Grand Opening Today!
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Grumble Imports is proud to present, The Antiquarian’s Alcove!
A small magical library and cafe located in the first ward of the Mist. Run by the trade prince, Saelsria Grumble, the establishment offers a small space for those who wish to browse the collection of grimoires, codeces,and several on the history. Several hand penned copies of each book will also be available for sale as well. Care for a drink while you read? Tea, coffee, and small snacks will also be sold as well. Each drink will be freshly brewed once ordered. Several potions and elixirs will also be available for all your magical needs. Feel free to stop on by and enjoy the smell of brews and ink flowing through the air. A place where master and novice alike can come join in conversation on the application of arcane geometries! So come join in on the wonders of magic and history. We look forward to your patronage. Grand Opening: Thursday, August 10th, 2017 7:00 PM EDT
((OOC: Server: Mateus - Mist Ward 1 Subdivison - Apartment 63))
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Grumble Imports is proud to present, The Antiquarian's Alcove!
A small magical library and cafe located in the first ward of the Mist. Run by the trade prince, Saelsria Grumble, the establishment offers a small space for those who wish to browse the collection of grimoires, codeces,and several on the history. Several hand penned copies of each book will also be available for sale as well. Care for a drink while you read? Tea, coffee, and small snacks will also be sold as well. Each drink will be freshly brewed once ordered. Several potions and elixirs will also be available for all your magical needs. Feel free to stop on by and enjoy the smell of brews and ink flowing through the air. A place where master and novice alike can come join in conversation on the application of arcane geometries! So come join in on the wonders of magic and history. We look forward to your patronage. Grand Opening: Thursday, August 10th, 2017 7:00 PM EDT
((OOC: Server: Mateus - Mist Ward 1 Subdivison - Apartment 63))
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Sandstone - Who in your life has been the most healing for you?
Saels pondered for a moment with a large smile on his face. “I-it is a hard question, but I-I would have to say Aerik.” He started to play with his thumbs a little as he added on. “H-He has been there since the very beginning and has healed many wounds, both physical and emotional ones. T-Truely, no one can replace him.”
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Buff :3c
Buff - Would you consider yourself to be fit, fat, or skinny?The young Hellsguard looked down at himself for a moment to answer the question with accuracy. His brow knitted as he really could. It see past his large chest. "I-I do not claim to be all that fit but nor am I so large." As he turned his eyes back up he blushed a bit. "I believe I fall under the category of a good medium."
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Pink, Bronze, Laurel
Pink - Are you currently in a relationship? if so, who is your partner?The young Hellsguard began to glow a bright rose color as the question was asked. "Y-Yes I am. Q-Quite a few....a-actually." Saelsria scratched his beard and smiled. "I-I have two husbands, Sterrbhar and Isilfyr, and I am currently seeing two others, A-Aerik and Aisbraena." Bronze - What is your favorite way to warm up when it’s cold?"S-Sitting by a fire and resting on one another." Saels said with a smile. "I-I do hate the cold so staying warm is something I-I try to maintain."Laurel - Is there a major victory you’ve achieved in your life? if so, what is it?"M-Major victory?" The young Hellsguard tilted his head to and fro a few times as he pondered an answer. "T-There has yet to be one that I would consider major besides the ones in where I leave the mission intact. S-Soon in the coming moon, I think I will be achieving that victory."
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If anyone tried to send me an ask, re-send cause I just fixed it +3+
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Send me a shade of color for my OC(s) to answer
Red - What makes you angry?
Crimson - Have you ever been in war? If so, describe how it impacted you
Maroon - What are you most passionate about?
Imperial - Are you in any position of power or authority? 
Ruby - Would you consider yourself impulsive or reckless?
Chili - Do you like spicy foods?
Brick - What are some things you dislike?
Rose - Would you consider yourself a romantic person?
Redwood - How tall are you? 
Wine - What is your opinion on alcohol? (and does it exist in your world?) 
Orange - What are some of your comfort foods?
Spice - Do you like to cook? Do you cook often?
Tangerine - What is your favorite fruit?
Peach - Are you generally a more gentle and soft spoken person or a louder and rougher person? 
