The religion read was intriguing, I now wonder are there any other sentient races on the continent? Namely, dwarfs I'm curious about dwarfs :P
Have a wonderful day! Those long posts are fascinating to read!
🧚‍♀️Hey guys I’m back!! Someone snatched my phone at a bar and I finally got a replacement lol.🧚‍♂️
🐺But to answer your question. The 2 races on my main continent are humans and elves. There are tons of humanoid monsters and creatures that I guess you could consider to be races like harpy , goblins, sirens, etc but most people in my universe would consider them more monster than people. But there is a secret third race that may make an appearance in the future but not in the way you think🐇
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I've been so nervous to release this, editing it I realized I had erased half of it so I had to go back and think about what I wanted to say when I did erase. it I really hope it's not complete shit.Im really sorry its its disappointing.  With that being said this is chapter one. Please don't be afraid to say what you don't like and how i could improve it.
this is just my first chapter, this isn't conducive of the whole story. Im still editing chapter 2 and ive just began writing chapter 3.
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Tell us more about the scripture ^^
I'm curious if there are any other religions on the continent, or if it's just one major religion that simply varies slightly by region,
have a teaful day!
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Naniaism is the largest and most common religion in the land of Äterra. Its said that The religion cropped up during a time of strife for non magical humans.  The human civilization that had formed from a few of the human tribes (that i have yet to name)  had become dominated by magi. Magi interfered heavily in human politics and along owned 75% of the kingdoms wealth. Large swaths of humans where starving and dying of disease. It contrasted heavily with the civilisations ruled over by magi; and elves witch the human’s had made contact and established trade with in the last century.
The human civilization was the richest it had ever been but also in the most turmoil it had ever been in. 
Resentment of non human and magical folk was at it highest. 
It was the perfect storm of conflicts when a alchemist and physician(who i have yet to name) discovered noticed that a lot of his magi patients where coming in with serious burns that were unable to be healed magically. Doing some investigating he discovered that bacrüm, a small bush that produced red berries, used to treat dyschezia in cattle, caused acidic burns to those born with the capability to practice magic. With experimentation he figured out that even just standing in a room with the plant caused magi to become lethargic and nauseated. non-magical elves and humans born to one magical parent but who themselves were not born with magic, were unaffected by the berries.
Using this knowledge he penned a manuscript that mixed the creation storie from of his tribes religion and sprinkled in other traditions from other human tribes. He truly believed himself to be a prophet of Mother Nania. He believed she had gifted him this knowledge so that would save his people, humans like himself.
 He started by reading his manuscript to a small group of his friends in his home. Eventually word spread and so many people wanted to hear what he had to say, they volunteered to expand his cellar into a massive underground chapple. With pews and a pulpit. He called them his Fold. Like the sheep the berries were given to to expel the filth. He encouraged his Fold to cultivate the bushes he dubbed “mother’s touched” in there homes. Collect the berries and transport them to his underground chapple. His cult followed his instructions without question. Even on the night that pushed the cult into infamy. 
He ordered them to kidnap a local Magi boy (haven't yet named) to experiment on. This boy wasn't skilled enough to defend himself from being bashed on the head and drug to the underground chapple. The Boy was tortured immensely. He had the berries rubbed into his eyes blinding him and he was tied up to be like a practise dummy to find the most effective way to use the berries as weapons. After trying numerous ways, they found out the best way to utilize the berries was to turn them into an oil. The oil won't dry up or rot like smashing or juicing them would. Finally the boy was decapitated, putting him out of his misery. 
The boy’s body was dumped in a part of the city most heavenly populated by magi. On his body a note calling for a total destruction of inhuman kind was found. tp the people who found him it appeared as if he had just been burned and decapitated. The red oil blending in with his blood covered corps. The note told any human sympathetic to inhumans to either join or be cut down along side them. Many humans joined the religion. The magi called on the ruler of the human empire to quell this cult but he was too busy with the many distractions set in place by the political magi to care. The political magi tried to solve this problem but where either murdered by human nobles who were apart of the cult , or they escaped and encouraged  others to escape back to the magi empire as well. Taking the majority of the empire’s wealth with them. Unfortunately a good sized population of magi were too poor to make it back to the magi empire, didn't actually believe in the impending danger, or were too proud to be scared by the human cult. 
