pratchettquotes · 18 days
Frantic signals from outlying portions of her mind began to break down her iron-hard conviction that bad things only happen to bad people.
Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters
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little-noko · 4 days
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Chapter cover
Project Worldview @alainaprana
Kisara and Zigzag comic written and drawn by @alainaprana and @little-noko Like what you see? Please consider-
Previous entries
Finch and Fondu Chapter Cover
The Journal Cover
Campbell’s Errand Cover
Street Rat Cover
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loworbittourist · 5 days
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For Earth Day I figured I'd do a small selection of recent locations I really liked. Enjoy and share if you like this type of content :) #1 Iceland 🌍 / 4k link #2 Namibia 🌍 / 4k link #3 Tasman River - New Zealand 🌏 / 4K link #4 Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area - California - USA 🌎/ 4K link
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natsunenuko · 5 months
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Caught up (I hope so, haha!) with the Worldview series. Finch is the beaniest bean and has to be protected!!
Project Worldview, Finch © @alainaprana & @little-noko _________________________ Youtube | Deviantart | Twitter | Ko-fi | Discord | Art Discord
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numenrecords · 5 months
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vladimir777sk · 3 months
📌 Мнение нейролингвиста / The opinion of a neurolinguist
Наш мозг хранит информацию обо всём, что когда-либо случалось в нашей жизни. Как это влияет на нас? Это формирует наше мировоззрение. Хорошая новост ь заключается в том, что мы сами можем выбирать, чем насыщать свою память: хорошими вещами или плохими.
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Our brain stores information about everything that has ever happened in our lives. How does this affect us? It shapes our worldview. The good news is that we can choose what to saturate our memory with: good things or bad.
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omegaphilosophia · 7 months
The Dance of Perspectives and Beliefs: Shaping Our Worldview
Our lives are a delicate interplay of perspectives and beliefs, two elements that quietly sculpt the contours of our worldview. As we navigate the complex tapestry of existence, our perspectives serve as the lens through which we view the world, while our beliefs lay the foundation upon which our decisions and actions are built.
Perspectives Shape Beliefs: Our perspectives, which are influenced by our upbringing, culture, experiences, and personal values, play a significant role in shaping our beliefs. When we encounter new information or ideas, our existing perspectives filter and interpret that information, leading to the formation or reinforcement of our beliefs.
Beliefs Influence Perspectives: Conversely, our beliefs also influence our perspectives. When we strongly hold a particular belief, it can color the way we perceive and interpret the world around us. This can lead to confirmation bias, where we tend to seek out information that supports our existing beliefs and filter out information that contradicts them.
Openness to New Perspectives: Philosophically and intellectually, being open to new perspectives is a key aspect of critical thinking and personal growth. It involves being willing to challenge and reconsider our beliefs when presented with new evidence or alternative viewpoints. Without this openness, perspectives can become rigid and closed.
Diversity of Perspectives: A diverse range of perspectives in society is essential for a well-rounded and vibrant exchange of ideas. When people with different perspectives come together, it can lead to constructive dialogue, innovation, and a deeper understanding of complex issues.
Cognitive Dissonance: When our perspectives and beliefs come into conflict, it can create cognitive dissonance — a state of mental discomfort. This discomfort often motivates individuals to either adjust their beliefs or seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs, depending on various factors such as the strength of the belief and the individual's willingness to confront contradictions.
Worldview: Our perspectives and beliefs collectively form our worldview, which is the overarching framework through which we interpret and make sense of the world. A worldview encompasses our views on ethics, reality, purpose, and the nature of existence, among other things.
In summary, perspectives and beliefs are deeply intertwined, with each influencing and being influenced by the other. They shape our understanding of the world, our values, and our interactions with others, making them essential components of human cognition and experience.
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boy-saint · 2 months
I shouldnt need to work I sshould get paid for reading wikipedia articles
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artist-issues · 1 month
I've already graduated long time ago but I was wondering what is the relationship between schools and religion in your country?
I've heard about a thing in the USA called a Sunday School but I don't know how it works. Where I'm from, Poland, we have a class called ''Religion'' where we are taught Roman Catholic religion, the most prevalent religion in Poland. There would be sometimes lessons about other religions but they usually boiled down to ''Be nice to others and let's all get along.'' We would talk about other religions in history class. Ancient Greece? Greek Gods! Ottoman Empire? Islam. Poland before its Christening? (Yes, Poland ''becomes Christian'' when our ruler, prince Mieszko I, got baptized in 966. And yes ruler of the country doesn't have to be a king. We had few rulers who's never been technically crowned.) Slavic Gods!
What about kids who aren't Christian or who are but whose parents don't want them to be taught religion in school for some reason? They go to ''ethics'' class which boils down to ''Don't kill because it's a sin bad thing.'' etc.
Perfectly serviceable, right?
But even though it's not mandatory there are still people who think religion should not be in school at all. Because in their opinion there's already enough going on in school and religion class just keeps their kids in school an extra hour (In Poland classes are only 45 minutes and breaks are only 5 - 10 minutes long, with one long one, 15 minutes.).
