selfietaken · 6 years
oh i’m back?!
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selfietaken · 6 years
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) 💔 - past relationship 💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💟 - friends with benefits ❤ - romantic relationship
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selfietaken · 6 years
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selfietaken · 6 years
agjhfa i really want to do a superhero verse right now ;-;
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selfietaken · 6 years
lit if someone used asl to talk to charlie she’d be so happy ;___;
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selfietaken · 6 years
She watched Rocky happily sniff at the stranger, a rare smile forming.
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“ I think he likes you. ”
for @betterdcyz
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selfietaken · 6 years
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selfietaken · 6 years
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i could do replies and make starters and do a verse page... or i could start a new fbw playthrough.
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selfietaken · 6 years
‘ and they were roommates ! ’
don’t say it don’t say it.
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“ oh my god they were ROOMMATES. ”
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selfietaken · 6 years
fifty vine starter sentences for when it’s 3am
‘ NOT ON MY WATCH. ’ ‘ you thought it was over? … ha. ’ ‘ pepsi bottle? coca cola glass? i don’t give a damn. ’ ‘ aa … aaa …. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ’ ‘ so you just gon’ bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift? ’ ‘ why are you running? why are you running? ’ ‘ just because my parents won’t let me get makeup, or piercings, doesn’t make me a fucking preppy. fuck preppies. ’ ‘ god first. skating second. hit me up on christian mingle. ’ ‘ welcome back to me screaming … AAAAAAAAAAA- ’ ‘ oh my gosh, is that corbin bleu from jump in? ’ ‘ it’s me, jessie, and ari, if he … if they test me they sorry. ’ ‘ okay guys … i’m about to say a curse word, you ready? … shut up! ’ ‘ on all levels except physical, i am a wolf. ’ ‘ i thought you were bae! … turns out you’re just fam… ’ ‘ i mean … you’re so tall, you must have a problem. ’ ‘ i sneezed, oh, i’m not allowed to sneeze? ’ ‘ sorry i’m on the toilet, hope the ice cream don’t melt! ’ ‘ oh my fuckin’ god, she fuckin’ dead. ’ ‘ I’M A BAD BITCH YOU CAN’T KILL ME! ’ ‘ we all die, you either kill yourself or get killed. ’ ‘ hey, my name is ____, i got a basketball game tomorrowwww, i’m a point guard. ’ ‘ i’m washing me and my clothes, bitch! i’m washing me and my clothes.. ’ ‘ MY DICK FELL OFF! ’ ‘ THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN’T FUCKING LOVE YOU. ’ ‘ so no head? ’ ‘ yogurt is just fruit sperm! and i’m not gay. ’ ‘ hi, welcome to chili’s. ’ ‘ that’s what good pussy sounds like. ’ ‘ stop saying i look like chicken little. he’s dumb, and he’s a coward. and i am NOT  a coward! ’ ‘ if your name is ____ and you’re really handsome, come on raise your hand! ’ ‘ bitch! why you mad? ‘cause my pussy pops severely, and yours don’t?! ’ ‘ merry crisis. ’ ‘ i love you bitch. i ain’t gonna ever stop loving you …. bitch. ’ ‘ what up? i’m ____, i’m nineteen, and i never fuckin’ learned how to read. ’ ‘ this bitch empty! YEET! ’ ‘ and they were roommates ! ’ ‘ is that a weed?! i’m calling the police! ’ ‘ today my brother pushed me so i am starting a kickstarter to put him down. the benefits of killing him would be: i would get pushed way less. ’ ‘ it is wednesday my dudes …. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- ’ ‘ i won’t hesitate, bitch! ’ ‘ welcome to bible study, we’re all children of JESUS! ’ ‘ i spilled lipstick in your valentino bag. ’ ‘ you are my dad, you’re my dad! boogie woogie woogie. ’ ‘ i got two free tacos! ’ ‘ road work ahead? uh, yeah, i sure hope it does! ’ ‘ turn off the flash, you fucking moron. ’ ‘ get that education bro! GET THAT EDUCATION BRO! ’ ‘ yes, she is a bitch. b i c t … h. ’ ‘ ohhh shit, what is that? who you fightin’? ’ ‘ don’t fuck with me! i have the power of god and anime on my side! ’
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selfietaken · 6 years
the lack of protest made him narrow his eyes, almost skeptical of how easy that was. People in this town didn’t like to make things easy. he held the camera up, waiting for her to get out of the shot he wanted.
he knew it was TOO GOOD to be true. didn’t she have better things to do than bug him about obvious things? the picture was snapped, craig crouching down to get a different angle as he spoke, ❛ fulfilling my life time dream of being a ballerina. what’s it look like i’m doing? ❜ a glance aside was when he noticed the dog. his fingers tightened against the camera and he canted his head a fraction, bringing it around to take a picture of the large canine.
