seizingthecarpe-blog · 12 years
It's Sunday night. Usually I'm doing some last minute homeworking. Or I'm watching an episode of Community. Or both. 
But this Sunday was different. Besides seeing one of my favourite (Top 7) bands (Metronomy) in concert, front row and making some serious eye contact with the cuteness that is the keyboardist, I also went to a bar. I know what you're thinking. "Wooooow! I'm so jealous, I heard those are like supper rare !".
I never go to bars. I'm technically not allowed to because I'm not eighteen. Oh my god ! Under age drinking :O (I will be deleting this post before I get famous). But my friends wanted to so why not peanut. And then I find out that Keith's beer is a mere 4$. Oh no...this is going to be a long night. My friend Larietta (her name has obviously been changed, you think I'd be friends with a girl called Larietta?) likes drinking. A lot. And she's generous when she's drunk too. So she just kept buying me beers. And I'm lightweight. There's a story right there ! So I'm drinking and singing along to the cheesy music. But I'm one of those drunks who laughs. A lot. No but you don't understand. I make hyenas look like Stalin. When you're drunk aaaaanything is funny. I, myself, took the liberty of getting out of my chair, sitting down with my knees bent next to my friend (what's a good fake name?...Hmmm...) Caramelia (IT EXISTS !). I edge over to her ever so slightly and then whisper into her ear:
"I'm a hobbit."
(I bet he thinks he's a hobbit)
So when I'm drunk I make "Lord of the Rings" references. That's pretty cool actually. AND THEN, to cap it all, the rather good looking guitarist with whom I had exchanged a fair few looks with throughout the night gave me his number. Like his phone number. Like
But you know what? I ain't gonna text him. 
Anywhoodles. Enough sharing my lurid love life with my English teacher (Hello Mrs. Walser !). Whenever I go out and drink with my friends, stuff happens. I would say "shit" but it's not always bad. Although I did drunk text my friend telling her that ever since she got a boyfriend she changed...So yeah, I guess you could say that shit happens when I drink. But I also have a lot of fun. So where's the balance? Do the two just cancel out in the end? Would've I been better to have stayed at home watching "Community" in the comfort of my home? I know not. I had "a night to remember," but that doesn't always imply that it was good. Technically, I remember the night my aunt died but it doesn't mean it was good. Wow..this post has taken a dark turn....Anywhoodles. Basically, I'm confused. My generation seems determined to repress their mistakes and issues by getting shit faced and then saying that, despite the mind-shattering hangover, "it was like toooootally worth it and like amazing". 
Seize the carpe, drink responsibly. 
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seizingthecarpe-blog · 12 years
What is the point of doing this?
That's what my friend Nina asked me when I told her that for my next blog post I will do the ginger challenge. 
The ginger challenge is exactly like the cinnamon challenge but, you guessed it, with ginger. 
I have watched many people suffer through the cinnamon challenge on YouTube. So of course, I knew that I had to try this, but with a my own twist.
Why ginger? Why not turmeric or all spices or ground pepper (I pity the poor soul who tries that one) ? Well...
1) Why not?
2) I laaaaaaawve gingah ! 
3) I looove gingerbread lattes at Starbucks, but that one isn't really related.
How, you may ask, is doing the "ginger challenge" at all related to "seizing the carpe". Life (oh no...here comes a cliche) is about those fun little moments that you never forget. Plus, this makes good table conversation:
"I've eaten a tablespoon of ground ginger. What have you done?!"
So it begins...
I strategically put "Psychotic Girl" by The Black Keys (of course) on in the background so that people will think that I am cool and clever because I listen to Blues Rock. 
I film it for my friends who sadly were unable to attend this epic moment in my life. I put the ginger in a tablespoon. I hesitate. You don't have to do this, I say to myself, you have nothing to prove to anyone. Hey what the heck ! You only live once. 
The first moments aren't that bad. I even wonder what makes this so hard. But then I realize that the whole of the challenge is to swallow and not just to put a nice tablespoon in one's mouth. 
I swallow. Scratch that. I attempt to swallow. Allas, no water=no swallow. Remember that kids ! Although there is a tinsy-winsy bit of it on my tongue which I use to clump the ginger into a little ball which I can then swallow. But I'm outnumbered. They've encircled me. But I'm a fighter so I can do this. I bite through the taste, a cloud of ginger escapes my mouth. Some of it clings to my eyeball. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu !
I swallow the ginger. I drink water. It's all over now. Was that worth it? 
At least my mouth tastes like India.
Seize the carpe, do something stupid and pointless that will not make you any the more wiser but instead will fill you with regret and dirty your keyboard.
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seizingthecarpe-blog · 13 years
Don't worry sweety, it's just a movie. Psychos don't actually exist in real life.
Let's start off with a generalization: Most people shower every or every other day.
That's just how it is. Unless of course you're in South America or Africa or some parts of Asia or the Middle East, basically everywhere except the West. And even then. 
As they say in french "BREF". 
So showering is a peculiar experience to me. We do it almost every day. We're naked. Alone (at least I am) . It can last between 2-20 minutes, depending on whether you're a woman or a man generally. And most of us also sing. It seems. Why? 
