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Más allá del asesino, todos nos hemos sentido tan solos y tristes Dylan.
Recuperado de: columbiners fan latinoamericano
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Rachel choreographed her own mime to the song “Watch the Lamb” by Ray Boltz for Columbine’s 1998 talent show. The mime portrayed Simon of Cyrene, who carried Jesus’ cross along part of the Via Dolorosa. 
The same night, Dylan Klebold was in the sound booth during her performance. At one point, the sound broke, and it was Dylan who saved the performance by hooking up a reserve tape deck. 
Rachel’s mother was told that Dylan was anxious to get it right that night because he knew she was performing.
“Rachel’s decision to perform a Christian mime to the Ray Boltz song “Watch the Lamb” in the annual school talent show clearly demonstrates her commitment to God. Many of the students saw the talent show as an opportunity to do something fun or silly, but Rachel saw it as a wonderful opportunity to perform mimes to Christian songs with a real message.
I think she was definitely going against the grain in doing this, and there were always a few mockers in the crowd. But she was not worried about criticism or ridicule. I know that she was walking a line that was not popular, and it cost her in being ridiculed by certain groups of kids. She knew she would take some heat for being that up front about her commitment, but she was willing to pay the cost.
In Rachel’s case, it wasn’t a sudden outburst of courage that allowed her to perform the explicitly Christian mime and risk the ridicule of her friends. Instead, it was a consistent approach to putting her happiness last on her list of priorities. […]
Rachel performed another mime in the 1998 talent show. As Rachel started her performance, the audiotape sound became very garbled, and the music stopped. The audience started looking around to see what was wrong. Meanwhile on stage, Rachel kept right on with her mime. It was probably at least two minutes before the tape was fixed and the music came back on. Since Rachel had been keeping the song going in her head, when the tape restarted, she was in perfect step. She was miming the Ray Boltz song “The Hammer.” It is about a Roman soldier who witnesses Jesus’ crucifixion and asks the question, “Who would nail this innocent man on a cross?” In the song, he comes to realize it was his own sin and the sins of the world that crucified Jesus. Ironically Dylan Klebold was in the sound booth that night, and he was the one who eventually fixed the audiotape. Once again, through Rachel, the gospel had gone forth even to her killer.
As Rachel left the stage, the audience applauded her for her bravery in not abandoning her performance. Darrell had been working late but was trying to get there in time to see Rachel’s part. He did not make it until she was walking off the stage. His timing was perfect. Rachel was crying and felt totally humiliated as she walked past the curtains, and who was standing there but her father? Dana and I rushed out of the auditorium to be with her backstage. We all comforted her, and only a few minutes later she stopped crying and resolved, “Well, next time I will make sure that my tape won’t fail me. I will be better prepared. I have learned a hard lesson but one I will never forget.” She lifted her head, and that was that.”
–Rachel’s Tears by Beth Nimmo
However, a week before Rachel’s death, Rachel randomly went up to her older sister Dana remembering a promise she made to teach her the mime a year before. They got into character and went to the basement. Dana watched Rachel do it a few times, then was asked to practice along with her. They spent the next few hours doing so.
A year after the shooting, Dana performed the mime at an internationally televised event commemorating the first anniversary shooting, shown in the video above.
“It was as if Rachel knew she was going to die and she needed to pass the mime off to someone else. It personally meant so much to me that I was the one was got to perform it that day.” - Dana
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Columbine Memorial (7/24/18)
I truly do not have words for the beauty that is, the Columbine Memorial. The energy there is like something i’ve never experienced before. I’ll be returning later today to place flowers on all the victims stones. I will be posting more photos later 🌷
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Columbine High School massacre 
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“As the afternoon turned to twilight and then to darkness, I let go of my last hope that Dylan would zoom up the drive in the dented old black BMW he’d fixed up with his dad, laughing and wondering about dinner.  Late in the day, I cornered a member of the SWAT team and asked him a question point-blank:
“Is my son dead?”
“Yes,” he told me. As soon as he said it, I realized I had already known it to be true. “How did he die? I asked him. It seemed important to know. Had Dylan been killed by the police or by one of the shooters? Had he taken his own life? I hoped he had. At least if Dylan died by suicide, I’d know he had wanted to die. Later, I would come to regret that wish almost as bitterly as I’ve regretted everything. The SWAT team member shook his head. “I don’t know,” he said. And then he turned away, leaving me alone.” -Excerpt from “A Mother’s Reckoning” by Sue Klebold
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So apparently someone uploaded very recently a quite extended version of the fireman tape that was taken after the bodies were removed.For the first time we get to see the tape in HIGH DEFINITION!!The pictures are breathtaking and by all means graphic.
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how to build a house of cards: fail
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how to build a house of cards: success 
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Hi Ben 👀
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Teach me that, sir 😍🤤🎾😏
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“I mean the only thing that is hopefully good about us is after the arguments we can actually still face each other the next day or the day after and talk about something else and sort of get over it.” —​ John Deacon
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
(edits by me)
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𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟  𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 “𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫”  𝐢𝐧 𝟔 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
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Ben Hardy’s appearance in 6 Underground as Four: 1/x (not in order)
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Attitude Magazine behind
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