seoul-of-space · 5 years
About Me & Seoul of Space!
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I’m Emily and I will be studying abroad at Ewha Womans University in Spring 2020 
Some general information about me:
Currently a junior at an American public university 
Qualified for Gilman but did not receive it
Received a travel grant
Finishing up GEs, Asian studies minor + education certification class
Never taken Korean but is planning to 
Find me on Instagram @ seoul​.of.space
I never went into college planning that I would study abroad. My main reasons for choosing to is that: 
It’s cheaper than being at my home university
Still a major capital, not interested in rural living lol
Never been there!
Choosing to study abroad in Asia was great for me too since it will give me the opportunity to go to countries nearby (Japan!) and visit my family in Malaysia. 
Don’t get me wrong though even with all the proximity I am definitely worried about being that far away from home and being a part of an entirely different environment. However, I am also going with a few friends from home! I even requested my current roommate from my home university to be my roommate in Ewha, which has been noted by the office. 
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I am excited to document this journey mainly because there are not that many good sources. Most South Korean study abroad posts are shopping, food and k-pop related which while all three are great, I want to know about more practical things like phones, banking, health office stuff, you know the boring but important stuff. 
Hopefully, I can provide helpful information as well as some fun things during my stay in Korea! 
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