seismology550 · 5 years
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#WorldEarthquakes #Earthquakes #AlaskaEarthquakes #Alaska #UsaEarthquake #NorthAmericaEarthquake #UnitedStateOfAmerica Alaska'da 1918 ile 2019 yılları arasında meydana gelen depremlere, bir de bu gözle bakalım. Ülkemizdeki depremler, dünyadaki depremlerin çok küçük bir bölümüdür. (Video-2052...2055) #WorldEarthquakesSeria #WorldEarthquakeSeria #EarthquakesSeria #EarthquakeSeria #AlaskaEarthquakesSeria #AlaskaEarthquakeSeria #DepremlerSeria #DepremSeria #AlaskaDepremiSeria #AlaskaDepremleriSeria #AlaskaSeria #UsaSeria #UsaEarthquakeSeria #UsaEarthquakesSeria #NorthAmericaEarthquakeSeria #ArcticaEarthquakeSeria #ArcticaEarthquakesSeria #25December2019seria #25DecemberSeria #2019DecemberSeria #2019WednesdaySeria #WednesdayDecemberSeria #WednesdaySeria (Anchorage, Alaska) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6f7zTkh4N0ahLeiXVQlZxHEe6XDBZG7Dm12OQ0/?igshid=14zf0dbqi1uot
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#RiversOfinstagram #MenomineeRiver #Menomini #River #Wisconsin #Michigan #UnitedStateOfAmerica🇺🇸 . @mypubliclands We continue to celebrate National Boating and Fishing Week! Next up: the islands along Wisconsin’s and Michigan’s Menominee River. These public islands tower above the Menominee's pools and rapids and provide dry campsites and stunning vistas. These islands add to the river's other attractions, including the sMenomineeRiverState Recreation Area and the sWildernessShores camping areas. The farthest island downstream is a heron rookery currently being restored by the Wisconsin and Michigan DNRs, the BLM, and several other partners. . #RiversSeria #WisconsinSeria #MichiganSeria #UsaRiversSeria #WisconsinRiversSeria #UsaSeria🇺🇸#MichiganRiversSeria #MenomineeRiverSeria #NorthAmericaRiversSeria #10June2018seria #10JuneSeria #2018JuneSeria #2018sundaySeria #SundayJuneSeria #SundaySeria (Menominee River)
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seismology550 · 6 years
#EruptionsOfinstagram #CordonCaulleVolcanoEruption #CordonCaulleVolcano #PuyehueCordonCaulleVolcano #04JuneEruptionSetia #JuneEruptionSeria #2011EruptionSeria #40southern #72western #Volcanoes #Eruption #VolcanoesOfinstagram Coordinates: 40°35′25″ S 72°07′02″W . Puyehue-Cordón Caulle. #StratovolcanoSeria 2012 CE Country Volcanic Region Primary Volcano Type Last Known Eruption 40.59°S 72.117°W. 2236 m. 7334 ft nombre 357150 Explosive phases ended in April 2012 and the rhyolitic dome continued to flow ~1 year later The rift zone eruption that began at Puyehue-Cordón Caulle on 4 June 2011 (BGVN 37:03) persisted through early 2012 and declined toward the end of 2012. Relative quiescence was observed through October 2013, which is the end of this reporting period. The Observatorio Volcanológico de Los Andes del Sur-Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (OVDAS-SERNAGEOMIN) maintained Red Alert (the highest level in a four-color scale) from 4 June 2011 to #23MarchSeria 2012; declining activity led to a downgrade in the Alert Level on 23 March 2012 to Orange, and then again on 24 April to Yellow. The status remained at Yellow until #16AugustSeria 2012, when it decreased to Green. Green Alert was maintained through the end of this reporting period of October 2013. Early stages of the eruption captured by remote sensing. Based on polar-orbiting satellites, scientists at the Montreal Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) were able to detect the volcanic ash cloud as it circled the southern hemisphere. Using a combination of infrared channels, five satellites contributed to a mosaic of data showing the wide dispersion of volcanic ash over the period of 4-6 June 2011 (figure 8). A mosaic created on 