selunight ยท 29 days
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selunight ยท 1 month
@malurged said: โ› It's amazing how far you can get on denial. You know why so many people use denial to get by? Because it really fucking works ... for a while. โœ
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"sounds like you speak from a wealth of experience," she muttered her response, boot toeing at the dirty on the ground directly in front of her to avoid looking up and meeting his gaze. the words aren't accusatory so much as simply being factual โ€” she had gotten good at burying any amount of emotion in the last several days, as her rage and anger had made her the least fun member of camp since their face off with balthazar in shar's realm.
even thinking of it now, she feels that negative swell simmering just below the surface, and she actively reminds herself that seeking out shadowheart would be detrimental to their overall cause... no matter how good it might feel.
her oath may have been left shattered by the events that occurred, but her logic was still somewhat in tact.
"i'm not in denial," she states coolly, finally sparing a glance his way. "i'm all too clear on what's happened and what will happen next." and let him make of those words whatever he will. it hardly mattered to celeste now. ( not much did. )
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selunight ยท 1 month
โ› I'm sorry for your loss, your...your losses, rather. โœ
โ› Nobody gets away with anything. Not really. โœ
โ› Don't lecture me about family values. You're just as shit in that department as I am. โœ
โ› That day was the last day we were all in the same place. Alive. โœ
โ› They will love you because I love you, and the only thing stronger than love is how scared they are of getting cut out of the will. โœ
โ› And most people go their whole, wasted, stupid lives without one minute of true resolution. Not me though. โœ
โ› You know what a resolution is? It's a deal you make with the future. โœ
โ› The people in charge of making us healthy make us sick. We cheat the dying. We fleece the poor. Promote the racist. Let the demons run amok. This world needs changing. โœ
โ› You're supposed to be shadowing me. Shadows don't fucking talk. โœ
โ› This is beneath you. And you're going to kill it. But you're better than all of this. And the minute you figure that out, you're going to be unstoppable. โœ
โ› There's no such thing as a step back. You go forward. If you hit a brick wall, you don't go back, you go through. โœ
โ› Nearly realized is the sweetest. It's better, I promise, in the moment just before than in the moment after. โœ
โ› You are consequence. And tonight, you are consequential. โœ
โ› You are a pretty, pretty little thing. โœ
โ› You wonder why people hate us. This is why. โœ
โ› Everybody knows that edible arrangements are what you send to people you hate. โœ
โ› If you start thinking this is reality, you'll just slip into the abyss. โœ
โ› We can talk about it after because I've had a shit day and I really just wanna starfish and forget the world. โœ
โ› Don't talk to me until I've come at least twice. โœ
โ› I love how deliciously, pointlessly mean you lot can be. โœ
โ› You still didn't need to come here though. It could have happened quiet. Peaceful. In bed. But I guess it's got to happen like this. โœ
โ› It's amazing how far you can get on denial. You know why so many people use denial to get by? Because it really fucking works. โœ
โ› You can't enhance this image? You see it all the time on TV. They hit a button, it enhances it. โœ
โ› I don't even own anything funeral black. โœ
โ› Satin is silk for poor people, no one should wear it to a funeral, unless they died in it. โœ
โ› Nobody knows they're the fall guy until they're falling.โœ
โ› Women are the natural leaders of the species. Ancient Egypt had it right. โœ
โ› Okay, just because the door's open doesn't necessarily guarantee you a seat at the table. โœ
โ› You're not who I thought you were. โœ
โ› I really didn't want to think it, but...you're all fucking monsters. โœ
โ› Watching you shit on your principles would have been worth every fucking penny. โœ
โ› The mind of guilt is full of scorpions. And I wouldn't wish their sting on anyone. โœ
โ› Don't have to be smart to be dangerous. I'm not scared of rattlesnakes 'cause they're so smart. โœ
โ› You're so out of touch with your human side...you can't even listen to anything outside your own head. โœ
โ› I haven't seen you sleep in like...I mean, it's been a fucking long time. Like, horror movie long. โœ