The cult grew larger and larger and spread covering the entirety of the human empire. 
The emperor and his family were killed and his brother who was sympathetic to the cult was propped up as the new emperor. 
Angered that he was ruling a poor empire he prepared to sack the magi empire and take back what he felt was rightfully human wealth. He commissioned thousands of siege engines, such as trebuchets, to hurl colossal wooden containers filled with the Holy Red Oil. The containers were so large they could fit a city’s cisterns inside them. Along with fortifying his own cities. 
After 2 years of this preparation with the constant fear that the magi empire catching word of his plans he had eliminated all magi within his borders.  The human’s were still suffering starvation and poverty. the cult leader took a high position in the emperor's court as the emperor's religious adviser. Still many humans in the empire didnt practous the new popular religion. But the emperor  was finally ready to put his plans into motion to attack. He marched on the magi empire.
They knew the human’s would be coming for them so many of them abandoned the major cities including acting emperor and powerful families. After 2 years of experimentation they knew no way to subvert the effects of “mother’s touched berries.
There population’s that stayed to fight were decimated Many fleeing after watching there comrades burn in the oil covered streets. 
The magic universities were destroyed there libraries of arcane knowledge meticulously burned to the ground. 
The magi empire was no more and the human empire grew larger. After a some decades the human desire for more took over. While they were doing better they still wanted more. Spreading across the continent giving it its name  Äterra’Mūteer meaning Land of the Mother. Absorbing the remaining human tribes and smaller human civilizations evangelizing them into Naniaism.
Eventually the expansion stopped. Blocked by the elven territories. 
 They had pushed out majority of the elven populations but the emperor still desired more and desired to envied the elven empire who at this point had become a refuge for all the magi refugees and was still quite prosperous. The magi emperor and his entire extended family warned the elven emperor of the brutality of the human emperor. So a surprise attack would be utterly pointless. The cult leader however told of the elves incredible weakness to human disease. 
The cult leader devised a plan of attack. He had gathered for him 500 flea infested rats packing them into a wooden box witch he had launched into the elven capital. The rats and the fleas spread a devastating human disease to the elves witch at this point had no cure for it. The magi were mostly resistant to human illness so they were largely  unaffected. The elven emperor knew what was to come but he didn't flee. He sent his family away with the magi emperor  and his family and the majority of the magi people elves and human but he stayed and fought. The war lasted quite a while delivering major losses to the humans actually having the human emperor assassinated, but his oldest son tool his place. Finally the elven emperor was defeated and captured. He was tortured to tell where he had sent his family and the magi but he would never give up the location. He was eventually being executed and the establishing of elven enclaves where established in the walled off ruins of the former elven cities. In the human territories that were never elven they were hastily constructed slums. The elves were forcibly converted and were not allowed to practice there old elven religions though some still did in secret until resent times when the ban was lifted and enclaves were promoted areas In which to practice, altho most now just practice Naniaism or no religion at all.  
Naniains worship the human goddess Nania.
Nania created herself. But she was so lonely she began to cry. Her tears fell on the floor and blossomed the world. 
She then wanted to create a people to live on this world.
Her first creation was to be in her image but she mistakenly created what we know as elves.trying again she successfully created the humans. She doted on the humans giving them all her love. Permitting the elves to run free.  but the first elf she created, Arthinre’el, who’s color changed throughout the year, grew envious of her love for the human’s and desired to make a people of his own that he could love and treat just as well. 