Squash - Do you live in an agricultural setting?  If so, are you a farmer or something of the sort? What kind of crops do you grow?
Amber - Do you wield any sort of superpower? If so, what is it?  
Honey - Have you ever considered marrying someone? What is your opinion on marriage in general? 
Sandstone - Who in your life has been the most healing for you?
Rust - Have you thought about becoming old? Can you become old? Are you scared of being old? What do you think about elders? 
Pumpkin - What is your favorite part of Autumn? (If that exists in your world)
Jumpsuit - Have you ever been arrested/ in trouble with authority?
Bronze - What is your favorite way to warm up when it’s cold 
Yellow - Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 
Dandelion - Would you consider yourself stubborn? 
Marigold - What types of flowers are in your setting? Do you have a favorite?
Blonde - What is your hair color? do you like it?
Lemon - Are you more of a clean or dirty person?
Safety - What is the most traumatic experience in your life?
Gold - Would you consider yourself more rich or poor, in comparison to the world you live in?
Butterscotch - Is there candy in the world you live in? If so, do you have a favorite one? 
Daffodil - Do you like trying new things? What is something new you’d like to try?
Sunshine - Are you a more active or lazy person? 
Green - Was there ever a time in your life that you went through a period of growth? describe it. 
Juniper - What is the nature like in your setting? 
Shamrock - Do you believe in luck? If so, are you a generally lucky person?
Pine- If camping exists in your wold, have you gone camping? did you like it? do you go often?
Green tea - Does Tea it exist in your world?  If so do you like it, and which kind is your favorite? 
Fern - Would you enjoy running a flower shop? 
Seafoam - Are there bodies of water in your setting? Describe them if you can
Mint - Does Ice cream exist in your world? If so, what is your favorite Ice cream flavor? 
Laurel - Is there a major victory you’ve achieved in your life? if so, what is it? 
Emerald - If you could be immortal, would you want to be? 
Brunswick - Are you a person who is often jealous? what makes you jealous most often? 
Avocado - Are you a health nut or a fan of junkfood? 
Army - Do you have a fighting style? If so, what is it?
Olive - What is your Greek personality type? (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, or melancholic)
Blue - Are you a creative person? How do you like to be creative? 
Peacock - Are you a more flashy person, or do you like to blend in?
Sky - What is your favorite time of the day?
Arctic - Do you prefer warm or cool weather? 
Cerulean- What is your favorite way to cool down in hot weather?
Baby (blue) - Would you consider having children? If so, how many?
Periwinkle -  Would you consider yourself to be a good parent? what do you think a good parent should be?
Denim - What is your fashion style?
Navy - have you ever been on a boat/sailing? does it exist in your world? did you enjoy it? 
Ultramarine - What is your favorite aquatic creature? (if they exist) 
Cobalt - Do you live in a world with freedom? Describe your opinion on the subject
Teal - What makes you feel most at peace? 
Turquoise - Are you good at communicating your feelings?   
Lapis - What is your opinion on religion and the afterlife? 
Aegean - Would you consider yourself a wise person? who do you look to for wisdom? 
Purple - Is there magic in your world? if so, describe how it works
Violet - What is your ideal date?
Lilac - How would someone win you over?
Lavender - what is a smell you really like? 
Royal - How do politics work in your world?
Eggplant - What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?
Amethyst- What is your aesthetic?
Mauve - What makes you feel nostalgic? 
Magenta - What is your Zodiac sign? 
Pink - Are you currently in a relationship? if so, who is your partner? 
Watermelon - what are your favorite summer activities?  
Bubblegum - Are you a sassy or sarcastic person? 
Salmon - Do you have any health issues or physical disabilities? 
Blush - Do you have a crush on anyone? If so, who is it?
Cotten candy - Would you say you have a sweet tooth?
Carnation - Are you comfortable with PDA? 
Rouge- Do you have an unpopular opinion? 
Pastel - Do you prefer pastel, bright, neon, or dark colors?
Coral - Do you have a strong moral code? What are some moral things that you feel strongly about?
Fuchsia - Are you a generally playful or goofy person? Who or what makes you feel playful or goofy? 
White - Do you consider yourself a good person? What’s the best thing you’ve ever done for somebody?
