class to fill up on pretentious drinks from Starbucks. 
But there were three drama students that were on their way just to find warmth, the trio of Kimmy, Kerri, and Shelby. The three had become friends from their very first day in the Drama program, and as they entered the second semester of their third year the three found themselves tiring of school, but Kimmy, the oldest, had tired the most. Dealing with the same schedule of classes everyday for the past two and a half years, serving tables at the same restaurant every weekend, and attempting to teach piano to five year old children that have no desire to be there at all. Yes, the life of the 21 year old Kimmy Morin was becoming quite dull; she often longed for adventure. 
“Well guys,” Kimmy said to her friends as she packed up her computer and dragged her hat down on her head, “I have to go to my class, I’m not sure where the room is though, I’ll just see you guys later.” 
Her friends waved a half-hearted goodbye, too tired from the sleepless nights of procrastinating on their school work.
Kimmy walked across campus with a bounce her step, not because she was excited to spend three hours listening to a Professor drone on about British Literature (which she was not), but because if she walked any slower the cold would freeze her on the spot. As she entered the unfamiliar building, she looked at the palm of her hand to see which room number her class was in, the blurred blue ink resembled something that looked like a 4, but more square, and a second number that seemed to resemble an upside down 9. 
“Oh, room 1-46!” she exclaimed to herself. She found the room and sat down, finding it to be completely empty. I guess I’m just really early. Just then, her thoughts were interrupted with the opening of the door, and instead of a swarm of students coming to find their seats, her thoughts were clouded with the next thing in her vision. A medium-tall man wearing a ridiculous hat. Is he a student? she thought to herself, No, no, he’s wearing tweed. He must be the professor!
“Excuse me,” she started, “But are you Dr. Coo-” she was cut off by the man.
“Why, yes! I am the Doctor!” His face brightened and he flash a large smile, how does one’s jaw even get that wide?
“So, you’re Dr. Cook? Professor of this class?” Kimmy was puzzled, she had never seen such a young looking professor, let alone such a crazy looking professor.
“Doctor who? No, no!” He was yelling, Kimmy instinctively recoiled and held her back-pack up to her face. “No, I’m just the Doctor, and might I say it is a pleasure to meet you!” This Doctor held out his hand at an awkward angle (The standard Earth greeting), and Kimmy, not wanting to seem rude in case this man was her professor, shook his hand and the warm, yet chill touch sent chills down her spine. 
“Okay, so, uhm,” Kimmy struggled for words, “Doctor,” his attention was caught and he twirled from the examining the blackboard and pranced toward Kim. “Are we learning about William Blake this semester?” 
“Oh William Blake! Yes, he was a lovely fellow, met him when he was a young lad, I helped him sweep a chimney! Though of course, he couldn’t say his Ss yet and he talked kind of like thi’!” The mad-man rambled on while Kimmy remained in her defensive position.
“This man is a lunatic! she thought to herself. 
“How could I be so rude!” The man stopped blabbering to himself and ran toward the cowering girl in the corner. “What is your name?” 
“I, uh,” she stammered, “my name is Kimmy,” The Doctor stood at an awkward angle, hovering over Kimmy with an intimidating look on his face; which quickly faded to a smile that made his jaw look even wider than humanly possible. 
“That name is delightful! I like you, Kimmy,” The Doctor’s right arm seemed to flail in a pointing motion as he backed away in joy, he kept moving until his arm hit thin air with a loud thunk. 
“Oh you sexy thing! I didn’t mean to hurt you, are you okay?” The Doctor pressed his face against the air when a blue blur materialized with a whoosh whoosh whoosh noise and Kimmy turned white enough to blend with the walls.
“You aren’t really my professor, are you?”
“What gave it away?” The Doctor said with a wink, as he opened the doors to the blue box, and held his hand toward Kimmy, beckoning to her.
“How would you like to see the universe?” Kimmy stood up, not thinking of how she had gone absolutely bonkers; that being the only explanation; but thinking of how she could finally do something fun. Her backpack dropped to the floor as she followed the mad man into his big blue box.
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
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This. IS. GREAT.
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
Is this David Tennant ... or....?
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
Every time I get my period. 
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And that was the moment my ovaries exploded
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
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Pointless River gifset number 12 - The Angels Take Manhattan.
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
"And here we have a baby giraffe in it's natural habitat..."
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Look how cute he is.
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
Awww... I made myself feel sad.
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The many pouts of the Tenth Doctor.
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
why is it socially acceptable for guys to sag their pants all the way down to their knees but if a girl shows a little bit of her bra it’s hOLY SHIT YOU FUCKING SLUT SHAME ON YOU WOW THAT’S SO NOT CLASSY LET’S DRESS CODE YOU IF YOU EVER DO IT AGAIN I’M CALLING YOUR PARENTS AND DISHONOR ON YOU DISNHONOR ON YOUR FAMILY DISHONOR ON YOUR COW 
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
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True story.
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secretlyadalek · 12 years
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Damn right you will.
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