โ› Life is insane. It is madness. The sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be. โœ
โ› The world might not be safe but listen to me, and listen carefully. I won't let anything happen to you. โœ
โ› All these terrible things and I thought, that's when people come together. But we've never been further apart. โœ
โ› Tell me it's worth it. Tell me you know the risk and I'll be there with you. I'll back you up. Just tell me. โœ
โ› Shut your mouth, get your shit together. The fuck is wrong with you? โœ
โ› Men, when they think they're immortal, all they want to do is fuck. When they figure out they're going to die, all they want to do is fuck. โœ
โ› It just makes you think, you know, life is so fucking short. โœ
โ› You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, then you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority. โœ
โ› I thought it was an act. I figured you just played the housewife so you could keep a roof over your head. Spread your legs or suck his dick twice a week and you're set. You never have to work a day in your life. And I thought, "Good for her, she found her angle," but...this is really you. Isn't it? โœ
โ› Words got us into this, words can get us out. โœ
โ› You're a collection of impeccable, elaborate masks in orbit of a stunted heart. โœ
โ› There are certain things one shouldn't have to face in life. Time enough for self-reflection after. โœ
โ› I don't normally like to get my hands this dirty, but honey, you earned it. โœ
โ› I see you now. I look at you and I see... You. The poverty of you. โœ
โ› The real world is Darwinian. Survival, chaos, power. Leverage. โœ
โ› You feel it. In the air. We're sitting outside of time and space. โœ
โ› This is the moment luck meets opportunity. โœ
โ› In the ancient world, we'd seal this with blood, or spit. And then later, papyrus. But, a deal's a deal all over the world. โœ
โ› We're a... virus, I think. People, I mean. โœ
โ› But everyone loves something. And in that love there's collateral. โœ
โ› I say this with love. Let it go. Let it all go. โœ
โ› So I say, we stand tall and proud. Bill's come due. Let's not hide here in the basement like we've got something to be ashamed of. No. Not us. You and me against the world. โœ
โ› It may not have been perfect, but you can't say we didn't change the world. How many people can say that at the end? โœ
โ› I knew I would climb to the top of the tower on a pile of corpses. โœ
โ› It don't matter in the end why you did any of it. I don't fucking care why you did it. We don't want your confession, or your rationale, or your explanation. โœ
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selunight ยท 2 months
pink full moon tonight. ๐ŸŒ•๐Ÿ’•
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selunight ยท 2 months
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my favorite eda yildiz moments (3/?)
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selunight ยท 2 months
those statues in cemeteries of angels draped over headstones but itโ€™s celeste and the headstone belongs to her mother -
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selunight ยท 2 months
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suffering and religion
(references coming soon)
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selunight ยท 2 months
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she knew what the response would be before she ever spoke her demand, so she does not flinch or balk under vitorรฎyaโ€™s gaze โ€” she has felt it before, been granted that honor, on a few occasions such as this, and she looks back at her with all of the stubborn will that had gotten them both here to begin with. all these years, she had saidโ€ฆ and yet it seems she forgets that this has always been who celeste is.
โ€œfates can be changed,โ€ she urged, brow furrowing now as she wondered at what was happening in the world around her physical formโ€ฆ the place she could no longer see or feel, mentally closed off and protected here as she was. โ€œwe, of all people, know that to be true.โ€
she feels a chill run down her spine, imagining the worst for a moment โ€” an unfathomably long life, spent without vicโ€™s touch or voice in her ear โ€” and celeste reaches up then, grasping her hand before it can pull away from her cheek entirely; a desperate bid for one more moment of closeness. โ€œyou think i would regret to die for this?โ€ she looks up at vic, her goddess, with a small frown.