Snow - Have you ever seen snow? Do you like it? What do you like to do in the snow? 
Frost - What do you like to wear in cold weather?
Bone - When was the first time you ever witnessed death? How did it impact you?
Cotton - What do you like to wear for pajamas? 
Cream - Do you prefer Tea, Coffee, or Cocoa? (If your world has those things. If not, what sort of hot drinks do you have?)
Coconut - What would be your ideal vacation? 
Pearl - What do you look for in a romantic partner?
Parchment - Do you like to read or write? 
Lace - What would you name your child if you were to have one?
Porcelain - Do you consider yourself a delicate person? Do you fall apart easily? 
Salt - Would you consider yourself a mean person? What is it like to fight with you? 
Ghost- Are you easily scared? What scares you the most? 
Ivory - Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones and how well? 
Chiffon - Do you prefer a larger and cleaner environment, or a smaller and cozier one?
Alabaster - What is the most recognizable thing about you? What are people most likely to notice about you when they first meet you?
Egg-nog - Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, what traditions do you have? Which are your favorite?
Ecru - Do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair? 
Beige - What kind of foods do you eat when you’re bored?
Tan - What is your skin color? Do you like it, or do you wish you looked different?
Buttermilk - Do you prefer pancakes or waffles? (if those exist in your world)
Oatmeal - What is your usual breakfast?
Linen - What clothes do you wear to work?
Sugar cookie - What reminds you of your childhood? 
Sand - Have you ever been to a beach? If so, what’s your favorite thing to do at the beach? 
Hazel - What kind of folklore/myths/stories are told in your family/community?
Sepia - Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
Buff - Would you consider yourself to be fit, fat, or skinny?
Latte - Do you like milk in your hot drinks? 
Brown- Where do you call home? 
Mocha - How do you like your coffee? (If you like coffee) 
Cinnamon - Which of the “Cinnamon Roll” memes fits you best? (looks like they could kill but is actually a cinnamon roll, looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you, looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll, looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you, or sinnamon roll)
Tawny - Cats or Dogs? (or any animal for that matter)
Hickory - How smart are you? Would you consider yourself more book smart or street smart?
Leather - How “basass” would you say you are?
Brunette - If you could change your hair color, what would you change it to? 
Gingerbread - What is your favorite holiday? 
Penny - If you could make a substantial living doing anything, what would you do?
Chocolate - Do you like chocolate? If so, what is your favorite way to eat it? 
Chestnut - Have you ever ridden an animal? If so, which one? 
Umber - Who do you call your friend? How many Friends do you have?
Carob - What do you look for in a friend? 
Cedar - How old are you? 
Caramel - How much does sugar affect you? 
Mahogany- What is your moral alignment? (Lawful good, Neutral good, Chaotic good, Lawful neutral, True neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful evil, Neutral evil, Chaotic Evil)   
Peanut - Do you have any allergies? 
Grey/Gray - Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert? 
Shadow - What is your biggest regret? 
Silver - What do you imagine the future to be like? 
Graphite - Do you like to draw? If so, do you draw often? What do you like to draw?
Smoke - Have you ever taken any drugs? 
Fog - Was there ever a period in your life when you were confused and lost? how did you get out of it? 
Fossil - Do you have any older relatives other than your parents? If so, how many? Do you like them? 
Slate - If you could erase any memory from your life, would you do it? If so, which memory would you chose? 
Cloud - What do you spend the majority of your time thinking about? 
Ash - Is there something or someone from your past that you miss? 
Iron - Have you ever used a weapon? Do you own one? If so what is it?
Black - What is the darkest thing you’ve ever done? 
Ebony - Describe your family
Onyx - What are your nightmares most often about? 
Obsidian - Do you suffer from any mental disabilities? 
Spider - What irrational fears do you have? 
Charcoal - on a scale of one to ten how would you rate your survival skills? 
Soot - How hard do you work to achieve your goals? 
Midnight - Are you a night or morning person?
Raven - Can you fly? If not, do you ever dream about flying? 
