serpentiem · 5 years
Brooklyn 99 : Season 4 sentence starters. Pt. 1
feel free to change / add them to best suit your needs / scenarios!  ♥
“Hope you boys brought popcorn, ‘cause I’m about to put on a show.”
“A child and his father threw up on me.”
“Don’t nobody ask me about what’s in my cup, we ain’t gonna have no problems.”
“Well, well, well.”
“No, no, no, don’t eat the burrito.”
“You look like an evenly-stained deck.”
“Like I told you, I was just eating my quesadilla.”
“These last 24 hours have just been hell.”
“I can put my butt or feet on any surface in there.”
“There will be no Underoos.”
“I think they’re kind of cool, retro.”
“I literally have zero pride.”
“So, you know how there’s a subterranean race of lizard-people living beneath the city who control our minds with their pheromones?”
“Freeze! - Get your hands off the couch.”
“He’s kind of a sloppy dude.”
“We’re getting married tomorrow.”
“Don’t everybody mob me at once.”
“Caught a drunk guy humping a laptop.”
“Sure, yeah, not a problem we’ll be home by sunup.”
“You just had a nightmare, buddy.”
“It’s an omen.”
“Why are you acting so weird?”
“Now I just need cayenne pepper - and some horse milk.”
“You buy me lunch.”
“Moms love me.”
“TV and cake were my parents.”
“Oh, boy, what did I get myself into?”
“Stay with my mother.”
“Cool, cool, cool, cool.”
“I think we’ve earned a drink.”
“That’s it! I’m licking all these bagels.”
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serpentiem · 5 years
repost; dont reblog !
Tagged by: Stolen because I can
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tagging: whomever would like 
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serpentiem · 5 years
aoba: ‘ what’s all the fuss about? ’
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The pokey stick is twirled up and down in his mouth as he watches the shouting match start. And Aoba had just joined them. What a pain in the ass. Still the megane would keep his mildly bored expression as he chewed the treat quickly. ❝Looks like it’s the Ribsteez trying to rough up the Rhymers again. Please do excuse us Aoba-san.❞ He’d push off from the wall with Trip following in tow. ❝We’ll be right, back but do keep an eye out for the police. I’d hate to have to post your bail. ❞ There was a soft tease to his voice, but the two yakuza not-twins would be off to do their due diligence. 
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serpentiem · 5 years
ViAo kisses?!
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serpentiem · 5 years
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A dog —–
                         will look away when he knows he’s done
                                a snake will stare you right in the
                                              {eyes} —–
Revamped on 03.27.2019 | 13 Years EXP | OC/Canon Friendly | Adult Friendly | Blond rich bitch
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serpentiem · 5 years
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“You are the worst. The worst!” Especially when he was both right and making Usagi’s job harder. The android was left to grumble to himself as he fixed his hair, though he did as ordered and continued to observe the target. Virus would tell him all that just to leave Usagi on his own…Of course, he was so focused on the group and their target that he didn’t notice as someone approached him from behind until arms wrapped around him.
“Hey–!” He let out a surprised yelp before kicking back, trying to wriggle away from the unknown assailant. Even if he couldn’t get away, he could at least draw attention to himself.
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When an alarm goes off that Usagi is out of range the megane would sigh in frustration. What a pain, and just after he’d plopped the drugs into the guys drink. He couldn’t let the faux smile and calm demeanor fade. No. A quick signal to the team and hopefully they’d respond fast enough that way Virus could have his cake and eat it to. Oh, wait that was trips game. 
Thankfully he’d struggle and make it harder. The elevated sign sent a warning. The one who’d taken the rabbit android would keep his face away from Usagi. To draw the megane out of the club and begin to get him for his under the table dealings. They’d throw him into the back of a dark van and those who were already in it would toss a blanket over Usagi and hit the gas. 
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serpentiem · 6 years
* animals of farthing wood starters
assorted lines from the novels by colin dann.
