seidrstuff · 2 days
Whether you’re a devotee or a worshipper, you’re not always gonna be at your best, and there are gonna be times - maybe lots of times - where you may not feel you can give 100% to your deities. You may not even be able to talk to them at all.
That’s why I LOVE devotional jewellery or any other kind of devotional item that you can carry with your person. Just the simple act of putting on a necklace or a ring or something similar is such an amazing way of showing your deities “hey, I’m still here. I still love you. I still carry you with me.“
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seidrstuff · 2 days
am i the only one who thinks about the fact gods are in their home? like, what do you mean gods visit me? they look at my room, my bed, my clothes, the mess that i make on my couch with all my plushies and clothes, random bras and socks that i didn’t like thrown around…and my parent’s bedroom and all their shiny jewels and cute sculptures, the living room and its coziness, the kitchen and its persistent smell of homecooked food? do they like it? what do they think? in the end, it’s just like when a important person visits you. you can’t do anything but hope it is cosy for them.
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seidrstuff · 2 days
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Steadfast Guardian ❄️🪓🪶 Laufey in the style of Alexandre de Riquer i Ynglada’s “The Four Seasons: Spring”.
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seidrstuff · 4 days
Biggest pet peeve in modern witchcraft books?
Besides the aforementioned fluff-to-hide-lack-of-knowledge, it's still gotta be the claim that every witch follows the Wheel of the Year. The amount of times I saw that in witchcraft books was almost enough to drive me to stop calling myself a witch entirely.
Thanks for letting me bitch about this, anon!
(Not to say you can't follow the Wheel of the Year, but I'm tired of everyone insisting that they're universal.)
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seidrstuff · 6 days
Please acknowledge all aspects of your deity/ies
Deities are multifaceted, as are people. Acknowledge all aspects and the entire domain of your deity. Do your research <3
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seidrstuff · 10 days
Anglo Saxon Nine Herb Charm
Ancient charm that is rooted in Germanic paganism and witchcraft, it’s very helpful for those interested in herbalism, Folk magic, Germanic folk magic and paganism, or just simple herbal magic. It's said that it was taught by Woden or Odin (Norse) who is the god of healing. It’s in the form of a poem, a form of Galdor which is basically is incantation when reciting this poem you’re evoking these herbs. By how the poem is written the plants are spoken like another person or living thing with a conscious mind. It’s one of good sources of wortcunning or medicinal knowledge of herbs. The blog can be helpful for those who wishes to bond with these herbs this poem can really bring good insight.
Some points to take note in this poem, most of these herbs are to be used in a healing context against poison. The Saxons believed that diseases were caused by corruption of evil spirits, elf-shot, most commonly in form of “Worms” not worms we see today in the soil but more like dragons or serpents. “Nesso” is the Anglo Saxon term and Wyrm is High German where Worm derives from which means dragon. That to cast the “worms” out is essentially getting rid of the poison. When you find yourself reading Anglo Saxon charms with “Worm” that is what is being refer to. The number 9 is very sacred in Germanic paganism and witchcraft, also the use of christian elements is suppose to be there. In medieveal context of folk magic in general a common concept is to mix pagan deities with Christianity Woden and Christ is not uncommon in German folk magic to be seen together. The green is the herbs mentioned and after the poem I'll put what some of the herbs are in modern day in english. I should also note there is multiple translations but this version is what I'm most familiar with.
Traditionally to perform the ritual a witches would chant over the herbs and applied to the patient’s body then the witch would blow into the targets ear and mouth to get rid of the evil/harmful spirit.
Remember, mugwort, what you made known, What you arranged at the Great proclamation. You were called Una, the oldest of herbs, you have power against three and against thirty, you have power against poison and against infection, you have power against the loathsome foe roving through the land.
And you, Waybread, mother of herbs, Open from the east, mighty inside. over you chariots creaked, over you queens rode, over you brides cried out, over you bulls snorted. You withstood all of them, you dashed against them. May you likewise withstand poison and infection and the loathsome foe roving through the land.
'Stune' is the name of this herb, it grew on a stone, it stands up against poison, it dashes against poison *Nettle it is called, it attacks against poison, it drives out the hostile one, it casts out poison. This is the herb that fought against the serpent, it has power against poison, it has power against infection, it has power against the loathsome foe roving through the land. Put to flight now, attorlaðe (poison hater), the greater poisons, though you are the lesser, until he is cured of both.