Ink - write your autobiography in one sentence 
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Saving Saelsria
Blood ended up smeared along the floor as he did something uncharacteristic of himself…he stripped himself of his clothing once he’d entered the room. His wounds had been healed, but his clothing had been left saturated in the red fluid. So as he pulled the garb off and tossed it to the floor, leaving his dark skin exposed…another thing he never did. Exhausted, that’s how he felt after the mission in La Noscea. But…Saelsria was safe, everyone was safe: that’s what mattered. His torso was still coated in blood as he approached the bed, not even thinking about this concept, even though normally he was so mindful about it.
Where he’d been run through hurt…it was sore after having been healed. Approaching the bed he climbed onto it, getting blood on the covers and the cushions. It wasn’t until a pair of warm arms wrapped around his cooled skin did he actually come out of his auto piloted daze. But the arms didn’t last very long and were replaced with questions he didn’t catch before another and another took the place of the previous he didn’t have time to register. What he was missing was the fact that Raulin saw blood and was, rightfully, freaking out.
 I…am fine…
It wasn’t a lie, he was fine, the blood was residual as to what had happened, but that didn’t stop the blonde hyur from his worry and barrage of questions. Hell…the blonde may have been in tears and Fier may not have taken notice- he just wanted to sleep.
 Earlier that evening they’d all gathered in Wineport, discussing the plan to go and retrieve Saelsria from his captors, the Fox Gang. Fier hadn’t told anyone…but he was familiar with them…with the name: Kitsune no Soshiki. Something from home. What they wanted with Saelsria he never asked, it wasn’t the time to do so in all honesty. He would have to find the Roegadyn later.
The fight had been tedious, but not something he was unaccustomed to: ninja and their illusions…tricks and other shenanigans. He’d moved ahead of the group, which consisted of himself, Isilfyr, Sterrbahr, Beexu, Aerik, Boar, Aisbraena, Izumi, and Ligart. All close friends to the roegadyn that had been taken away. Unfortunately they’d lost the chance to catch the Fox Gang by surprise due to Izumi’s clumsy advance…which ended up in her being captured and taken away as well.
Immediately they were set upon by the foxes, to which they began taking them out one by one, until their Master called for them to retreat. But the call to retreat was to make room for two specialized puppets that wielded blades and poisons. Fier was already near the shack that he assumed Saels was being held in…but he found himself under attack by a familiar highlander wielding a massive fan. It was an all out battle, the woman revealing information to the small Doman. He knew her…he knew who she was…and he remembered her from the dojo back home. She trained with A’mauro…he remembered watching their group, he wasn’t someone that ever forgot a face. But her name eluded him.
Sterrbahr was the first to make it into the shack, while the highlander who now called herself Kaze kept the rest at bay from entering. The two puppets were disposed of after a swift move of Izzy, grabbing the strings and sending a sonic wave of sound through them and straight to the puppeteer. The battle was turning in their favor when Alec made his appearance, assisting in the fight. It was right about then that the order to retreat was given, and Kaze disappeared in a swirl of wind…taking one of Fier’s fans with her. Most of the group poured into the shack to tend to Saelsria and Izumi, the roe’s mind was…not in the best condition- so it was best those closest to him saw to this task.
Meanwhile Fier was on the move, tracking and following Inari and Kaze, he wanted his fan back…he needed it back! As the tracks stopped so did he, pausing and trying to pinpoint them. His gut was pierced with the very fan he’d been looking to retrieve, poisons that weren’t his own coursing through his body and sending him to the ground in a bleeding heap.
 Sleep well, my little Takara.
Those words rang in his ears as darkness came and seized him, plunging him into an almost fitful and restless slumber. To which he was awakened by the pain of his body being healed by Aerik, the warm, strong arms of Beexu hugging him close to her frame.
Somewhere between then and now…he’d been taken to the Agents infirmary, Aiouxdaux rushing to his side to tend to any wound or whatever he could do. The poison remained in his system, leaving him groggy and hardly able to move…which the Elezen tended to swiftly. It wasn’t until he was fully cleansed and Aiouxdaux had saw to the healed wound to make sure all was well did he lead Fier to the room he, Mikha, and Raulin shared. And now…he was being hugged and tended to by the fretting hyur, who quite possibly in tears by now since Fier was vaguely unresponsive due to fatigue. He just wanted to sleep now.