โ€œwhat kind of champion would that make me?โ€
" i won't. " there is nothing of the divine in her voice: she sounds like she always used to, softly lyrical, gently loving. her chill fingers map a series of points along celeste's jaw. there is the impression of unfathomably more behind them. " all these years, and still you do not understand ... it is not yours to die for me. "
though she chastises, it is not punishing. it never is, with celeste - sweet, devoted celeste, whose only crime has ever been to love so deeply that it clouds her judgment to this most dangerous degree. she fails to consider the countermoves, and so her goddess must. her promise to perris, so faraway now, would demand it if her own sense of doctrine did not. [ deals can be voided. promises can be broken. it is all in the matter of trust as a resource, and she needs his, still. ]
her lips press to celeste's forehead, smoothing back the wilds of her hair. when she pulls back, it is to remove her mask; all at once, celeste bears the full, unnatural white of her unseeing gaze. " your death is written, my dear: i have seen it, sure as stone. nothing and no one will take you before your time. "
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selunight ยท 2 months
this is a quiet, endless place; so unlike the heat of battle celeste has just been so unceremoniously pulled from. if it is soothing, that is only by repetition. the air is calm and faintly cool, the architecture grand like a courthouse - efficient like a war room. her goddess stands between two pillars of white-gold marble. her mask faintly askew, her hair in disarray - on this rare occasion, vitorรฎya is unabashedly imperfect. " oh, celeste ... my would-be martyr. come here. sit with me. "
her chest still heaves, rising and falling with great exertion - the ghost of weight along her skin from armor and a shield and her mace... all gone from her form here, but still somehow so heavy. almost as heavy as the weight of what she was prepared to do...
or, rather... had been preparing to do.
it takes a moment for her mind to untangle the confusion, to break out of the cocoon of peace and safety that being in this place has always provided. the switch from her reality - all the blood and violence and certainty that the battle around her was to be her last stand - to standing before her goddess, unharmed and alive...
she approaches, the gentle shake in her hands hidden by the way they clench into fists. and, while a seat beside vic is open and available, celeste finds herself kneeling at her feet instead, looking up at her with equal parts reverence and stubborn will as she firmly speaks, "send me back."
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selunight ยท 2 months
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instinct had pulled her closer when victoria fell โ€” shouldnโ€™t it always, with her call to protect being even stronger in the presence of the elven woman she had kept so close to her side? healing energy danced at her fingertips, ready and waiting to assess damage, to fix whatever had just overcome victoria before the steel watch had a chance to take advantage and strikeโ€ฆ
but nothing of the sort happened. the man-made abominations stood rigid and waiting as victoria regained her footing, and celeste watched her with aโ€ฆ quiet unease; a feeling she had never thought to associate with the elven woman before her. hair stood up on the back of celesteโ€™s neck, a latent instinct (or maybe selรปneโ€™s hand at work in her) telling her not to move or speak. not just yet.
time seemed slower, watching the languid and unfamiliar movements, the grace and confidence of another person, fill out the form of the woman she loved. when victoria spoke, it was the voice of a stranger that greeted celesteโ€™s ears. and when their eyes met, when celeste found herself face to face with this unfamiliar woman in a body that she was all too familiar withโ€ฆ horror and comprehension mingled for a moment and left celeste standing in open-mouthed shock, the radiant energy slipping away โ€” wasted and unimportant.
once again, she was on the gravelly shore of a stream, cold, pale hands clenched firmly in herโ€™s, and celeste was useless.
she doesnโ€™t know what the right choice is suddenly. following victoria to each inevitable conclusion had been the way for so many months now, but something deep in celesteโ€™s heart would not allow her to step even an inch closer. not yet. not untilโ€ฆ
โ€œhas the plan changed, victoria?โ€ her voice is cool and clipped โ€” a tone most often reserved for their enemies. she hasnโ€™t spoken this way since she renounced ketheric thorm and took down his death god. would history viciously repeat itself like that so soon? mere moments ago, she would have followed without question.
making gods of peopleโ€ฆ always a mistake.
* open to mutuals. as you so often do, you wake with iron on your tongue. uniquely, the blood is yours, this time: it returns to you in stages, how you fell, what you saw. there is elation in your knowing, and the chill fingers of a strange, alien dread. you extract yourself from the heap you made upon the cobblestones, idly probing the jagged flesh of your cheek. the ache sharpens your senses. you are wounded in too many ways to count, but you are yourself again. [ and who is that, now? your head is a maelstrom, three centuries' unsorted data clamouring for your attention. you know and you don't. every discrete thought is its own effort. ] your posture lengthens with remembered grace. you cannot afford to be anything but certain; not here. " ugh. hells. subtlety truly is a dead art, isn't it? " the steel watchers flanking you have borne witness to your indignity. so too, then, has enver. your lip curls in a sneer, your disdain for the machines apparent - the unease you felt in coming here regains its context, and you can't help but concede him the point. he knows how you revile this place; knew, too, that you would have no idea why. it is delicately diabolical on a level you didn't think him capable of. you are the reigning duchess of house silvershield. you are bhaal's chosen, plucked from obscurity and made glorious. you are prophet, priestess, and ritual dagger. you are something else, too; something young and nameless, huddled in the wreckage.
