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(( mun drew a thing for #ThunderbirdsDay but.... i’ve been too scared to post it ;w; 
only cause i’ve been really scarce on this blog but... i’m not gonna abandon it because Thunderbirds and, i like lurking to see what everyone’s up to c’: ))
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🗡| Eyyyy One! Quick question for ya: when Two transforms, where does her module go?
🚀|| “I... don’t even know if Two can transform,” the silver rocket admitted with a small shrug. “As far as I know, as of now and... probably forever, I’m the only one who gained sentience and that ability. If she could transform though...!
I think she’d ditch the module for easier transformation.”
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🚀|| “Excuse me sir?” 
She’d start softly, noticing her approach hadn’t been heard. Already One liked this place - it was almost human, but made to suit their robotic heights. The garden was adorable! 
“What are you working on?”
The Thunderbird had been watching the small Autobot for a while now, and had confirmed he seemed a wonderful bot to become friends with. Cautiously she wandered over, linking her hands behind her back as she peeked over to see what the bot was up to, hoping she didn't startle him. ((i hope you don't mind me dropping you a starter ^^;))
He was out in the garden near a restaurant he goes to a lot. Nibbling on some energon chips as he works on places he’d like to see. Places he could relax at.
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🚀|| “Is it possible to forget you’re sentient...?” 
“I sort of, scared myself into transforming this morning and, I’m not sure how I feel about it... Guess I’ve still got to get used to the whole sentience-thing... I wish there was someone I could talk to about it; I still haven’t worked my head around it all.” Quizzical Thunderbird noises. 
“... Also I wanna go flying. I need to stretch my wings.” :(
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(( someone teach me to be cool and not shy as fuck because i’m over here hiding behind everything while the ‘bird-pilots and transformers-friends are having fun threads c’: 
i hate having anxiety and no guts to start things with people ))
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🚀|| “.... Why are they talking about filling Thunderbirds with popcorn?”
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(( *chin-hands* everyone’s being cute on my dash tonight.
i have a reason to roll back onto this blog; shhh xD ))
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(( Thunderbirds friends, anyone have a link to Signals part 2? i don’t have itv anything, and am yet to watch it. 
the anticipation is killing me. do they get thunderbird 3 back? ))
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🚀|| Careful Dust, you’ve got an excited Thunderbird on your hands now. 
“From what I’ve heard, it’s kind of sweet and sugary; is that true? Or can it be bitter too?” One can’t help herself with the questions. She’ll, probably be apologizing immensely later. “Is there different colours depending on flavors?”
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🚀|| “… I wonder if I can drink energon…?”
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🚀|| “... I wonder if I can drink energon...?”
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dustycords-redux replied to your post:
Sh She’s so very tall and I adore her for it 
🚀|| Slightly flustered Thunderbird noises. “You... You like that I’m tall?”
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🚀|| A curious Thunderbird has heard people are comparing their heights. 
She’s 38.1 meters tall... she thinks - she hasn’t properly measured herself yet. She doesn’t think that’s very tall.....
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“Moon Phase” Mug // JasminBlancBoutique 
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🚀|| Cautious wing flutter. 
Thunderbird 1 feels very silly for going out on her own to test her confidence and see if she could find others like her, and attempt to befriend them.  She got lost.  And, she’s quietly hoping Scott doesn’t need her for a rescue... 
She’s sat in a large open, grassy field, surrounded by a few town houses but not really paying them any mind. Peaceful as it was, she wasn’t sure she could manage any longer without worrying if she were needed... but at least she had a little time to herself. 
Violet optics admired her surroundings, and she concluded the silence was daunting. Quietly she hoped someone might come find her.
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🚀|| Thunderbird grumbles. 
“... Can Gordon never fly me again?”
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“Excuse me— I’m sorry to bother you, you just seem a little lost and, er... It’s dangerous to be out here, this late at night, if you’re just going to stay.”
{{ @rungian-psychology }}
🚀|| Thunderbird One spun around rather quickly at the voice. She hadn’t been expecting anyone else out here at this time, and certainly hadn’t expected another robotic being…! She made a soft, inaudible noise at his observation.
“Actually, I’m a lot lost… My navigation systems are fried, nothing looks recognizable in the dark and… and, yeah, I’m lost,” she accepted rather quickly. Just how ‘dangerous’ were we talking?
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🚀|| Her own violet optics brightened a little hearing his voice - oooo, an accent! But that was good she wasn’t intruding. Maybe, they could help each other out? 
“You look lost,” she observed rather suddenly. The Thunderbird could feel her curiosity growing; she did her best to hide it. “Is, everything okay?”
@sentientsilverrocket started following Roadbuster!
The Foreman is just going to stare here for a bit… um, who is this?
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