Remember, Chamomile, what you made known, what you accomplished at Alorford, that never a man should lose his life from infection after Chamomile was prepared for his food.
This is the herb that is called Stinging Nettle. A seal sent it across the sea-right, a vexation to poison, a help to others. it stands against pain, it dashes against poison,
A worm came crawling, it killed nothing. For Woden took nine glory-twigs, he smote the the adder that it flew apart into nine parts. There the apple accomplished it against poison that she [the loathsome serpent] would never dwell in the house.
Chervil and fennel, two of much might, They were created by the wise Lord, holy in heaven as He hung. He set and sent them to the seven worlds, to the wretched and the fortunate, as a help to all. It stands against pain, it fights against poison, it avails against 3 and against 30, against foe´s hand and against noble scheming, against enchantment of vile creatures.
Now there nine herbs have power against nine evil spirits, against nine poisons and against nine infections: Against the red poison, against the foul poison, against the white poison, against the pale blue poison, against the yellow poison, against the green poison, against the black poison, against the blue poison, against the brown poison, against the crimson poison, against worm-blister, against water-blister, against thorn-blister, against thistle-blister, against ice-blister, against poison-blister,
If any poison comes flying from the east, or any from the north, [or any from the south,] or any from the west among the people. Christ stood over diseases of every kind.
I alone know a running stream, and the nine adders beware of it. May all the weeds spring up from their roots, the seas slip apart, all salt water, when I blow this poison from you
mucgwyrt - Mugwort
wegbrāde - Waybread - Plantain
Stune - Lamb Cress
Stiðe - Nettle
mægðe - Chamomile
wergulu - Stinging Nettle
æppel - Crab Apple
fille - Chervil
finule - Fennel
*Stiðe most likely means nettle as a type of plants that is used very broadly, whilst stinging nettle refers to the actual plant such as the leaves, stems, etc. Nettle can also mean the roots. Some translations have attorlaðe instead of Stiðe, but in my opinion it's talking about how nettle is perceived here attorlaðe means 'poison hater' link to Fumitory. Perhaps Fumitory to the Saxons was related to Nettle I'm not sure just a theory of mine. Most likely than not the fourth herb in the charm is Nettle in the board sense of the family of plants. Unless someone can give me a more insight on the translation, I be more than happy to be corrected.
I really hope this helps people and it may inspire others on the path and learning of Anglo Saxon culture and Traditions. :)
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seidrstuff · 13 days
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“My imagination expanded, I became wise, I grew, and I thrived. One word chased another word flowing from my mouth, one deed chased another deed flowing from my hands.” Havamal 141 Óðin’s Wise Words
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seidrstuff · 13 days
Freya gave us cats to heal our hearts
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Freya gave us cats to heal our hearts
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seidrstuff · 13 days
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All About Woden or Oðin
It’s going to be a bit long so I hope I won’t bore y’all.
Magic (Seidr or Galdr)
The elite which is the high class (historically speaking but he can still be worshipped by any class he doesn’t discriminate)
King of Asgard and Aesir
Father to men and gods
Air and Breath
Runes (which he gifted to mankind and sacrifice himself for)
Ravens, he has two of his own called Huginn (thought) and Muninn (Memory). Crows can be associated as well but accurately are Ravens.
The rune Ansuz
His spear Gungnir which will always hit its mark
A winged helmet
Sleipnir the eight legged horse, child of Loki. Horses can also be a good symbol as well.
Valknut a sigil that is representative of Death, Preparation, and Protection.
The Gungnir sigil which is a diamond with an X over in the center
Horn Triskelion which Odin’s gift of knowledge of poetry and mead
Poetry this can be written poems or songs
Wednesday or Woden’s day
His own set of books called Havamal which is basically Norse proverbs but it’s basically means “Words of The One Eyed”
Herbs/Plants/Trees: Ash trees, Elm Trees, Rowan Trees, Horehound, Parsley, Woad, Mugwort
Mead (Beer can be a good substitute) if you can’t get beer water or tea or coffee is fine
Meat (for his wolves it’s said that Odin doesn’t eat but drinks a lot according to mythology, but I don’t think he would be mad if you put some on the side for him)
Poetry or general music
Handmade items
Weapons (doesn’t have to be real)
Bird feed (for his ravens)
Crystals (it’s more neo pagan, but he likes obsidian a lot)
Devoted acts like writing, exercise, crafting, etc.