Mentions: @fatedadventurersxiv @ffxiv-roleplayer @aeriktirel @ligart-redwyne @deafroegadyn @vigilant-lion @redsunscrawls @seadogsway @raulingreene
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The Prince Saved
As his consciousness faded in the familiar room, his torturers voice and image continued to ring in his mind. Saelsria shook awake several times that night. Sweat dripping down his face and he just wrapped his arms around himself instead of waking Izzy and Sterr. 
“G-Get out of my head...” The young Hellsguard whimpered to himself as tears began to run down his face. He was held captive for quite some time, and under extreme mental and physical torture at that. Bandages covered his torso, his arms and around his neck. Aerik had healed the wounds as best he could in his tired state, but Saels body was still weak and in need of rest. A soft sigh left his mouth as he sat in contemplation. There was darkness as he remembered the where he was being held. His eyes had blurred vision and his body began to feel numb as he hung grom the ceiling. Suspended by chain by his arms, he could hear the sounds of battle outside. The sounds didn’t raise his hopes. They were most likely another form of Inari’s torture. Then came something completely unexpected. A series of curses filled his ears in the accent. 
“Y-You still have tongue I see, Izumi.”
He spoke in a low tone.The Auri was an employee, the Doman contact who had gone silent the first time.. Izumi struggled to reach for him but her restraints where too tight. For what seemed like a bell, she tried to force herself until she eventually passed out. “Izumi..A-Are you still there?”
Saelsria asked the dark room if his friend had gone silent. He frantically moved against his restraints to set himself free, but it all came to a stop soon enough. A tiny needle pierced his neck and with in seconds the Hellsguard was left knocked out. “You keep quiet while I deal with our pests.” The sinster voice spoke before it all went black. When the Hellsguard awoke he was greeted by familiar voices and an even more familiar touch. His eyes could still not focus as he looked around the room. Multiple people, many voices. This had to be one of Inari’s illusions. Aerik, Sterr, Izzy, Alec, Ligart...all of them used before. Saelsria thrashed against his chains in desperation, as tears ran down his eyes. He wasn't about to fall for one of this evil man’s tricks again. His fits continued until Izzy managed to find a way to calm him down. A song, their song. The song that the siren-borne would hum to him on their dates. The sound shook him to the very core as he realized that the man who was pressing his forehead to him, was actually Izzy. Not too long after, he would feel the outline of Aerik’s eye patch on the palm of his hand. “I-It really is you...” As the world around him flashed back, he was in the apartment again. He was hugged himself once again and slowly laid himself down between his two husbands and tried to finally get some rest.
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The third scroll...
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When Boar did not answer her linkpearl call, Beexu rushed to Sterrbhar’s apartment to check on Izumi since she had asked Boar to watch over the small raen female. Things were in order, and not long after did Sterrbhar and Aerik show up. 
While discussing their next course of attack, a note was slipped under the door. Sterr disarmed the shotty trap and after reading the letter’s words, the group left quickly to travel to the Costa. Where the hidden falls were located as the note mentioned that was where they would find Saelsria or so they’d think. 
And of course, Izumi ran ahead of the others only to stop at a wall of mist. Beexu pulled her away while Sterr went in a head of them. And they waited.
And waited…
Beexu and Izumi both were restless, they were worried. It was Aerik who spoke of another plan of attack. Get above the falls and see if they could see anything else. It was better than standing around. Aerik, Bee, Izumi and Boar rushed up the cliffs to do just that, of course for the moment things seemed normal and quiet. However, Boar kicking a rock off the ledge caused the surface below to ripple, it was an illusion. Aerik and Izumi jumped down through the barrier while Beexu and Boar punched their way through the wall up above. 
The curtains were pulled away and the four discovered the masked gang leader, Inari fighting Sterr. He had created water clones to fight the group. They were dispatched easily. Before Inari vanished, he summoned a snake from a scroll to fight them. The snake was a much more difficult enemy, plus added that there was another laying in wait under the falls. 
Beexu was never a fan of snakes, she wasn’t afraid of them but plenty have startled her as a child; so when the second struck and took the miqo’te be surprise and swallowed her. It was a not great situation. She clawed and flailed about in the stomach of the serpent. It was a tightening space and it was going getting worse due to the slow erosion due to the acids. 
