seooutofthebox · 2 years
Why UI is Important for Website Development
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A website is the digital representation of any business, small or large. It is, in a sense, a digital portfolio of your brand that encapsulates not just your products or services but also the views and values of your company. It plays the most significant role in molding the notions of the credibility and quality of your business as perceived by potential customers. This makes it necessary for a business website to sport an easy-to-use and seamless User Interface (UI) for a visitor to easily and intuitively interact with your website. Thus, investing in UI website development can be a great way to gain new customers.
What is UI?
In computer terminology, an Interface is a set of commands that assist a user in communicating with the program on the screen. UI stands for User Interface. In the simplest of words, it deals with the way visitors would navigate through a website and take some actions. UI design comprises every design element that has to be present for a person to do what they need to do with the website.
Key Components of User Interface
The elements of UI fall into one of the following four categories:-
1. Input Controls - These provide users with ways to input information.
2. Navigation Components - These facilitate navigation and allow users to move around the website.
3. Informational Components - These are used to share information with visitors.
4. Containers - These are used for holding related content together.
The significance of UI design
There is ample data backed by research to strongly suggest that User Interface plays a significant role in driving traffic to a website. The Stanford Web Credibility Research shows that a staggering 75% of users admit to judging the company's credibility based on its website design. According to Forbes, an impressive UI increases the conversion rates of a website by as much as 200%. Hence, a quality UI design of a website help in retaining high traffic and keeping them engaged.
UI takes into consideration the design patterns and even the minutest details. It is all about making the layout delightful and navigable for the visitor. As an analogy, a website’s UI design may be considered akin to the furnishings, paint on the walls, and other little details inside a house that evoke the mood of a home.
Invest in UI design; Here’s why
The topmost reasons why it is worthwhile to invest in UI website development are as follows:-
1. Establishes brand identity - User Interface includes the choice of color, typography, button style, etc., which together form an impression of your company’s values, culture, and tone in customers’ minds.
2. Achieves conversions - UI engages users and can compel them to make a purchase, download content, or get in touch with the business.
3. Customer retention - An impressive UI evokes pleasant subconscious responses in users’ minds, thereby compelling them to visit your website repeatedly.
UX website development is not just imperative but indispensable for every business aspiring for better conversions and increased sales to focus on creating an engaging User Interface.
Source:  https://seooutofthebox.com/why-ui-is-important-for-website-development/
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
What is Seo Management Company
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SEO is a set of strategies and practices incorporated to improve the positioning of websites in organic search results of search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. SEO practices enhance a website’s visibility. This brings in more visitors and thus boosts sales. However, the incorporation of SEO practices is time- and resource-intensive. It is so because:-
1. The domain of SEO is quite vast.
2. SEO algorithms and techniques are regularly updated and thus keep on changing.
Working alone and with professionals can bridge the gap between idea and innovation. Want to drive measurable results with SEO? Opting for an SEO management company in UAEcan be a brilliant way to step ahead of your conventional marketing growth. How? Let’s explore.
What is SEO management, and what do SEO management companies do?
SEO management companies build and implement comprehensive set of SEO strategies to accomplish your business goals. SEO management includes, but is not limited to, the following: -
1. Discuss your business objectives and understand your target audience.
2. Assessing and reviewing your existing web portal. Optimizing the metadata and content and implementing better and more suggestive calls-to-action (CTAs).
3. Creation of new content on your website and regular editing thereof.
4. Researching for and targeting the most searched keywords.
5. Carrying out a competitor analysis.
6. Improving site speed.
On a basic level, an SEO management company develops, leads, and modifies the SEO strategy of your business. This is accomplished through discussions between your team and SEO experts regarding your business goals. Post the discussion, the SEO experts chalk out the most effective SEO plan tailored according to the needs of your business. In the final phase, the developed SEO strategy is executed.
What to expect from your SEO management company: Setting realistic expectations
A well-thought-out and effectively implemented SEO strategy often requires several weeks or months to deliver tangible results, such as improved SEO ranking and increased traffic to your website. If you are more of a go-getter who likes to see immediate results, a wait of weeks or months may sound too slow or impractical. The investment is worth the wait as 53% of the total web traffic is organic, which means that improving organic traffic to your website (which is what SEO does) should never be ignored.
Choose the best SEO management company for perceptible results
In the search for the best SEO management company in the UAE,SEO Out of the Box emerges as the most preferred location in the world as it houses several leading companies. SEO Out Of Box is the most sought-after and probably the best SEO management company. With a massive industry expertise, the SEO firms renders a bewildering range of services, including:
SEO Consulting
eCommerce SEO
Technical Optimization
Keyword Research
SEO Audit
Enterprise-grade SEO
SEO for Startups, and more
Its team of SEO experts is seasoned as well as insightful, which helps its clients achieve success in the digital domain quickly. You can contact the team here for more information on packages and services on the SEO management company in the UAE.
Source: https://seooutofthebox.com/what-is-seo-management-company/
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
Seo for Startups: How to Choose for Your Business
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Search Engine Optimization, abbreviated as SEO, is a digital marketing approach aimed at improving the ranks of your website in search engine results, thus helping you reach out to more prospective customers. By their very nature, the search algorithms of various search engines are ever-evolving, so continual updation and redefining keep on taking place. This leaves businesses with no other choice than to continuously modify their SEO strategies to ensure that they produce results. This is where the role of an SEO company assumes great significance, more so for startup ventures. Let us find out how crucial the role of SEO services for startups is.
Why do startups need special attention when it comes to SEO?