14 June 2011 captured the 4 June 2011 ash as it approached the Chilean coast while, at the same time, a new ash eruption was occurring at Puyehue-Cordón Caulle #CordonCaulleVolcanoSeria #CordonCaulleVolcanoEruptionSeria #ChileVolcanoesSeria #SouthAmericaVolcanoesEruptionSeria #SouthAmericaVolcanoesSeria #EruptionSeria #PuyehueCordonCaulleVolcanoSeria #VolcanoesSeria #04June2011seria #04JuneSeria #2011JuneSeria (Puyehue-Cordón Caulle)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#DaysOfinstagram #WorldOceanDay #OceanDay #DunyaOkyanusGunu #OkyanusGunu #Oceans #Okyanuslar #Ecosystem #EcosystemOfinstagram . Savor every moment // Maui, HI . . #SosyalGunlerSeria #SocialDaysSeria #HaziranGunleriSeria #JuneDaysSeria #JuneSeria #HaziranSeria #04HaziranSeria #WorldOceanDaySeria #OceanDaySeria #DunyaOkyanusGunuSeria #OkyanusGunuSeria #OceansSeria #OkyanuslarSeria #EcosystemSeria . #08June2018seria #08JuneSeria #2018FridaySeria #2018JuneSeria #FridayJuneSeria #FridaySeria (Big Beach, Makena State Park, Maui)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#EruptionsOfinstagram #VolcanoesOfinstagram #FuegoVolcano #AcatenangoVolcano #AntiguaCity #VolcanoFuego #VolcanAcetenango #Volcanoes #Eruption #Guatemala🇬🇹 #14northern #91western . regram @copernicus_eu On 3 June, Volcan de Fuego, in Southern Guatemala 🇬🇹, experienced a strong eruption, causing floods of lava and mud along with ash and ballistic (small rocks) emissions Here are the last Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰 images from 30 May, and a Sentinel5P showing UV aerosol index on 3 June 14.482777'N,-90.882777"W . #FuegoVolcanoSeria #AcatenangoVolcanoSeria #AntiguaCitySeria #VolcanoFuegoSeria #VolcanAcetenangoSeria #VolcanoesSeria #EruptionSeria #GuatemalaSeria🇬🇹 #GuatemalaVolcanoesSeria #GuatemalaVolcanoesEruptionSeria #FuegoVolcanoEriruptionSeria #CentralAmericaVolcanoesEruptionSeria #03JuneEruptionSeria #JuneEruptionSeria #2018EruptionSeria #CentralAmericaVolcanoesSeria . #03June2018seria #03JuneSeria 2018JuneSeria 2018sundaySeria SundayJuneSeria SundaySeria
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seismology550 · 6 years
#EruptionsOfinstagram #VolcanoesOfinstagram #FuegoVolcano #AcatenangoVolcano #AntiguaCity #VolcanoFuego #VolcanAcetenango #Volcanoes #Eruption #Guatemala🇬🇹 #14northern #91western . I can't even begin to imagine the turmoil and the struggles of the people effected by #fuego . My heart goes out to everybody there. To think I was just watching the volcano in person and staring in awe of its beauty and now I stare at videos with terror in my eyes. 14.482777'N,-90.882777"W . #FuegoVolcanoSeria #AcatenangoVolcanoSeria #AntiguaCitySeria #VolcanoFuegoSeria #VolcanAcetenangoSeria #VolcanoesSeria #EruptionSeria #GuatemalaSeria🇬🇹 #GuatemalaVolcanoesSeria #GuatemalaVolcanoesEruptionSeria #FuegoVolcanoEriruptionSeria #CentralAmericaVolcanoesEruptionSeria #CentralAmericaVolcanoesSeria . #04June2018seria #04JuneSeria #2018JuneSeria #2018MondaySeria #MondayJuneSeria #MondaySeria (Volcán de Fuego)
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seismology550 · 6 years
#WaterfallsOfinstagram #Waterfalls #Şelaleler #MurgulŞelalesi #MurgulDeliklikayaŞelalesi #DeliklikayaŞelalesi #KayaŞelalesi #MurgulWaterfalls #Artvin #Turkey🇹🇷. . #Selaleler #MurgulSelalesi #MurgulDeliklikayaSelalesi #DeliklikayaSelalesi #KayaSelalesiSeria #SelalelerSeria #MurgulSelalesiSeria #MurgulDeliklikayaSelalesiSeria #DeliklikayaSelalesiSeria #KayaSelalesiSeria #WaterfallsSeria #MurgulWaterfallsSeria #ArtvinSeria #ArtvinSelaleleriSeria #TurkeySeria🇹🇷 #TurkeyWaterfallsSeria #TurkiyeSelaleleriSeria . #04June2018seria #04JuneSeria #2018JuneSeria 2018MondaySeria MondayJuneSeria MondaySeria (Artvin Murgul Deliklitaş Şelalesi)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#islandsOfinstagram #NorthKurilislands #Kurilislands #Shumshuisland #Arcticislands #ArcticCircleislands #OhotskSeaislands #PacificOceanislands #Russia🇷🇺#51northern #156eastern . 