I have no friggin' clue. But I say sing ! Sing ! Sing !
What U love to do is plug my iPod into my stereo and bring it into the bathroom. Then I make possibly the most difficult decision of the day: What album do I pick? I could choose one really long song like Stairway to Heaven but I can't be sure that I'll be done showering in 8 minutes. I mean, imagine this, I'm in the middl of lathering up my hair with lavender-scented conditioner when suddenly the song finishes and I have nothing left to sing along to. I can't just get out of the shower and wet my iPod yet I can't be devoid of music from the time that I rinse until the time I'm done showering. What to do?
I dunno. Figure it out yourself. 
What I'm trying to say is chose an awesome pawesome album to sing/dance to in he shower (my favorite right now is "El Camino" by The Black Keys or "London Calling" by I-can't-believe-you're-asking-me-that).
What will happen is your daily routine will go from boring to boogie-woogie awesome pawesome on the awesome scale. If you dance and sing in the shower I guarantee you will feel better*. 
Seize the carpe, sing and dance in the shower.
P.S In the likely incident that you fall in the shower, don't sue me because you were just being stupid.
*Sarah Foulkes makes no guarantee of validity
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seizingthecarpe-blog · 13 years
Seize the gold on the ceiling
I don't know exactly what Dan and Pat meant when they wrote "Gold On The Ceiling" but damn it's an awesome song. For those too unfortunate to have not experienced pure awesomeness (or for those who prefer a more graphic image, eargasms), Dan and Pat are the two members of the blues/alternative/garage/ rock band from Akron, Ohio. "Gold On The Ceiling" is the 3rd track on their latest album entitled "El Camino". They are awesome. Check them out (or else I will kill your family).
Tuesday, March 13th (yesterday) I went to see them in concert. Don't worry, I know how awesomely lucky I am. But not only did I see them in concert with the awe inspiring "Arctic Monkeys" from Sheffield, I got to see them (and this is the part that kills) for freeeee.
You may be wondering why you hate me and why I'm, and I quote, "a lucky bitch". Well dear my friends, I know people. I have contacts in the biz'.
Actually, I'm just friends with someone who's Mum knows people. Not so glamourous after all :-(
For many months leading up to concert I fantasized about being brought up on stage and then hanging out with the two bands afterwards and then after their realization of my awesomeness and uniqueness they all fight each other over who gets to date me. And then me and the winner get married and have lots of babies. 
No I am not Glenn Close from "Fatal Attraction".
The funny thing about rock concerts is that I get so excited and so into the music, but I also get really uncomfortable. There's almost always a mosh pit (this time two of my friends started it despite my plea). You get pushed around, your toes get stepped on, your arms get tired, your throat gets dry, your hair gets messy, your legs get tired, your ears ring...All of this, yet it's still friggin' awesome ! And so worth it ! Sure it can be painful, but hopefully if you're going to see a great band, it's more than worth it.
One day, I will gladly tick "crowd surfing at a rock concert" off of my bucket list. 
As the ancient saying goes "Seize the carpe, go to a rock concert"
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seizingthecarpe-blog · 13 years
Music = Awesome
When my day is feeling particularly uneventful, or just plain sad, I like to bob my head along to a few happy tunes. 
I thought I'd share a few with you. I am known among my friends to be the one who listens to depressing music and watches depressing films. Yet I am so cheerful and enthusiastic most of the time. Music, like countless others, has a hug effect on my mood and my day. If I listen to all of "In Utero" or a Joy Division album, I get very unhappy and grumpy. So I always need those songs infected with a contagious beat and a buttercup voice.
So without further ado, I present to you my selection:
"I'm Sticking With You" by The Velvet Underground. 
"West Coast" by Coconut Records
"5 Years Time" by Noah and the Whale
"Shuffle" by Bombay Bicycle Club
And Finally...
"Young Folks" by Peter, Bjorn and John
What's interesting about these songs is that despite their cheery and catchy tune, most of them, in terms of their lyrical content, aren't that happy. "West Coast" is about desperately missing someone.
"5 Years Time" is prophesying the end of a relationship and the possibility that in 5 years time "[they] may not get along". In many ways its bitter sweet because the relationship is going very well yet the narrator still can't help thinking about what the future might entail.
I think "Shuffle" is about how we shuffle (see what I did there) our feelings for one another, which isn't very merry happy.
But the message I think we should take from these songs is that, no matter how cheesy and hard it is, making the best of our situation is important. 
So in future, remain blindly unaware of the true meaning of the lyrics and just sing along without a care in the world.
Seize the carpe, listen to cheery music.
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seizingthecarpe-blog · 13 years
Tumblr media
I know what you were all thinking when you saw the title of my blog: "She is sooooo awesome and clever and smart to have come up with a title as witty as that ! I wish I were her."
Alas, the true origins of my awesome title have been revealed. 
But I'm still awesome right? Right...?....
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seizingthecarpe-blog · 13 years
Valentine's Day: either you love it or hate it or you feel indifferent about it
Yes, I am single. 
Yes, all of my close friends have boyfriends.
