seraph-118 · 1 month
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seraph-118 · 4 months
30/5/2024 | Fête patronale pour sainte Jeanne d’Arc
Jeanne, c'est toi notre unique espérance
Du haut des Cieux, daigne entendre nos voix
Descends vers nous, viens convertir la France
Viens la sauver une seconde fois
Sainte Jeanne de France, priez pour nous. ✝️⚜️
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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Unnatural Animals, Unnatural Ancestors
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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ribboned creatures and an emerald wild man
from the marginalia of the "wenzelsbibel" ("wenceslas bible"), prague, c. 1389-95
source: Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 2759, fol. 42v, 21r, 43v, and 57r
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seraph-118 · 5 months
Song of the Prairie Fire
Some initial worldview settings of my OCs
Author:🍷Vin de Loire⚜️
Translated by AI
Background :
In the ancient legend, the Ovétian family, descendants of Archidus, wield unpredictable "ancient powers." For centuries, this family, the last of their ancient race, ruled over Lothania and Alamanzoya. It is said that every 500 years, the demon imprisoned within the Vindspærre volcano awakens, causing destruction to the villages, fields, and towns of Lothania. Sky-high flames, sulfuric emissions from the fields, and weeks of darkness wither and render the crops useless. Lothania then falls into an extended darkness, allowing the devil to unleash chaos in the world. The entire land of Bloncia becomes consumed by war, famine, and plague.
Only through the descendants of Archidus, who was blessed by the gods in the ancient legend, can the "fire of the holy bones" be awakened in their blood, thereby sealing the demon of Vindspærre and saving Bloncia from its doom. However, over time, the sacred lineage of Archidus has gradually weakened, and the Ovétian family has become the last rulers of the ancient line in Lothians. Unfortunately, the family's "divine power" has waned, and intermarriage with foreigners has led to a loss of control over the "fire of the holy body." Instead, the Ovétian have been consumed by this powerful force, which has turned the blessings of the gods into a curse. Due to this force, members of the Ovétian family have either lost their sanity or died prematurely. Each generation of rulers has held power for shorter periods, resulting in unprecedented chaos in Lothania. Decades of war and various factions have emerged, each establishing independent countries, tribes, and territories. Lothania has also lost its ability to defend itself against foreign enemies, and the nomads' pillagers from the East, the Noscanto, have taken control of the Lothian territory for a while.
However, fortuitous tides began to sweep over the land when, not long ago, an extraordinary whisper fluttered through the hearts of the people. Perhaps born from the flickering flames of desperate souls, or perchance a testament to the Lothania's unyielding defiance against the destiny they had sworn to dismantle, or even an homage to their unwavering devotion to the divine. Swiftly, this rumor traversed the labyrinthine alleys and cobblestone streets, propelled by an unseen force, transcending the boundaries of time and space. It carried with it a tale of Duke Hilderic's concealed legacy—an heir, once believed to be a mournful specter, now a beacon of hope, concealed from the prying eyes of the world. Legend whispered that the child was sheltered by his mother's loving arms, ensconced within the hallowed walls of a secluded monastery, where the ties between life and death performed their ethereal dance. Alas, the mother's fleeting breath soon departed, leaving behind the ember of Ovétian—an illustrious descendent of Duke Hildrick, the final strand woven into the tapestry of Archidus's lineage. The fate of this tender soul remained veiled in enigma, hidden, perhaps, by the benevolent embrace of the Wattstiland family, kin to the Duchess herself, who raised him in the clandestine chambers of a resplendent castle or a sprawling estate. In essence, a collective faith took hold, birthing the belief that this cherished babe thrived in the shadows, destined to emerge as a paragon of chivalry—a savior ordained to liberate the Lothanians from the clutches of impending oblivion, to expel the oppressors, the Nostocan, and to unite the fragmented realm of Bloncia beneath a single, luminous banner.
1. Ovétian - Family, dynasty
2. Austland - Family, territory
3. Lothania - Principality
4. Archidus - the legendary ancestor of the Lothanians
5. Hilderic - Duke of Lothenia, father of Galore
4. Alamanzoya - old clan name
6. Bloncia -- name of the region
7. Wattstiland - place name
8. Vindspærre "Barrier of the Wind" - the name of the mountain range
9. Noscanto - Northern nomads
10. Sanfloi - A castle of the house Wattstiland
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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Don't 🚫 use.
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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Thirteen forever.
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seraph-118 · 5 months
Richard I the Lionheart
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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Louis IX et son papi Philippe II
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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Medieval Manuscript Art Imitation
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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seraph-118 · 5 months
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