seculents · 7 years
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Sedum treleasei is a succulent plant with pale blue-green, thick and fleshy leaves up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) long, somewhat flattened on top and rounded below. Older leaves often take on a yellow tinge at the tips and margins, and sometimes there is a flush of pink on the leaf tips. Plants develop stems which may reach up to 1 foot (30 cm) in height, and they branch to form a good-sized clump in time. Flowering commences at the end of February or in early March, and extends into April. The flower stalks are up to 6 inches (15 cm) long, adorned with bracts which are miniature replicas of the leaves. Each stalk ends in a cluster of bright yellow, star-like flowers up to 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) across. Native to Mexico.
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seculents · 7 years
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 green pleiospilos nelii,  Split Rock, Cleft Stone, Mimicry Plant
Pleiospilos nelii is a succulent perennial which can reach a height of up to 3.2 inches (8 cm) and a diameter of up to 4 inches (10 cm). This stemless plant has two or four opposite, almost hemispherical grey-green or brownish leaves. The leaves have a deep fissure in the middle and many small dark spots on the surface. A new pair of leaves is produced each year. The daisy-like flowers are yellow-orange, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) across, and emerge from the center of the leaves. The flowers are large in relation to the size of the plant. They bloom in the afternoon and close at sunset. The flowering period extends from early spring to August. Native to South Africa.
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seculents · 7 years
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Sedum stahlii Solms , Mexican Sedum, Coral Bells
Sedum stahlii is an evergreen succulent groundcover that forms loose mats up to 10 inches (25 cm) tall and up to 12 inches (30 cm across. The leaves are thick, opposite, egg-shaped, up to 0.5 inch (1.2 cm) long, dark red to russet green and grow on trailing stems. The leaves drop off almost as soon as you touch them, which then root rapidly. The flowers are star-shaped, up to 0.5 inch (1.2 cm) across, bright yellow with greenish vein and appear in late spring to early summer.  They are ideal for that part of your yard that gets too much sun or too little water to grow anything else. A common name for Sedum is Stonecrop, due to the fact that many gardeners joke that only stones need less care and live longer.  Native to Mexico. 
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seculents · 7 years
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Crassula rogersii is a small, branched succulent bush, up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall, with fleshy red stems and club-shaped leaves. The leaves are covered with short white hairs giving them a velvety appearance and a felt-like texture. The plant remains green in shady spots but is at its best with plenty of sunlight, where the leaves become tipped with red. Flowers are pale yellow, star-shaped, held in small clusters at the end of thin stems. Native to South Africa (Eastern Cape Province).
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seculents · 7 years
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Origem: Echeveria derenbergii x Echeveria setosa (parents: Mexique) Familia: Crassulaceae
Flower / pólo: Flores vermelhas e laranja (tons variar) no início da primavera, o eixo de medição dez centímetros de altura.
Crescimento: rápido o suficiente na primavera, verão, outono
Raízes: finas e curtas, que podem ser cultivadas em vasos. Exposição: metade sol (de preferência), a pleno sol Resistência ao frio: -6 ° C durante períodos curtos resistência ao calor: muito bom Rega: Moderado (1x 10 dias de verão)
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seculents · 7 years
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faucaria tigrina
Faucaria é um gênero de cerca de 33 espécies de suculentas subtropicais plantas da família Aizoaceae. O nome vem da palavra latina "fauces" (= boca de animais) por causa da aparência das folhas. Eles vem da África do Sul: Província do Cabo e do deserto de Karoo. Pequenas plantas de 8 cm de diâmetro, com grossas folhas triangulares. Nas bordas das folhas existem dentes retos em pares de opostos que se parece com a boca de um animal. Pode se tornar espessa. As plantas são de cor verde clara, tornando púrpura no caso da luz do sol forte. Flores amarelas douradas parecem de Agosto no centro da roseta. Coloque as plantas em pequenos vasos com um solo bem drenado. Em uma exposição de muito sol e se possível fora no verão. Rega moderada no verão e não no inverno em tudo para a planta é um período de descanso, sem o qual não pode prosperar. Divisão de touceiras é a maneira mais fácil para a reprodução. Também pode ser feita por corte (com uma temperatura mínima de 21°C), ou por sementeira.
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seculents · 7 years
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sedum nussbaumerianum
Sedum nussbaumerianum vem do México, os brotos de Sedum são apenas cerca de 10 centímetros de comprimento. A pleno sol, as folhas podem nas capacidades de coloração de verão para se tornar verde novamente no inverno
Clima: Tropical. Origem: México. Época de Floração: Outono, Inverno. Propagação: Sementes, Brotações. Mês(es) da Propagação: Primavera. Persistência das folhas: Permanente. Obs: Planta originária de áreas semi-desérticas. O sumo das folhas é tido popularmente como cicatrizante.
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seculents · 7 years
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Sedum rubrotinctum – Jelly Bean Plant
When growing Sedum, keep in mind that Sedum plants need very little attention or care. They will thrive in conditions that many other plants thrive in, but will do just as well in less hospitable areas. They are ideal for that part of your yard that gets too much sun or too little water to grow anything else. A common name for Sedum is Stonecrop, due to the fact that many gardeners joke that only stones need less care and live longer.