Hundreds of thousands of businesses operate online, and millions of searches are performed every day. It is fairly easy for any startup venture to be lost in this vast digital ocean and eventually be wiped off if corrective steps are not taken. “What are these corrective steps?”, one may ask. Well, to put it briefly, SEO is that corrective step. Also, with numerous SEO firms available nowadays, startups need to choose the right firm. To explore this in detail, let us first see what a competent SEO agency can accomplish for a startup.
The search engine ranking can be improved.
The brand awareness of a startup can be increased.
Conversion rate can be increased, and thus, the number of visitors to the website can also be increased.
With a well-established brand reputation and an increased number of visitors to the website, sales can increase.
The performance, mobile-friendliness, and responsiveness of the website can be enhanced, which would help the startup achieve a sustainable competitive advantage over other businesses.
Factors to be considered when looking for the best SEO services for startups
Seek a company that understands the requirements of a startup – For a startup venture, there are different types of organic traffic. This means that for a startup, generating or growing site traffic may not necessarily imply higher revenue. Therefore, search for a company that understands such nuances.
Clearly define your SEO objectives and choose a firm that can help you accomplish them – Having laid down your company’s SEO objectives, review the services provided by different agencies. Finalize the one whose services correspond to your objectives.
Explore the methods the company employs – The stats for necessary SEO performance measures are an indicator of an agency’s effectiveness. Request these stats to gauge the company’s potential in achieving the best results possible for their clients.
Visit the SEO firm in person – As a startup, you would, of course, Google search for the best SEO firm for your venture. However, do not just rely on Google Search. Instead visit them in person and discuss about your requirements.
The Conclusion
As a startup, every business needs to avail of SEO services. The challenge, however, is to find the right SEO firm. SEO Out of Box is a well-established SEO firm in UAE renowned for offering the best SEO services for startups. Get in touch with their team to successfully kickstart your startup’s SEO journey.
Source: https://seooutofthebox.com/seo-for-startups-how-to-choose-for-your-business/
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
Partner With The Best Professional Seo Company in UAE
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Search Engine Optimization algorithms are dynamic and evolving. Regular upgradation in the SEO strategies of your company requires availing of professional SEO services. In the search for a professional SEO company, UAE often emerges as the most preferred choice of many businesses and companies, mainly because it is home to many world-class digital marketing and SEO firms. For a comprehensive understanding of SEO and the role it plays in your business’s growth, let us explore some of its nuances.
What is professional SEO? Why is it important for your business?
The practice of implementing strategies and tactics that help your business capture more qualified traffic from the web and, thus, improve your visibility in online search results is known as professional SEO. Keyword research, content creation, outreach, etc., are some of the basic elements of professional SEO services.
The reason why professional SEO is essential for your business is simple. The online space has successfully taken over the conventional offline, physical marketplace of conducting business. In the online business, the first step that a potential customer undertakes to reach your business is an online search. The names featured in the first few results pages are most likely to be visited by customers. This is what professional SEO services achieve for your business — improving your search rankings, driving organic traffic to your website, and thus, generating more leads.
Choosing an SEO firm that delivers results: Points to consider
For hiring a professional SEO company, UAE has options galore. However, partnering with an agency competent enough to accomplish your business objectives requires giving due consideration to some relevant points.
1. Organic SEO strategies — See whether the SEO company you’re looking to partner with uses organic SEO tactics to achieve better website visibility. Organic SEO techniques include targeting the relevant keywords, creating backlinks, achieving better engagement by the use of high-quality content etc.
2. The team — A firm that has a seasoned team of professionals onboard would possess the expertise, hard work, and dedication required to up the ranking of your website in search engine results.
3. Results oriented — Set a definite set of metrics and ensure that your strategies align with the KPIs for a result-oriented approach. Whether it is About achieving higher rank across SERPs and gaining more visibility or increasing page responsiveness, ensure that your SEO agency offers a result-oriented approach.
To achieve the extraordinary, partner with the best
Out of the myriad of digital marketing and SEO firms operating in the UAE, SEO Out of Box is the most professional SEO company in the UAE. Besides being an award-winning firm, the SEO strategies they adopt and implement make their clients’ businesses stand out. The engaging content they create for their clients’ websites speaks volumes about the competence of their expert team in optimizing the clients’ visibility across key channels. Contact SEO Out of the Box now to get started with SEO for your business.
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
E-commerce SEO for Shopify stores in UAE
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Shopify has millions of stores now.  When everyone is setting up their own Shopify stores in UAE, ranking higher isn’t just an option, it’s a mandate. Wondering how you can bolster your online visibility on Shopify? The answer is through eCommerce SEO in UAE. As consumer demands have moved online, enterprises are choosing the world’s leading eCommerce platforms to build their online stores. One such user-friendly platform is Shopify which boasts a myriad of features. The incredibly popular eCommerce platform facilitates brands to engage and interact with potential customers. 
What is different in SEO for Shopify?                                                 
SEO isn’t just one term; it is an umbrella of techniques that are deployed to drive consistent organic traffic to websites and improve website ranking. There are many SEO techniques like Local SEO, Technical SEO, eCommerce SEO, etc., and each has its distinct benefits. eCommerce SEO is all about optimizing an online store.
The process of eCommerce SEO for Shopify includes writing long descriptions with relevant keywords, obtaining backlinks from websites with higher DA, and more. eCommerce SEO focuses on generating more organic traffic from SERPs to your online store. With eCommerce SEO for Shopify, you can:
Make your shop mobile-friendly
Boost your website rankings on SERPs
Secure your website from malware or data loss
Make your eCommerce website more responsive
Gauge your performance and monitor what’s working for your store.