Most people like or at least acknowledge that it's far more convenient that way.
It's not some small village where an entire school would fit in one room. How would the priest ask and grade an entire building's worth of children? (''Religion'' isn't taught by priests, nuns or catechists. (I think that's how you translate it.) We would get grades for reciting the prayers and other stuff, our notebooks and participation during class.)
But it might be because my school is religious even by Polish standards. Our Patreon is John Paul the Second. We have his bust in front of the school, almost every class has a cross and his picture. We have some pictures and drawings (made by previous students) of him in the hallways.
What do you think?
Well! I'm...not an expert on this at all. Or even like a casual thinker on the subject.
I was homeschooled after the third grade, then went to college. So. I'm even less qualified to be talking about this than you thought I was! ^^
But! I'll share my opinion on religion and education, I guess.
School's job in my country is to teach truth that specifically prepares you to be a law-abiding citizen who is also capable of earning a living and making well-informed decisions when electing governmental officials, I think. Thats basically it.
But our schools tend to teach stuff that isn't actually true. Like they'll teach evolutionary theory as if it isn't a theory--they'll teach it as if it's proven fact. Recently they're also teaching other stuff, stuff that is theoretical, instead of factual, as if it IS factual.
But they won't teach religion as if it's proven fact. So it's a super inconsistent standard. And you start to think "well if you're going to teach stuff that is just 'theory,' how are you picking which 'theories' to teach out of all the theories out there? And why do you only act like a few of them are proven fact, but leave others as mere 'theories?'"
And the answer is, educators just pick whichever theories are going to get them the most power in a social setting when their students graduate. So yeah, let's teach evolutionary theory so that all the little kids grow up to think that their opinion is the only God who exists. That way, we can also tell them that they should get to choose what social group they belong to. Once they pick a social group to belong to, we can cater to that social group with our movies and our speeches and our posts. Then they'll think we're "allies" with them, and they'll vote to keep us in power. Because we've managed to make them think they've chosen their own identity, and chosen us as their champions of that identity...when in reality we planned it all for them from the time they entered grade school.
People think schools are teaching their kids to become more independent in my country. Actually the schools are teaching the kids to be dependent—on a system that tells them they're in charge of their own destiny. It's all not true.
and of course there's no place for God in that. Except as an "outdated belief system used to control and oppress people throughout history."
🤷‍♀️ There you go. A nice uncomfortable crawl into the parts of my worldview that nobody wanted to hear, but it's true.
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Unerschütterbares Weltbild (Unshakeable Worldview), 2002 by J.G.Wind
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idratherdreamofjune · 3 months
"We have taken a wrong turning and come to a wrong place," said Father Brown, looking out of the window at the grey-green sedges and the silver flood. "Never mind; one can sometimes do good by being the right person in the wrong place."
G.K. Chesterton, The Innocence of Father Brown
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
"Ah. You've been reading a new book? But not one by Lady Deirdre Waggon, I'll wager."
"No, Because She Is Out Of Touch With Modern Thought. I Laugh With Scorn."
"Yes, I imagine you would do," said Moist thoughtfully. "And I expect Miss Dearheart gave you said book?"
"Yes. It Is Entitled Why Men Get Under Your Feet, By Releventia Flout," said Gladys earnestly.
And we start out with the best of intentions, thought Moist, find 'em out, dig 'em up, make 'em free. But we don't know what we're doing, or what we're doing it to.
"Gladys, the thing about books...well, the thing...I mean just because it's written down, you don't have to...that is to say, it doesn't mean it's...what I'm getting at is that every book is--"
He stopped. They believed in words. Words give them life. I can't tell her that we just throw them around like jugglers, we change their meaning to suit ourselves--
He patted Gladys on the shoulder. "Well, read them all and make up your own mind, eh?"
Terry Pratchett, Making Money
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little-noko · 5 months
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THIS WEEK IS GONNA BE A MON-WED-FRI UPDATE That is because this is the last update of the year - We normally do take some time off in December-January because this month is usually full of family holiday events and @alainaprana’s kids and nieces birthdays and all kinds of irl stuff.
However, we are taking much more time THIS year because the next update will be - and we stress - a massive bulk update. We’re getting to a part of the comic that we do not feel comfortable ‘drip feeding’ with slow updates, we want the entire context to be read at once so it will be a large - LARGE mass update that will happen all at once. So we need to prepare that + at least a couple weeks ahead of that to make sure when we start again we don’t slow down. we don’t have an exact date when that will happen, it will be done…when its done. With all that, I hope you guys have some LOVELY holidays!!
Chapter cover
Project Worldview @alainaprana
Kisara and Zigzag comic written and drawn by @alainaprana and @little-noko Like what you see? Please consider-
Previous entries
Finch and Fondu Chapter Cover
The Journal Cover
Campbell’s Errand Cover
Street Rat Cover
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loworbittourist · 7 months
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Besharyk - Uzbekistan 🌏 4k link
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plasmagrrl · 2 months
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(Bonus Februllage 2024 art for today)
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numenrecords · 5 months
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