Any magical things
Anything associated with Horses, horses were very sacred in Norse culture. Pictures of horses, horse hair(if you can find any), drawings of horses, etc.
Ravens like raven feathers or skulls (please clean them well and ask the spirit for permission) but then again no need anything crow or Raven related same with Wolves.
Runes, bind runes, handcrafted runes, rune artwork, etc. any divination tool as well like a tarot deck.
Staffs or Wands
There is quite few depictions of Oðin in artwork but here is common scenery, he is an older gentleman with a long bread with one eye (the lore never said which eye was sacrificed).
His wanderer aspect: It’s the one I described earlier about him looking like Gandalf, a older man in a top hat or hooded in old robes carrying a staff. This aspect is of him traveling throughout the nine realms.
Warrior aspect or King aspect: He is in his armor, carrying a spear. Sitting in a throne with his winged helmet by his side are his two wolves Geri and Freki and at his shoulders is Huginn and Muninn who are essentially his messengers but very still apart of them so that they can see everything throughout the nine realms.
His hanged aspect: Which shows him hanging upside down from the world tree by stabbing himself while gaining knowledge about the runes. He died then rose back to life fully understanding the runes we know today which he gifted to us.
Sleipnir: Oðin attain Sleipnir by Loki, Sleipnir has eight legs and was Oðin’s battle horse and accompanied him throughout the nine realms most famously known traveling to Helheim to summon a dead seer for a prophecy.
There are so many but I’ll shall put the ones that are commonly used and ones I really like and forgive me for any spelling mistakes Germanic or any Scandinavian languages isn’t my first language and I have terrible handwriting.
Aldafödr- Father of men
Alfaðir or Alföðr - Allfather
Báleygr - Feeble eye, one eyed or flamed eye
Draugadróttin - Lord of Ghosts
Foldardróttin- Lord of The Earth
Gapthrosnir - One in a Gaping Frenzy
Gizur - Riddler
Ginnarr- Decevier
Göndlir - Wand Bearer
Gollnir - Yeller
Godjaðarr - God Protector
Grimnir, Grimr - Masked one, hooded one
Hangaguð - Hanged God
Gudan - Master of Fury
Haptabeiðir - Ruler of the gods
Haptasnytirr- Teacher of The Gods
Hárbarðr- Grey Bread
Hárr - One eye
Havi- High one
Jölföðr - Yule Father
Jölnir - Yule
Oðinn- Frenzy one
Óski - Fulfiller of Desires
Runatyr- God of Runes
Sigföðr - Father of Victory
Wōden- Master of Fury
Ódr - “frenzy”, divine inspiration, breath
Wilde Jaegar - Lord of The Wild Hunt
Karl - Old man
Long hat
Wise and Wisdom Granter
True Father
Spell caster
Shadowed face
Fool and Wise man
General Information
Commonly known as Oðin (frenzy) or Wōden (Fury) to the Anglo Saxons he is probably one of fascinating gods in Germanic/Norse Mythology. From the titles and attributes even the symbols you can tell he isn’t just one set type of God he rules and charges over countless of things.
Oðin was born to Borr along with his two brothers, Vili and Ve, Oðin is the oldest. All three brothers killed the first being in existence Ymir. Which they created the earth, sky, and sea from his corpse literally Ymir’s skull is the sky and his brain the clouds and his blood the rivers and ocean. Then him and his brothers created the first humans Ask and Embla from pieces of trunks of Ash and Oak. I should note that most of what sources we have Norse Mythology is from Christian sources so you might see some influences from Abrahamic faiths. Oðin along with his brothers Vili and Ve gave each of them a trait of life. Oðin gave breath of life, Vili gave understanding and physical movements, and Ve gave their senses.
