seekersnk · 2 years
use a laptop and copy this link into your browser
access : moko
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seekersnk · 2 years
it sucks when you’re not here
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seekersnk · 2 years
love sucks
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seekersnk · 2 years
be humble
not everyone faces the same difficulties and be mindful of what you say and do. just do your best. this is what i’m trying to do.
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seekersnk · 2 years
if you read this, I just want you to know that, I didn't mean to be rude with you
of course I cared about you, and I want you to be the best version of yourself, that's why I was so upset and disappointed about your behavior
please, do your best to be happy, in the best way possible... find a woman, learn to know her, respect her, marry her
one day, you'll forget about me
please, be happy and don't worry
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seekersnk · 2 years
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seekersnk · 2 years
Thursday, 02 June 2022, 2:01 am
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seekersnk · 2 years
it feels cold
to be alone, to feel lonely
am I really being lonely when I am the one that is rejecting people
I just don’t want them to help me, I’ve had enough of, repeating my stories, how I am the why I am, how i’m looking for excuses for being average, I don’t think i’m being too hard on myself, sometimes I am, but most of the time, I don’t feel like i’m special or unique at all
I just don’t want to waste my time anymore, getting to know people, for what? they’re not going to help you back in anyway, you’re alone after all
just be on your own, you’re doing fine, or find someone who truly inspires you, a little word to myself, is that, you’re doing great, I know you’re not doing well these days, but you’re still here, willing to sticks to your habits, and once you’ve done that, you’d be proud of yourself for doing the right things even though you didn’t have the strength to to them
you did wake up late, I mean, get up late, but still, you went to the park, it was nice and peaceful, you did your exercises, you remembered to go buy the headphones for tomorrow’s oral, you took a shower, you practice piano even if it was five minutes, and now you’re about to read your books
you’re not completely dead
Monday, 30 May 2022, 10:01 pm
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seekersnk · 2 years
apparently, writing can help me, relieving everything I kept in my mind and my heart, but, honestly it felt weird, just being in front of my screen, a blank space, and you’re just by yourself, not even knowing what to write
i feel low, i feel like i don’t belong anywhere, i miss somebody to love, somebody to give love to, i feel empty, i’ve never felt so lonely and worthless
i’m ashamed of feeling this way, “you should be grateful” they say, i just didn’t ask to be here, i didn’t want to be live at the first place, why do i feel this way, what am i looking for, i’ve never so empty
i wish i can ask for help, i’m trying, but i don’t want to bother anyone, i feel hopeless, but i’m still here, doing things, hoping i would make me proud, but i’m just crying while doing it, playing an instrument, reading, exercising again
it will be alright
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 11:46 pm
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seekersnk · 2 years
Tumblr media
Have you ever met someone like him?
I feel, so at peace, you feel me? That was the last time, for now. I really hope and wish you the best. I feel grateful, and lucky to have shared these moments with someone who, understood me.
Good byes are.. Good byes..
I want you to be the happiest man on earth and that doesn't change.
I don't know when, I don't even know if we're going to see, talk to each other ever again, but, life has better plan for us. I believe it, I trust God.
Happy birthday, Konh-ming, Komeng, my dear old Killa, Kom G and say hi to Shadow for me. I'll miss you too
Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 12:34 pm
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seekersnk · 2 years
where are you
Saturday, 2 April 2022, 6:01pm
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seekersnk · 2 years
How many ghosts are gonna be around your bed when your time comes ?
Imagine you're in your deathbed And standing around your deathbed Are the ghosts representing you unfulfilled potential The ghosts of the ideas you never acted on The ghosts of the talent you didn't use And they're standing around your bed Angry Disappointed and Upset They say, we came to you Because you could've brought us to life, they say And now we have to go to the grave together
Sunday, 27 March 2022, 12:56 am
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seekersnk · 2 years
Go all the way
I had so much to live for So much left yet to do I thought of all the yesterdays The good ones and the bad I thought of all the love we shared And all the fun we had
Invent yourself And then reinvent yourself Don't swim in the same slough Be self-taught
It is your life You will be alone with the gods And the nights will flame with fire Go all the way All the way despite rejection and the worst odds And it will be better than anything else you can imagine
Be on the watch There are ways out There's a light somewhere It may not be much light but it beats the darkness
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew in you to serve your term long after they are gone So hold on when there is nothing in you
Your life is your life Don't let it be clubbed into dank submission
Beware of the knowers There are afraid of what they do not know Beware of those who seek constant crowds For they are nothing alone They will attempt to destroy anything that differs from their own
Not being able to create art, they will not understand art, and then they will hate you
If you are going to try Go all the way Do it Rage Rage against the dying of light Do not go gentle into that good night
Invent yourself and then reinvent yourself And stay out of the clutches of mediocrity Change your tone and shape so often that They can never categorize you
All the way If you are going to try go all the way
Sunday, 27 March 2022, 12:46 am
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seekersnk · 3 years
Sat down here best intentions
We shant go on, in this way. Cause we can't go on living this way.Cause we can't go on living this way. (We can't go on...) (Because we can't go on living this way...)
Saturday, 19 March 2022, 9:52 pm
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seekersnk · 3 years
don’t call my name
don’t wait for me i’m always there for trust to see
don’t call my name don’t pray for me i’m set to go but space I need
don’t wait for time he can step to the side just be true to yourself you’ve got nothing to hide
for the yarn that we spin and the loving we've been you can take as long oh, as long as it takes
Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 9:55 pm
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seekersnk · 3 years
Do we have to cut the bridges ?
Komeng : You know how strong I am
I will cross by swimming I thought of you the whole day The red flower is for you my Tevy My sister listen to our feelings and
she like you, cause she see how inspire or happy I am, to talk about you everytime.It while pass, I know, as everything the time can erase.
Do I want to? Do you want to.
We have to.. there is no Yes, cause of course No, we don't really want, we just curiousI still wanna see you casually
Have simple and good moments
I still wanna listen to you, what you discover I still wanna talk to you, tell all I feel if we feel it inspire us I still want to know if you think of me If you still like or love me Cause I want you to I want you
Do I really want you? Or I just want to be recognize by someone, be loved, be appreciated. I think I want both, cause I am recognize, loved and appreciated by people, I do the same for them..
But, I want you to do it, as I do
Cause I... I just want to feel you around
I'm not strong enough in love, to forget someone.. that count for me, as you never exist. Cause I love the way to think you existed in my life for a few moment
You're stronger in that I'm stronger to make dreams come true To practice power and will To fight Heroes and being oneBut what can I do in that
We don't practice that, I don't like to say you're part of my life practice, I prefere to just say part of my lifeWhat did you think today?
Did you manage to work?
Sunday, 14 March 2022, 11:49 pm
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seekersnk · 3 years
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