king-jacks · 14 days
when it’s quiet, i’ll hear the whispers in my ear tell me i’m not good enough. how could i ever hope to accomplish anything when i’m a failure? what am i even doing here? sometimes i wish i could leave…and make this pain end
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king-jacks · 17 days
Tiny Titanic Yashita Au Excerpt
“Mashita…” Yashiki mumbles, hands clasping the younger’s. Mashita struggles to open his eyes, but he forces them to before focusing them on Yashiki. The older’s lips are tinged blue and that kimono can’t be very warm.
“Yashiki…” Mashita curls his hands tighter. “You’re freezing.” Yashiki barely huffs out a laugh through chattering teeth.
“Y-yeah…” They’re not sure how long they’d been been out there, floating in the water. Titanic had gone down some time ago, slipping beneath the waves, and it felt like it’d been ages since the screams had stopped.
Yashiki seemed to be getting weaker, barely able to keep his eyes open.
“Hey,” Mashita slurs a bit. “Yashiki, stay with me.” Yashiki’s eyelids flutter open.
“C’mon, Kazuo,” Mashita murmurs.
“Satoru,” Yashiku mumbles in reply, eyes slipping closed again. “Stay…”
“I’m right here, Kazuo,” Mashita says, head swimming. “You stay, too. C’mon, open those eyes.”
“Please, Kazuo,” Mashita pleads.
Yashiki opens his eyes a bit before struggling to wiggle a little closer. He manages to bring his face inches from Mashita’s and the younger gets the hint, closing the distance.
Yashiki’s mouth is cold, freezing even, but it’s soft nonethless, and Mashita presses closer before pulling away.
“We’ll make it,” Mashita murmurs. “Just hang in there, Kazuo.”
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king-jacks · 20 days
Titanic Yashita AU
Notes for an AU I've been working on (not the movie, but it might take some things from there)
Yashiki Kazuo
Legally and officially recognized as Kujou Masamune
Tries so hard to go by Yashiki Kazuo
22 years old
100% does not like being rich
Hates the pressures, spotlight, expectations
Problem with him wanting to escape his lineage is that he simply can't. His bloodline is known for entangling with the supernatural and he can't escape that
Kujou bloodline/lineage/ancestry comes from old money and power, dealing in spiritual artifacts and relics
First Class passenger
His family was traveling through Europe on business when they were made aware of the ship and decided to board since their next stop was America anyway
Traveling with his father, Murasame, and his younger sister, Saya. Their mother had passed away some years previous
Mashita Satoru
18 years old
Third Class passenger
Traveling alone on a police assignment in London. He was provided with a ticket on the Titanic to continue his assignment in America
Gay as hell
The biggest flirt, mostly to get his way a lot of the time
Does not like Yashiki at first
Enemies to lovers
Mostly because it pisses Mashita off that Yashiki even has anything to complain about
To which, in turn, Yashiki's pissed off because of course Mashita wouldn't understand, the bastard
Yashiki wears a lot of kimonos/traditional clothing, while Mashita tries to wear suits to blend in more
The Kujou family knows a lot of European languages as well as English
Mashita is convinced "Masamune" is straight
Mashita is constantly on the aft deck. He likes to lay on the benches and smoke, even though that is completely against the rules. It's actually where he met Yashiki for the first time (like the movie) when Yashiki tries to jump off the ship.
"I'm not going to stop you, but I gotta warn ya, a fall from this height turns the water to stone. And it's going to be extremely cold."
They keep bumping into each other, despite the class difference, and Yashiki wonders how Mashita keeps getting up on deck.
"Oi, rich boy."
Yashiki always goes back to his suite grumbling and Saya likes to tease him.
"'Mune, he does it to rile you up, you know that, right?"
In true Death Mark fashion, there are ghosts
Yashiki catches glimpses of a young boy floating around and wonders if he's seeing things
When he talks to Saya, however, she admits she's also seen him around
On the night of the sinking, just before the collision, Yashiki swears up and down he sees the faint outline of a transparent ship on the horizon
Maybe it gets nsfw, who knows :)
Yashiki explores the ship at night, trying to understand the uneasiness he feels
Eventually Yashiki and Mashita become "friends"
Yashiki doesn't introduce himself as Masamune, he tells Mashita his name is Yashiki, to which Mashita calls him Yashiki in front of Saya one time
She's confused but doesn't saying anything when she catches the pleading look on Yashiki's face
But Mashita finds out his name is Masamune when he catches snippets of a conversation between him and Murasame
Alright, if I keep going, I'll spoil it lmao
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king-jacks · 21 days
i’m dropping this here so i don’t forget about it.
i just had the most angsty idea for my kitsune mashita fic and honest to god i wasn’t ready for it
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king-jacks · 26 days
me every two seconds as i'm writing a fic: wait is this a word
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king-jacks · 27 days
i’m gunna write a yashita nsfw fic, post it, and then tell no one about it lmao
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king-jacks · 27 days
A small ringing sound catches his ears, and Yashiki sweeps the flashlight around the hallway, trying to pinpoint its location.
“Huh…?” Moe mumbles under her breath, and Yashiki opens his mouth to ask her if she also heard the noise, but he’s cut off by a small shadow flitting across their feet. He points the flashlight in its direction and..
“Aww!” Moe gushes. “It’s a bunny!”