The acid got on her skin and clothing and while it was a slow burn, it still irritated her flesh. She needed to get out of there. Thanks to the outside force of Boar bear hugging the snake, she was able to cut herself free and fall face first into the water. Least the acid washed away. 
Aerik and Izumi got the final scroll, which meant the next step for the group was to use the key and get their friend back. None of the fox gang was going to be left alive once these guys get their hands on them. 
@fatedadventurersxiv @aeriktirel @tadbitreckless @scrawlinghellsguard
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Another scroll.
Beexu had run into Autgar on the docks in the Mists. She had been fishing and he came by to see what she was up to. The two acquaintances spoke at length about varying topics before parting ways for the day. With no desire to make the trip to Ul’dah; Bee settled on sitting in the Wench for a drink. 
The drink and quiet did not last long. Syvin appeared in the tavern covered in bloody cuts with an unconscious Izumi at his back. She was not looking so well herself. Beexu took to treating Syvin’s wounds to the best of her ability while getting the story from the deaf roe and calling for Sterrbhar’s aid. 
Of course Izumi was attacked. Why did Beexu let that girl out of her sight? The seeker was mentally kicking herself for thinking things would be easy while they worked to formulate a plan on getting Saelsria about from the fox gang. Sterrbhar did a better job at treating Syvin’s cuts while Beexu almost bottle fed a tonic to Izumi to get her burn wounds mending. 
All was not lost however, Syvin managed a scroll. Beexu had sent it on it’s way with Sterrbhar for him to translate or have Fier read. Syvin booked a room at the wench and Beexu opted to carry Izumi back to Sterr’s apartment to let the girl rest and keep guard until the hellsguard returned. 
What a day, and it was only going to get worse. Best call Reckless Boar and see about getting some extra muscle on this case. 
@fatedadventurersxiv @scrawlinghellsguard (Syvin it wont let me tag you ;w;)
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                                     GRAPHIC IMAGERY WARNING
The midlander in the blood red fox mask tossed a dagger in his hand as he circled the large figure hanging by his arms.
“I won’t ask you again, Prince.” He said with a clear frustration in his tone.
Only silence was the man’s response. Growling, the hyur reached forward and grabbed the figure by the chin and brought it into the light. Saelsria’s face was covered in cuts and bruises. His eyes nearly bloodshot from strain. The green and purple eyes slowly turned to the man in the mask. “I-I will tell you nothing...” The Hellsguard said defiantly as blood trickled from his mouth. “Y-You are as good as dead, Inari....Just you wait.” The young man said spitting his blood onto the midlander’s red mask. Maniacal laughter filled the dark room as Inari took his blade and placed it on Sael’s neck. “You make me laugh.” Behind the mask, Inari licked his lips and leaned into the roegadyn’s ear. “I will enjoy breaking you, Grumble. Your screams have been so tantalizing thus far.” The hyur pressed the blade on to the sun kissed skin and gradually slit it the throat open. The cut was just enough to draw blood. “Feel your life slipping away?” The sinister figure’s cheeks rose behind the mask to show just how much he enjoyed this. “I-Is this the worst you can do? I-I have felt more pain m-making love then from your blade, I-Inari.” His tone was growing weaker but he continued to remain unwavering. Saels grit his teeth and took large breaths to deal with the pain of the torture. Inari finished the cut and dropped the Hellsguard’s head from his hand. “Far from it, Prince. We know just what will break you...” The man said as he took a few steps back and smiled once again. “Enjoy the show...” He quickly tossed a small orb of burning smoke just at the roegadyn’s feet. The smoke contained several hallucinogenic compounds they were released into the air. The midlander quickly made several hand signs and focused his concentration on the illusion. “Tell me, Prince...How much do you love them?”