SEO specialists can aid with the site crawling and indexing
They can increase website authority and support to build brand credibility
Get you a competitive edge over your competitors
Make your website appear on the top as per user relevance
Enhanced website efficiency and user-friendliness
Creating a full-proof eCommerce SEO strategy
The first step in creating a surefire SEO strategy is identifying the high-value search terms or keywords that can bring you consistent traffic. Keep in mind that eCommerce keyword research is different from most keyword research, so search accordingly. Use Amazon or Google Suggest. Take advantage of the LSI keywords or consult professionals for better help.
Opt for Technical SEO. It is one of the most underrated SEO tools that can best optimize your website for crawlers.
Optimize the product category pages along with the product pages to improve your on-page SEO performance.
Start blogging to build your reputation as a credible source, increase your site authority and enhance your visibility across SERPs.
Invest time in Link Building. Search engines consider the links’ quality, number, and relevancy of links to judge a site’s trustworthiness and quality. So, build quality backlinks to aid Google in recognizing your site authority faster.
Getting started with SEO Out Of The Box
When it comes to running a Shopify store, SEO is a must to gain more visibility. Do you want to establish analytical guardrails to handle the eCommerce market turbulence? Are you looking for the best company for eCommerce SEO in UAE? Do you want consistent, high-quality organic traffic for your Shopify store? Then get started with SEO Out Of Box now. Consider outsourcing your Shopify SEO in UAE and achieve higher rankings in the long run.
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
10 Exciting WordPress Plugins for Businesses to try in 2022
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About 40.2% of all websites are built on WordPress. The open-source content management system powers many complex portals and enterprise websites due to its standard functionality and combined ease of use and flexibility. WordPress is packed with tools that can make professional-looking websites get up and running in no time. One of these tools is the top WordPress Plugins in 2022. Wondering what they are and what they do? Let’s explore.
What are WordPress Plugins?
WordPress Plugins are fundamentally software configurations that are integrated into a WordPress site. The plugins extend existing functionality or add new functionality to create interactive, responsive, and user-friendly websites.
Top 10 WordPress Plugins for 2022
There are more than 59,000 WordPress plugins that you can choose from. Having the right set of tools and WordPress plugins can aid you in growing your online business manifold. Want to find out the best plugins for your WordPress site? Well, after testing over a thousand best free and paid WP plugins, our experts have compiled this list with the top 10 WordPress Plugins for 2022.
1. Yoast SEO
Website owners serious about search engine optimization can use Yoast SEO to generate URLs automatically, create readable XML sitemaps and get precise control over breadcrumbs. What can this do? This can make a substantial difference to your site’s ranking.
2. Monster Insights
This free WP plugin allows you to improve what you cannot measure. MonsterInsights enable site owners to understand intricate analytics like audience behavior and traffic sources effortlessly.
3. WP Rocket
Do you want to speed up your WP site with reduced load time? Then WP Rocket can be your ultimate way to ensure your site becomes user-friendly with a reduced weight of images, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files through minification.
4. Gravity Forms
Does your site need a contract form? Then the Gravity Forms plugin is your one-stop solution. Used by more than one million sites, the user-friendly plugin can enable site owners to build complex contact forms swiftly with no technical knowledge whatsoever.
5. All in One SEO
This plugin is a comprehensive SEO toolkit that helps you write better meta descriptions, titles, al tags, and more to make your website rank better. Some of its most-loved features include link assistant, rich snippets schema, and redirection manager.
6. Smash Balloon
This #1 social feed plugin for WP is used by 1.6 million websites. Using Smash Balloon, you can easily display custom social media feeds to showcase your social media prowess on your WordPress website.
7. OptinMonster
The OptinMonster can convert abandoning website visitors into subscribers and customers with its high-converting templates. The robust display targeting feature is a win-win for making campaigns user-centric without any setbacks.
8. WooCommerce
A massive hit for the eCommerce sites, WooCommerce is used by more than 30% of eCommerce stores. The plugin has both a paid and free version, and you can install the plugin for inventory management, one-page checkout, and integrating add-ons and themes to your eCommerce site.
9. SearchWP
If you have a dedicated blog section or your website is more information-based, the SearchWP plugin has advanced features that can help readers discover the content they want. Why install SearchWP? Because it is a huge upgrade on WP’s built-in search tool.
10. Akismet
This plugin is a swift and easy way to manage and eradicate spam content from your website. The Akismet plugin automatically analyses all comments and filters out what resemble spam. Akismet works in the background, and you don’t need to enable any settings to configure.
Whether you are new to WordPress or have been using it for years, you can use the best WordPress Plugins in 2022 to enhance your site. Add forms to your side, monitor your traffic for malicious activity, and automatically reduce or compress your images with plugins that anticipate and meet the needs of your target customers today and in the future.
Need more help with WordPress website development or plugin integration? Reach out to the experts at SEO Out Of The Box now!
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
Checklist to Choosing the SEO Marketing Agency in UAE
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There are 3.5 billion searches on Google every day, and the volume of searches grows by 10% every day. Most customers are online, making conventional marketing difficult to fit the bill for gaining brand exposure. With so much traffic hovering over the major SERPs, it is clear that SEO is a no-brainer to drive conversions and increase organic traffic. Collaborating with an SEO marketing agency in UAE is crucial for enhancing your online visibility. Whether you run an e-commerce store, a lifestyle blog, or anything else, this expert checklist will help you select the right SEO marketing agency in UAE.
1. Do a thorough Quality Assesment
Many SEO providers might claim that they are experts in their respective niches. However, do they have any experience to back their claims? Many SEO companies employ black-hat SEO techniques to make sites rank higher. Black hat techniques do no good than penalizing sites and pushing them to the bottom of SERPs. Go beyond a simple background check and navigate through the reviews, ratings, and recommendations while analyzing what goals the SEO agency has accomplished.