A small black rabbit sits in front of them, looking up at them with beady red eyes. Its nose twitches and Yashiki can’t help but stare at it.
“It’s so cute!” Moe continues. “Was it the school pet?”
It could have been, but…
“The school’s been closed down for a while, I don’t think a pet rabbit would have stuck around or even survived,” Yashiki explains and Moe hums in response. Before she can say anything else, she yelps as the black rabbit suddenly squeaks and dashes between their feet.
What immediately follows it is a small gray fox, sprinting after it at full speed. The glimpses Yashiki caught were just a blur, but…he could have sworn the fox had more than one tail.
And that ringing…
He hears it again, and his brain registers that it’s coming from the fox. Or at least, that’s what it sounds like, as it jingles along with it, fading as the two animals disappear out of sight.
“What…” Moe can only blink. “..was that about?”
Yashiki doesn’t have an answer, but one thing’s for sure.
The rabbit and the fox both rushed towards the eastern end of the school.
“Moe,” Yashiki calls, and the girl turns to him. “Where did you say that mirror was again?”
“Huh? Oh, the eastern staircase. Do you think that rabbit was telling us to follow it?”
“Maybe…or it ran away because of the fox. Speaking of, did you notice anything off about the fox?”
Moe ponders for a moment. “Uh..no, I don’t think so. Why?”
“It’s nothing,” Yashiki says. He must have imagined it then.
But he can’t help but shake the weird feeling that maybe…maybe he didn’t.
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king-jacks · 28 days
and if i drop a small excerpt of kitsune mashita here from my fic then what
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king-jacks · 1 month
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ahhh shiiit
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king-jacks · 1 month
Mashita growled, lowered on all fours as he watched Yashiki come closer.
“Mashita?” Yashiki murmured, reaching his hand out slightly, only for it to be swatted away by one of the many tails dancing behind Mashita. He reminded the older man of a frightened animal, and instead of letting his fear be known, he grew defensive. “Hey,” his voice is soft. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”
One of the ears on top of Mashita’s head twitches, before he lowers his hackles, tails slowing down to a soft swishing. He’s obviously still on the defense, but he lowers his guard a bit, pushing himself up onto his feet.
Yashiki steps closer, small smile adorning his mouth. “You alright?”
The younger doesn’t speak for a moment, tails flicking behind him, but soon enough, he opens his mouth. “I’m fine,” he says sharply, arms crossed against his chest defensively, as if he’s trying to curl in on himself.
“Mashita,” Yashiki sighs, but doesn’t press, instead just comes close to him, closing the distance between them. Mashita snarls but makes no move to pull away, and Yashiki tilts his head.
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king-jacks · 1 month
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Saw a Mashita Kitsune AU and now I’m dying on this hill.
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king-jacks · 4 years
i was gonna follow but then i saw you ship thor and Loki...
aight you ain’t had to remind me of that period of my life
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king-jacks · 4 years
Rb this and tag what year you were born in + what was the first anime you watched
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king-jacks · 4 years
idk if anyone would read it, but imm working on an angsty characterization fic for steve because i really think his mental health should be touched on and i really like his character (aside from endgame, fuck endgame) but i have everything mapped out. i just got a new job so that’s been taking up all my time but i’m really excited to finish it. (it also might have a little bit of stucky in it if we’re lucky)
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king-jacks · 4 years
Quarantine Asks: Questions You Usually Wouldn’t Think of Asking But You’re Bored AF
Animated character that was your gay awakening?
Grilled cheese or PB&J?
What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on?
Your go-to bar order, if you drink?
What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own?
Top three cuisines?
What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)?
What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?
Look up. What’s directly across from you?
Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general?
Preferred way to spend a rainy day?
What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted?
Brunch or midnight snacks?
Favorite mug you own
What coffee drink would you describe yourself as?
Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!)
Fruity or herbal teas?
What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?
That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying?
Do you match your socks?
Have you ever been horseback riding?
What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc)
Have you ever been to jail?
What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)?
You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it?
What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore?
What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now?
Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat?
Where could someone find you in a museum?
What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to?
Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds?
If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be?
Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs?
You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go?
Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with
Lakes, rivers, or oceans?
Favorite mid-2000s song
How do you dress when you’re home alone?
Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)?
Knives or swords?
A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving
Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie
Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online?
Name a classic Vine
What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store?
How do you top your ice cream?
Do you like Jello?
What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did?
How are you at climbing trees?
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king-jacks · 4 years
thank you @bigbraiiin for the tag 💕
instructions: tag followers you’d like to get to know better.
name: jack!
gender: male he/him
star sign: pisces ♓️
height: 5 foot, 4 inches 
sexuality: gay!! 🏳️‍🌈
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
favorite animal: stingray!!
average hours of sleep: who even knows
current time: 12:06 am
dogs or cats: shiiii, both?
blankets you usually sleep with: just one usually
followers: 120!
when i made this account: i can’t even remember
why i made this account: i had another tumblr account which i can’t remember why i made either, but i still like this app so here i am!
reason for url: it’s my name like. everywhere. when starboy by the weeknd came out, i was like uhhh yes please that’s what i am, and jack’s my name so it stuck. i really like space.
tags: i literally have no one to tag oops. whoever wants to do it can join :)
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king-jacks · 4 years
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Chris Evans laughing at Henry Cavill after he caught him eating girl scouts cookies at the Oscars its one of the best and cutest things ever.
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