For the Hellsguard, the smoke cleared and revealed three dark figures that stepped closer. As they entered the light, the figures were revealed to be, Sterrbhar, Isilfyr, and Aerik. They stood there only smiling at him. The faintest spark of relief built in the young man’s heart as he saw them. His heart swelled and his eyes ran over will happiness. But in a cruel twist of fate. Each illusion had their throats split open and fell to the ground lifeless. “N-NO!!!!” Saels cried out as he watched them fall one by one. He thrashed against his restraints as only wanted to reach out to them. His happiness quickly turned into saddness and his cries filled the room. This scene happened over and over again until the cries faded into the night and Inari’s laughed only grew louder.
@aeriktirel @singingseadog @scrawlinghellsguard
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The Cards and the Scrolls
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The young Raen girl found herself on her knees outside the wench in early morning. Little did Izumi know she would have such a chance encounter with a miqote named Beexu. The only problem being the language barrier between them. Calling upon the help of Fier, the seeker and the midlander were about to find out what was leaving the Raen in such distress. Her employer, one Saelsria Grumble, had been taken by the notorious Fox Gang...for the second time. The gang had made it’s way over to Eorzea after the Hellsguard slipped from their capture only a few moons before. They had tracked him down and waited for the trade prince to be alone so they could finally strike. A sight Izumi saw with her very eyes but was unable to stop by herself. 
Izumi quickly showed them to the area where the kidnapping had happened. She pointed out where the Hellsguard was standing and where she was able to take cover and hide. The party found nothing but a dagger thrown from high elevation and a trail of blood. With enough information to back the Raen’s claims, the midlander found it prudent to finally reveal to Beexu just who went missing. Needless to say, there was no delay in assembling the team.
Sterrbhar, Aerik, and Alec all arrived at the moment’s notice. With all those who were able to present, they set out to follow the blood tail on to the rain forest of eastern La Noscea. Following a trail of corrupted aether they fell right into the enemy’s hands. 
Before they could realize they had been set upon by four members of the Fox gang. Dressed in black garbs, blood red chain mail chest armor and adorned with black fox masks they poised for an attack. A barrage of blade, fist and spell was thrown throughout the battlefield as the two parties battled. The battle was close to its end but the final fox called forth his trump card with his dying breath. Pulling free a scroll, he pulled it open and smeared his blood upon its words. Upon expiring, a large toad was called forth as per ninki contract. The red monster was large enough to almost reach the top of the canopy and attacked the party.
But, the cards and fate were with them. As Izumi drew from her deck, their fortune smiled upon them. Azeyma’s balance lent it’s aid to the party and granted them great strength. Each member assaulted with the creature with new found fury. Tearing it to shreds in a display of petals, the toad falls and left the very scroll that summoned it on the floor.
Izumi rushed to the scroll and did her best to read the doman script behind the blood. The writing spoke of three scrolls, the toad, the snake, and the slug, only with the three assembled could they dispell the genjutsu that miraged the Fox gang's hide out. With their objective ahead of them, most of them returned home for a well earned rest. @ffxiv-roleplayer @aeriktirel @albinomiqote @scrawlinghellsguard
Poster Credit: @ffxiv-roleplayer
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“We got ourselves a hunting trip. Those assholes took Saels.”
Beexu had been walking back through Limsa from fishing. Outside the wench she ran into a crying raen of the name Izumi. With Fier’s help, they learned the woman had witnessed her friend get abducted. Though it wasn’t until later out in the orange groves did they learn it was Saelsria who had been taken. Beexu called for Sterr, Aerik and Alec. The three roegadyn joined them. Lead by Fier, they tracked the kidnappers into the rain forest. 
As they got deeper into the jungle, the group was ambushed by four of the kidnappers. It took everyone’s combined strength to bring the few down. Leaving one alive for questioning. Though he did not last long as his taunts left the doman a bloody pile of bits thanks to Sterrbhar. 
The group would have to retreat and gather their energy. They needed everything together to face down the rest of the mongrals and take back what was rightfully their’s. 
Hopfully they aren’t too late…
@saelsria-grumble @aeriktirel @shadowsthatgiggle @fatedadventurersxiv
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For A Prince’s Ransom
Saelsria said in shock as he was met with a sight he did not want to see. He had just left Limsa on his way home from a small meeting with his long lost friend, Alec. Before him, stood a squad of people who were dressed in black grabs and form fitting chain mail. The sight was far from what he was expecting on the walk home but something that had plagued the back of his mind since the day Syvin and him were attacked. “So the prince is finally alone I see? Are you in need of some company?”