50.750000"N ,156.350000"E #Shumshu #Шумшу #占守島 Shumushu #NorthKurilsBaikovo #FirstKurilskiyStrait #SecondKurilStrait #SakhalinOblast . #NorthKurilislandsSeria #KurilislandsSeria #ShumshuislandSeria #ArcticislandsSeria #ArcticCircleislandsSeria #PacificOceanislandsSeria #RussiaislandsSeri . #03June2018seria #03JuneSeria #2018JuneSeria #2018sundaySeria #SundayJuneSeria #SundaySeria (Shumshu)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#RiversOfinstagram #PlatanoRiver #RioPlatano #RioPlatanoBiosphereReserve #MosquitiaRegion #Honduras🇭🇳 #UnescoWorldHeritage #Rivers @unesco Recognize this river? 😉 A World Heritage site since 1982, Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve in Honduras is a conservation gem with archaeological and cultural values with numerous Pre-Columbian sites and petroglyphs found in the Mosquitia region. Many indigenous people such as the Pech, Tawahka, Miskito, and Garifuna call this biosphere home. The protection of biodiversity is also a protection of cultural heritage as many indigenous cultures around the globe live in high biological diversity regions. Many of our animal friends, native to this area, are endangered species such as the West Indian Manatee, Jaguar, Great Green Macaw, and the Guiana Crested Eagle. In its mountainous landscape sloping down to the Caribbean coast, over 2,000 indigenous people have preserved their traditional way of life. Indigenous peoples in the Mosquitia continue to have a close relationship with their natural environment expressed in myths, beliefs, practices, and knowledge. During @UNESCO's Latin America week, help us celebrate Latin America and the Caribbean's unique cultural and natural heritage. #UNESCOseria #HondurasRiversSeria #BiosphereReserveSeria #CentralAmericaRiversSeria #PlatanoRiverSeria #RioPlatanoSeria #RioPlatanoBiosphereReserveSeria #MosquitiaRegionSeria #HondurasSeria🇭🇳 #UnescoWorldHeritageSeria #RiversSeria . #01June2018seria #01JuneSeria #2018JuneSeria #2018saturdaySeria #SaturdayJuneSeria #SaturdaySeria (Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#NewZealandOfinstagram #Nortisland #Southisland #islands #TasmanSea #PacificOcean #NewZealand🇳🇿.#Wellington #Auckland #Christchurch . regram @amapaday High resolution satellite image of New Zealand. ➖ “View of sediment from New Zealand flowing in the Pacific Ocean. The volume of sediment in the water hints at rough seas. Distinctive plumes arise from pulsing rivers, while the halo of turquoise around both islands is likely sediment swept up to the ocean surface by powerful waves. The plumes fan out and fade from tan to green and blue with water depth and distance from the shore. The Cook Strait, the narrow strip of water separating the North and South Islands of New Zealand, has a reputation for being among the world’s roughest stretches of water. The islands lie within the “Roaring Forties,” a belt of winds that circles the globe around 40 degrees south. The westerlies hit the islands side on and run into the mountain ranges. The Cook Strait is the only opening for the winds, so the channel becomes something of a wind tunnel. Strong winds produce high waves, and they erode the shore as shown in the image.” ➖ By Nasa, 29 April 2011 ➖ Like my posts? A map a day is made possible by lots of coffee. Buy me a cup here: ko-fi.com/amapaday (clickable link in my bio) ➖ #NewZealandSeria🇳🇿 #NortislandSeria #SouthislandSeria #WellingtonSeria #AucklandSeria #ChristchurchSeria #TasmanSeaSeria #PacificOceanSeria #islandsSeria #TasmanSeaislandsSeria #PacificOceanislandsSeria #SouthPacificOceanislandsSeria . #30May2018seria #30MaySeria #2018MaySeria #2018WednesdaySeria #WednesdayMaySeria #WednesdaySeria (Wellington, New Zealand)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#RiversOfinstagram #TijuanaRiver #Rivers #BorderFieldStatePark #SouthernCalifornia #PacificOcean #California #UnitedStateOfAmerica🇺🇸. . regram @noaaocean The Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve offers dramatic views, like the one seen here, but that’s just one of the great things about this place. It preserves one of the largest remaining coastal wetland habitats in southern California, with habitats that support eight threatened and endangered species of plants and birds. It also contains a visitor’s center with activities, programs, and exhibits, and Border Field State Park, which offers picnic and barbecue areas, horse corrals, educational panels, and outdoor activities. There are 22 miles of hiking trails in the reserve, including numerous horseback riding trails in the state park that run along the Pacific Ocean. Visit https://coast.noaa.gov/nerrs/ to learn more. . #TijuanaRiverSeria #RiversSeria #BorderFieldStateParkSeria #SouthernCaliforniaSeria #PacificOceanSeria #CaliforniaSeria #UsaSeria🇺🇸. #SouthernCaliforniaRiversSeria #PacificOceanRiversSeria #CaliforniaRiversSeria #UsaRiversSeria🇺🇸. #NorthPacificOceanRiversSeria #NorthAmericaRiversSeria . #30May2018seria #30MaySeria #2018MaySeria #2018WednesdaySeria #WednesdayMaySeria #WednesdaySeria (Tijuana River Valley Regional Park)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#VolcanoesOfinstagram #islandsOfinstagram #ileWerung or #Lembataisland #LembataVolcano #PulauLembata #Volcanoes #LembataislandVolcano #NusaTenggaraTimor #indonesia🇮🇩 Ile Werung, Lembata island -on indonesia’s volcanoes . #ileWerungSeria #LembataislandSeria #LembataSeria #PulauLembataSeria #LembataislandVolcanoSeria #NusaTenggaraTimorSeria #indonesiaSeria🇮🇩 #indonesiaVolcanoesSeria #AsiaVolcanoesSeria #VolcanoesSeria . #29May2018seria #29MaySeria #2018MaySeria #2018TuesdaySeria #TuesdayMaySeria #TuesdaySeria (Lembata Island)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#BaysOfinstagram #GulfsOfinstagram #GökovaKörfezi #GokovaBay #GokovaGulf Gulfs Bays Korfezler #Gökova #Muğla #Turkey🇹🇷 #AegeanSea . #GokovaKorfeziSeria #GokovaBaySeria #GokovaGulfSeria #GulfsSeria #BaysSeria #KorfezlerSeria #GokovaSeria #MuglaSeria #TurkeySeria🇹🇷 #AegeanSeaSeria #AegeanSeaGulfsSeria #AegeanSeaBaysSeria #EgeDeniziKorfezleriSeria #TurkiyeKorfezleriSeria #TurkeyBaysSeria #TurkeyGulfsSeria #MuglaKorfezleriSeria #MuglaGulfsSeria #MuglaBaysSeria . #29May2018seria #29MaySeria Tuesday
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seismology550 · 6 years
#EruptionOfinstagram #KilaueaVolcano #Kilauea #Volcano #Eruption #lava May 20 2018 #Bigisland #Hawaii #Hawaiiislands #69NwSeria #69Mseria #54Mseria #19northern #155western Location 19.46 N ; 155.16 W . regram @abcnews Lava is seen erupting from a fissure in Puna, Hawaii, as residents in surrounding areas are told to evacuate immediately due to fast-moving lava flow. lava volcano kilauea . #KilaueaVolcanoSeria Pele Hilo #BigislandSeria Puna Leilani #leilaniestateseruption #BigislandVolcanoesSeria #LavaFlow #LeilaniEstates #LavaSeria #HawaiiislandsSeria #HawaiiVolcanoesSeria #VolcanoesSeria #EruptionSeria #KilaueaVolcanoEruptionSeria #MayEruptionSeria #2018EruptionSeria #28May2018seria #28MaySeria Sunday (Kilauea Volcano)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#ReefsOfinstagram #GreatBarrierReef #BarrierReef #Reefs #Queensland #Australia🇦🇺. . regram @australia Just in case you needed a little reminder of how beautiful the GreatBarrierReef is, here's one from just a few days