there is so much to do. you look back at an angle, keeping the line of your jaw sharp, and drawl: " come; it does us no favours to idle here. "
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selunight ยท 2 months
if youโ€™ve been around a while, you know i have beef with the emperorโ€ฆ but i just found out thereโ€™s a way to uncover ANOTHER one of his lies and i am fumingโ€ฆ
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selunight ยท 2 months
FALLOUT (TV SERIES, 2024): Episode One Feel free to edit the sentences as you need. NSFW TW: Mentions of incest, sex, violence
โ€œWhatโ€™d they say, [name]?โ€
โ€œThat Iโ€™m lucky to have such a good helper like you.โ€
โ€œYou know, given the state of everything, Iโ€™d prefer not to if thatโ€™s alright.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s what youโ€™re famous for.โ€
โ€œHe still took my money.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s grown-up stuff.โ€
โ€œIs it your thumb, or mine?โ€
โ€œMy reproductive organs are intact, my hygiene well-maintained.โ€
โ€œFeels a little tight.โ€
โ€œOn my wedding night, that dress got off almost as fast as [name] did.โ€
โ€œOh gosh. After ten years of cousin stuff, Iโ€™m definitely excited for the real thing.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m just excited for us to raise our kids together.โ€
โ€œFrom that moment on, [location] was a distant memory for me.โ€
โ€œMust be nerve-wracking, your [title] could be anyone.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s gunna take some time to fix.โ€
โ€œ[Name], I love you.โ€
โ€œWe all know that, [name.]โ€
โ€œMessing around with your cousin, itโ€™s all well and good for kids, but it's not a sustainable long-term sexual practice, you know.โ€
โ€œOkey dokey.โ€
โ€œJust so you know, this was the best day of my life.โ€
โ€œSir, please donโ€™t make me use force.โ€
โ€œOh, geez.โ€
โ€œOh. I think I know who you are.โ€
โ€œEveryone knows who I am.โ€
โ€œDo they know who they are?โ€
โ€œThey are the product of one of lifeโ€™s tricky little choices.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m going to offer you a choice.โ€
โ€œYou are my world.โ€
โ€œYou look like your [family member.]โ€
โ€œYou should see it sometime.โ€
โ€œMaybe you should do what you do best: run and hide.โ€
โ€œHowโ€™s your nose?โ€
โ€œWell, I can still smell, itโ€™s justโ€ฆ Mostly blood.โ€
โ€œImagine getting to put on one of those every day.โ€
โ€œWonder why theyโ€™re here.โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re brainstorming here - and thereโ€™s no bad ideas in a brainstorm.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m going with you.โ€
โ€œWhat youโ€™re doing is insane.โ€
โ€œ[name], Iโ€™m not letting anyone else get hurt on my behalf.โ€
โ€œYoung [gender], you come back here right now.โ€
โ€œWell, that didnโ€™t work.โ€
โ€œYou have ambitions, donโ€™t you?โ€
โ€œI wanted it to happen, is that wrong?โ€
โ€œAre you weak?โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t want to be.โ€
โ€œYou have anything else to say, in your defense?โ€
โ€œI wanna thank you, for your guidance and for giving me a home.โ€
โ€œI had no place in the world, so.โ€
โ€œDo you know who did it?โ€
โ€œWell, I narrowed it down to one of those assholes.โ€
โ€œThey asked me if it was you.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re telling me the supreme badass weโ€™re looking for is a freaking mutant?โ€
โ€œHow do we know heโ€™s not feral?โ€
โ€œWhy, is this an Amish production of The Count of Monty Cristo, or just the weirdest circle jerk Iโ€™ve ever been invited to?โ€
โ€œDoes that count, should I shoot him?โ€
โ€œWould you shut the fuck up.โ€
โ€œA bounty came down, a huge one. Enough to be a last score for me, and whoeverโ€™s with me.โ€
โ€œWell, what makes you think Iโ€™d give a goddamn about that?โ€
โ€œIt ainโ€™t where theyโ€™s running from I figured youโ€™d be interested in. Itโ€™s where they running to.โ€
โ€œNow, what the fuck would you know about where Iโ€™m from?โ€
โ€œWell, that donโ€™t sound like gratitude, do it boys?โ€
โ€œWell, I tell you what, boys, whenever somebody says, theyโ€™re doing last one job, that usually means their heartโ€™s not in it. Probably never was.โ€
โ€œBut for me, well, I do this shit for the love of the game.โ€
โ€œYou right friend about one thing, this right here, was your last job.โ€
โ€œWell, you know what they say, us cowpokes, we take it as it comes.โ€
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selunight ยท 2 months
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๐ˆ๐ ๐•๐€๐ˆ๐ ๐ˆ ๐‡๐€๐•๐„ ๐’๐“๐‘๐”๐†๐†๐‹๐„๐ƒ โ€” REGENCY AESTHETIC.