Oðin is a god of wisdom, he is always eager for the pursue of knowledge. That is why he travels a lot. Once he came upon the Well of Mimir beneath Yggdrasil’s roots a Jotun who guarded the well who was the wisest being of all and his well and grant such wisdom. Oðin asked if he can drink from the waters. Mimir agreed but said he needed to give the well, a sacrifice, so Oðin did that he gave the well his eye that he can drink. From doing so he became very knowledgeable in the ways of magic, curing the sick, calm storms, summoning the dead, etc this lead him on to his pursuit of the Runes. By the way Mimir’s head was beheaded and to preserve his head Oðin put the head in herbs and sang spells so that Mimir can still speak to him.
Then another famous story was how he gain the runes. Oðin hung himself upside down from the Yggdrasil tree by piercing himself with his spear as he called for the runes. For nine days and nine nights he had no help but when the runes finally came to him he let out a cry falling dying. It’s said it was describe the light of the world going dark when Oðin dead but suddenly it light up again and Oðin came back alive with the knowledge of the runes. Which he generously shared with Mankind.
He is a god rules over Valhalla one half goes to him (those who die in battle) and the other goes to Freyja’s hall. He’ll lead dead warriors when Ragnorak begins.
He is the god of kings and rulers but he also is the god of tyrants as well
God of order but he does do some trickery like Loki.
He is a war god there is so many titles that have him in war context that is overwhelming lol. About frenzy, fury, spears, victory, etc. it’s also describe Oðin will bring war upon peaceful communities as well.
God of Death, he is considered to be a psychopomp
He is equivalent to Mercury or Hermes (Psychopomp, knowledge, share the same day Wednesday.) similarities between them are mostly documented by Roman historian Tacitus.
He is a God among the goths, Anglo-Saxons, Germanic Tribes, Norse, Danes, Swedish, Finnish, and Icelandic peoples
He is the God of the Wild hunt which along side him is Holda a Germanic goddess of winter and death, it’s said Santa Claus is partly inspired from him because after he is finished with his hunt will come around people’s homes dropping gifts in shoes. He is also known as the Yule-Father.
Oðin is also the god of magic of Seidr and Galdr, Seidr is like a shamanic form of magic that the Norse used. It involved divination, spirit work, chanting, spinning, meditation. Seidr historically was only socially acceptable for women to practice not men but Oðin is the one that taught men Seidr. Galdr is magic of chanting or singing, created the song to cast spells. He can send a person dreams and messages. He can also make witches go mad apparently.
He is able to summon the dead, make them alive again. 
Oðin is married to Frigga of marriage and justice and they had together Baldr, Hodr, and Hermod. But Oðin had many lovers and many children including Thor, Vali, Vidarr, Heimdallr, and many more. It’s also said that he had a relationship with Freyja even married her at one point before he disappeared however it’s not quite clear nor proven to be Oðin just speculation.
My personal experience
I will say Odin is a different type of God I encounter with. The best way I can describe it and it may sound weird but he’s like a fun grandfather. He has his wisdom and knowledge but also his sense of humor. He has helped me through a lot especially with anxiety and depression and burnout. Out of all the gods I have worked with he is the one that gives me the most dreams, the dreams are so beautiful and powerful I can’t describe them in full detail but involves magic.
Typically he loves any type of votive offering (creating the offering) like he enjoys regular offerings of course. But just using your free time to do craft something for him or do something for him he really appreciates. Writing your own poetry, studying, crafting, using your inspiration for workings, etc. divination or spellwork. He does play some playful tricks time to time.
Tarot cards I resonate with Oðin from my personal practice
Hanged Man
Ace of Wands
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seidrstuff · 16 days
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Witches and pagans, which authors do you recommend avoiding?
I was reading “Taking Up the Runes”, but in the process some of the writing rubbed me the wrong way, so I decided to do some research on the author, Diana L. Paxson. After seeing the testimonies made against her, I stopped reading it. Are there any other problematic authors to watch out for? I don’t want to waste my time or money reading from unreliable sources.
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seidrstuff · 22 days
Who would you say is the Norse god of summer solstice?
I know know one of the reasons people might choose me as someone to ask is because I sometimes come out with very non-obvious answers, but this isn't one of those times: Sól (or Sunna), the sun.