2. A structured SEO blueprint that meets your expectations
Every business is different, and so are its requirements. When you are hiring an SEO service provider for your enterprise, ensure they assist you with a custom plan that delivers successful results. Different enterprise objectives need individual emphasis. For example, if you want to rank higher in a demography, you will need local SEO; but, if your focus is to enrich customer experiences, content SEO, technical SEO or mobile SEO might suffice the cause. So, before you latch onto any SEO provider, ensure to make your goals crystal clear.
3. Ask for a transparent estimate
Enquire about the upfront costs to determine where your budget is going. If the SEO agency is providing you with an SEO package, compare them with others and what they offer. Try to review the descriptions of the services that are to be provided and ask whether there are any recommendations or limits. The estimate you receive should offer a line-by-line explanation of where your money is going, where your current website is at, and where your online presence can reach in a specified time period.
4. Avoid anyone and everyone who talks about doing magic with SEO
SEO isn’t a one man show or a one day job. Rome wasn’t built in a day and so isn’t your search engine ranking. If anyone promises you absurdly about buying links, cloaking, or in short doing magic with your ranking through unethical practices, be very clear to stay away from them. Always prefer organic when it comes to SEO because organic results last longer.
 5. Find an SEO firm that believes in metrics
Once you have narrowed down your options, ensure to find a company that have a clear method of charting your progress. Also, define the end goal, and ask the SEO agencies what metrics they would deploy to identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Getting started
Did you know about 85% of consumers search online before committing to a purchase? So, if your potential customers don’t find your site online, there are chances that you might be missing a lot of opportunities. Need the best SEO marketing agency in UAE? SEO Out Of Box can be an exceptional option. With a team of seasoned digital marketers and SEO experts, SEO Out of Box can create a structured SEO blueprint to advance your website ranking exponentially.
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
Choosing the best affordable SEO agency in UAE
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In the 21st century, where most brick-and-mortar stores have shifted online, the modern consumer has become intelligent. Now, people don’t scramble on the retail shelves to find their products of interest; neither they go for recommendations to find the most trustworthy services in UAE. Instead, they browse the internet before making a purchase. In a world where 68% of online experiences begin with search engines, getting found online is the key to success. Want your business to rank better on SERPs like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others? Working with an affordable SEO agency in UAE can be a brilliant idea to maximize brand exposure and increase conversions. How? Without any further ado, let’s explore!
What does an SEO agency do?
Before we move any further, let’s do a short recap on what SEO agencies do. If done correctly, an affordable SEO agency in UAE can:
Build brand credibility
Increase traffic to your site
Improve your website ranking
Create brand awareness
Create incredible user experience and enhanced website performance
Promote sales and conversion rates
Bolster the chances of local users visiting your physical store after an online search
Improve different site aspects such as speed and mobile-friendliness
Help you get ahead of your competition and more
How to find the best affordable SEO agency
Understand the services offered and identify which of them align with your goals.
Gather all the relevant information about what the company claims and what it backs with facts
Identify the techniques the agency utilizes and ensure they use SEO metrics to track rankings, leads, sales, backlinks, bounce ranges, Organic CTR, pages per session, and more.
Be clear about the budget and define how much you can afford to spend.
Types of SEO Services
To make the most out of your chosen SEO services, let’s dive deeper and analyze what different low-cost SEO services are for small businesses.
Technical SEO is more like a one-time fix that includes optimizing titles, headings, descriptions, URLs, and site structure along with caching, structuring data, and compressing images.
Content SEO involves keyword research, content calendar, copywriting, and more for building site authority with content.
Off-page SEO or link building is done through many steps, including competitor analysis, commenting and outreach, guest posting, blogging, and more.
Local SEO is beneficial for those who want to drive foot traffic to their site.
Mobile SEO is all about optimizing pages for smartphone friendly.
Always remember that SEO is an intricate process. To make your website easier to understand by the leading SERPs, ensure to pick the best SEO agency within a competitive price range. SEO Out of Box is a leading affordable SEO agency in UAE that can help you with different SEO types, including technical SEO, on-page SEO, Off-page SEO, Mobile SEO, Local SEO, and more. With SEO Out of the Box, you can hire a team of experts vested with the credibility to create a profound brand image for your business.
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
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How It Differs From Traditional Commerce
While traditional commerce is characterized by physical marketplaces running brick-and-mortar stores, eCommerce is its digital version wherein the Internet is the marketplace and eCommerce websites are the stores.
How Do Keywords Impact eCommerce Business?
In this online marketing model, the prime objective is to feature on the first page of search engine results and thus make your eCommerce more visible to users. For this, it is imperative as well as important to know what keywords to include in your website and to perform a thorough research of the words that you think could feature your store higher on search results. Briefly put, keyword research is a big deal for your eCommerce website as keyword research forms the basis of every eCommerce SEO campaign. Here’s how to effectively conduct eCommerce SEO keyword research.
How to Conduct Keyword Research?
Focus on product-based keywords rather than informational keywords - Informational keywords are those that people type into search engines to discover helpful “how-to” content. On the other hand, product-based keywords are used by customers to focus on product searches. It means that while performing keyword research for your eCommerce business/store, you need to bear product-focused keywords in mind. The best way to go about doing so is -
Amazon Suggest - Amazon, being the largest eCommerce website in the world, happens to be the most valuable repository of keywords. For your keyword research, head to the Amazon website. And inside its search bar, type a keyword that describes your product(s). While typing, Amazon will drop down a list of suggestions around that keyword. These suggestions happen to be very targeted and thus convert better than other terms.