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❛ he’s photogenic. ❜
" I know that, ” her eyes rolled, watching him crouch. Wouldn’t even make a good ballerina. “ You’re just taking photos for fun? ”
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There was a brief moment where she just stared off, looking at the surroundings. Steel eyes spared a glance back at him, & Charlie was mildly surprised to see the camera trained on Rocky. She perked up a little at that. Always fond of any attention he received, she looked at the giant pup; who was smiling at the camera, panting softly.
“ You can pet him if you want.” 
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selfietaken · 6 years
          ❛ move. ❜ ever the charmer, craig’s statement was no polite request, but rather an impatient demand as he stood off to the side. in his hands he loosely held a camera, his grip potentially haphazard if not for the strap ‘round his neck to keep it in place on the off chance of butter fingers. a sigh rippled through his lanky form as he graced her with enough decency to offer further explanation, ❛ you’re in the way of my shot. ❜
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She nodded, obliging him and moving out the way. Starring in her usual manner, she tried to see what was even worth capturing. Glance switching between him, the camera and the area, thin shoulders eventually shrugged. “ What’re you doing? ” Almost unblinking, she waited for the answer, grip on her dog’s leash pulling tighter as the St. Bernard tried to get closer to Craig.
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selfietaken · 6 years
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“ Remember superheroes and... fantasy kingdom? ” Charlie took a few fries, shoving them in her mouth as she stared at him. “ The dumb kid games. ” She shook the box at Cartman, an offer to share - she never finished her own food anyway. “ Should’ve done ninjas. Or cowboys. ”
for @imnotjustsureimhivpositive
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selfietaken · 6 years
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She tilted her head in questioning, frowning a tad. Looking at the other, she watched... whatever he was doing in curiosity. Still typing on her phone without looking down, she moved up to him, tapping his shoulder and furrowing her brows, trying to get her question across. The hell are you doing?
for @lessongain
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selfietaken · 6 years
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“ D’you want my sandwich? ” She supposed she ought not to complain, it was nice of her mother to give her one everytime she went out - if overbearing. But the smell always made her nauseous, and mom always forgot that. Tugging at her dog’s leash to keep him from trying to snatch the food, she held her hand out to the boy. “ Don’t like tuna. ”
for @ratdrag​ 
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selfietaken · 6 years
‘  when will you learn? when will you learn that your actionS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!  ’ ‘  can i get a waffle??? can i PLEASE get a waffle!!!  ’ ‘  go suck a dick, suck a dick suck a motherfucking dick  ’ ‘  you better stop! biTCH STOP  ’ ‘  do you ever like wake up and do something and you’re just like what the hec– fuck is goin on  ’ ‘  what’s good, brah you don’t know me! you don’t– WHAT IS GOOD! YOU DON’T KNOW! YOU DON’T KNOW ME! ’ ‘  it’s summer i got my hat on backwards and it’s time to fucking party  ’ ‘  anyone ever tell you you look like beyonce?  ’ ‘  I LOVE YOU, BITCH. I AIN’T EVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BITCH  ’ ‘  BITCH I HOPE THE FUCK YOU DO YOU’LL BE A DEAD SON OF A BITCH, I TELL YOU THAT  ’ ‘  and they were roommates!  ’ ‘  oh my god, they were roommates  ’ ‘  oh my god, i love chipotle chipotle is my liiiiife   ’ ‘  this bitch empty YEET!!!!  ’ ‘  WHERE ARE THOOOOOSE  ’ ‘  THEY ARE MY CROCS  ’ ‘  bitch disgusting  ’ ‘  yeaaah. yeAAAAAH.  ’ ‘  so no head?  ’ ‘  THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN’T FUCKING LOVE YOU!  ’ ‘  i’ll kill you. i’ll kill you. i’m not even worried about it.  ’ ‘  ahh, fuck. i can’t believe you’ve done this  ’ ‘  aHH STOP! i could’ve dropped my croissant!  ’ ‘  what’s up me and my boys are going to see uncle kracker  ’ ‘  give me my hat back, jordan!  ’ ‘  do you wanna go see uncle kracker or no!?  ’ ‘  i sneezed! oh, i’m not allowed to sneeze?!  ’ ‘  look at all those chickens  ’ ‘  i smell like beef  ’ ‘  i gotta go home cause i forgot to… vacuum my room  ’ ‘  actually, megan, i can’t sit anywhere. i have hemorrhoids.  ’ ‘  is there anything better than pussy? yes! a really good book  ’ ‘  mom, i’m peein on myself  ’ ‘  sorry, i’m on the toilet. i hope the ice cream don’t melt, bitch  ’ ‘  honestly i don’t remember, i was probably fucked up. yeah, i was crazy back then  ’ ‘  I WON’T HESITATE, BITCH!  ’ ‘  just shut up and die slowly, okay?  ’ ‘  two bros chillin in a hot tub five feet apart cause they’re not gay!  ’ ‘  mother trucker, dude! that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick!  ’ ‘  i said WHOEVER THREW THAT PAPER, YOUR MOMS A HO  ’ ‘  you remember one time i liked you? GOOD! cause it never happened  ’ ‘  if your name is junior and you’re really handsome, come on raise your hand  ’ ‘  i’M WASHIN ME AND MY CLOTHES, BITCH! I’M WASHING ME AND MY CLOTHES  ’ ‘  waddup i’m jared, i’m nineteen, and i never fucking learned how to read  ’ ‘  whAT THE FUCK IS UP, KYLE? NO WHAT’D YOU SAY? WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE! STEP THE FUCK UP KYLE  ’ ‘  oh my god why can’t you just take the fricken compliMENT  ’ ‘  is that a wEED? i’m callin the police!!!  ’ ‘  yo, drink this vodka down the hatch c’mon  ’ ‘  it is wednesday, my dudes. aaaaAAAAAAH  ’ ‘  there is only one thing worst than a rapist… a child!  ’ ‘  get to del taco, they got a new thing called fre shavocado  ’ ‘  *to the tune of ghostbusters* i’m an adult virgin  ’ ‘  hi my name is tre, i have a basketball game tomorrooooow  ’ ‘  babeyou’reafuckingbitchiwantyoutogetthefuckoutofmycarcauseiwannabreakupwithyou i fucking hate you   ’ ‘  todays forecast we can clearly see that somebody got me fucked up. FUCKED. UP.  ’ ‘  whAT’S UP FUCKERS  ’ ‘  FUCK YOU, THAT’S WHY  ’ ‘  he needs some milk!  ’ ‘  you are my dad. YOU’RE MY DAD! boogie woogie woogie  ’ ‘  yEAH NO SHIT, HONEY  ’ ‘  oooooh my boy going to prom. fuck it up! fuck it up! fuck it up!  ’ ‘  hey, how you doin? i’m doing just fine. i lied. i’m dying inside  ’ ‘  honey, you got a big storm comin  ’ ‘  i wanna fucking DIE  ’ ‘  road work ahead? uh yeah i sure hope it does  ’ ‘  the yo-yo master did not answer, he just kept on yo-ing  ’ ‘  welcome back to me screaming  ’ ‘  you know sometimes i think to myself what are you waiting for you dumb stupid fuuuuuuck!  ’ ‘  do you ever shut the fuck up?  ’
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selfietaken · 6 years
iconic vines sentence meme .
​❛ suck a motherfucking dick . ❜
​❛ i thought you were bae , turns out you were just fam . ❜
​❛ i thought you were american . ❜
​❛ is that a weed !? ❜
​❛ i won’t hesitate bitch ! ❜
​❛ chipotle is my life . ❜
​❛ turn off the flash you fucking moron ! ❜
​❛ kiss my ass bitch motherfucker ! ❜
​❛ is that a police !? ❜
​❛ i’m calling the weed ! ❜
​❛ done & done , let me pull the table out of my ass . ❜
​❛ merry crisis ! ❜
​❛ i don’t have enough money for chicken nugget . ❜
​❛ i’m ready to die anytime , any place , for any reason . ❜
​❛ hey guys , we’re unboxing this cheese stick today . ❜
​❛ i aint never gonna stop loving you , bitch .  ❜
​❛ this is the comedy police ! that joke’s too funny ! ❜
​❛ i’m not going back to jail ! ❜
​❛ what the fuck ? $599 for a fucking playground ? that looks like a piece of shit . ❜
​❛ the feminists are taking over ! ❜
​❛ and they were roommates ! ❜
​❛ i’m not your friend ! ❜
​❛ there’s no saving this sweet piece of ass . ❜
​❛ hi welcome to chili’s ! ❜
​❛ yeah tip of the penis to you too . ❜
​❛ this is why mom doesn’t FUCKING love you ! ❜
​❛ welcome to bible study , we’re all children of jesus . ❜
​❛ aw fuck , i can’t believe you’ve done this . ❜
​❛ this is the dollar store , how good can it be ? ❜
​❛ step back , i think i’m gonna vomit ! ❜
​❛ oh sorry , i didn’t see ya there , i was too busy blocking out the haters . ❜
​❛ shut up ! your mother buys you mega blocks instead of legos ! ❜
​❛ i hate to do this but i specifically asked for no mustard and you just brought me a bottle of mustard on a plate . ❜
​❛ how are we gonna win if we fucking die ? ❜
​❛ why the fuck would i say printer ? ❜
​❛ the benefits of killing him would be that i’d be pushed way less . ❜
​❛ but it pays off, because i dont even have time to think about dying . ❜
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