seeance · 2 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
He shook the mans hand briefly, honestly Klaus didn't think anything of Levi being here. Klaus more than anything knew how easily relapses could happen.
"Uh ex-squeeze me? Yeah of course she has. Emma isn't someone who suffers fools lightly."
If this guy hadn't a good guy...well he wouldn't have lasted this long with her...let alone her supporting him through rehab.
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[ ✻ ]
"Oh cool. Nice to finally meet you."
He put his hand out, smiling lightly. He hoped Klaus wouldn't think less of him for meeting this way. But then again, they were also here too. If anything they would be the most understanding, or that's what Levi thought.
"Did she? Good to know."
That was hard to comprehend in his current mindset, but he was glad she had said nothing but good things about him. It'd be easy to get along with her brothers this way.
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seeance · 2 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
"Brother, sibling, sister, whatever, but yes. That's me."
Klaus said with an air of nonchalance, but the irony wasn't lost on them that they both were here together? But then half a thought ran through Klaus' mind, if Emma was paying for Klaus' treatment, was she also paying for Levi's...? They'd have to ask her....if Klaus didn't forget.
"She's said good things about you...just so you know."
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[ ✻ ]
For a moment, Levi was confused as to what Klaus just said. But suddenly he realized who this must be. Sure, he had known her younger brother had gone to this rehab center before, but he never thought he'd actually meet him here.
"Ooooh, I see. You must be her brother?"
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seeance · 3 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
"Well, lets see, finished a 60 day program. I'm staying with our sister for now in lieu of going into sober housing. Then I found myself in your neighborhood and let myself in."
Klaus looked over at their older brother from his spot across the couch. When Klaus had found out that their sister had paid for not only his treatment but her boyfriend AND their mother...Klaus decided to at least try to be sober.
"What about you? Seeing anyone? God I hope you're not back together with Mary."
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[ ⊗ ]
"Right, of course."
As much as he loved drinking with his younger brother, Arthur was proud of Klaus for denying the beer. It may be small, but Klaus seemed to be trying to get clean. With that thought, he took another drink.
"So, what's been goin' on in yer neck of the woods?"
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seeance · 3 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
A half chuckle left his lips which let the smoke escape. He was half tempted to just let this go until the next time Klaus' older sister showed up...but Klaus figured they'd be spending so much time together that it would still slip out at some point.
"Mhmm. That's her. Count yourself lucky she's never yelled at you...you must be in her very good books."
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[ ✻ ]
Levi chuckled at his question. He never thought Emma was mean, but he could understand why Klaus thought that. He, at first, was intimidated by Emma. But another thought passed through his mind on how this guy knew her. She was always in the back of the house.
"You mean the punk girl? Yeah. And trust me, she's not mean. She may look it, but she's really a sweetheart."
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seeance · 3 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
Yep, this was the guy. The irony of Klaus meeting him officially while they were both in rehab was not lost to him. Even if Klaus had doubts about his own sobriety...he hoped it worked for Levi.
"Oh I've been there! Is she the mean one who worked in the back?"
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[ ✻ ]
Levi couldn't help but smile. Just thinking about Emma made him so happy. And he felt so much shame for this relapse, as he knew she had dealt with this kind of stuff all throughout her life. All he could do was kick this addiction again and make her have a form of normalcy.
"No, we actually met at the Copper Stone Bistro. We were coworkers there."
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seeance · 3 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
"As much as I'd love one..."
Klaus tilted his head to look over at his older brother. He'd been in and out of rehab so many times before, and usually it was a case of bouncing right back in. But, he felt bad since this last time was on their sisters dime.
"I better not. I'll at least try to be good for now."
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[ ⊗ ]
"Ya got that right."
He replied. Sure, he didn't have a nine-to-five job and what he was doing was illegal. But Klaus was right, it was never a dull moment. Arthur wouldn't have it any other way, though. He couldn't imagine having a boring regular job. Selling drugs and being a muscle man was his bread and butter.
"Ya want a beer?"
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seeance · 3 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
That got his attention; the chef thing reminded Klaus of their older sister, who’d worked in kitchens as long as they could remember…and she had that food truck dream too. He knew she was tired of working for other people, or at least no nothing owners who didn’t appreciate her skill. Thinking of her made Klaus feel guilty, since she’d been paying for treatment. 
'Wait', he thought, 'wasn’t Emma’s boyfriend named Levi or something?' What were the odds? But he would need to do some more digging.
“Sounds nice. Did you meet at culinary school?” That would be an easy clue, since Emma had gotten all her experience working out of kitchens for the last decade or so.
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[ ✻ ]
Levi replied confidently. He knew that he got clean once, and he could do it again. He just hates that he fell back into old vices like this. The cook had worked so hard the first time to get sober, only for him to ruin it. Levi still rolled the cigarette between his fingers.
"Not too interesting. I'm a chef... My girlfriend and I are actually trying to save up money to get a food truck."
And now that Levi has overdosed, he's worried that this'll be a big step back from that dream.
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seeance · 3 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
"Thanks dad."
Klaus still couldn't believe they'd pulled it off. But he took black the flask then took a drink for himself then set it down between them...just in case his father wanted more.
"Oh yeah, he's been doing great. And when those two aren't together, Ronnie's been chatting Czernobogs sons ear off."
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[ ☘ ]
"Still, I'm proud of ya."
Fionn smiled quick before he took another drink. As he listened to what else Klaus was saying, he handed the flask back to his son. The smile reappeared as Klaus talked about his siblings.
"Doesn't surprise me."
