septemberbabezzz · 7 years
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Losing and Gaining turned 8 today!
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septemberbabezzz · 7 years
You did something for me I couldn’t do for myself. You loved me for who I am.
William Chapman (via thelovejournals)
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septemberbabezzz · 7 years
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septemberbabezzz · 7 years
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septemberbabezzz · 7 years
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This cat is an odd one lol. She doesn't like milk! She plays tug-of-war. So fascinated/confused about when I put make up, put my hair up or down, & how I get dress😂😂😂 like has a very unique personality😸😸😸😸
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septemberbabezzz · 7 years
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My baby😍😍😍
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
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Pretty dress today😛😛
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
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Nissan Versa!💙💙 **didn't want a car😒😒 but this is what I can afford without hurting too much**
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
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Getting a new car today🚗🚗🚗
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
A friendly reminder to believe in yourself. 
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
I give up....
I give up on guys nowadays. They don’t take anything serious or they let one small thing get in the way of things. I’m judged on a mistake that happened four years ago & I have to live with for the rest of my life. Like its dumb. But I got a 49/50 on my digital literacy midterm! I am happy about that. I have a writing assignment that is due tonight and im just not in the mood to do it. I just want to sleep all day and all night. I do have work tonight which should be alright. I get free food tonight so I guess that’s good. Talked to zack a little today which was ehh….hes a lost cause because he’s staying in Idaho until who knows when. But I’m not gonna make him a priority anymore because we’re just never going to end up together. 
2/17/2017: Found out that I got accepted into the Phlebotomy Program and made mom cry that I’m finally getting my life on the road. I cried because I’ve been waiting for 2-3 years for this and I’m excited that I finally got in. Got the email just in time for the meeting tonight too so I was able to tell everyone, especially Kristen, that I will be dropping down to part time. I informed her that they’re going to be making up my schedule so as soon as I know my schedule, I will tell her and we can both work around it. Also waiting for one more income tax check and hopefully March’s checks and I can start looking for a new car. Nicole texted me asking if I would still be able to take a week off in August and I just told her that we can cross that path when it gets closer to that time. But I’m very proud of my self and everyone is too! I’m excited!! :D
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
February 13, 2017
 Today is Zack’s 26th birthday and I set my alarm last night at 11:58 so I can wish him a happy birthday right at midnight. I had math class and I told the only girl that I am talking to about Nicole’s announcement of the baby, she seems pretty cool. Talked to Billy all day. Work was alright on both shifts, I got my steps in so I’m happy about that. I made mac & cheese tonight for dinner, but I didn’t really eat it...oh well lunch for tomorrow! I’m just going to study for my Digital Literacy Midterm and input my outline of the latest summary/Response that is due this Thursday. I need more time after work to do things such as cook dinner and homework. I finally got my reimbursement check which I was getting worried about because that’s extra money I desperately need each month. I need to work on my bullet journal more, I swear this is what happens whenever I try doing something, I just forget about it. 
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
February 11,2017
 The other great thing about today is that Nicole told me she is pregnant so I told my very limited about of friends. But she’s going to post pictures on Facebook to tell the rest of the world. She tried getting Bryson to tell me but I think he was too far away from the phone & like to rushed so I couldn’t understand him. But other than that I just played the Sims 3 & relaxed. Did a little of math homework & studied some more for the digital literacy midterm that is this Wednesday. It was extremely sunny so I went on a walk when I was talking to Nicole, it was nice. My health is going back to normal kinda so I’m getting happy that I am getting closer to being able to work out again. I am going to take it slow to monitor my heart beat & I haven’t worked out in like six weeks so my body is not use to it. Hopefully I don’t have dreams about babies again!
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
The heartbeat of the baby!💖💖💖💖
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
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Finally decided to call Nicole & go on a walk. Well she told me that shes pregnant! She knew since Christmas but haven’t told a lot of people yet since she’s had miscalls so rather play it safe than sorry.
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septemberbabezzz · 8 years
Dreams (2/10/2017)
 In the first dream it had Zack, and we had a baby girl name Julie. The weird thing is that in the dream it didn’t show me being pregnant or anything, but I think that’s because my brain doesn’t know how to show my being pregnant since I haven’t yet gotten pregnant. But another strange thing is that his wife was also pregnant and gave birth to a girl, which they named Lindsey in the dream. That part is true though, she is pregnant with a girl. Zack and I also went on a date and his wife just came over and starting talking to us like nothing. Another scene was that I was coming over to his house to shower for some weird reason but I had to wait until Stormy was done, but Zack and I were just talking while I’m half naked and his wife in the other room.
 The second dream with Zack was that he left me a big Valentine’s day card on a table and it said something along the lines like “I would only be a King if you were my Queen,” and like he taped two small crowns to it for us to wear I’m assume. 
I had very weird dreams, that’s for sure.
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