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selunight ยท 2 months
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sela's tarot deck, part 1/? [ feat. @selunight ]
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selunight ยท 2 months
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celeste's hands pull free of her grasp, their purpose secured at the sight of those glistening eyes; one to cup victoria's cheek and the other to rest against her chest, above her heart, seeking its steady and familiar rhythm. her thumb traces over pale skin as her eyes seek to meet victoria's own, desperate for understanding to pass between them. whatever comes next, celeste has made her choice. good or bad or any of the myriad of outcomes in between, she had made that choice long ago. what was there to go back to now? what alternative was there?
none that would satisfy. none that would sit right with her soul.
"i refuse to proclaim myself as deserving of much at all," she states quietly, her voice almost a whisper but no less strong for its near-silence. "if you... what? fail? fall prey to those things that haunt you when you think i cannot see?"
she leans closer then, her lips finding purchase against victoria's forehead in a punishing, lingering kiss for just a moment. when she pulls back, tears fall freely down her cheeks. "then let me fail with you." fool she may be, but she would rather fall at victoria's side than stand cowardly on the precipice and watch her fade away.
i belong here. and you will not deny me. (but make it like... romantic as hell... (for vic ofc))
you forget, at times, just how strong she is: how steadfast, the bedrock of her devotion forged in temple and feathered out into every part of her. there is something kindred in that, for you, something whose particulars escape you but that sings in your soul, just south of the rot blackening your ribcage - the fierceness with which celeste swears her fealty is, in some fashion, familiar to you. it is also idiotic, but [ and you are beginning to realise this, with the slowness of someone who has to catch up very quickly to truths readily apparent to the rest of the world ] such is all love. the shadows choke her goddess' light, here. no moonlight bathes her in silver; no beams of clarity part your veil of violence. still, you take her hands in yours, making mirror of a moment that seems lifetimes old already.
" it's not about what is owed, " you bite, and you are choked, too; tears tighten your throat, but you refuse them, swallow them, not because you revile weakness but because you know they will soak into the cracks of celeste's already made-up mind and strengthen her resolve still further. " where you belong, what you deserve, what divine purpose you have found in me - all meaningless if i - "
your chest spasms with what longs to be a sob. nothing has ever hurt this much. nothing in your abridged memory has ever even come close.
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selunight ยท 2 months
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Paolo Sebastian โ€˜Once Upon a Dreamโ€™ SS 2018 Haute Couture
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selunight ยท 2 months
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๐˜Œ๐˜๐˜Œ๐˜™ ๐˜š๐˜๐˜•๐˜Š๐˜Œ ๐˜ ๐˜™๐˜Œ๐˜›๐˜œ๐˜™๐˜•๐˜Œ๐˜‹, ๐™๐™ƒ๐™€๐™๐™€'๐™Ž ๐˜ฝ๐™€๐™€๐™‰ ๐˜ผ ๐™๐™„๐™‡๐™๐™ƒ ๐™„๐™‰ ๐™ˆ๐™€.
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