sereneintegrated · 3 years
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Weronika Izdebska
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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vanessa bellini
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
If a sculptor spends all day fussing about clay, the sculpture never takes form.
If a surgeon in the middle of an operation cannot make due with the tools at hand, the patient will not be healed.
If we reject our circumstances instead of working with them, we do not get to participate in our daily life.
Surrender sounds passive but in practice it allows us to make this moment intimately our own.
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
Crying makes us acknowledge the vulnerability of physical incarnation. Like many uncomfortable feelings, we try to push it away or fix it or change it. But it is most thoroughly conquered when it is allowed.
The instinct to try to comfort someone “it’s okay, stop crying” when they are in tears is a remnant of what we were told in childhood. Because a crying child was a disruption. So for many of us, especially males, it just wasn’t allowed.
It isn’t good to be caused to cry, but crying itself is good. It releases, it soothes, and allows us to feel as we are in that moment.
When we see someone crying, we should feel moved to support them but we should also rejoice in their strength that allows for this vulnerability.
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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Pink and Orange from the series Line Form Color, 1951, Ellsworth Kelly
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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Outdoor Living Space
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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Source: Nella Beljan
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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A Singular Cliffside Retreat in Chile https://www.arscasa.com/2021/12/los-vilos-house.html
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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Source: pinterest.com
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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Cappadocia, Turkey
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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Palazzo Biscari
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
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Dubrovnik, Croatia (by Domagoj Koprek)
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sereneintegrated · 3 years
Seeing into the delusions and illusions of other people, in general, is not your business and will often make others uncomfortable. Most people will not thank you for pointing out their internal confusions.
Seeing through the delusions and illusions of other people and recognizing the fundamental divine aliveness beneath is a good practice for you and a service you can do for others.
There is nothing you can do to force others to confront their illusions before they are ready; that is their own burden. But by seeing through those illusions and connecting with others on the basis of the basic and good living awareness in all beings, you will help them feel known and seen in the best way possible. And this may give them the strength and courage needed to work on themselves.
That is how we should first approach all beings. See through the bullshit to the radiant aliveness and then honor it, rejoice in it. Know it as no different than or even separate from the radiance in you.
After that, under certain circumstances, one may productively discuss the delusions burdening an individual. However, to think yourself wise or helpful by simply noticing what worldly illusions are found in people is to miss the point entirely.
The point is to see people through, not to see through people.
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