The male midlander at the forefront of their group stepped forward with hands out as he spoke his words. His sinister grin revealed a pointed tongue, one that seemed all too unnatural. Saels stood his ground as he continued to scan the field of a means of escape or a way to alert Sterr or Izzy. “W-What do you want, Inari?” Saels growled at the man as he drew closer. He couldnt help but to shake a bit in fear as it looked like the means of escape were hopeless.With a puff of smoke, the midlander was behind the summoner and he was finally done for.
“Do not play dumb with me! We are here for you, prince, and we will get what we want.” With that said Saels knew it was time to act, The young Hellsguard moved to draw his tome and fight but as his hand touched the blindings, a dagger flew from the distance and impaled his hand. He howled in pain as the man then kciked him to his knees.  “Go down where you belong. I do not take kindly to those who run from me.”
Inari quickly tied up and gagged Saels. He tried to resist but that only resulted in more beatings as the rest of the squad came forth to contain him. In a last ditch, the familiar black marking began to grow across his eyes. The midlander only laughed and hit the base of his head with the hilt of his blade to knock him out. With a wave of Inari’s hand they carted the man away but it did not go unnoticed. “No! Master Grumble!” A small Auri girl said from the cover of some blushes. She was bruised and rather tired looking herself. ‘Think Izumi, Think!” She thought to herself as he watched him be pulled away. She needed to find help, that seemed to be the only way. The small doman quickly ran off in the direction of what she knew was Limsa, desperate to find help.
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The Prince and the Volcano
(Light NSFW Warning!)
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“I-I think I have an idea of what we can do..” The young Hellsguard said as he straddled himself into Sterr’s lap. Saelsria’s hands came to rest on his lover’s chest and he grinned. Leaning forward, his lips began to kiss up along the older man’s chest, to his collarbone, eventually getting to his neck. He quickly moved to mark the area with his teeth as he chomped down on Sterr. “Time to see if this volcano still burns for me...” Much to his lover’s surprise, the young man was showing a bit of a new side in the bed room this eve. Saels hands reached around to find the dark-skinned Hellsguard’s back. His nails dug into Sterrbhar as he pulled himself closer. Their bodies pressed against one another as he continued to mark him. With his lover’s neck marked up, he moved up to kiss him now. The kiss was far from loving, it was filled with the pure passion of wanting. He scratched the older man roughly with his nails still digging into his back. Saels core burned for his lover. They had not shared a moment like this in a moon or so. “Take what is yours...” He said taking a free hand and guiding Sterr’s to rest on his rear. A grin grew on his face as he moved to continue his assault of a kiss. His other arm moved to support him now in his change of position. They continued to exchange heat as they went on through the night. “... By the time we are done tonight O'Ghomoro will seem dormant.”
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The Fear of Change
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In the eve after their small adventure with Beexu and Boar in Ul’dah. Saelsria and Sterrbhar retired to their apartment. As the young Hellsguard entered the door, he seemlessly dropped his clothing upon the floor and entered the tub. “W-Well that was something.” He said half chuckling as he laid back against the edge of the tub. Running the water along his chest, he began to contemplate the impending date of their trip to the far eastern continent of Othard. Fear set in and his eyes began to water. “L-Love? C-Can I be honest with you for a moment?” The young Hellsguard spoke to break the silence. His tone cracking slightly from the tears. He expressed his fear to his lover about leaving Eorzea behind to find a new life on Othard. It was a long way from home after all. The feeling of the unknown, the possibility of hostility, they grew increasingly evident as his thoughts raced through his head. Thankfully, Sterrbhar was there to ease his mind. The older Hellsguard was one of the few that could put the panicking roegadyn at ease. In there soft embrace, he could finally start to think on the positive side of things. “...I-Izzy can even open a small restaurant...” He chuckled as he started to list of plans, hope, dreams for them in their soon to be new home. Saels wiped his eyes and continued his relaxing soak after a long day of work and company. As he closed his eyes, the smell of beef and rice filled the air. Green onions and soy sauce accented as he tried to rest before dinner. 
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