The summer solstice is also approximately the time when Sólmánuður, 'sun-month' begins on an Icelandic calendar (last Monday, the 20th). We don't have a lot of evidence for worship of Sól from around the time of the Eddas and sagas (though, some have argued that Sólarljóð is a syncretic poem and borrows from heathen sun-worship); but it was clearly extremely important in earlier periods of North Germanic religion up and into the Iron Age, even if we don't have good literary sources about it. See: Anders Andrén, Tracing Old Norse Cosmology: The World Tree, Middle Earth and the Sun in Archeaological Perspectives.
As far as written evidence goes, it seems they didn't really celebrate the solstice in a big organized way. They obviously observed it in some capacity (as in, were aware that it happened -- I'm making no guesses about celebrating it), but it wasn't a major blót (höfuðblót).
Though not tied specifically to the solstice, the Alþingi also happened around this time (10th week of summer). This involved religious ceremonies, perhaps including calling on Freyr, Njǫrðr, and the unnamed almáttki áss 'almighty áss,' the three of whom are associated with oath-swearing in Landnámabók. Details of the religious aspects of Alþingi are not abundant unfortunately.
We might also wonder about what the members of the household who didn't make the huge trip to Þingvellir for the Alþing, or those households who paid to sit out, did back at home. We might speculate that they did things like collect healing herbs -- something later associated with St. John's night. St. John's night would eventually become one of the most important holidays of the year and while it's mostly faded away in Iceland now it's still a big deal elsewhere.
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seidrstuff · 22 days
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dont play defense
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seidrstuff · 22 days
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Hail, Spirit of the Mountain, Hail, Landvættir!
Hail to you, Spirit of the Mountain lands, Although I am from Appalachia, you welcome me as your own kin and Daughter.
Hail to you, Landvættir: the Great Deer Herds, The Guardians of these mountains and woods, Keepers of the Ancient Wisdom and tales.
May I recognize your presence all times, May I always listen when you speak up, May you be blessed in all your endeavors.
Hail, Spirit of the Mountain, Hail, Landvættir!
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seidrstuff · 22 days
🍂Autumnal Acts Of Devotion To Freyja🍂
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The season of Autumn is coming closer. I can feel the changes slowly but surely in the air. Maybe not the temperature where I live, but DEFINITELY the vibes. Some of this post is based on UPG in regards to Freyja. So don’t come at me if you can’t find historical evidence of some of these MODERN acts being associated with the goddess Freyja.
🍄Pick or purchase a pumpkin and carve the rune Fehu into it in honor of Freyja (you can carve a different sigil or symbol you associate with her instead if that resonates more).
🍄When you go shopping for back to school clothes or just clothes shopping for Autumn weather, consciously include her on your little outing by calling upon her in silent prayer to help you find empowering and pleasing clothes.
🍄Paint your finger nails gold or amber orange, and if you have the skill, you can also add symbols of her painted on your fingernails. The gold on its own is sufficient, though. And it looks just generically autumnal if your worship has to stay discreet!
🍄Enjoy a cup of cinnamon chai with honey or hot chocolate with cream in honor of Freyja.
🍄Wear amber jewelry or craft a necklace (or braclet) out of amber colored beads, then hold it to the west (the traditional direction that Autumn corresponds with), and let the west winds blow through it to bless it with Autumnal energy. Call upon Freyja for her blessing this season, and thank her for her blessings in seasons past.
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seidrstuff · 22 days
nine long nights | ii.
Hávamál: The High One dishes out a lot of advice, even if he’s sometimes low on the actual instructions. What’s the wisest thing you’ve learned from Odin or his exploits?
A thing is what it is. Trying to make it into what it isn’t for the sake of appearances or not sounding crazy is not only silly, but pointless. Let a thing be what it is. Revel in it. There is plenty of time to [pretend to] be sane later.
Use what you’ve got. Don’t look at what he’s got or what she’s got, unless it’s to appreciate or encourage it. But use what you’ve got, because only you’ve got it, and if you don’t believe that, then you’re a fool, and not even the capital-F kind.
There’s a time for moderation – a lot of time, really. Err on the side of moderation, err on the side of being sober of mind and spirit. It’ll give you a strong foundation to help you weather the mad ecstatic hedonistic delirious times, because yep – there’s a time for those, too.
Don’t ask for what you don’t want, and only settle for it if you have a plan. But if you want something, then by the stars, ask for it. Sure, that sounded simple. But go ahead and try practicing it.
Question everything. Then, when you get an answer, toss it in the bin and start over. Hell, it’s just fun.