Sedum is easily planted. For shorter varieties, simply laying the Sedum on the ground where you want it to grow is normally enough to get the Sedum plant started there. They will send out roots from wherever the stem is touching the ground and root itself. If you would like to further ensure that the plant will start there, you can add a very thin covering of soil over the plant.  Native to Mexico.
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seculents · 7 years
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Schwantesia  acutipetala L. Bolus
The basics of Mesemb care are very simple, with free-draining soil, plenty of sun and ventilation, and regular light watering in the right season. Yet the difficulties are endless, trying to adapt to the Mesembs’ own adaptability and to follow their growth habits in your particular conditions.Mesembs require a loam-based compost with the addition of extra drainage material such as horticultural grit or perlite. They all like good light conditions and plenty of ventilation.Some are relatively cold-hardy and can even survive mild winters outside. Most will survive temperatures down to freezing point. There are some Mesembs which begin to grow in the autumn as the temperature drops and the days get shorter. The Schwantesia is easy to grow. These plants grow in autumn-winter rain areas and head for dormancy in summer. Native to South Africa.
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seculents · 7 years
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Don’t plant your Common Houseleeks too deeply. Dig a shallow hole and spread the roots. Cover to the crown of the plant and tamp the soil gently so that the plant is firm in the ground. Water lightly, but you don’t need to water newly planted Common Houseleek every day, the way you would with non-succulents. Common Houseleeks need to let their roots dry out between waterings. Native ti the Mountains of Western, Central and Southern Europe, from Pyrenees to Alps, Apennines and Dinarides.
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seculents · 7 years
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Rainbow Bush, Variegated Elephant Bush 
 Choose a location with indirect sunlight when growing Elephant Bush indoors. Overly bright sunlight can char the leaves and cause them to drop off. Ensure that the container you choose has wide drainage holes. They are drought tolerant but do require watering from April to October. In winter the plants are dormant and you may suspend watering. Native to eastern South Africa.
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seculents · 7 years
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Dancing Bones/ Hatiora Salicornioides  Hatiora thrives best in indirect light with exposure to morning and evening sun. Hatioras prefers spring, summer, and fall temperatures around 75-80 °F (24-27 °C). Winter temperatures should be between 45-65 °F (7-18 °C) only. It prefers a well drained soil. It can be propagated easily through cuttings that can root immediately in soil.  Endemic to Brazil.
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seculents · 7 years
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Echeveria pulvinata X pilosa mais conhecida por Echeveria Silvergreen. variedade robusta forma um arbusto ramificado 20 cm de altura. folhagem verde, macio. flores alaranjadas. 
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seculents · 7 years
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Aloe juvenna is a small clump-forming succulent. Stem erect up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall. Branching from the base. Bright green (reddish to brown in full sun), toothy-margined leaves, flecked with cream-white prominent spots. The inflorescence is unbranched spike, up to 10 inches (25 cm) tall with bright coral-pink to orange-red flowers with yellow-green mouth. Aloe is a very forgiving plant, and a well-grown plant can be quite beautiful. As with all succulents, it’s essential that Aloe is never allowed to sit in stagnant water, and the plant should be carefully monitored to watch for signs of overwatering. Aloe are not particularly fast-growing and will only rarely need repotting. Native to Kenya.
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seculents · 7 years
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Sempervivum arachnoideum
S. arachnoideum is an evergreen perennial forming a mat of fleshy rosettes 1-3cm across, leaves green or reddish, with cobwebby white hairs at the tips. Starry pink flowers 1cm in width in flat cymes on stems to 12cm
Exposure:full sun; 
soil:  Sempervivum arachnoideum, as with most succulents, need excellent drainage. Poor, sandy soil would be just fine. You could work some peat into heavier soil, to lighten them and improve drainage.
Water: Regular in growing season, very little in winter.
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seculents · 7 years
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supervivum, hensandchicks 
Being succulents, sempervivum are also drought tolerant. In the spring when they are growing most they benefit from regular watering, but other than that the water requirements are minimal. Just give them a good, thorough watering whenever the soil has dried out and they'll be happy. Although semps suffer from few diseases, rot can be a problem with over watering or if there isn't adequate drainage.Sempervivum propagate by producing babies or offsets on stolon. Because of how they propagate themselves the common name of hens and chicks. 
full sun or partial sun
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seculents · 7 years
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crassulaportulacea, gollum, shrekears 
Ele precisa de pleno sol a sombra parcial e uma mistura de solo bem drenado. Na estufa usar um adubo com muita drenagem. As plantas devem ser bem regadas e permitiu secar completamente antes de molhar novamente. Fertilizá-los uma vez durante o período de crescimento com um fertilizante equilibrado diluído para metade do recomendado. Deve passar o inverno em estufa ou dentro de casa (com muita luz). Durante os meses de inverno, as plantas são regadas apenas o suficiente para manter as folhas de murchamento. A razão mais comum para o fracasso no cultivo dessas plantas é rega excessiva. Raramente tem qualquer doença apenas aspecto pálido, e tendem a ficar em torno do tempo de floração primário (inverno para início da primavera), resistente até -1 °C.
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