Going to her, he asked her to share her power with him. But she refused. Not out of spit but because he wouldn't be able to control it. This angered Arthinre’el. He then plotted to steal her power if she wouldn't give it to him. He stole the tears of life. The tears that held her power that grew the world. He ran far away from Nania spilling the tears creating pools that good magical creatures walked out of. Arthinre’el his in a cave and drank from the tears of life. But instead of being able to create he gained the powers of magic. He went to his elven brethren and told them of the powers he gained. Some agreed to drink and some refused afraid of Nania’s rath and not wanting to betray her. Some gained magical powers and some didn't. 
Arthinre’el then went to the humans and told them of a way to be powerful like Nania. 
Some went with Arthinre’el but some stayed and went to tell Nania. 
The humans drunk the tears. Some gained magical powers and some didn't. 
Well the humans who refused to go with  Arthinre’el finally reach Nania and tell her of Arthinre’el’s betrayal. This angers Nania so much the tears that spilled onto the ground when Arthinre’el was running to the cave, that had been up to this point making good magical creatures that didn’t want to hurt people. Now they turned angry and magical creatures that wanted to hurt people began walking out of the pools. 
Nania came to Arthinre’el and tried to defeat him but HE was too powerful and she was only able to break off part of his soul and cast it into the sky creating the moon. He was able to cast her from the world entirely by shooting a beam of magical energy into her forehead. Creating a constellation of herself in the night sky, a purple star where her forehead where the beam of energy hit her. Many years went by and most people had forgotten their creator. Until one day she saw her favorite creations suffering under those that betrayed her. She was able to reach out and touch a bush with red berries. bestowing upon it the ability to cut deeper than magic can reach
Other facts about the religion
Naniaism is represented by a purple star flanked of 4 sides by red dots.
Naniaism has different branches that mainly practice the same core concept of loyalty.
Naniaism used to require that magi receive painful and tortuous deaths but after an incident where a magi blew up a large chunk of a city after his wife was tortured to death, many kingdoms band the practice of magi torture to keep there people safe. Though a few kingdoms still stick to the old ways.
I didn't mean for it to be thins long!!! i have a few other religions in my catalog so stay tuned for those.
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Sense there's been beings to give it names this continent has had many. But for the last few milenia its name has been Äterra’Mūteer meaning Land of the Mother in the Old Human tongue. 
Many kingdoms and empires have risen and fallen, border lines drafted and redrawn over its long history. But as it proteins to our story however these are just a few of the kingdoms ive drafted so far
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Capital: Valoria
Adrellia is known for its vast grassland and soft rolling hills. This lends well to their exquisite wine and cheese industry, both of which are their largest export.  
The Aristocracy is the second most relaxed and liberal. The Monarchs both king and queen openley take lovers outside of their marriage.its so normal it's not even mentioned. Arranged marriage is most common here.
While in other kingdoms it's normal to have a ball or celebration on special occasion or even a spur of the moment thing once and a while. Ardellian cities are known for having lavish soirees almost year round.
Its said that if the night is quiet the nobility are just recovering and if its quite during the day the king or queen has passed away. 
While it seems to be the most hedonistic kingdom, Ardellia is actually the most pious. While they rarely attend chapel, and they don't abide by anti-adultery scripture, Ardellia has the strictest laws on those who are so-called “mother’s betrayers” elfs and those born with magic. 
Elves while in other kingdoms are allowed to work inside the cities. In Ardellia elves are not allowed to step foot near the city's walls. 
Its even worse for magi. In other kingdoms practicing  magic inside cities may be punished by a quick death. 
In Ardellia magi are not killed, no they're captured to be torched, Ardellia turns torturing magi into a performance. Ardellia also has the largest population of mage hunters. 
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Capital Ciudad de Delmaría
Delmaria is known for being covered in thick forests and rocky unfarmable terrain. 
 The kingdom is the largest importer of crops from other kingdoms. But that doesn't mean they are unable to grow their own crops. They can just on a smaller scale. 
The most common crops that grow in Delmaria are corn and barley, beans, and sugar and an assortment of chili peppers
While they are the smallest exporter of crops they are  a large exporter of comfort goods and lumber.