‘ they are nasty cuts, but they aren’t bleeding anymore. ’
‘ but this isn’t a home. ’
‘ can’t walk. ’
‘ what’s all the fuss about? ’
‘ things are very, very hard. each day is harder. ’
‘ it’s probably just coincidence. ’
‘ nowhere is completely safe. ’
‘ never heard of it. ’
‘ these things happen, my love. ’
‘ how can you fight an enemy you can’t see and know nothing about? ’
‘ no one’s blaming you. ’
‘ you have to eat, don’t you? ’
‘ you’ve had a lot on your mind. ’
‘ i’ve been worrying and worrying about you. ’
‘ i can see you’ve lost weight. ’
‘ aren’t you happy here? ’
‘ this cool weather makes me feel so sleepy. ’
‘ but we’ve been scared before, haven’t we? ’
‘ your friends would be heartbroken. ’
‘ i’m proud to be your __. ’
‘ you go and rest. ’
‘ please let me help you. ’
‘ you’re in a bad way. ’
‘ nobody’s asking you to hang around. ’
‘ there are scratches all over your body. ’
‘ whatever have you got here? ’
‘ you are a courageous __. ’
‘ i’m going to try to help you. ’
‘ but this is your home now. ’
‘ it won’t make any difference to me. ’
‘ you see, i have family ties like everyone else. well, almost everyone else. ’
‘ my life is very lonely. ’
‘ i can never thank you enough for what you did. ’
‘ this isn’t getting us anywhere. ’
‘ look at me, and look hard. ’
‘ you struggle on, but there’s a reward at the end of it. ’
‘ but i’m very, very tired. ’
‘ then my heartfelt good wishes go with you. ’
‘ i don’t know what i’ve done to myself. ’
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serpentiem · 6 years
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daily lives of midorijima boys
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serpentiem · 6 years
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i should explain
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serpentiem · 6 years
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this smug prick.
[[ wow fuck you 2driver. Unable to finish this bawlz. Art for Kit-kat/Viru-mun]
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serpentiem · 6 years
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—- ] ค๏๒ค        Right… it had been a long while since they last talked. He had forgotten  that it was him that said he needed space. He wasn’t sure how to feel about  that. He bit at the inner of his left cheek as he debated the answer to that  question. “I… dunno Virus…” He breathed, averting his eyes.. he wasn’t  sure he was ready to just… jump back into everything. He needed to warm  back up to the other again.
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Ah that made sense--Aoba was forgetful wasn’t he? Virus would take blame for that. Least partly. He’ll give a light squeeze to the others hands before letting them loose. If Aoba wasn’t sure then there would be no need to tell Zoah right now. A call is made down the hall to Hersha, as he guides Aoba back to the living room. ❝How about we go out for a parfait? ❞
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serpentiem · 6 years
His own hand curled into Virus's, lacing his fingers with his. "How long have you been back? I would have figured you would have made it known that you came back."
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❝When we parted you said you needed space. I gathered that meant you going back to to Tae-sans and you’d come around whenever you decided it was time.❞ There’s a pause as he shifts his head some, being open still was something weird to him; however, Aoba was his tainted doll wither or not he accepted it. ❝Are you staying here again or was this just in passing? ❞
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serpentiem · 6 years
Aoba - "Long time no see." A small smile formed, his hands in his jacket pockets, standing in the doorway of the other's home.
Random Asks || Always Accepting
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Digits rise from the coil screen he’d been typing in, always working even when no one was watching. He would be some pride of the company if his work wasn’t illegal. A bright smile parts his stoic features as he rises from his seat. ❝Same for you Aoba-san. It’s been far too long. Sometimes I ponder if you dislike me.❞ The screen powers down as he moves and he’ll begin to cross the room towards Aoba. A gentle movement to hold the others hand squeezing just so. ❝Regardless– you’re a breath of fresh air.❞
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serpentiem · 6 years
K.I think it goes without saying this blog will be low activity. However for now I’ve got the three going so I’ll bump around aimlessly. Send in rando asks or w/e <3 
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serpentiem · 6 years
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A dog —–
                         will look away when he knows he’s done
                                a snake will stare you right in the
                                              {eyes} —–
Revamped on 03.27.2019 | 13 Years EXP | OC/Canon Friendly | Adult Friendly | Blond rich bitch
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serpentiem · 6 years
My brain says no, but my pants say off.