Search Engines - This is probably the best place to start your keyword research as here you can learn about what people are searching for, and, based on their searches, what kind of results are being returned, and, most importantly, who will you be competing against.
Once you have a comprehensive list of potential keywords, follow this 4-step guide to determine the best keywords for your eCommerce site.
Search Volume - Use the Google Keyword Planner (GKP) tool to find the search volume for a given keyword.
Keyword-Product Fit - Find the keyword that fits perfectly well with what your website sells.
Commercial Intent - Before you decide on a keyword, make sure whether the people using that keyword are rich or poor. This can be done using the Google Keyword Planner.
Competition – To see how difficult it would be to crack Google’s first page, use the SEMrush’s “Keyword Difficulty”.
Keyword targeting - Now that you have a keyword, find out whether the sites ranking in the top ten are optimized around that keyword. If you find that the pages in the top ten search results are just semi-related to that keyword, chances are that you may outrank them with a highly-targeted page.
Having known the ins and outs of eCommerce SEO keyword research, you may apply the steps and procedures involved to build a targeted keyword list. Thus, your e-commerce website is sure to rank higher in the SERPs. If you found this interesting, leave a comment and share! You can read more blogs here.
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
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SEO Elements - The Basics
A webpage is comprised of several constituents such as the URL, title tag, meta description, headlines, header tags, keywords, etc.Of all such constituents, some can be optimized, thereby improving a website’s search engine rankings and thus earning organic traffic. Such constituents of a webpage are known as SEO elements. The name SEO elements because optimization of these is what constitutes on-page SEO.
Impact of SEO Elements onSearch Rankings
Search engines consider many factors important while prioritizing results of organic search. Ranking high in organic search requires optimizing for a combination of these factors. On-page (or on-site) SEO is the practice of optimizing elements of a web page so that it can rank higher and earn more relevant traffic during an online search. On-page SEO happens to be so vast a technique that any business wanting to rank higher in organic search results will have to avail the services of a reputed website SEO services, UAE.
Here we present the top five most important on-page SEO elements whose optimization can help your website score better and rank higher in organic search results.
E-A-T- EAT is an acronym for Expertise, Authority and Trustworthiness - the three parameters that Google employs to rank the quality of content on pages and websites. Content that is high on E-A-T helps a website earn better rankings. Thus, E-A-T plays a vital role in Google’s organic search results, which should be reason enough for you to consider and include it in your SEO strategy.
URL - The structure of the URL of a webpage indicates what it is about to the search engines and users. Therefore, the URL structure of your website must be treated as the title tag, i.e., it should be kept short and include the main keyword.
Title tag - The title tag is a part of HTML code that exists in the head section of each webpage. Providing an initial cue to search engines as to what the topical subject matter of the respective web page is on, the title tag is yet another SEO element that should be optimized and should introduce the topic of the page.
Meta description - The meta description or meta tag of a webpage is the short paragraph or text featured below the title tag in the SERPs. Perse, a meta tag is not a significant on-page SEO ranking factor. However, a meta description will most likely convince users to click on your webpage in the search results, i.e., it will improve your website’s Clickthrough Rate (CTR). Since the meta description field grants you more characters to work with compared to the title tag field, use this generosity to elaborate on what the page is about.
Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6) - Every web page can have a maximum of 6 (H1 - H6) heading tags. They identify headings and subheadings within your content from other types of text. The H1 heading tag plays a key role in on-page SEO rankings. Therefore, wrap your page title with the H1 headline.
Trust a Well-Established SEO agency for Website SEO
To avail of the most comprehensive on-page website SEO services in UAE, SEO Out of the Box is the best digital marketing and SEO firm to partner with. With higher E-A-T links, the team of experts at SEO Out of the Box drives users directly to the product pages. Besides, SEO Out of the Box provides quality content and the best technical SEO audits. Contact us today to get started with on-page website SEO services in the UAE.
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
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Do you find it challenging to make your website appear in online searches? Or are you struggling with website conversions? Brand name and awareness are natural outcomes of establishing your business online. The larger question, however, for most business owners is “How to make my business stand apart in the online space of other similar businesses?”SEO Out of the Box is an award-winning SEO agency in the UAE with a strong reputation for helping businesses grow. One such well-established UAE-based SEO agency is SEO Out of the Box. Let’s see how this firm can help your business gain an edge over others in the online marketplace.
Do Not Confuse the Glittering For the Gold
Choosing the right SEO firm to partner with is crucial for success in the online arena. In such a scenario, you cannot just trust any digital marketing or SEO firm. Working with an SEO agency with a proven track record of catapulting businesses helps succeed relatively quickly. You can find tons of digital marketing and SEO firms. Therefore, choosing the most reliable one is the key to your business’ success. Here are the most prominent reasons why SEO Out of the Box is the best choice when it comes to SEO.
Why Choose Us?
1. Highly customized SEO strategies and approaches - The biggest mistake most businesses make while trying to set foot in the online space is to adopt generic SEO practices. Such SEO tactics, no doubt, work well and are effective, but to a certain extent. The requirements and objectives of each business are unique. Our seasoned SEO specialists listen to your business needs and goals, and offer you SEO solutions that are exclusively tailored for your business.
2. Ethical methods, long-lasting results - Our SEO expert team employs ethical and white hat methods which are pretty effective in helping businesses gain top positions in the organic search results. Such practices yield results that are more effective and longer-lasting.
3. An immaculate track record - We have a professional team of the most seasoned SEO experts in the industry. The team has a proven track record of helping client websites feature on the top search engine results pages (SERPs).
4. Affordability- Our team believes in providing effective SEO solutions at the most affordable rates. The team thus ensures that the returns a business would enjoy from their SEO tactics would not just even out but exceed their charges.
