sera-ahn · 10 years
I'm sorry, can you say that again? I'm not sure if it's because you're basic or or a bitch but I really can't hear what you're saying. 
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Bye Felicia.
That’s right. You’re listening to her. So nice of you to notice.
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sera-ahn · 10 years
Yes... like seriously. I mean, how many modifying adjectives do you really have to use the fuck out of to get your point across? I was on board the first time around.
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"You’ve seriously never had homemade chicken and dumplings? Sweetheart, you have been missing the fuck out."
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sera-ahn · 10 years
Quiet down five, the ten is talking.
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Girls with faces like mine, don’t talk to people with faces like yours, so if you could move along, très apprécié.
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sera-ahn · 10 years
You know, I've always wondered why people think a simple 'my bad' can solve everything. I mean, seriously? What does that even mean? My, being yours and bad being something negative. My negative object? Sounds more like a physics term than an apology.
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...Not that I was saying anything but still– rude.
Wha—Did you say something? Sorry, I wasn’t listening. My bad.
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sera-ahn · 10 years
Oh What A Day ✿ Priscilla & Sera
"Maybe ten years from now, I’ll go down in textbooks. They’ll make a movie about me and not one of those shitty Lifetime ones…Oh man, I hope they don’t cast me as just any Asian girl. I really don’t want to be like Arden Ch–”
"Will you shut the fuck up and make your phone call already?" the man’s angry voice sounded, interrupting her thoughts. The situation in itself seemed surreal to Sera and yet as she took the phone in hand, it was all too real. If only it weren’t for that stupid kid…
She’d been following him for weeks now–recreationally, of course– and in her time of doing so, she’d learned a lot. Mr. McLaughlin, the computer guy, also known as McDreamy to T.C. Williams’ middle-aged teachers, had been living a double life for years. In the day-time, he was simply tech-support, a single man flirting and living it up. It was no secret that he’d come fancy Ms. Baker. The pair certainly made it obvious enough. During her student teaching days, she’d gotten a lot of classroom practice particularly in the times in which they spent trying to install Adobe Flash. It was natural curiosity that started things up again and at that point, she gave in. Her urges and desires were things she didn't want to fight. Thus, slowly but surely, week after week, Sera followed Mr. McLaughlin from school and to his home. She became well acquainted with his wife's travellng schedule and could even name which child was failing what subject. 
She'd felt she'd conquered the conqueror and in some ways she had. She'd single-handedly uncovered Mr.McLaughlin's true self. Feeling invigorated therefore, Sera'd set out that day to expose him. She was going to bring evidence to Ms. Baker and force him to apologize. He wouldn't get away with it anymore. Hence, with the day had been set and calendar marked. August 1st was to be the day she caught him.
Was, being the key word. The details were unnecessary and in the end, it hardly mattered. It was all supposed of that stupid brat anyway. What was more important noq was her hostage situation and the fact she'd just be given her way to escape. Tucked unseen behind the living room closet door, Sera picked up the phone and dialed. Her ally was the strong...but more importantly, the only who understood Chinese. Uttering as rapidly as she could, Sera spoke what could be roughly translated as the following:
"...Hello? ...Hello! HEY WAIT THIS ISN'T A JOKE! PRISCILLA DON'T HANG UP, OKAY?? ...Um, well, shit. I lost my train of thought....I'm glad you're listening though...Oh right! Okay so, long story short, I'm kinda locked in Mr. McLaughlin's living area and before you ask, no this is not some sort of kinky sex game. Anyway, he's um, kinda asking for $500. Like, now. As in right away and um, well I totally thought about calling the police but since I'm sorta in the wrong... I was kinda hoping you'd help me instead?? I'm at 683 South Lake Drive, PLEASE. I PROMISE I'LL PAY YOU BA–" 
"Time's up." he uttered as he re-opened the door, fingers prying the phone from her hands. It was dark and he had the greater advantage, evident in the little struggle she managed. "Fuck!" Sera uttered at its close, the lock giving a sense of finality.
It seemed it were truly up to Priscilla now and Confucius willing, her friend would come.
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sera-ahn · 10 years
hey hey! c: i just want to apologize for not being around much/taking 5ever on replies. i'm in the process of finishing up my internship and moving back to my home country. (eeek!!) as you can imagine, that means i have a ton to do and well, two and a half weeks (aka not enough time) to do it. expect replies and my para starter saturday evening! and of course, if you want to plot, feel free to message me! :3
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sera-ahn · 10 years
[instagram] @suisera did you know coca cola was invented by a morphine addict and originally contained cocaine? #funfact #thursdayblues
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sera-ahn · 10 years
You know, I've really always wondered the same thing. I mean, sure. I give my number out to friends and certain companies but that's about it. .Personally, I think the institution of telemarketing is just corrupt. I mean, why else would I get called by computerized Australian woman by the name of Kelly Smith? And why does she have such an obvious and awful accent? Like seriously, please enlighten me.
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Can we talk about how all these telemarketers get your number? Because if there is one thing in the world that annoys me, it’s telemarketers. I don’t want your talking sky mall voice in my ear, thanks.