everyone when they’re with  Aoba (via incorrectdmmd)
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serpentiem · 6 years
I mean uncomfortable in general. Like, he gave an air of discomfort. Also talk to me what you think about that small scene. [In regards to Dive into DMMD 2.0 ]
It was more in my opinion, like dammit you come in here enough you should know to knock. I personally get this way when I’m in the middle of something, ie my cosplay makeup, and my mother just pushes the door open.If you watch Virus is in the middle of notes or some paper work of their new lives. So he’s in thought and doesn’t want to be disturbed.
It’s not that I’m angry or uncomfortable it’s just like, seriously? You’ve lived in this damn house how long and you still don’t knock? Virus is more of a loner type and Trip just follows him around and invades his space. As much as Virus isn’t going to admit it Trip being in that space has become the norm. He even changed his speech to accommodate Trip using we pronouns instead of I.
I can’t say he’s necessarily uncomfortable with Trip in any setting frankly. I mean he didn’t even bat an eye when Trip just whipped out his dick to double team Aoba. Virus just went with it, like oh well that’s a dick here have mine too. 
This can also go into a whole thing about them having at least some mild sexual contact between each other, but that’s a post for another time lol. More so Virus, I personally think, actually likes Trip, maybe not lovers or what not, but just doesn’t know how to put it into public words or form it in a way others do.
Seriously think about it, he watched Aoba jerk himself off and his first thought is Trip. I know if someone was jerking off in front of me my first thoughts wouldn’t be hey does Trip do this as well?
Virus: Oh it’s you. I keep telling you to at least knock on the door.
Trip: I’m always coming in everyday so it shouldn’t matter.
Virus: It’s called having good manners between whatever it is. (The full phrase is “good manners even between friends”)
This proves how often they are together, even lounging and in their own time Trip is there, also shows how little for turns of phrases Virus cares about. He’d rather not beat around the bush when it comes to Trip. He’s pretty open and frank about how he thinks around Trip. You have to think back in DMMD RC Trip states Virus never lies to him. He never said Virus didn’t lie to others.   However I’ll digress back to the scene at hand. [pulls up game and video ]
In the scene Trips giving him slack about bullying Aoba. This is something very, very interesting to read because Trip seems to know how Virus can get, and he’s telling him in his own way to notice the things Aoba is doing.
Trip: Same goes for you kind of thing. You know Aoba, no matter what we do he’s trying really hard not to react.
He even goes on to mention what if Aoba becomes like Sei which almost shocks Virus. It’s something he had overlooked and trip was fully conscious of this path. Setting the idea before Virus in a way he would take and not get angered or offended at.
Trip: Hey. What if Aoba really becomes a husk like this like Sei, what will you do?
Virus: What about you?
Trip: Me? You should know without me having to tell you, something like that.
Virus: Well you’re right. I’m the same. Even if Aoba-san becomes like a doll.
Trip: We won’t let him go. Since he’s finally ours. No matter how worn out he becomes.
Virus: Yeah, Aoba-san is special
Virus doesn’t seem to know how to respond so he looks to Trip for the answer. This shows just how much he’s come to rely on the other. So Trip leads him into the answer he thinks is the right one even if it’s you know what I’ll do– This is something Virus deems as appropriate and follows suit with affirming his own answer.
Many in the fandom think Virus is the super smart one and Trips just a dumb man child. This isn’t so. While yes Virus maybe highly intelligent he’s also unstable, Trip is that stability and is equally as smart in his own way. He is the rudder to Virus and in a since keeps him above water.  
Trip: That’s right. Special. Not belonging to anyone, such a special existence became ours. That’s more than enough.
Virus: Yeah, to us that’s more than enough.
This last part before the music kicks in Trip seems to be fine with this answer taking the time to further make Virus’ answer correct. Since in his mind Virus is pure white so everything must be right, right? Virus affirms Trips statement once more and he seems to have settled down the sudden shock in his mind over the small what-if. So they’ll go on loving Aoba in their own way.
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