Offering the most comprehensive SEO solutions
Providing the most comprehensive SEO solutions for website conversions and customer loyalty, SEO Out of the Box is the leading SEO agency in the UAE. With an all-inclusive 360°approach to SEO and an unparalleled 95% customer satisfaction rate, SEO Out of the Box is the best choice. SEO Out of the Box specializes in SME, eCommerce, corporate and start-up SEO services. You can contact us here for more details and quotes.
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
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E-Commerce SEO - The Basics
The eCommerce space is highly competitive. Businesses need to feature in the top search results to capitalize on the immense potential of digital marketing.eCommerce SEO is the process of optimizing your eCommerce website to make it more visible in the search engine results pages (SERPs) and appear in the foremost search results so that more shoppers can find your products. Simply put, it is a way of driving more traffic and sales to your eCommerce website. For availing the services of the best eCommerce SEO expert, Dubai based SEO firms are the best option. However, there are some useful DIY SEO tricks that you can perform on your website. Let’s see what they are.
How is SEO Different for E-commerce?
Although elementary SEO tactics and general SEO measures do fall under the ambit of e-commerce SEO, many other tactics are required to compete with countless other online stores. Besides essentials like keyword research, on-page SEO, optimizing your website’s performance, several eCommerce-specifics SEO actions need to be performed to make your store/products visible to a wider range of customers. Here are the top three eCommerce SEO tips to improve your website’s ranking.
The Best DIY E-Commerce SEO Tips for Your Website
1.       Website structure - Technical aspects
The structure of your website forms the very basis of your online store. The lack of proper structure could drive visitors away. Work on the following points to improve your site’s structure:-
HTTPS - Move your site to HTTPS if you haven’t already.SSL adds a layer of security to your website and also helps improve your site’s SEO ranking.
Mobile-friendliness - The ever-increasing ubiquity of smartphones is bound to soon force all businesses to optimize their websites for mobile. So, you should better follow suit.
Page load speed - Slower page loading speeds tend to increase the bounce rate. To enhance the eCommerce SEO of your website, work on shortening the page load time.
2. User experience - To decide whether your website is a reliable source of information for the users and whether they can find what they are looking for, Google utilizes user statistics. Google statistics include conversion rate, load time, bounce rate, time on page, etc. Based on these user statistics, Google assesses which sites to rank higher in its search results and in which order. Working on these parameters can help you rank on the first page of Google’s search results.
3. Create useful content and update the old one - Include your page’s primary keyword in the title and body in a meaningful way to optimize the content. Also, optimize your website’s URL, meta title and meta description, H1 header, and content.
A Reputed SEO Company to Catapult the Number of Your Website Visitors
If you plan to expand your digital footprint locally and globally, choose SEO Out of the Box, one of the best eCommerce SEO companies that cater to the needs of all eCommerce businesses. They provide comprehensive eCommerce SEO services customized to your unique needs. Turbocharge your online store, attract more customers, and get more sales with SEO Out of the Box. Contact us today to talk to our eCommerce SEO experts in Dubai.
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
SEO Checklist for Website Redesign
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If you are a savvy entrepreneur, you already have a website. But is your website up to date? Do you think your website to be a wee bit old-fashioned? Has your website become slow and cumbersome? Are you yearning to integrate that new shopping cart feature that can boost your sales? Then it’s high time that you consider awebsite redesign. 
Apart from the aesthetics and usability, the aspects of security, SEO, and conversion rate are critical for websites of all sizes. So, with SERPs becoming the new normal in customer experiences, let’s discuss an SEO checklist for Website Redesign. We promise to keep you hooked! 
Why is website redesigning essential?
You might need to opt for Website Redesign if you have:
A low conversion rate
Unimpressive UX
High bounce rates
Unresponsive interface across different devices
Outdated interface
Non-SEO-friendly site
After a redesign, you can:
Improve your site’s SEO and performance
Refocus your content strategy
Enhance user experience
Offer faster load speeds
Provide more stringent security measures and more
The interdependence between website design and SEO
Believe it or not, page speed does impact SEO. It is one of the most popular reasons visitors leave a website is due to the slow loading times. If you are still on the fence about getting a website redesign, these questions can help you decide your next action:
Do your web pages load quickly? What is the average page loading time?
Does the branding seem to be on-point?
Is your customer journey orchestrated throughout the website?
Are your pages optimized for mobile?
Is your site navigable?
If the answer to any of these questions is no, you need a serious website revamp to rank well on SERPs. Google prioritizes user experience more than anything. So, if you want to rank well according to search engine algorithms, optimizing and redesigning your website for user experience is integral. 
Before you dive into the checklist, ensure to opt for professional help and hire an expert website redesign agency with ample experience.
Content is the life and blood of online ecosystems. So, when the designing starts, the designing experts begin with auditing your existing content. They use analytics and Ubersuggest to conduct a complete content audit. This can help to find out which pages are relevant and where you need to make changes. 
In addition, they update the website navigation architecture. By drafting a map of your current structure, they optimize your site and create a new sitemap based on what you curated. 
If they find any low-value pages worth updating, remove or redirect them. This method is known as “Content Pruning”.
Your page speed gets optimized so that no webpage takes more than four seconds to load. 
Once your site goes live, the XML sitemap is updated and submitted to Google or/and Bing. 
Getting started
While you redesign your website, work for more than avoiding any SEO blunder. Redesigning is an intricate procedure that can make or break your site’s online image. So, optimize for speed, aesthetics, functionality, security, and a myriad of other aspects.
Want to get started with Website Redesign? Get in touch SEO Out Of Box for free consultation.