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seeance · 3 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
"Sounds good. Let mom know where we're going..."
It was always better to be safe then sorry. Especially with the whole thing with his brother most recently, and their sister long ago trying to sneak off to find said missing brother.
Last thing they wanted to do was make her worry more.
"But if you want a buddy for scouring the stores, I can help. Three eyes is better than one." he teased.
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[ 🏹 ]
"Stores would have pre-built ones, but for the supplies, we would need some netting, metal fencing, a henge so the door of the trap can slide down, and some metal wire."
Eli would much prefer to find a prebuilt one, as he wasn't sure if he tried to build it if it would work or not. Which then would just piss him off. They just needed to find a hunting store. They should have one.
He was pulled from his thoughts as Klaus spoke again. Eli knew that hunting wasn't really Klaus' thing, but if he was willing to try, then he'd teach him tips and tricks. Besides, he was really glad about the distraction.
"Alright. Let's bring the rabbit back and get another bow."
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seeance · 4 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
When Arthur settled in the recliner, the younger sibling took advantage of the fact that he had the couch to himself. So he laid down along the couch, but let his legs and bare feet dangle over the arm rest of the couch.
“At least it’s never boring for you.”
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[ ⊗ ]
"And that's all that matters."
Arthur smiled lightly and took a drink of his beer. He then took a seat in the recliner. It's been a while since he last saw Klaus. It was good to see him, and Arthur was happy that his brother wasn't dead somewhere.
"I'm alright," He went to take another drink. "That's putting it lightly."
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seeance · 4 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
"We'll see. I'll at least try."
Did he like being like their mother? No, but he couldn't help it. According to family lore, he'd been born experiencing withdrawal thanks to their mother using during her pregnancy. At least that was Klaus' story and he was sticking to it. Sort of made him feel like it wasn't entirely his fault.
"How're you? Long day at the office?"
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[ ⊗ ]
With how today went, all Arthur wanted to do was grab a shower and just relax at home. Maybe watch a little TV and take a nap. And that's what he was planning to do. So he put the key in the lock and unlocked the door. And the moment he stepped foot in, he heard his younger brother's voice.
One would normally be surprised if their sibling somehow managed to get into their locked house. Arthur just doesn't question it anymore. He was just glad it was his house and not some strangers. He tossed his keys on the kitchen counter and grabbed a beer from the fridge. He opened it and entered the living room.
"I see that... Hopefully, for good this time?"
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seeance · 4 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
"Solidarity in sobriety."
He repeated a line he'd heard before at some support group or something in the past, as smoke left his lips.The burn of the cigarette in his lungs felt nice, but it didn't quite scratch the itch he wanted. But he supposed it was something. Maybe he'd get into knitting again; to at least keep him busy.
"So Levi, what's your real life like?"
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[ ✻ ]
With his answer, Levi smiled lightly. He was really glad he met this guy, and he hoped that they both could get clean. Levi continued to roll the unlit cigarette between his fingers. His thoughts go to Emma. He had to get clean for her, it wasn't right that she had to support him like this. Especially, she grew up watching her mom and younger brother do drugs.
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seeance · 5 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
"Oh I didn't have confidence in me." He just wanted to try on behalf for his mom and his siblings. And when it actually worked? Well, colour him surprised.
"I mean, everyone was devastated when we couldn't find you." He didn't want to mention that mom had been destroyed by it. "Henry and Ronnie have been trying to keep busy though...Henry's got commissions coming out of his ass.
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[ ☘ ]
"Me too, not that I don't have confidence in you."
Bringing Gods back from the dead was no easy task. Klaus knew firsthand about that, the dead was his forte after all. When offered the flask, Fionn took it and took a drink out of it.
"How's your mother and siblings?"
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seeance · 5 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
He always had a knack for finding a way into the homes of others; his brother and sister, their mom...he didn't even cause any property damage anymore. So here they were, hanging out in his brother's house- respectively. Yes Klaus DID help themselves to a drink and he was just hanging out on the couch watching tv. When he heard the door open, he called out- so his brother knew he was there. "Hey, there's my favourite brother! Looks who's out of rehab..." again. @strictlycanon
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seeance · 5 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
What an optimistic guy, he thought. Did he have absolute faith that this guy would stay sober? Totally. He seemed like the type. Did Klaus have that same faith in himself? No. Not particularly. His sister seemed to, so Klaus supposed he could try for her. “Sure. Why not?”
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[ ✻ ]
As Klaus spoke, Levi listened and was rolling the unlit cigarette between his fingers. The chef really hoped that he would kick this drug addiction again. He also felt so ashamed that he had ruined his five-year sobriety over a little stress at that.
"Well, we could have each other's backs? Maybe that way we'll both get clean."
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seeance · 5 months
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖ "What would we need for those? We could try and find that?"
He'd much prefer that to actual hunting. He COULD hunt, and had, but it wasn't entirely his favourite activity. Let's be honest, of Eli's children, Klaus was probably the loudest (and clumsiest), though he did TRY. But today was about distracting dad.
"Yeah, we totally can. I'll even do my best to be actually stealthy.
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[ 🏹 ]
"Yeah, I agree. A couple of deers would be nice but I don't have any clover traps set up. Hell, if I can even find the supplies to make one I would."
Eli really wished that he had said traps. Even just one. But they were a lot of work to set up and like he told Klaus, the supplies for one might be hard to find. Maybe on Eli's next supply run, he'll try to find them because honestly, a deer would be nice.
"We could try hunting if you're interested?"
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seeance · 5 months
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