ago 😍 @justinjamespictures took this photo when flying over the @gbrmarinepark in the @whitsundaysqld with @helireef. To see the reef from the air is really one of the best ways to comprehend its size and scale; it stretches for 2,300 kilometres along the coast of @queensland. Photo: @justinjamespictures #gbrmarinepark . #GreatBarrierReefSeria #BarrierReefSeria #ReefSeria #QueenslandSeria #QueenslandReefsSeria #AustraliaReefsSeria #AustraliaSeria🇦🇺. . #26May2018seria #26MaySeria #2018MaySeria #2018saturdaySeria #SaturdayMaySeria #SaturdaySeria (Queensland)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#BelizeOfinstagram #AtollsOfinstagram The #HalfMoonCaye Natural Monument (HMCNM) is located at the southeast corner of #LighthouseReefAtoll. Lighthouse Reef #Atoll is the furthest of #Belize🇧🇿’s three atolls from the mainland, and one of only four such atolls in the #WesternHemisphere. The atoll is an asymmetric rimmed platform, entirely surrounded by a fringing reef rising to the surface. Inside this fringing reef is a lagoon speckled with hundreds of coral patches which is known for its high density and diversity of corals and fishes. The History of #HalfMoonCayeNaturalMonument It all started with the Boobies! In 1928, the western end of Half Moon Caye was gazetted as a crown reserve bird sanctuary under the #CrownLandOrdinance to protect the habitat of the Red-footed Booby (Sula sula), making it Belize’s oldest site for wildlife protection. In 1971, the Belize Audubon Society successfully lobbied the Government of Belize to expand the Reserve by acquiring five private lots on Half Moon Caye. Dr. Craig MacFarland of Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Enseñanza (CATIE) acquired funding from conservation societies to purchase additional private lots. On October 20, 1979 the #CrownReserve was expanded to include the entire caye and part of the surrounding sea and reef. . #LighthouseReefAtollSeria #AtollsSeria #CrownReserveSeria #HalfMoonCayeSeria #CayeSeria #BelizeSeria🇧🇿 #HalfMoonCayeNaturalMonumentSeria #BelizeAtollsSeria #CentralAmericaAtollsSeria #CaribbeanSeaAtallsSeria . #26May2018seria #26MaySeria #2018MaySeria #2018saturdaySeria #SaturdayMaySeria #SaturdaySeria (Half Moon Caye, Belize)
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seismology550 · 6 years
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#LakesOfInstagram #VolcanoesOfinstagram #CinderConeVolcano #MinorVolcano #ArizaroLake #SalarDeArizaro, #SaltaProvince #Volcano #Lakes #Argentina🇦🇷 #25southern #67western -24.725000"s ,-67.673611"w . regram @ladzinski From the car it looked like a mirage, blurredly wobbling in the distance from the heat reflecting off of the desert. As we drew in closer however it was an even stranger site; a giant cinder cone isolated in the SalarDeArizaro salt flat towering at roughly 400 feet tall. Our guide explained that it’s actually a minor volcano, one that never had the power to erupted. It’s considered sacred to the local Aymara people and a surreal geological feature to see at any angle. I shot this vertical pano here from roughly 1,500 feet above the desert floor with a @djiglobal phantom 4 pro, seeing it from this unique vantage really shows the isolation and contrast of this incredible Cinder Cone . #CinderConeVolcanoSeria! #MinorVolcanoSeria #ArizaroLakeSeria #SalarDeArizaroSeria, #SaltaProvinceSeria #VolcanoesSeria #LakesSeria #ArgentinaSeria🇦🇷 #TropicOfCapricornLakesSeria #TropicOfCapricornVolcanoesSeria #ArgentinaVolcanoesSeria #ArgentinaLakesSeria #SaltaRegionLakesSeria #SaltaRegionVolcanoesSeria . #26May2018seria #26MaySeria #2018MaySeria #2018saturdaySeria SaturdayMaySeria SaturdaySeria (Salar de Arizaro)
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