Source: https://seooutofthebox.com/seo-checklist-for-website-redesign/
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
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The rapid growth of the online economy has triggered a scramble to solidify digital identities. Business owners everywhere want their firms to stand out online. They want their web pages to generate traffic and leads that they can convert to sales. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the tried-and-true technique for maximizing such organic traffic. But the execution of SEO strategies is not as easy as it sounds. The market is flooded with SEO agencies claiming to improve your rankings in no time. But how can you find the right SEO agency in UAE to meet your goals? This simple guide will help you find the perfect fit that steers you to success.
Six Things to Remember While Choosing Your SEO Agency
While there are hundreds of SEO service firms, you should choose an SEO agency that aligns with your business goals. Finding a good SEO agency in UAE may seem hard, but it doesn’t have to be! The following considerations can help you streamline your search and partner with the best.
Analyze Case Studies and Client Testimonials: SEO is a dynamic domain, and long-term experience is a valuable asset to succeed in this field. Hence, you must look for agencies with a stellar track record in delivering SEO results. You can look for case study portfolios or read through client reviews. These accounts will help you understand the agency's past work and its future potential.
Look for a Cohesive Team with Diverse Skills: The execution of an SEO strategy entails much more than keyword research or technical optimization. A failproof SEO plan involves the analysis of search engine insights, curation of content marketing pieces, and inclusion of digital marketing principles. Therefore, it is imperative to choose a team that combines the skills of multiple specialists. A cohesive firm consisting of SEO strategists, content specialists, digital marketers, and analysts can help you achieve seamless results.
Steer Clear of Unrealistic Claims: Many SEO agencies promise number one rankings to their clients. They offer quick results at cheap rates with little transparency regarding the execution process. These claims may indicate the use of black hat tactics. Unethical SEO practices can attract penalties from top search engines. Moreover, they can ruin the credibility of your firm. Hence, you must prioritize ethical practices and realistic promises while choosing an SEO agency in the UAE.
Schedule a Call with the Company: Scheduling a call with the agency’s representatives can help you understand their approach. Moreover, a brief call can help you discuss the project requirements and adjust the budget to reflect the business needs and market standards.
Look for Valuable Thought Leadership: When you search for a top-rated SEO agency, you must prioritize the knowledge, expertise, and experience of its specialists. You can evaluate these aspects by checking out their content publications and thought leadership posts.
Assess their Targeting Strategy: SEO plans can vary depending on the nature of a business. For example, SEO for startups will be different from SEO plans for a corporate firm. You can look for companies that offer targeted approaches for different business types. This criterion will help you find SEO agencies that focus on tailoring their packages.
Reach out to the SEO Out of the Box team today! We have a team of experienced professionals who can offer custom online SEO solutions that complement your business needs. If you're looking for a leading SEO Agency in the UAE, contact us for a free consultation now.
Source: https://seooutofthebox.com/how-do-i-find-a-good-seo-agency-in-uae/
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
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The UAE is witnessing a rapid growth of internet adoption across consumption categories, and thriving amidst the local competition is as crucial as surviving among in the global hustle. Whether you want more foot traffic for your brick and mortar business or you want to rank better in Google SERPs, local SEO can come in handy. A local SEO company can help small enterprises achieve business growth in their respective areas so that more customers choose them over other competitors. But finding a company that specializes in local SEO services can be challenging. Let's break down the factors you must think about as you make this choice.
Local SEO: Understanding the Definition
Local SEO encompasses all strategies to optimize your web presence in a limited geographical context. It seeks to improve the visibility of your business on search engine results pages (SERPs) in response to local search queries. It targets the local audience with a high level of geographical proximity to your business. A local SEO companycan help your physical businesses get more visitors. At the same time, it can boost your website’s organic traffic from local users.
What Should Local SEO Include?
Local SEO strategies leverage some unique ranking factors in addition to the regular search engine criteria. Local SEO must include plans to navigate these ranking signals. These components comprise the following:
Consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) Citations
Designing cohesive listings on Google My Business
Keyword optimization on Google My Business
Sentiment analysis of internet reviews
Optimizing Google Maps rating for business location
Optimizing location check-ins
Keyword assessment in online reviews
Professional local SEO companiesknow how to blend the buyer signals, personas and buyer behaviors with SEO practices for delivering the best results.
Local SEO Practices: Benefits for a Business
Local SEO practices can ensure the following advantages for your business:
Enhanced brand visibility in local searches
Creating a local community of enthusiastic consumers
Relevant traffic from high-conversion sales prospects
Better support for targeted PPC ads
Local SEO Example
Local SEO ensures geographically specific search results even when the user does not mention their location in the search query. For example, you run a local restaurant business. When someone searches for "lunch options for delivery" near your restaurant, a successful local SEO campaign will help your restaurant show up on the SERP with a high ranking. The power of local SEO utilizes location tracking and geographical optimization to match businesses with potential consumers.
Getting Started with Local SEO
Local SEO requires proficiency in optimizing SERPs using local signals. Hence, you need the help of an experienced local SEO company to kickstart this process. You can hire an SEO agency with deep domain expertise and a customer-centric approach to deliver local results. Partnering with a top-rated agency will help you unlock long-term local advantages for your business. You can also reach out to our experts for Local SEO Services and consultation.