But I'm ok about it....really...I'm fine. 
Last Tuesday was Valentine's Day. I usually dread this "holiday". My parents never celebrate it so neither do I. Who says you need an excuse to express your love for someone? You should do it everyday!
I was perfectly content to ignore this celebration as I usually do. But this year, my school had organized rather a lot. Firstly, you could get pretend married and receive a ring-pop and a certificate as proof of your union. Secondly, you could empty your wallet for your loved one by buying them a rose. Pffft!
I hate this holiday. I wish it could just go away. I think I hate it so much because from one year to the next I could go from hating it to loving it, all depending on my relationship status. I'm sure that if I was head-over-heels (by the way, what does that even mean!? "Head over heels". What? You're so in love that you have this fantastic idea to try out a gymnastic move in heels? Is it a karma sutra pose?). What was I saying?....Pfft...nevermind.
But this year is different. This year I decided to seize the day and make this day fun despite it sucking! So on Saturday evening, when the moon and the stars were glowing in the dark sky, I proposed to my friend. By text. 
She (yes I said she) happens to be single. Of course she accepted. I mean, who could resist a young and dashing pseudo-hunk like me? 
We had planned to meet at the "Papercut room" before the ceremony. I arrived at 12h45 sharp. But she wasn't there...:-(
I waited 5 minutes. Still nothing. I texted her. No reply. I called her up. No answer. Ohhh nooo! Had I got stood up!? Had she done a runaway bride on me?! This was going to be the worst Valentine's day ever. And I wasn't even going to get a ring-pop! 
Suddenly, out of a crowd of asians appeared my one, my only, my future wife! Cue Etta James' "At Last". I don't know how long we hugged for, but it felt like hours. 
She came with bad news. We wouldn't be able to get married just yet. She had "Papercut" (the school newspaper) meeting. But she assured me it wouldn't take long. 
30 minutes later we were walking to the Asian Lounge which is where we were to be married. 
Oh sh*t.
For one, I had never seen as many Caucasians in the asian lounge before.But more importantly...HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET MARRIED?! 
There were just too many people...I had a meeting with a teacher at 1h45. And it was already 1h35...
Oh well... and I was so excited! I'd never been married before.
But my friend the optimist persuaded me to wait in line all the same. "You never know. Miracles happen" she told me. Pffft.
After ten minutes of waiting in line, I had had enough. I was going to be late for my teacher and not even get a ring pop. This was really going to be the worst Valentine's day ever.
But wait...by some Mmmmmiracle the group in front of us had opted for polygamy and all 10 were getting married. THANK YOU JESUS!
We were next in line. I glanced at the clock. 1h46. Coooome on people!
Finally it was our turn. My heart was pounding. Maybe it was because I was nervous but maybe it was because I was so excited about spending the rest of my life with her. 
We fought over who got over who got to hold the bouquet, not a great start. 
Our vows were shouted out like squeaking chipmunks and improvised like my math tests in high school. As soon as the ceremony was finished I dived for the ring-pops. But I didn't want to look too desperate, people might actually think that I only got married so that I could get a ring-pop. Pfffft!
I ran up the staircases in flash for my teacher's office. He arrived 5 minutes after me. 
I learned that evening form my friends that their days weren't nearly as awesome as mine. One of my friends wasn't allowed to see her boyfriend because she had a test the next day. Another one got tacky lingerie form hers. And another friend spent 100 bucks on his gift and got chocolates in return.
Moral of the story:
1) Legalize gay marriage.
2)Never believe someone who tells you that something will only last a few minutes because it'll actually last an hour and you might miss your wedding.
3) Seize the carpe.
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seizingthecarpe-blog · 13 years
Make your lives extraordinary
I wonder how often I've heard this expression. "Seize the day" or for those who like to sound exotic "Carpe Diem". It must be the first latin phrase I heard. I believe the first time I encountered this two word phenomenon was in "Archie Double Digest". And I don't even read Archie! Being a child, I asked my parents what these weird looking words meant. They told that it meant to "Make the best of each day before its over". Or something to that effect. Since then, I have seen it in books, films, Facebook status's and even people's wrists.
Everyone is so terrified of leading an unfulfilled life. And that includes me. I have this image of me on my death-bed flipping through the pages of my life, and wondering whether it was worth it. 
So you may be wondering. What is the point of this blog, if there even is one. The answer to this question comes in two parts. 
-Firstly, this is for an English project. I don't actually really like blogs to be honest, unless they have something interesting to say and they're not about a 14 year old high school kid complaining about how much homework he or she has. But I suppose that's just like anything.
-Secondly, the overall theme of this blog which I will do my best to maintain throughout , is about me seizing the day. Every week, I will do something that I have never done before. Indeed, that is rather a lot. They will not be grandiose events that involve me risking my life but small "challenges". Indeed, my aim is to do things that seem pointless but that I'll remember, hopefully, forever :-D
My plan isn't quite fleshed out yet so it must confusing. Hopefully overtime this will all make sense.
Don't forget to seize the carpe!
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seizingthecarpe-blog · 13 years
Carpe Diem (a.k.a the most overused phrase EVER)
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