The Aristocracy in Delmaria is on the more pious side and adheres more to scripture than other kingdoms. The monarchs attend scripture more times than not. But while being heavily religious. Delmaria’s treatment of elves is quite good. While elves are not allowed to own property inside cities like in other kingdoms. Elves in dalmaria are allowed in cities after dark, they can bring a lawsuit against a human, among a myriad of other rights. (while they aren't a pillar of elven rights it seems like Delmaria is making progress lol) 
The treatment of magi is the standard. Magic is illegal and punished by the quick death 
Delmaría wildlands 
The Delmaría wildlands are a forest said to be enchanted. The forest is claimed by the kingdom of Delmaría. 
The rumor that they're enchanted came about when a large logging party went missing a time ago, the group that was sent to look for them went missing as well, and the group after them and so on 5 times until the king at the time gave up, after rumors began to spread that he was sending sacrifices to a succubus blood witch. 
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Capital- Wesdene
Fenhom is a rater isolated kingdom, known for its beautiful fjords and large mountain range with snow capped peaks. 
While being isolated due to the isthmus that connects them to the larger landmass being blocked by the beautiful but treacherous mountains that aren't easily traversed by a single person let alone a carriage full of ornate glass dolls. Thus travel and exports three Fenholm’s many port cities.
From those many ports most imports and exports are people. But a few non-anamite things are shipped,including glass, iron, copper, and ice. Really the only edible that fenholm exports is the famous fenholm cherries. 
In recent years, Little is known about the Aristocracy of fenholm aside from the names of the king and queen and the few nobles that travel to other kingdoms. Those that do, speak little of the politics of their home kingdoms. But a certain few with loose lips, spit such fanciful words its hard to know what's true and untrue. 
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Capital: Burcnmere
Starkenholt is known for having a majority of its land covered by fertile farmland. The kingdom is the largest exporter of wheat. Keeping most of the beats, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries, legumes and carrots. 
Starkenholt’s has one of the largest hunting guilds of the continent. They're often hired by other kingdoms to hunt for feasts and such. 
The aristocracy of Starkenholt is very moderet when it comes to religion. Elves are allowed to work in the cities, the monarchy is the largest employer of elves. Magic is outlawed and punishable by the quick death.
the Harrington dynasty had ruled for 26 generations before Lenceslous Vonstrumhart took power and established the Vonstrumhart dynasty who are Starkenholt.
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OML This took longer than I thought it would lol. I'm real sorry yall I thought this would take like an hour or two, but I'm finishing this at 3:17 AM haha. Anyways, please give me feedback. I love when yall comment. I think my asks are open as well, so please send anything youd like to know or anything youd like me to expand on.
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Ahhh im so excited!! as soon as I do some editing I’m gonna release, chapter 1 and 2. I would just post it now but I don’t want y’all to think I don’t know how to spell lmao.
Vote will be ending at 6:00 CST
Edit: Voting has ended!! Next post coming shortly
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I am a new author who is working on my first book. I dont have alot of friends irl so id like to share and get feedback on my work.
Some stuff you should know about my story :p
♡ High fantasy with heavy romance elements.
♡ Multiple perspectives including those of an antagonist. 
♡ a fully (i hope) fleshed out magic system 
♡ A trans girl protagonist (because i've been able to find exactly 0 fantasy adventure books with a trans-fem as the love interest let alone the protagonist)
♡ Animal sidekick 
♡ Smut 0_o 
Basic Synopsis:
In a realm divided between those with magic and those without, a long-held grudge ignites. Seeking retribution for past wrongs, a powerful figure leads a magi uprising against non-magi society. Amidst the clash, loyalties are tested, alliances form, and a looming battle threatens to shatter the kingdom's fragile peace.
Ive always dreamed of being an author. I really enjoy fantasy books but most lack proper trans rep. I hope i can be the of the people. 
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