Source: https://seooutofthebox.com/finding-a-local-seo-company-in-uae-what-is-it/
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
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The UAE has a fast-growing eCommerce sector, with the non-store retail category projected to grow at a rate of 78% between 2018 and 2023. This explosion of online opportunities and growth triggers has presented small businesses with a new challenge. Enhancing digital identities and building online traffic is top on their goals.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most cost-effective ways to generate organic traffic and develop long-term advantages. Hence, affordable small business SEO packages in UAE can help these firms stand out and attain high ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs). However, when the stakes are high and the competition steep, many small businesses fall prey to the lure of cheap SEO services. What is the difference between affordable and cheap options in SEO packages? How can business owners choose what is best? Let’s break it down. 
Why Do Small Businesses Need SEO Services?
SEO services help to streamline the web page characteristics in a way that suits search engine ranking factors. Search engines like Google use their algorithms to filter web pages and display search results that are relevant and useful. Small businesses can use SEO to optimize their web presence and satisfy these algorithms to achieve high SERP rankings. High rankings improve their brand visibility, generate relevant leads and improve the chances of sales conversion. An effective SEO package offers the following advantages to small businesses:
Enhanced outreach
Profound industry presence in the shark-dominated business landscape
Increased brand authority
More ROI in the long-term as SEO is cost-effective 
Factors that Matter while Choosing an SEO Service
You must look for the following factors while choosing the best SEO package for your business:
Customized SEO plans to meet business goals
Realistic target-setting and transparent reports
Holistic strategy mapping with a focus on content development, technical SEO, and off-page link-building
White hat SEO practices as per search engine standards
Prioritizing these factors will help you build a strong foundation that will generate consistent results for your firm. 
Cheap Vs Affordable Options in SEO Services
There is a thin line between cheapness and affordability in the delivery of SEO services. Cheap services will offer quick results with clickbait promises. They may offer you first-page ranking guarantees within 2 or 3 months. However, cheap SEO services will not provide tailored solutions that reflect the essence of your business, especially curated content solutions. Instead, they will rely on tactics like spamming with keywords and rewriting plagiarised content. Cheap SEO services come with the following red flags:
An unprofessional team
No customization as per business needs
Spammy, black hat SEO tactics
Lack of regular reports and accountability
Unrealistic, short-term practices
No focus on technical and content SEO
Finding affordable small business SEO packages in UAE is a challenge. SEO Out of the Box SEO services at realistic rates. We deliver sustained results and adopt holistic strategies that help your brand grow online without any roadblocks. 
Which SEO Services Should You Start With?
Opting for affordable small business SEO packages in UAE can deliver a higher RoI in the long term. Even though these affordable rates are slightly higher than the cheap prices, they provide better value for money. They also deliver insight-backed reports and strategic SEO guidance to transform your digital marketing practices. Hence, you will benefit from partnering with a team of experienced professionals who design high-impact strategies. 
A well-designed SEO blueprint can set the tone for your digital marketing success. If you want a tailormade SEO strategy to support your business growth, reach out to the expert team at SEO Out of the Box!
Source: https://seooutofthebox.com/cheap-vs-affordable-seo-packages-what-small-businesses-should-opt-for/
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seooutofthebox · 2 years
Should I Invest In Local SEO In The UAE?
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According to several reports, UAE is the e-commerce leader amongst the Gulf Countries, which witnessed a whopping 53% growth in 2020 and a record $3.9 billion in e-commerce sales. Hence, a formidable online presence here can do wonders for your business. Let us delve deeper and understand how local SEO solutions in UAE can help your business flourish.
What Is Meant By Local SEO?
Local SEO refers to a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) approach that facilitates web pages to rank higher in local search results. It requires optimizing your website to serve a specific area and constitutes an instrumental element of local marketing.
Local SEO: A Brief Overview
Receiving a head start at local SEO is pivotal in ensuring the consistent growth of your business. Here is a brief guide on how to get started:
Keyword Selection: You first need to choose relevant keywords for your webpage according to your requirements. Keyword intent is one of the most critical elements of keyword research. It helps you boost your conversion rates and expand your audience.
Google Business Profile: Setting up a convincing Google Business Profile is imperative to success in local SEO. First, you need to complete the verification process – which might take some time. Then you must briefly describe your business details and provide relevant images.
Website Optimization: It forms a key prerequisite to increase visibility and provide a positive user experience. The most crucial pages of a website include the homepage, service pages, contact (location) pages, blog pages, etc. Local SEO lays particular emphasis on all these elements. You also need to optimize your page for mobile phones to cater to a larger audience.
NAP: It stands for name, address, and phone number – vital details that you must keep up-to-date. Include tags and meta descriptions on business details to boost your visibility further. You also need to add Google Maps to your site pinpointing your business locations.
Non-Google Listings: Although Google constitutes over 90% of searches globally, it is still important to maintain other directory listings too. Some of the most popular non-Google directories include Bing, Yahoo, Yelp, Hotfrog, etc.
Local SEO: The Myriad Benefits
Enhanced Online Visibility: Local SEO aids you in significantly increasing your online presence. It will ensure that your webpage is more likely to be found in the organic search results than your competitors.
Relevant Traffic & Target Audience: Local SEO solutions in UAE will guarantee that your website is visible to the right people at the right time. You get to serve targeted audiences who have a greater chance of investing in your product or service.
Reduce Advertising Costs: Optimization helps your website rank higher in search results, enabling you to cut advertising costs. It hugely reduces your budget and allows you to spend your funds more judiciously.
Build Trust & Reliability: Higher search results often correspond to a greater degree of assurance and credibility. Hence, local SEO assists in fostering trust amongst your audience.
Thus, the effective implementation of local SEO can not only enhance visibility but can also help in establishing a trustworthy online presence. Invest in local SEO solutions in UAE immediately to relish the plethora of benefits! For further details on local SEO, visit SEO Out of Box now!
Source: https://seooutofthebox.com/should-i-invest-in-local-seo-in-the-uae/
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