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sera-ahn · 10 years
She caught it and for a moment, she was so thrilled she had. As of recent, she'd upped her training and to her excitement, it seemed to be be paying off. With heightened reflexes and faster kicks, Sera felt safer than she had before. "Yes!" she exclaimed before looking down, the smile immediately morphing into a frown. "What...the...Hey kid!" 
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Sera ran to stand before him, eyes narrowed at the strange blonde. Part of her didn't know what to think and the other part was just mad. "If this your way of saying 'go fuck yourself,' then I have to admit it's pretty clever but still!" She stomped her foot then in emphasis before adding in the same tone. "I take to offense to this on so many levels. I mean, is it not enough to live in a patriarchal society? Do you have to assume because of the way I look I need help getting off at night too? That I'm lesbian just because I wore shorts today?"
"Well that was fucking rude," Dusty stood there on the street, gripping the item in his hand like it was contaminating his very soul. He knew better than to trust other people, but even then it was difficult for him to remind himself not to accept things from strangers. The voice had been a male’s, and it wasn’t like Dusty wasn’t a nice person. A simple "hey, can you hold this for me?" and Dusty had been stuck holding something he hoped was a banana.
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Instead of doing what a normal person would, such as dropping said item and walking away, Dusty figured he could pawn the thing off on someone else. He turned when he heard close footsteps, and he instead threw what happened to be a bright pink dildo in the general direction of said person, “Think fast!”
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sera-ahn · 10 years
"Please yourself. It's not matter of sexuality, age or whatever it is you're trying to infer at all. It's just a quirk of the law. Besides, if he's so 'ew' why would you even ask him for dating advice? Wait– yeah no, hang on. Why did you even ask?"
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"Ew, no! No way, he knows I don’t swing that way! Plus he is like… sixty. Please.”
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sera-ahn · 10 years
"Um, well. To be completely honest, that's probably the best thing he could've done. I mean, really? How could you– Were you trying to trap him? ...It sounds like a trap. ...Poor man, he was just trying to enjoy his day. Now he's probably fearful of having a lawsuit filed...Rough life."
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"I asked my boss for some dating advice and he just ran off on me! Can you believe that? Dude, I know you are like a hundred years old, but R-U-D-E!"
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sera-ahn · 10 years
'-an' he jus' twisted, an' he looked so freakin' surprised wi' th'tooth! '
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'e was all like- Are you listenin' t'me anymore? Sorry, I babble, I babble, what was I on 'bout?'
She blinked rapidly before turning around, eyes almost unable to focus. She hadn't thought anyone talking to her, much less holding a conversation. In any case, she hadn't started it and it intrusion wasn't exactly welcome. "Sorry, what?" she paused, eying him directly. "I um, I'm pretty sure I don't know you. Why are you talking to me? "
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sera-ahn · 10 years
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Um yes, my name's Sayuri and um, yes well, this is me (and Sera). I was apart of this role-play (and iRP too!) ages ago and I'm incredibly excited to be back! I hate using the backspace button so I usually just keep typing as I think... Oh yeah! So Sera. Sera is an New Englander turned Alexandrian with a love for all things quirky. She's a elementary teacher who love l o v e s kickboxing. In her spare time, Sera enjoys taking pictures, yoga and people watching. Her biggest flaw however is her curiosity. She's been known to just well, follow someone home, or go to the same restaurant as someone she finds interesting. 
I will definitely be looking through everyone's bios and messaging some people but I'd love to hear from anyone!
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sera-ahn · 10 years
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sera-ahn · 10 years
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sera-ahn · 10 years
Chaotic Neutral is called the “Anarchist” or “Free Spirit” alignment. A character of this alignment is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although they promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first. Good and Evil come second to their need to be free, and the only reliable thing about them is how totally unreliable they are. Chaotic Neutral characters are free-spirited and do not enjoy the unnecessary suffering of others, but if they join a team, it is because that team’s goals coincide with their own. They invariably resent taking orders and can be very selfish in their pursuit of personal goals. A Chaotic Neutral character does not have to be an aimless wanderer; they may have a specific goal in mind, but their methods of achieving that goal are often disorganized, unorthodox, or entirely unpredictable. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society’s restrictions and a do-gooder’s zeal. Chaotic neutral can be a dangerous alignment because it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, and order in society.
Chaotic Neutral
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sera-ahn · 10 years
ESFPs are cooperative, “here and now” people-persons that enjoy excitement and love new adventures. Because of their highly social nature, they are especially lively when they are the center of attention and hate being alone. ESFPs have a practical side that allows them to finish work efficiently and are often good problem solvers. 
Enthusiastic and fun-loving, they make everything enjoyable.
Clever, witty, direct, and popular, people are drawn towards them.
Earthy and sensual.
Down to earth and practical, able to take care of daily needs.
Artistic and creative, they’re likely to have attractive homes.
Flexible and diverse, they “go with the flow” extremely well.
They can leave bad relationships, although it’s not easy.
Try to make the most of every moment.
Generous and warm-hearted.
May be frivolous and risky with money.
Tend to be materialistic.
Extreme dislike of criticism, likely to take things extremely personally.
Likely to ignore or escape conflict situations rather than face them.
Lifelong commitments may be a struggle for them - they take things one day at a time.
Don’t pay enough attention to their own needs.
Tendency to neglect their health, or even abuse their bodies.
Always excited by something new, they may change partners frequently.
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ESFP : the Entertainer
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