Your people are your people. You won’t always like them. They’re definitely gonna piss you off, and vice versa. Don’t sever a rope just because it has a knot in it. Just work out the damn knot, if you must. Learn to discern what’s really irreconcilable and when you’re just being a petty fuckin bitch.
Pain is temporary. The memory of pain is also temporary. So stop giving pain so much damn fucking credit for shit.
Fear is learned behaviour. All things learned can be unlearned. The method of unlearning varies, though, and if you pick the wrong method, you’ll just make it worse. Don’t rush it.
Sometimes you’re just going to have to hang uncomfortably from the tree for a while. And you’ll think, “why did I do this to myself? why did I put myself up here? there’s so much else going on that I’m missing out on because I’m foolishly hanging from this tree, and I can’t even cut myself down. no one even knows I’m up here. I can’t even cry for help, because I’m strangling, obviously. I just want to get down now. I just want to get down.” And yeah, eventually, you’ll realise that the rope isn’t all that tight – if it was, after all, you’d have been deader than a doornail – and that if you angle yourself right you can swing up onto another branch and use the leverage to shimmy the rope loose and wiggle out of it, and then you’ll climb down the tree and dust yourself off and go on about your business rather sheepishly, and you’ll feel stupid, but even that will go away, because you’ll recall some pretty heavy things you thought about when you were stuck up there on that tree, and you’ll carry those things with you, in your being, because they’re a part of you now. Your nine long nights will always change you, and you’ll fear the change the whole time you’re up there, but it ain’t all that scary, to be honest; you’re just human. And maybe next time you see a hangman’s noose, you’ll laugh and salute it with a middle finger and carry on.
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seidrstuff · 24 days
14. Ritual Heathen Inspirational Thoughts To move forward into this fraught moment with kindness All water is one water, and one water connects us all through one water we share To be blessed to do, to act, to change the world
To change the world is to love the world To hold this infinite gift close to our hearts and always on our minds To be soft, to take care of each other is a way to heal the damage, respecting all persons, loving all persons whether they are human or not Believing down to our bones that ourselves and our families and our communities and our nations and our continents and our world are an unique ornament in the fabric of reality, that hope exists and what you do, what we do together matters.
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seidrstuff · 26 days
I want to ask a question. Would Freyja be considered a Goddess of Grief? Considering her tears brought amber over Odr’s disappearance. I know that is more so the realm of Hel, (alas Freyja is a death Goddess in her own right too). I just haven't noticed that aspect delved into. And I've been thinking about it a lot.
In my grief over a recent passing of my father, I immediately felt her presence and from being so tired lately from it. I used my grief and cried as a devotional to her. Healing isn't linear and I go through a lot of bad days but her immediate strength came through after.
Of course we all experience the Gods differently, I just wanted to ask your thoughts! 🐈‍⬛🪻
I love this observation, and I absolutely agree. I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm so glad Freyja has been able to guide you in your journey through grief. It's an experience that's difficult beyond words to navigate.
I've actually associated Freyja with similar concepts for quite some time. If my experience may be brought to bear, she tends to manifest in times of emotional distress, such as when you’re depressed or anxious. I suppose that’s why devotees and people who have worshipped her for a long time sometimes refer to her as a “big sister”, or any other such protective figure. My experience is the same: she’s loving and kind, reaching out to those who are experiencing intense emotions and are having trouble processing them. She will help you to feet, at your own rhythm, and walk alongside you.
Plus, you've made a very good point, and one I've always tought was too often overlooked. She is heavily associated with passing and the afterlife. In a sense, she can be regarded as a figure that welcomes the dead with open arms. While I know it's not a topic that's easy to address, the passing of a loved one can be more easily accepted with the help of spirituality. While I know different people deal with grief in different ways, that's the case for me. And worshipping a Goddess of death to help with grief is not unheard of. You're actually not the first person to ask me such a question! I think turning to figures who have a say in what goes on in the aferlife is a natural instinct for a lot of us.
Now, to make a long story short, I think Freyja could very well be associated with grief. To me, she's a tribute to the fact that emotions, both good and bad, are beautiful. She's proof that even the Gods are not immune from them. You have my sincere condolences, and I pray that no matter how you choose to navigate your grief, you have a gentle journey to healing.
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